Meet Athena.


Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Drivers seat.
So my neice had this kid, she is Athena, and premature by a few months. She was borne by C-section May 16, 2013. She needed help breathing for a little bit, but in pretty sure she is doing it on her own now. She is very small. If I held her, she would fit in just the palms of my hands. I was not allowed to because I was filthy. At this time, she is farting, blowing bubbles and grinning. Pretty much all the things new bornes do. Any way, here she is.



Any way there she is.
So my neice had this kid, she is Athena, and premature by a few months. She was borne by C-section May 16, 2013. She needed help breathing for a little bit, but in pretty sure she is doing it on her own now. She is very small. If I held her, she would fit in just the palms of my hands. I was not allowed to because I was filthy. At this time, she is farting, blowing bubbles and grinning. Pretty much all the things new bornes do. Any way, here she is.



Any way there she is.

Awww, what a beauty!
She is adorable, tiny and precious! :) What is her name? Congratulations and thanks for sharing. :)
Welcome, little bundle of love. Grow big and strong!
So my neice had this kid, she is Athena, and premature by a few months. She was borne by C-section May 16, 2013. She needed help breathing for a little bit, but in pretty sure she is doing it on her own now. She is very small. If I held her, she would fit in just the palms of my hands. I was not allowed to because I was filthy. At this time, she is farting, blowing bubbles and grinning. Pretty much all the things new bornes do. Any way, here she is.



Any way there she is.

She is very Lucky to be born in an age where medical science is advanced as it is.May she grow and alway have Joy in her life!:eusa_angel:
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Congrats you your niece, and to you on the birth of a beautiful baby girl!

Friends of mine also have a daughter named Athena, its a lovely name. :)
Congratulations to the niece. That's a beautiful child. A friend of mine had premature twins long ago...could hold one in each hand...fed them with eye droppers for months...they are now 16, brilliant, talented and gorgeous.

Be sure to post some more pics when she gets those contraptions off of her.
I was deemed clean enough to hold the kid. She is very light. My niece is doing ok to. Apparently, labor started early, and the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck, so they switched it up to a c section. I got to say, this kid holds the record for being borne with the most hair. Neet kid.

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