Medicare is "free" socialist health care. Are you going to turn down Medicare?

So if you're so against socialism and Bernie, are you on or are you going to accept Medicare benefit

  • Yes, I don't mind being a hypocrite if I benefit

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No, I'm turning Medicare down. I will pay my own way like a good capitalist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah, they dont spend what we spend because most of the fuckers rely on US to take care of them. That was why President Trump started pushing the "FAIR SHARE" in NATO.. You really are an ignorant fool arent you?
So that's none. So who is China threatening right now except their own people with all that pollution and social credit system?
So that's none. So who is China threatening right now except their own people with all that pollution and social credit system?
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley said the test was "very close" to a modern "Sputnik moment"—a reference to the 1957 Soviet satellite launch that birthed the Cold War space race.

Several lawmakers on the Senate and House armed services committees told Newsweek that the U.S. must take the Chinese hypersonic threat seriously, and urged the Pentagon to re-evaluate its own priorities.
Not only are you retarded, but lack the skills to read articles that might alarm you. I dont live near a major city or Washington DC, do you?
The United States created Medicare in 1966 as a national health insurance primarily for the nation’s older population. Today, it is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It is the second largest social insurance program in the country, behind Social Security.

Medicare covered 59.9 million Americans and spent $741 billion on their health care in 2018, according to CMS. But people on Medicare still faced out-of-pocket expenses because Parts A and B — known collectively as Original Medicare — don’t cover all medical costs.

So if you're so against socialism and Bernie, are you on or are you going to accept Medicare benefits?
No it's not "free"....People have had significant portions of their earnings stolen from them for all their working lives to pay for that scam.

China didn't do anything though, it's our governments that copied it. Be afraid of them, lol.
Our gubmint funded the CCP, which is fleshing out the social credit score, so you have a very good point there.
The United States created Medicare in 1966 as a national health insurance primarily for the nation’s older population. Today, it is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It is the second largest social insurance program in the country, behind Social Security.

Medicare covered 59.9 million Americans and spent $741 billion on their health care in 2018, according to CMS. But people on Medicare still faced out-of-pocket expenses because Parts A and B — known collectively as Original Medicare — don’t cover all medical costs.

So if you're so against socialism and Bernie, are you on or are you going to accept Medicare benefits?
It's not free. We pay into it. You also pay for Part B with a reduction of your Social Security check if you sign up for Part B
In the US, we could have universal health care paid out of general tax revenue, like most western democracies do (they all also have private health care should you want to go that route). But we spend all that money that could be used to heal people on our war machine. And that's the choice we've made. The wrong choice imho. But that's what it is.
Not sure if this is a display of ignorance on your part or intentional disinformation, but for your sake and that of the others reading here, let's start with some real numbers. Hopefully you are able to understand the numbers/data at this website;

If you look just below the upper left of the tables of charts/data you'll see a section titled "Largest Budget Items"(Federal) and one can see that Medicare/Medicaid(1st) and Social Security(2nd) are collectively just over three times what is spent on "Defense/War"(3rd) . Fourth item is Interest on Debt (Federal). Collectively these are about half of the annual Federal Spending, though only about 3/4 of that is covered by revenues/taxes, the rest being Deficit(Debt).

Other disturbing numbers can be seen, especially if one use that "time machine" function at upper right to see the basic numbers of periods during the past several decades. As we see also, our nation has gone from Federal spending being a ratio of 52.19% of GDP in 1960 to a current ratio to GDP of 125.94%. Collectively, in all areas, the USA Fed is way overspending and racking up Debt.

If one uses the "World Debt Clocks" function shown at upper left, we see that many of those "most western democracies" are running even higher debt to GDP ratios/% so one issue is how much longer can they sustain buying what they can't pay for ???

Before leaving the finances part of reply to your post, a reminder, as pointed out in another post here, much of the USA Defense load is there because we are covering those other "western democracies" whom have greatly reduced their own defense spending to cover the over pays of social welfare they provide.

Also, the Constitution mandates that National Defense is a duty of the Federal Government, but paying the cost of medical care for citizens is not.

FWIW, throughout most of human history the costs of medical care has been an individual responsibility. Only in the past century or so has there even been the concept of medical care costs insurance. And, as with any insurance, "the plan" needs to bring in more revenue(income) than expenses paid out otherwise "the plan" goes broke and can no longer provide.

End Part One.
In the US, we could have universal health care paid out of general tax revenue, like most western democracies do (they all also have private health care should you want to go that route). But we spend all that money that could be used to heal people on our war machine. And that's the choice we've made. The wrong choice imho. But that's what it is.
Part Two - Ethics ~ Integrity ~ Morality

Let's start with some basic definitions here;

HEALTH CARE = what an individual does to take CARE of their HEALTH.
Items such as a healthy and nutritious diet;
not overeating;
plenty of rest;
avoid abusing alcohol, tobacco, and other substances;
avoid risky activities and hobbies; Etc.

Medical Care = The services of medical professionals, such as doctors~clinics~hospitals when "taking care of you health" hasn't worked out; or you acquire disease/illness, or physical injury, etc.

Medical Care Insurance = something you pay a premium($) for to cover some of the expenses needed when you must/want to use Medical Care.

Note that insurance is a form of a betting pool where you are betting with the insurance company that you will need more money from them than you paid to them, and the insurance company is betting they won't have to pay out as much or more back to you than you paid them. This is where the actuaries make the good buck$ to determine premium rates for insurance that will keep the insurance companies from paying out more than they bring in.

So the major question of ethics~integrity~morals here is if "YOU" don't do the things listed above to take good care of "YOUR" health, why should I or any of your fellow citizens be obligated to pay any of the costs that result as consequences from YOUR poor choices and lifestyle when taking care of YOUR health ???

What gives you a right of personal greed to take my wealth to pay for your bad decisions?

The way the system works now in the USA, too many of us whom do try to live a healthy lifestyle and "take care of our health", wind up paying too much out of our pocket$ to those whom don't live healthy lifestyles and don't take good care of their health.

Would seem that some are already getting more than their "fair share" of medical care cost$ being paid by the rest of us.
No it's not "free"....People have had significant portions of their earnings stolen from them for all their working lives to pay for that scam.


The OP doesn't consider that Social Security withholds money each month to pay for Medical Insurance aka "Medicare." I pay about $150.00 a month. It damn sure ain't "free socialist healthcare."

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