"Medicare for All"... Really? How about the nearly $1 trillion lost in Tax revenue and 500,000 jobs?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Study: 'Medicare for all' projected to cost $32.6 trillion
Study: 'Medicare for all' projected to cost $32.6 trillion

But other provisions would tend to drive up spending, including coverage for
nearly 30 million uninsured people, no deductibles and copays, and improved benefits, including dental, vision and hearing.

And once again... these idiots keep insisting on 30 million uninsured!

Why can't these simple numbers get through their dumb skulls?
A) 10 million were not citizens
A) 14 million were already covered by MEDICAID...

C) 18 million are under 34 make over $50k and don't want the expense of employer health care!

These are the facts but why are they ignoring them??

And so these brainiacs ALSO forget a very very important COST if there is Medicare For all..
A) 1,400 insurance companies BANKRUPT...
B) 500,000 or more unemployed
C) $100 Billion a year in corporate tax revenue from these companies.
D) $4 billion a year in payroll taxes
E) $7 billion a year in personal income taxes
F) $7 billion in unemployment benefits.

And that's just from the 1,400 insurance companies going out of business because of what...
less than 5 million truly uninsured!

I hope everyone realizes these Medicare for all cost studies assumes that doctors and hospitals will accept much lower payments for their services. How many doctors will bail out of the medical profession? How many hospitals will go bust? Idiots like Sanders and other moron politicians can absolutely destroy our healthcare providers with their half bake stupid shit ideas.
Haven't we learned yet? after living with Obamacare overseen by the Ifucking RS???? get government out of healthcare.....completely out...
I don't have ADD...
Ah, so you admit to intentionally trying to change the focus of the conversation away from the thread's topic. That's understandable because it is a guaranteed loser for snowflakes... :p
“As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland." - Donald J. Trump, 2015.

Donald Trump in his book The America We Deserve:

We must have universal healthcare...I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses...

Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork..

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

Donald Trump on Larry King the first time he ran for President:

I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare.
Socialism ok for the wealthy but not for the working poor , disabled or seniors.

Just showing you how stupid you look when you talk about socialism.

why is healthcare so expensive in the US :

6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S.

You are 100% correct about this contributor:

3. Defensive Medicine
Yet another big driver of the higher U.S. health insurance bill is the practice of defensive medicine. Doctors are afraid that they will get sued, so they order multiple tests even when they are certain they know what the diagnosis is. A Gallup survey estimated that $650 billion annually could be attributed to defensive medicine. Everyone pays the bill on this with higher insurance premiums, co-pays and out-of-pocket costs, as well as taxes that go toward paying for governmental healthcare programs.

Actually there is an even more specific study that contacted doctors.
All because people think they will win the malpractice lawsuit lottery!
The fact is insurance companies rather pay the claims or settle out of court rather than go to court and the fact is:
"Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs."
FACTS: Between 2005 and 2009, there were 58,667 claims paid on behalf of US physicians.
Of these paid claims, 56,850 (96.9%) were settled outside court, and 1817 (3.1%) were judged in court.
Characteristics of paid malpractice claims settled in and out of court in the USA: a retrospective analysis


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