MEGA BUSTED! NAACP Caught as the real racists while they lie about the Tea Party

Why is anyone surprised that they are a racist origination? That is what i dont understand.
Finally! The truth is revealed about who's been keepin the white man down all these years. :lol:

I am now convinced that "perceptive" comments like those made by Guerrilla-Mogilla undo the fact that Black Racist MARXIST Obami Salaami's choicest stooge, the Hapless Black Racist Atty General, is NOT the Racist Swine that he is.
Tea party by day Klan by night
Con fag put your money where your GED pie whole is.
I got a $5,000 bet for you
Tea party by day Klan by night
Con fag put your money where your GED pie whole is.
I got a $5,000 bet for you

What are you babbling about? I've never even seen a KKK member in real life, let alone would I support their BS goals. Likewise, i am also not a tea party member.

What do you want to bet your entire net worth to me about?
anyone else notice the stunning SILENCE in this thread from the crowing lefties that was agreeing with the Naacp just a few days ago..

they do say silence is GOLDEN. but in this instance I say the silence is them choking on CROW.:lol:
Racists you can't get away with lying about others to cover up your own racism!

YouTube - NAACP Bigotry in their ranks

YouTube - Federal jobs

But the new media will not be silenced. It will not allow for the main stream media to propagate hateful and hurtful lies in order to save the Democratic Party from the toxic choices it has made over the past few years. And by bringing up race, and demanding a zero tolerance of racism, the left, and the NAACP in particular, has opened itself up for scrutiny.
We are in possession of a video from in which Shirley Sherrod, USDA Georgia Director of Rural Development, speaks at the NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Georgia. In her meandering speech to what appears to be an all-black audience, this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail, that her federal duties are managed through the prism of race and class distinctions.

In the first video, Sherrod describes how she racially discriminates against a white farmer. She describes how she is torn over how much she will choose to help him. And, she admits that she doesn’t do everything she can for him, because he is white. Eventually, her basic humanity informs that this white man is poor and needs help. But she decides that he should get help from “one of his own kind”. She refers him to a white lawyer.

Sherrod’s racist tale is received by the NAACP audience with nodding approval and murmurs of recognition and agreement. Hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance.

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government


OH so busted!

Liberals try to LIE and fabricate racism from the tea party, but LOOK WHO REALLY ARE THE RACISTS????

As usual, liberals accuse in others what they refuse to see in themselves.

This is some funny stuff. Because it really shows their hypocrisy.


Where is the racism that you're talking about shithead?
She should be fired. And hopefully white farmers who have been discriminated against (which I'm sure there are many) will sue.

Thank goodness for Breitbart. I'm sure this won't be covered by the MSM.
She should be fired. And hopefully white farmers who have been discriminated against (which I'm sure there are many) will sue.

Thank goodness for Breitbart. I'm sure this won't be covered by the MSM.

What about black farmers who've been discriminated against?
anyone else notice the stunning SILENCE in this thread from the crowing lefties that was agreeing with the Naacp just a few days ago..

they do say silence is GOLDEN. but in this instance I say the silence is them choking on CROW.:lol:

Shirley Sherrodd is not a member of the NAACP she worked for the USDA this does not prove NAACP is racist, stupid cow.

You say that the NAACP has some people who are soemwhat pissed at White People?

Say it ain't so.

Why next thing you'll be telling us is that the TEA PARTY has one or two people who are pissed that a BLACK man is in the oval office.

That can't POSSIBLE be true, can it?
She works for the USDA. Taxpayer funded position. Being "somewhat pissed" and active discrimination within her job duties are a little more serious than carrying a sign. Just sayin.

You say that the NAACP has some people who are soemwhat pissed at White People?

Say it ain't so.

Why next thing you'll be telling us is that the TEA PARTY has one or two people who are pissed that a BLACK man is in the oval office.

That can't POSSIBLE be true, can it?

Tea Bastards and conservative media ignore coverage when the NAACP and other civil rights groups press Obama for action and instead accuse Obama of "paying back da man" and being a racist president who prefers blacks over whites, the only blacks they give coverage to are conservative blacks who speak their dogma and race baiters.
She works for the USDA. Taxpayer funded position. Being "somewhat pissed" and active discrimination within her job duties are a little more serious than carrying a sign. Just sayin.

USDA doesn't have shit to do with the NAACP you stupid fucking cow. Policeman are taxpayer funded and they discriminate and racially profile blacks, the Republican Senators that are blocking unemployment benefits to blacks and whites are taxpayer funded, now shut the fuck up already.
Why is anyone surprised that they are a racist origination? That is what i dont understand.

NAACP Black Racist ????

That was obvious for decades.

Fighting for desegragation and against lynching of black people and racial discrimination against black people is decades old racism? Shut your fucking trap you goat. The NAACP is not racist, Shirley Sherrod is not a member of NAACP she worked for USDA before she recently resigned because of statements she made that the NAACP condemned, do you understand that JohnWayne or should right the shit in first grader capital letters for you stupid ass to get the point?
Why is anyone surprised that they are a racist origination? That is what i dont understand.

NAACP Black Racist ????

That was obvious for DECADES.

Fighting for desegragation and against lynching of black people and racial discrimination against black people is decades old racism? Shut your fucking trap you goat. The NAACP is not racist, Shirley Sherrod is not a member of NAACP she worked for USDA before she recently resigned because of statements she made that the NAACP condemned, do you understand that JohnWayne or should right the shit in first grader capital letters for you stupid ass to get the point?

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