Meeting: Obama And Reid Vowed Not To Be 'Taken In By These Crazy People'

What a tough son of a bitch that Harry Reid is. President Obama learned well from Reid. He learned to keep Joe Biden away from the negotiating team. Well done Harry Reid!

Inside The Meeting Where Obama And Reid Vowed Not To Be 'Taken In By These Crazy People'

Each more mindful of the other's strategic vision, Reid and Obama made a mutual commitment to legislative stubbornness. A week after the meeting, Reid threatened to gut the filibuster if Republicans didn't let through a slate of executive nominees. Republicans caved. Looking forward, the two vowed to steadfastly oppose any effort to tinker with the president's health care law as part of a continuing resolution to keep the government running. And when it came time to raise the debt ceiling weeks later, they would refuse to negotiate altogether.

Through the first government shutdown in 17 years and a near-breach of the nation's debt limit, they followed this playbook until it ultimately resulted in a Republican collapse.

"We just both came to the conclusion that the time had ended to be taken in by these crazy people," Reid said. "The president said, 'I'm not going to negotiate.' I said, 'I'm not going to negotiate.' And we didn't."

So they stood there and lied to the American public and the complicit media lapped the story up about how flexible, reasonable and willing to negotiate they were and how it was the big bad wolf Republicans who wouldn't play nice? It was Harry and Barry who shut down the government. What a bunch of damn sheeple the Democrats are. You guys probably think Obama will respect you in the morning after getting butt fucked with the Obamacare taxes.
Those crazy people are Americans.

Divide and conquer, or divided we fall.

Good job democrats.

Yes, but those Americans are crazy terrorists.

Then as a good democrat you should start demanding they be treated like terrorists. Rounded up and dealt with. All those millions of Americans. Start the mass arrests already. Divided we fall, and it can't happen fast enough.

You wish! :D

No, the crazy Americans I'm talking are tea baggers such as Ted Cruz & Co.
The true patriots of America need to secede from America.

These state Governors need to get a back-bone !!!!!!!!!!
Yes, but those Americans are crazy terrorists.

Then as a good democrat you should start demanding they be treated like terrorists. Rounded up and dealt with. All those millions of Americans. Start the mass arrests already. Divided we fall, and it can't happen fast enough.

that kiddyofhisrocker is quite the tool, and not a bright one
damn it must hurt to be lead around by a ring in ones nose

You should know dittohead! :D
Worth $25 million? WOW! Harry Reid should be a Republican... not a Democrat. :lol:

That's the point. All these jerks that have spent their entire lives "looking out for us" have only become rich - doesn't matter what the hell "party" they are in.

THEY get rich and you - don't. Get it?

The difference being the rich Democrats rob from the rich (Republicans) and give it to the poor (Democrats).

The difference being the rich Democrats in power give away free-stuff to (ie SS, food stamps, education, welfare, student loans, medicare, Obamacare, headstart, etc) while the rich Republicans give to the rich Republicans (ie the 1%)

Does that level of stoopidity physically hurt or are you too stoopid to even realize it?
Yes, but those Americans are crazy terrorists.

Then as a good democrat you should start demanding they be treated like terrorists. Rounded up and dealt with. All those millions of Americans. Start the mass arrests already. Divided we fall, and it can't happen fast enough.

You wish! :D

No, the crazy Americans I'm talking are tea baggers such as Ted Cruz & Co.

Ever read his resume?

Man is brilliant.
Those crazy people are Americans.

Divide and conquer, or divided we fall.

Good job democrats.

Yes, but those Americans are crazy terrorists.

see how your reps have you acting as a puppet?

Using their exact words and phrases they instill in your brains?

So you feel it is OK to call fellow Americans with different ideas as terrorists?

You realize that a union strike is no different? Do you refer to strikers as terrorists?

Bad enough that elected officials use that terminology.

What makes it worse are those that repeat it without realizing what they are saying.

I understand what you are saying. You are not understanding what democrats are saying. The nation has divided into enemy camps that are at war with one another on some level short of firepower. Take that last step, into full on open warfare and stop the name calling. Make it real.

Democrats seem to realize the extent of the division more than republicans. Republicans still imagine that there is some way we can still deal with one another. There isn't. The break is complete. Dealing with it hasn't get reached it's proper place. x

It can't go on forever. Prior to every war, there is a period leading up to it where the two opponents hurl accusations at one another. We are no different. That's the place we are, we are pre war. Democrats should be urged to take that last step. Stop talking. Start doing. Then we have a chance for action. Now it's just words.
What a tough son of a bitch that Harry Reid is. President Obama learned well from Reid. He learned to keep Joe Biden away from the negotiating team. Well done Harry Reid!

Inside The Meeting Where Obama And Reid Vowed Not To Be 'Taken In By These Crazy People'

Each more mindful of the other's strategic vision, Reid and Obama made a mutual commitment to legislative stubbornness. A week after the meeting, Reid threatened to gut the filibuster if Republicans didn't let through a slate of executive nominees. Republicans caved. Looking forward, the two vowed to steadfastly oppose any effort to tinker with the president's health care law as part of a continuing resolution to keep the government running. And when it came time to raise the debt ceiling weeks later, they would refuse to negotiate altogether.

Through the first government shutdown in 17 years and a near-breach of the nation's debt limit, they followed this playbook until it ultimately resulted in a Republican collapse.

"We just both came to the conclusion that the time had ended to be taken in by these crazy people," Reid said. "The president said, 'I'm not going to negotiate.' I said, 'I'm not going to negotiate.' And we didn't."

Reid is nothing more than gutter trash. Came into politics with a net worth of $85,000 and is now worth 25 million.

Yeah, bud...he is looking out for you.....


Sounds like they were right.....and you don't like that.
What a tough son of a bitch that Harry Reid is. President Obama learned well from Reid. He learned to keep Joe Biden away from the negotiating team. Well done Harry Reid!

Inside The Meeting Where Obama And Reid Vowed Not To Be 'Taken In By These Crazy People'

Reid is nothing more than gutter trash. Came into politics with a net worth of $85,000 and is now worth 25 million.

Yeah, bud...he is looking out for you.....


Sounds like they were right.....and you don't like that.

He's made millions.

Odd how you don't have a problem how democrats like Reid make a fortune in power.

Come on bod. Doesn't get to you that he makes millions?
so the govt. shutdown was a Reid/Obama pre-planned event. Glad to see you confess.

And liberal sheeple think we are wrong for stating the blatantly obvious back when it was happening. The Republicans in the house did their job and sent multiple bills to fund government. Harry and Barry said no......which is when/how/why the government shut down. Even when they admit it like Kidblocks did, they don't even realize it.
Then as a good democrat you should start demanding they be treated like terrorists. Rounded up and dealt with. All those millions of Americans. Start the mass arrests already. Divided we fall, and it can't happen fast enough.

You wish! :D

No, the crazy Americans I'm talking are tea baggers such as Ted Cruz & Co.

Ever read his resume?

Man is brilliant.

So is Harry Reid. Ever read his resume?
Harry Reid Brilliant? Doubt it.

He's a shyster though and a damned good one right alongside Barry Boy.
What a tough son of a bitch that Harry Reid is. President Obama learned well from Reid. He learned to keep Joe Biden away from the negotiating team. Well done Harry Reid!

Inside The Meeting Where Obama And Reid Vowed Not To Be 'Taken In By These Crazy People'

Reid is nothing more than gutter trash. Came into politics with a net worth of $85,000 and is now worth 25 million.

Yeah, bud...he is looking out for you.....


Sounds like they were right.....and you don't like that.

My God - you can't be serious.....on second thought.....:cuckoo:
Reid is nothing more than gutter trash. Came into politics with a net worth of $85,000 and is now worth 25 million.

Yeah, bud...he is looking out for you.....


Sounds like they were right.....and you don't like that.

He's made millions.

Odd how you don't have a problem how democrats like Reid make a fortune in power.

Come on bod. Doesn't get to you that he makes millions?

Sounds like you dittoheads are awful jealous of a successful, self made American millionaire.

Hypocrite much?

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