Meet the Real Hillary Clinton

Where does Politifact deny that Hillary attacked the victim?

Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Those details didn’t make it into Clinton’s memoir Living History or her recollections of the case in the newly released interview. She does note that the defendant passed a lie-detector test — "which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," she said in the 1980s — and she said the prosecution botched one of the most important pieces of evidence, Taylor’s blood-stained underwear. She called it a "terrible case.""

Did Hillary Clinton ask to be 'relieved' from representing an accused rapist in 1970s?

Looks like they did, but it also looks like it was her job to do it. It was her job to defend her client.
"While the girl willingly went for aride with Taylor, she said she did not consent to sex and was later admitted to a hospital with injuries consistent with rape."
I guess that means it wouldn't have been rape if the 12 year old girl has consented?

"Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting."
Where was Clinton's evidence that the girl was unstable with a tendency to seek out older men? You libs will do anything to defend that unscrupulous witch.

Sorry to break the news to you... But this was her job.. There was inconsistencies in their story...

The thing is Clinton did her job and seems like a lot better than the prosecutor.... Why aren't you blaming the prosecutor?
Sure, it was her job to smear the 12 year old rape victim. Thanks for confirming.

How do you know it was a smear?

You know there was a judge there the whole time...
By the way do you have a clue how the justice system works...
I guess the doctor's report that confirmed her injuries were consistent with rape isn't good enough for you? The 12 year old victim must have made it up, according to you and Hillary.
Politifact is now a liberal hack site... Keep going...

This is a same bullshit rehashed every now and again... I say this is due in next September again...

Is this really the best you got on Hillary... A lawyer doing her job.
Where does Politifact deny that Hillary attacked the victim?

Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Those details didn’t make it into Clinton’s memoir Living History or her recollections of the case in the newly released interview. She does note that the defendant passed a lie-detector test — "which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," she said in the 1980s — and she said the prosecution botched one of the most important pieces of evidence, Taylor’s blood-stained underwear. She called it a "terrible case.""

Did Hillary Clinton ask to be 'relieved' from representing an accused rapist in 1970s?

Looks like they did, but it also looks like it was her job to do it. It was her job to defend her client.
Defense attorneys are ethically and legally bound to zealously represent all clients, the guilty as well as the innocent. It matters not how terrible the crime nor the belief of the attorney in the guilt or innocent of the accused. As Sir Thomas Moore said before going to the scaffold, "I'd give the devil the benefit of law, for mine own safety's sake." A vigorous defense is necessary to protect the innocent and to ensure that judges and citizens and not the police have the ultimate power to decide who is guilty of a crime.
Wrong. Read up. Ethics is obviously not your forte', Flopper.
41 years ago today in the town of Springdale, Arkansas, a horrific crime was committed against a 12-year-old girl. But it was the injustice that followed that has defined her life. This is the true story Hillary Clinton hoped you would never hear.

This is who Hillary Clinton is. It is high time the American people found out the truth about her. Trump was right. Hillary Clinton is a "different kind of evil." Hillary Clinton's mentor was Satanist George McGovern. (for the truth about McGovern look up John Todd testimony)

Please copy this video link and mass email it to everyone you know. Thank you.

Why shouldn't she defend a child rapist? Every defendant is entitle to legal representation no matter how heinous the crime. Without legal representation, the accused can not be brought to trial. If attorneys only defended those they believed to be innocent, the criminal justice system would collapse.

It's not that she defended him, it's the WAY she defended him. The same way she runs her campaigns, by smearing her opponent.

What politician does not smear their rivals?

What kind of woman would smear a 12 yr. old child's testimony of a vicious rape and enjoy it? That is the question that should be asked here. An advocate for women? Not a chance. HIllary Clinton is a monster. Her daughter Chelsea should have her head examined for ever leaving her own baby daughter alone with that woman!

You are confusing professionalism and emotionalism..

I'm not in the least confused. I know exactly what I'm talking about here. Chelsea Clinton is insane to leave her baby daughter with her mother. She is a monster that cannot be trusted. I wouldn't trust her with a dog much less a human. Especially on a "full moon."
Politifact is now a liberal hack site... Keep going...

This is a same bullshit rehashed every now and again... I say this is due in next September again...

Is this really the best you got on Hillary... A lawyer doing her job.
Where does Politifact deny that Hillary attacked the victim?

Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Those details didn’t make it into Clinton’s memoir Living History or her recollections of the case in the newly released interview. She does note that the defendant passed a lie-detector test — "which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," she said in the 1980s — and she said the prosecution botched one of the most important pieces of evidence, Taylor’s blood-stained underwear. She called it a "terrible case.""

Did Hillary Clinton ask to be 'relieved' from representing an accused rapist in 1970s?

Looks like they did, but it also looks like it was her job to do it. It was her job to defend her client.
Defense attorneys are ethically and legally bound to zealously represent all clients, the guilty as well as the innocent. It matters not how terrible the crime nor the belief of the attorney in the guilt or innocent of the accused. As Sir Thomas Moore said before going to the scaffold, "I'd give the devil the benefit of law, for mine own safety's sake." A vigorous defense is necessary to protect the innocent and to ensure that judges and citizens and not the police have the ultimate power to decide who is guilty of a crime.
Wrong. Read up. Ethics is obviously not your forte', Flopper.
So are you saying she should have refused to defend the person?
Why shouldn't she defend a child rapist? Every defendant is entitle to legal representation no matter how heinous the crime. Without legal representation, the accused can not be brought to trial. If attorneys only defended those they believed to be innocent, the criminal justice system would collapse.
It's not that she defended him, it's the WAY she defended him. The same way she runs her campaigns, by smearing her opponent.
What politician does not smear their rivals?
What kind of woman would smear a 12 yr. old child's testimony of a vicious rape and enjoy it? That is the question that should be asked here. An advocate for women? Not a chance. HIllary Clinton is a monster. Her daughter Chelsea should have her head examined for ever leaving her own baby daughter alone with that woman!
You are confusing professionalism and emotionalism..
I'm not in the least confused. I know exactly what I'm talking about here. Chelsea Clinton is insane to leave her baby daughter with her mother. She is a monster that cannot be trusted. I wouldn't trust her with a dog much less a human. Especially on a "full moon."
If I had two quarters I'd give them to you to call someone that cares what you think about Chelsea...
You do understand what a basic right to an attorney means right? Or are rights suddenly no longer important?

The constitution clearly protects that right - mo matter who you may be or what you have done.
I moved to Rogers, Ar in 1986. I had never been to an all white community that had so many child rape and molestation cases..It was indeed disturbing, considering it was a very clannish, religious republican enclave...
Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Those details didn’t make it into Clinton’s memoir Living History or her recollections of the case in the newly released interview. She does note that the defendant passed a lie-detector test — "which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," she said in the 1980s — and she said the prosecution botched one of the most important pieces of evidence, Taylor’s blood-stained underwear. She called it a "terrible case.""

Did Hillary Clinton ask to be 'relieved' from representing an accused rapist in 1970s?

Looks like they did, but it also looks like it was her job to do it. It was her job to defend her client.
"While the girl willingly went for aride with Taylor, she said she did not consent to sex and was later admitted to a hospital with injuries consistent with rape."
I guess that means it wouldn't have been rape if the 12 year old girl has consented?

"Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting."
Where was Clinton's evidence that the girl was unstable with a tendency to seek out older men? You libs will do anything to defend that unscrupulous witch.
You need to listen to the video - she didn't willingly go anywhere. She was in a coma for five days, badly beaten, viciously raped and is to this day unable to have children. You did get one thing right, S.J.. She is a witch and has been for a very long time. She serves Lucifer and she will pay for it in hell for all eternity. So will those who defend her despicable actions. She'll be sharing the same place her satanist mentor George McGovern is staying- in hell.
You have no power, no position to condemn anyone to a mythological location...I am not defending what she did or how she did it, I am trying to get you and other fellow ignorant posters to understand how the real world works..When I studied law I was never going for criminal law but corporate law, much lower key in being a public figure, but more peaceable of mind in what the job consist of.
I'm not sending anyone to hell. You people are sending yourselves there (and you know it).
There is no Hell and there is no Satan.Or God is a weakling and can't control the universe he created...
You are in for a very rude awakening one day, Moonglow. A VERY RUDE AWAKENING.
It's not that she defended him, it's the WAY she defended him. The same way she runs her campaigns, by smearing her opponent.
What politician does not smear their rivals?
What kind of woman would smear a 12 yr. old child's testimony of a vicious rape and enjoy it? That is the question that should be asked here. An advocate for women? Not a chance. HIllary Clinton is a monster. Her daughter Chelsea should have her head examined for ever leaving her own baby daughter alone with that woman!
You are confusing professionalism and emotionalism..
I'm not in the least confused. I know exactly what I'm talking about here. Chelsea Clinton is insane to leave her baby daughter with her mother. She is a monster that cannot be trusted. I wouldn't trust her with a dog much less a human. Especially on a "full moon."
If I had two quarters I'd give them to you to call someone that cares what you think about Chelsea...
I can assure you it wouldn't be her parents. They could care less!
What should she have done ? Throw the case ? Then you'd say she ha no integrity and betrayed her oath to represent her client .

Blame the DA . If you really care . But you don't , you just want to slander HILLARY .
yeah Jerri sheesh!!! :eusa_eh: If ANYONE is going to burn in eternal hellfire, it'll be you, you two bit hack
The Right would have been deliriously happy if the townsfolk had simply dispensed with a trial and got out their torches and pitchforks, and lynched him. That was, after all, the way things were done in the deep South when I was growing up. So sad to see the Right pineing for the good ole days.... damned Constitution keeps getting in the way.
"While the girl willingly went for aride with Taylor, she said she did not consent to sex and was later admitted to a hospital with injuries consistent with rape."
I guess that means it wouldn't have been rape if the 12 year old girl has consented?

"Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting."
Where was Clinton's evidence that the girl was unstable with a tendency to seek out older men? You libs will do anything to defend that unscrupulous witch.
You need to listen to the video - she didn't willingly go anywhere. She was in a coma for five days, badly beaten, viciously raped and is to this day unable to have children. You did get one thing right, S.J.. She is a witch and has been for a very long time. She serves Lucifer and she will pay for it in hell for all eternity. So will those who defend her despicable actions. She'll be sharing the same place her satanist mentor George McGovern is staying- in hell.
You have no power, no position to condemn anyone to a mythological location...I am not defending what she did or how she did it, I am trying to get you and other fellow ignorant posters to understand how the real world works..When I studied law I was never going for criminal law but corporate law, much lower key in being a public figure, but more peaceable of mind in what the job consist of.
I'm not sending anyone to hell. You people are sending yourselves there (and you know it).
There is no Hell and there is no Satan.Or God is a weakling and can't control the universe he created...
You are in for a very rude awakening one day, Moonglow. A VERY RUDE AWAKENING.
I doubt that very seriously....Just because you believe in one religion out of hundreds does not fill me with foreboding catastrophe on your judgement...
The Right would have been deliriously happy if the townsfolk had simply dispensed with a trial and got out their torches and pitchforks, and lynched him. That was, after all, the way things were done in the deep South when I was growing up. So sad to see the Right pineing for the good ole days....
There have been several cases of vigilante attacks on perps, castrating them..
Politifact is now a liberal hack site... Keep going...

This is a same bullshit rehashed every now and again... I say this is due in next September again...

Is this really the best you got on Hillary... A lawyer doing her job.
Where does Politifact deny that Hillary attacked the victim?

Clinton mounted a vigorous defensethat included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Those details didn’t make it into Clinton’s memoir Living History or her recollections of the case in the newly released interview. She does note that the defendant passed a lie-detector test — "which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," she said in the 1980s — and she said the prosecution botched one of the most important pieces of evidence, Taylor’s blood-stained underwear. She called it a "terrible case.""

Did Hillary Clinton ask to be 'relieved' from representing an accused rapist in 1970s?

Looks like they did, but it also looks like it was her job to do it. It was her job to defend her client.
Defense attorneys are ethically and legally bound to zealously represent all clients, the guilty as well as the innocent. It matters not how terrible the crime nor the belief of the attorney in the guilt or innocent of the accused. As Sir Thomas Moore said before going to the scaffold, "I'd give the devil the benefit of law, for mine own safety's sake." A vigorous defense is necessary to protect the innocent and to ensure that judges and citizens and not the police have the ultimate power to decide who is guilty of a crime.
Wrong. Read up. Ethics is obviously not your forte', Flopper.

Had you read the entire article you'd know the answer to that question.
So are you saying she should have refused to defend the person?
You are in for a very rude awakening one day, Moonglow. A VERY RUDE AWAKENING.
YOU wish!
You have the hate of someone created in the image of God!
Truth is hate to people who can't handle the truth. Hell is real.
The Right would have been deliriously happy if the townsfolk had simply dispensed with a trial and got out their torches and pitchforks, and lynched him. That was, after all, the way things were done in the deep South when I was growing up. So sad to see the Right pineing for the good ole days....
There have been several cases of vigilante attacks on perps, castrating them..
Small potatoes in comparison to what will happen to those perps in hell.
The Right would have been deliriously happy if the townsfolk had simply dispensed with a trial and got out their torches and pitchforks, and lynched him. That was, after all, the way things were done in the deep South when I was growing up. So sad to see the Right pineing for the good ole days....
There have been several cases of vigilante attacks on perps, castrating them..
Small potatoes in comparison to what will happen to those perps in hell.
God's special place that is used to scare little kids and feeble adults...
The Right would have been deliriously happy if the townsfolk had simply dispensed with a trial and got out their torches and pitchforks, and lynched him. That was, after all, the way things were done in the deep South when I was growing up. So sad to see the Right pineing for the good ole days....
There have been several cases of vigilante attacks on perps, castrating them..
Small potatoes in comparison to what will happen to those perps in hell.
God's special place that is used to scare little kids and feeble adults...

Hell has no terror for me. I have survived four wives, and three mother-in-laws.

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