Medicare for all would save $450 billion and 68,000 lives every year.

Of course it is, moron. Who will be providing Medical care when everyone gets it from "Medicare for all?"
Disregarding the Dick Foster-like tone of voice, you are wrong.
All the same doctors and hospitals, just no middleman and less paperwork.
Paper mill owners won't be happy either, like Koch Industries.
Wrong, turd. Government will determine which treatments are available and how much of them are available. It will also control development of new drugs, which means new life saving drugs will dwindle to zero as they have in every other country with socialized medicine.

When you control the money, you control everything.
- I know it all man, you can't tell me!!! Everything I say is the truth!! You can't handle the truth!!!
Sometimes facts get in the way when you know everything I know!!!
lol ....that
Dick Foster dude sure lives up to his name..

He's now the only person on my ignore list.

Anyone else want to send me some insulting PM's ? Go for it.

Oh wow, that's so original. I've never heard that one before. As they say lack of originality is a sure sign of a limited IQ.
You started the PM shit you little coward.
If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.
Every time government gets more involved with healthcare, the cost goes up, the quality goes down, and the American taxpayer gets soaked far more than promised.

Just raise taxes to pay for it ..... always the left's answer.

My response = why not try tax and SPENDING CUTS like we did in the 1990s, the last time the US was "solvent."

It was government involvent and healthcare insurance that broke and made healthcare the out of control beast it is today. The only real way to fix the healthcare mess is to get government all the way to hell out of it and make selling healthcare insurance illegal for the scam and the con game it really is. Take the bottomless pockets out of the equation and costs will soon return to earth due to natural market forces. We need to eliminate all the middlemen who bring nothing but extra cost, waste and corruption that all must be paid for by we the people.

Although I am a socialist, you do have some good points.
For example, it is true we could afford health care after the fact, until the IRS allowed employer tax deductions for benefits like health insurance in 1957.
And it was that 3rd party payer and prepaying that screwed it all up.
I watched it all happen before my very own eyes. Hell I can even remember the doctor making house calls so the sick didn't have to drag themselves to some office to sit around in a waiting room and spreading whatever they had to other patients.
What started derailing the train was government doing something it had no damn business doing and that was enacting wage and price controls. Otherwise fucking with shit they knew nothing about, the free market. And now some idiots want to put their health and their very lives in the governments hands? The stupidity around here is absolutely stupefying.
No one can possibly know this.
Common sense tells me it would work.
Do you realize how much it would save for people to
have regular check ups which would prevent most of the illnesses that
lead to ER visits ? That alone would likely save $200 billion every year.
Common sense tells us that gubmint fucks up everything that they touch.

Common sense and most of all experience .

Not really.
Government does pretty good at transportation, schools, fire fighting, police, defense, and used to do well at health care before the insurance companies took over.
You seriously trying to invoke the military as an example of gubmint efficiency, cost effectiveness, and generally not fucking things up?!?

Damn, you liberoidals are dumb as a bag of hammers.
No one can possibly know this.
Common sense tells me it would work.
Do you realize how much it would save for people to
have regular check ups which would prevent most of the illnesses that
lead to ER visits ? That alone would likely save $200 billion every year.
Common sense tells us that gubmint fucks up everything that they touch.

Common sense and most of all experience .

Not really.
Government does pretty good at transportation, schools, fire fighting, police, defense, and used to do well at health care before the insurance companies took over.
You seriously trying to invoke the military as an example of gubmint efficiency, cost effectiveness, and generally not fucking things up?!?

Damn, you liberoidals are dumb as a bag of hammers.
The land of the $500 hammer is their ideal.
The land of stop shooting 59 Tomahawks off a $13 billion aircraft carrier into the desert

When you document all the times where left wingers in government stole from the taxpayer, you get this response....

well the military wastes money too....

People for smaller government admit all aspects of government steal and waste at an alarming rate. The difference is

We want LESS of that

You want MORE of that

You want people in government to STEAL MORE and FUCK THE TAXPAYER MORE.....

Healthcare needs the free markets. Post prices online. Unions, churches, corporations etc. can pool together by promoting healthy lifestyles.

Free Americans should not be paying for the healthcare of the 400 pounder going to McDonald's to eat fat and sugar galore every day.

Make the individual responsible.
Free Americans should not be paying for the healthcare of a preggers invader who pops out her spawn in the border patrol station.
I am sorry, that is wrong...……...unless you want to dictate what healthcare people are allowed to make.

If that is the case, then tell everyone for the good of the country, whatever you are in...……….you can only make what BERNARD says you can, and market forces have no sway in it.

Tell the doctors, tell the nurses, tell the specialists. YOU tell them that they are NOT free, and that they now work for whatever BERNIE decides they do.

And isn't that scenario, using the point of the government gun telling you to do what we say?
they already do and they're telling us we don't have any rights to health care and if we do it's really expensive because lobbyists. My father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. All the other doctors are staunch Republicans and greedy doctors... They will survive just fine and we'll all have any mountain of paperwork at all anymore.the whole thing is just horribly intelligent so it's hard for Republicans to understand LOL. Like Canada but with millions of MRI machines etc etc
You’re making more sense that franks with fries.
And the code is only known to me. It makes absolutely NO sense, but that's the point.......
Every other modern country has healthcare for all and they don't have mountains of insurance papers for doctors to fill out. That's why their healthcare is better than ours and costs 2/3 as much. Not because of brainwashed idiots like you
They also severely limit malpractice claims.
Here's a news tip for those who weren't around.
Private healthcare came about BEFORE government involvement with the exception of the military.
Because the government had enacted wage and price controls industry had to create inducements to hire people so healthcare and retirement programs were created to provide those inducements and the rest as they say is history.
Of course government had to step in and provide healthcare for those who had no employer sponsored healthcare to foot the rapidly escalating costs.
It was the perfect mechanism with which to purchase votes and keep those asses planted in those seats.
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

It's like a California high speed rail into a brick wall x 1000

Lol they ain't saving anything
There is plenty of room for intelligent compromise on both sides of the issue. However, the extreme polarization on both sides makes it almost impossible. Compromise is how Washington works. However to a large segment of the population compromise has become a dirty word.
Don't forget the MSM factor.....who pays their bills ? By and large the drug companies, and they love things just the way they are--- Rachel, Anderson and Tucker all show the same pharmaceutical ads.
All the major networks make a lot of money running pharmaceutical ads. I have yet to see any workable plan that would significantly reduce drug prices without restricting access.
Common sense tells me it would work.
Do you realize how much it would save for people to
have regular check ups which would prevent most of the illnesses that
lead to ER visits ? That alone would likely save $200 billion every year.
Common sense tells us that gubmint fucks up everything that they touch.

Common sense and most of all experience .

Not really.
Government does pretty good at transportation, schools, fire fighting, police, defense, and used to do well at health care before the insurance companies took over.
You seriously trying to invoke the military as an example of gubmint efficiency, cost effectiveness, and generally not fucking things up?!?

Damn, you liberoidals are dumb as a bag of hammers.
The land of the $500 hammer is their ideal.

Read this article this morning and did the simple math, as I am a simple kinda guy.
Marines are willing to pay $16,000 dollars per sniper rilfe...
But worse yet, the Army is going to pay almost 19k per rifle.
This is just a simple part of the problem. I'm betting a per piece price could be found for something that already exist, somewhere, yet here we are, as tax payers, paying this much for "R&D" yet we could find it somewhere else for far less.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the best equipment for our warfighters, but skydaddy damnit, whose in charge of procurement and how do they justify a $19,000 dollar price tag?
I could only imagine what they can do with the average Joe and Jane and their "health care."
Common sense tells us that gubmint fucks up everything that they touch.

Common sense and most of all experience .

Not really.
Government does pretty good at transportation, schools, fire fighting, police, defense, and used to do well at health care before the insurance companies took over.
You seriously trying to invoke the military as an example of gubmint efficiency, cost effectiveness, and generally not fucking things up?!?

Damn, you liberoidals are dumb as a bag of hammers.
The land of the $500 hammer is their ideal.

Read this article this morning and did the simple math, as I am a simple kinda guy.
Marines are willing to pay $16,000 dollars per sniper rilfe...
But worse yet, the Army is going to pay almost 19k per rifle.
This is just a simple part of the problem. I'm betting a per piece price could be found for something that already exist, somewhere, yet here we are, as tax payers, paying this much for "R&D" yet we could find it somewhere else for far less.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the best equipment for our warfighters, but skydaddy damnit, whose in charge of procurement and how do they justify a $19,000 dollar price tag?
I could only imagine what they can do with the average Joe and Jane and their "health care."
Sniper rifles aren't ordinary rifles, so that price might not be out of line. However, many things in the military are grossly overpriced, like the F35 fighter - $115 million a copy.

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