Meet the Republicans Running Against AOC

demographics mean nothing in her case. She has constantly shown that she is unfit to hold office and will be unseated by whomever manages to face her in Nov 2020.
demographics mean nothing in her case. She has constantly shown that she is unfit to hold office and will be unseated by whomever manages to face her in Nov 2020.

She will not make it to Nov but will lose in the primary. Whomever beats her will win the seat. A Repub has about as much chance of winning that seat as a Dem has to win Utah in the general election.
I obviously don’t know these people, but looks like a great field at first glance.

Meet the Republicans running against Ocasio-Cortez

This guy seems good:

Miguel Hernandez

Hernandez said he decided to run because Ocasio-Cortez has not done enough for her actual district. As a contractor for over 17 years, and a building super for about a decade, he said he sees firsthand the kind of housing problems that New York City faces. Hernandez lives in Manhattan. He is focusing on improving the city’s housing and public housing infrastructure. He also suggested using hydroelectricity generated by the East and Hudson Rivers to power the city, which he curiously said would make the city “nuclear independent.” A former Democrat, he said he switched parties in 2016 because he is pro-life and cited erroneous claims touted by President Donald Trump about Democrats killing babies after they are born and performing abortions minutes before birth. Hernandez said he is self-funding his campaign and has already given his campaign over $5,000.
“When I speak about my policies, (people) say, ‘Wow, you speak like a Democrat,’” Hernandez told City & State. “I say, “No, I don’t speak like a Democrat, I speak like a realist.’”

Meet the Republicans running against Ocasio-Cortez
The only thing they need to run on is losing HQ2, and the great jobs and taxes that would bring to her district. Losing HQ2 was a disaster that the GOP should hang around AOC's neck.
I obviously don’t know these people, but looks like a great field at first glance.

Meet the Republicans running against Ocasio-Cortez

This guy seems good:

Miguel Hernandez

Hernandez said he decided to run because Ocasio-Cortez has not done enough for her actual district. As a contractor for over 17 years, and a building super for about a decade, he said he sees firsthand the kind of housing problems that New York City faces. Hernandez lives in Manhattan. He is focusing on improving the city’s housing and public housing infrastructure. He also suggested using hydroelectricity generated by the East and Hudson Rivers to power the city, which he curiously said would make the city “nuclear independent.” A former Democrat, he said he switched parties in 2016 because he is pro-life and cited erroneous claims touted by President Donald Trump about Democrats killing babies after they are born and performing abortions minutes before birth. Hernandez said he is self-funding his campaign and has already given his campaign over $5,000.
“When I speak about my policies, (people) say, ‘Wow, you speak like a Democrat,’” Hernandez told City & State. “I say, “No, I don’t speak like a Democrat, I speak like a realist.’”

Meet the Republicans running against Ocasio-Cortez

So he wants to dam up the East River and Hudson River to make electricity? Wouldn't that flood most of the city?

I like this guy already!
So he wants to dam up the East River and Hudson River to make electricity? Wouldn't that flood most of the city?

Are you an engineering expert? Of course he does not want to flood the city you half-witted imbecile.

Then how is he going to produce hydroelectric power from the rivers?

maybe he wants to create a waterfall-----that can be used to drive ---whatchamacallits-------that can be used to ----brush up electrons for storage
in the II1ll parallel line things ----------- uhm---sorta batteries holding on to
potential energy stuff V ---voltage --------I aced physics but that was a LONG
LONG time ago. I always managed to do the problems with the diagrams----
----the WWWW <<<< resisters-----and crap like that
I obviously don’t know these people, but looks like a great field at first glance.

Meet the Republicans running against Ocasio-Cortez

I don’t see this filthy whore being unseated anytime soon...she says and implies all the right shit for the disgusting fucks in her district.
“I’ll steal from whitey for you.”
“You deserve more free shit.”
“Whitey holds you back.”
“Whitey has made you the filthy sack of shit you are.”
“Accountability for dark people sucks.”
It’s all exactly what minorities want to hear...don’t make the mistake and think that minorities want to hear....”I’ll create a job for you.”
So he wants to dam up the East River and Hudson River to make electricity? Wouldn't that flood most of the city?

Are you an engineering expert? Of course he does not want to flood the city you half-witted imbecile.

Then how is he going to produce hydroelectric power from the rivers?

There are turbines that use the normal flow of water to create electricity. Of course, they will destroy the fish.
So he wants to dam up the East River and Hudson River to make electricity? Wouldn't that flood most of the city?

Are you an engineering expert? Of course he does not want to flood the city you half-witted imbecile.

Then how is he going to produce hydroelectric power from the rivers?

There are turbines that use the normal flow of water to create electricity. Of course, they will destroy the fish.

That is someone's fantasy that will never work.
So he wants to dam up the East River and Hudson River to make electricity? Wouldn't that flood most of the city?

Are you an engineering expert? Of course he does not want to flood the city you half-witted imbecile.

Then how is he going to produce hydroelectric power from the rivers?

There are turbines that use the normal flow of water to create electricity. Of course, they will destroy the fish.

That is someone's fantasy that will never work.

One of dozens that show up on a Google Search


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