Meet The Press: Obama Campaign Manager says "We must raise the debt ceiling......"


The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

Thank God there were some who tried to stop the destruction of this country.....


The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

Thank God there were some who tried to stop the destruction of this country.....


Since it was their mismanagement over 8 years that brought America to the brink of destruction.. :eusa_whistle:
I have mentioned this to you oh several times, but each time I see it I'll mention it again-

you had a supra- majority for 8 months. You had a reconciliation majority for 2 years. YOUR party were the obstructionist's, do you understand that? really?

So this obstructionist comment is, well, not honest. And lets see how your objection stands up when the tables turn.

The Democratic party have always been the workers. You may have mentioned your version but it isn't true.

That's a false stereotype. The workers are the Middle Class which support the both parties just about evenly. Saying that GOP voters don't work is hogwash.

Your House leadership has a strategy to bring the economy back. Tax cuts for the wealthiest corporations in America and filling up their own pockets. Their base is ignorant and trusting. A lethal combination for this nation.

The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

Thank God there were some who tried to stop the destruction of this country.....


Since it was their mismanagement over 8 years that brought America to the brink of destruction.. :eusa_whistle:

What exactly about the future that you guys hate so much? All you talk about is the past.
Thank God there were some who tried to stop the destruction of this country.....


Since it was their mismanagement over 8 years that brought America to the brink of destruction.. :eusa_whistle:

What exactly about the future that you guys hate so much? All you talk about is the past.

There will be no future for America if we can't work together. Your party doesn't know the meaning of the words working together for the common good.
Since it was their mismanagement over 8 years that brought America to the brink of destruction.. :eusa_whistle:

What exactly about the future that you guys hate so much? All you talk about is the past.

There will be no future for America if we can't work together. Your party doesn't know the meaning of the words working together for the common good.

So what if it changed? The TEA party has changed them a bit...I don't think it is quite the same as the Bush era...why do you think it is?
Since it was their mismanagement over 8 years that brought America to the brink of destruction.. :eusa_whistle:

What exactly about the future that you guys hate so much? All you talk about is the past.

There will be no future for America if we can't work together. Your party doesn't know the meaning of the words working together for the common good.

yeah and I suppose your brand of rhetoric will show us how to work together huh?? hypocrite! You party sucks donkey dick.
What exactly about the future that you guys hate so much? All you talk about is the past.

There will be no future for America if we can't work together. Your party doesn't know the meaning of the words working together for the common good.

yeah and I suppose your brand of rhetoric will show us how to work together huh?? hypocrite! You party sucks donkey dick.

Nya nya.. Typical Republican response.. :cuckoo:
What exactly about the future that you guys hate so much? All you talk about is the past.

There will be no future for America if we can't work together. Your party doesn't know the meaning of the words working together for the common good.

So what if it changed? The TEA party has changed them a bit...I don't think it is quite the same as the Bush era...why do you think it is?

It's possible. I'm not optimistic regarding the teaparty though.
There will be no future for America if we can't work together. Your party doesn't know the meaning of the words working together for the common good.

So what if it changed? The TEA party has changed them a bit...I don't think it is quite the same as the Bush era...why do you think it is?

It's possible. I'm not optimistic regarding the teaparty though.

so your basic issue isnt that the repubs dont get along, or that they spent way too much during the Bush times...

...its that you dont see the debt as a problem to be fixed.

see, im trying to be non partisan and instead focus on problems of principle. debt is not a good thing by that definition. am i supporting repubs during the Bush times? Nope. Am I supporting them now? Nope. I think they need to do more to cut spending out of principle; not out of partisan hackery.

I see the dems as being afraid that the CURRENT version of the repubs are on to something and if they succeed it means the democrat party is weakened. I see the democrats as people who would rather see the country burn in its own debt than admit the republicans have a good idea when it comes to the budget. I see the democrats as the ones who can't "Work together."

Again though, my ideas are based on principle first and foremost.
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So what if it changed? The TEA party has changed them a bit...I don't think it is quite the same as the Bush era...why do you think it is?

It's possible. I'm not optimistic regarding the teaparty though.

so your basic issue isnt that the repubs dont get along, or that they spent way too much during the Bush times...

...its that you dont see the debt as a problem to be fixed.

You're full of shit.

I just don't believe Repubs are equipped, do not have the will or capacity to fix it. Everyone used to know that one way to get jobs back for instance, was to fix healthcare and costs of providing people with that. You all are fighting that tooth and nail, clinging to the status quo and big insurance. There was no response to the healthcare problem except no. The party of no strategy.

They need to get the hell off their butts and start working on policies that work. Not filling the pockets of Republicans in congress and big corporations.
democrats are full of donkey shit. The real battles are coming. the Republicans may lose a skirmish here or there, but the fleebagging demonrats who couldn't get it up enough to even pass a budget last year are gonna be the over all losers.. I love it this morning when they kept saying "we must act like adult" they don't fucking know what an adult is, they act like little tantrum throwers.. the asshole in chief was willing to punish the troops to score his cheap assed political points.. always remember that.

Obama was willing to punish the troops? :lol::lol::lol: You're a good little con, aren't you? You have your lying talking points down pat. Democrats said they were more than willing to vote to give pay to troops during a gov't shutdown. Here's the difference between the two parties. Dems said they'd vote for troop pay in a stand alone bill. Repubs wouldn't put it in a stand alone bill. They insisted on attaching riders to it. So, yeah, Repubs wanted to pay the troops as long as they got to push their social agenda in the same bill. Then they stood up on the House floor accusing the Dems of not caring for the troops. Any reasonable person (I realize you're not one of those people) can clearly see that Repubs were holding troop pay hostage to getting their social agenda through. Shameless politicking with troop pay. And fools like you will buy it every time.

The point you are missing completely concerning troop pay for THIS fiscal year is the following. When the Dems had a supermajority in the Senate and a majority in the House last year, they could have passed an appropriation bill before Oct. 1st ensuring that troop pay would not be an issue. They didn't and as a result, it became an issue.
So yes, Obama and the Dems WERE willing to punish the troops and their families, thanks to their weekly budgets. The richest country in the world left to weekly budgeting. Thank you Dems for making us the laughingstock of the world.
It's possible. I'm not optimistic regarding the teaparty though.

so your basic issue isnt that the repubs dont get along, or that they spent way too much during the Bush times...

...its that you dont see the debt as a problem to be fixed.

You're full of shit.

I just don't believe Repubs are equipped, do not have the will or capacity to fix it. Everyone used to know that one way to get jobs back for instance, was to fix healthcare and costs of providing people with that. You all are fighting that tooth and nail, clinging to the status quo and big insurance. There was no response to the healthcare problem except no. The party of no strategy.

They need to get the hell off their butts and start working on policies that work. Not filling the pockets of Republicans in congress and big corporations.

how do the demonRats in congress get rich? doyathink? we'll wait.
It's possible. I'm not optimistic regarding the teaparty though.

so your basic issue isnt that the repubs dont get along, or that they spent way too much during the Bush times...

...its that you dont see the debt as a problem to be fixed.

You're full of shit.

I just don't believe Repubs are equipped, do not have the will or capacity to fix it. Everyone used to know that one way to get jobs back for instance, was to fix healthcare and costs of providing people with that. You all are fighting that tooth and nail, clinging to the status quo and big insurance. There was no response to the healthcare problem except no. The party of no strategy.

They need to get the hell off their butts and start working on policies that work. Not filling the pockets of Republicans in congress and big corporations.

Come on, the republicans have TONS of health care reformation ideas that will work in a free market system including buying over state boarders (which dems disapprove of for some reason), and lowering doctors liability for complications during treatments...

This is why I can't stand hacks like you...I give you a shot and all you do is spew talking points and anger at an illusion force fed to you by whatever partisan outlet you subscribe to. I think it's a shame.
so your basic issue isnt that the repubs dont get along, or that they spent way too much during the Bush times...

...its that you dont see the debt as a problem to be fixed.

You're full of shit.

I just don't believe Repubs are equipped, do not have the will or capacity to fix it. Everyone used to know that one way to get jobs back for instance, was to fix healthcare and costs of providing people with that. You all are fighting that tooth and nail, clinging to the status quo and big insurance. There was no response to the healthcare problem except no. The party of no strategy.

They need to get the hell off their butts and start working on policies that work. Not filling the pockets of Republicans in congress and big corporations.

Come on, the republicans have TONS of health care reformation ideas that will work in a free market system including buying over state boarders (which dems disapprove of for some reason), and lowering doctors liability for complications during treatments...

This is why I can't stand hacks like you...I give you a shot and all you do is spew talking points and anger at an illusion force fed to you by whatever partisan outlet you subscribe to. I think it's a shame.

You give ME a shot? :lol:

America gave Boehner a shot but look at what they are doing. Crying and tanning.

The debt ceiling issue is going to break the guy.
You're full of shit.

I just don't believe Repubs are equipped, do not have the will or capacity to fix it. Everyone used to know that one way to get jobs back for instance, was to fix healthcare and costs of providing people with that. You all are fighting that tooth and nail, clinging to the status quo and big insurance. There was no response to the healthcare problem except no. The party of no strategy.

They need to get the hell off their butts and start working on policies that work. Not filling the pockets of Republicans in congress and big corporations.

Come on, the republicans have TONS of health care reformation ideas that will work in a free market system including buying over state boarders (which dems disapprove of for some reason), and lowering doctors liability for complications during treatments...

This is why I can't stand hacks like you...I give you a shot and all you do is spew talking points and anger at an illusion force fed to you by whatever partisan outlet you subscribe to. I think it's a shame.

You give ME a shot? :lol:

America gave Boehner a shot but look at what they are doing. Crying and tanning.

The debt ceiling issue is going to break the guy.

Really? It's been four months and we should judge the majority of the house? What would you like to see happen? And this is coming from the people that after giving Obama a two year chance say to be patient with him.

Why do you choose...literally;CHOOSE, to be a hack? Why can't you think for yourself? Develop your own sense of right and wrong? Develop what you personally can see as good and bad for yourself and others? Why do you just drop your own common sense and instead opt for instantly believing outlets without any reservation or motivation to ask questions?

I am sorry for you.
It's possible. I'm not optimistic regarding the teaparty though.

so your basic issue isnt that the repubs dont get along, or that they spent way too much during the Bush times...

...its that you dont see the debt as a problem to be fixed.

You're full of shit.

I just don't believe Repubs are equipped, do not have the will or capacity to fix it. Everyone used to know that one way to get jobs back for instance, was to fix healthcare and costs of providing people with that. You all are fighting that tooth and nail, clinging to the status quo and big insurance. There was no response to the healthcare problem except no. The party of no strategy.

They need to get the hell off their butts and start working on policies that work. Not filling the pockets of Republicans in congress and big corporations.

Doesn't Obamacare put something like 30 million into that 'big insurance' pool? Wasn't that (part of) the point of passing it?

You're completely dishonest when you say that the Republicans only offered 'no' when it came to the health care reform.
Come on, the republicans have TONS of health care reformation ideas that will work in a free market system including buying over state boarders (which dems disapprove of for some reason), and lowering doctors liability for complications during treatments...

This is why I can't stand hacks like you...I give you a shot and all you do is spew talking points and anger at an illusion force fed to you by whatever partisan outlet you subscribe to. I think it's a shame.

You give ME a shot? :lol:

America gave Boehner a shot but look at what they are doing. Crying and tanning.

The debt ceiling issue is going to break the guy.

Really? It's been four months and we should judge the majority of the house? What would you like to see happen? And this is coming from the people that after giving Obama a two year chance say to be patient with him.

Why do you choose...literally;CHOOSE, to be a hack? Why can't you think for yourself? Develop your own sense of right and wrong? Develop what you personally can see as good and bad for yourself and others? Why do you just drop your own common sense and instead opt for instantly believing outlets without any reservation or motivation to ask questions?

I am sorry for you.

Isn't that funny? I see you as the hack especially with that sig pic. It makes you seem just average teapartyish and dumb.

Now that I know you have nothing much, I'll move along to someone who has a more interesting approach to politics..

You're about 12 years old, arencha..
so your basic issue isnt that the repubs dont get along, or that they spent way too much during the Bush times...

...its that you dont see the debt as a problem to be fixed.

You're full of shit.

I just don't believe Repubs are equipped, do not have the will or capacity to fix it. Everyone used to know that one way to get jobs back for instance, was to fix healthcare and costs of providing people with that. You all are fighting that tooth and nail, clinging to the status quo and big insurance. There was no response to the healthcare problem except no. The party of no strategy.

They need to get the hell off their butts and start working on policies that work. Not filling the pockets of Republicans in congress and big corporations.

Doesn't Obamacare put something like 30 million into that 'big insurance' pool? Wasn't that (part of) the point of passing it?

You're completely dishonest when you say that the Republicans only offered 'no' when it came to the health care reform.

Oh they offered nothing but no alright. That's only because they had nothing tho..

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