'Megadrought' emerging in the western US might be worse than any in 1,200 years

Williams looked at tree ring data from thousands of sites to conduct the research. The researchers sampled data collected from live trees, dead trees and wood beams preserved at Native American archeological sites. The tree rings gave Williams insight into drought events dating back to A.D. 800, around the time Charlemagne was being crowned emperor of Rome.

He identified four other megadroughts in that time period, the most notable being a 23-year drought that ended in the late 1500s. There were hopes during a wet 2019 that the current megadrought was following a similar pattern, Williams said.

"And then from summer 2020 through all of 2021, it was just exceptionally dry across the West ... indicating that this drought is nowhere near done."

If NPR says it, it must be true. :rock:
What's Sleepy Joe's plan to deal with this?

President Trump's johnny-on-the-spot reaction to the current worldwide pandemic is something that was really unexpected. Ordinarily government doesn't work at Trump-speed.

BTW, those who watch such matters have noticed that traffic and air pollution has plummeted over the last month. Maybe that will mean this catastrophe won't happen, if it really is the result of human behavior which is changing?
Man, what the hell are you smoking? The treasonous fat senile old orange clown's reaction or lack thereof, has cost hundreds of thousands more deaths of American citizens than should have been the case. That fat bastard's shutting down of our early warning system for a pandemic in 2018 should have earned him negligent homicide charges for at least half the Covid deaths in the US.
I wonder if we are in for another dust bowl, combined with economic collapse. This is also includes areas that have seen a big increase in population.

'Megadrought' emerging in the western US might be worse than any in 1,200 years

Fueled in part by human-caused climate change, a “megadrought” appears to be emerging in the western U.S., a study published Thursday suggests.

In fact, the nearly-20-year drought is almost as bad or worse than any in the past 1,200 years, scientists say.

Megadroughts – defined as intense droughts that last for decades or longer – once plagued the Desert Southwest. Thanks to global warming, an especially fierce one appears to be coming back:

"We now have enough observations of current drought and tree-ring records of past drought to say that we're on the same trajectory as the worst prehistoric droughts," said study lead author A. Park Williams, a bioclimatologist at Columbia University, in a statement. This is “a drought bigger than what modern society has seen."

Scientists say that about half of this historic drought can be blamed on man-made global warming. Some of the impacts today include shrinking reservoirs and worsening wildfire seasons.

Described in a comprehensive new study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, scientists now understand the causes of the megadroughts common during the medieval period. With climate change, they predict more megadroughts in the future.
"What’s new here is they are really putting the pieces together in a way that hasn’t been done before,” says Connie Woodhouse, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona who was uninvolved with the study.

A string of decade-long droughts occurred in the American Southwest during the medieval period, between 800 and 1600 CE. The researchers tied together previously existing theories about megadroughts to discover three main drivers.
Lead author Nathan Steiger, a climate scientist at Columbia University, says that the study was “exciting scientifically, but [the] consequences are not good” for a warming future.

Their analysis pinpoints three main factors causing megadroughts in the American Southwest: Cooling water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, warming water in the Atlantic Ocean, and something called radiative forcing. A novel part of this study, Steiger says, was “showing that radiative forcing is important too for causing these megadroughts.”
Is this Y2K again? I have to see it to believe it.
Man, what the hell are you smoking? The treasonous fat senile old orange clown's reaction or lack thereof, has cost hundreds of thousands more deaths of American citizens than should have been the case. That fat bastard's shutting down of our early warning system for a pandemic in 2018 should have earned him negligent homicide charges for at least half the Covid deaths in the US.
Only treasonous clown I see is you, old man. Believe that
To save the delta smelt!

Northern Cali has to adhere to water conservation in order for Southern Cali to even have water!

but...save the smelt...
Lose the smelt, lose the salmon. But people like you are far too stupid to think that far ahead.
Sure, and what I see in you is another treasonous Trumpanzee kissing Putin's ass. Trump committed treason in Helsinki, and you just loved that.
Putin is empowered because pussies like you voted in that Coward Biden who showed his colors in Afghanistan and a laughing emoji is a compliment you Depends wearing embarrassment.
Is this Y2K again? I have to see it to believe it.
Is it another dumb ass that failed 3rd grade science, but still thinks that he knows more than the scientists? Yes, it truly is, and he is just as stupid and ignorant as his posts indicate.
Is it another dumb ass that failed 3rd grade science, but still thinks that he knows more than the scientists? Yes, it truly is, and he is just as stupid and ignorant as his posts indicate.
Dumbass is one word.
Third graders know that, you Depends wearing embarrassment. Scientists disagree. You probably still believe that COVID19 came from a bat. Old fool.
Putin is empowered because pussies like you voted in that Coward Biden who showed his colors in Afghanistan and a laughing emoji is a compliment you Depends wearing embarrassment.
You Trumpanzees just cannot help but lie, can you. Trump would have congratulated Putin on his new acquisition. We saw his lack of balls and backbone at Helsinki. Biden is doing everything short of starting WW3 to make Putin reconsider his plans.
You Trumpanzees just cannot help but lie, can you. Trump would have congratulated Putin on his new acquisition. We saw his lack of balls and backbone at Helsinki. Biden is doing everything short of starting WW3 to make Putin reconsider his plans.
Putin took Crimea with Obama in charge and now taking more territory with Biden in charge. He was docile when Trump was in charge. Change your Depends you smelly old embarrassment. You reek of death and piss. Gross.
Dumbass is one word.
Third graders know that, you Depends wearing embarrassment. Scientists disagree. You probably still believe that COVID19 came from a bat. Old fool.
Hey, cocksuck, it matters not where Covid came from, your dumbass leader completely failed. But he also failed and did so many criminal actions in other spheres that he is facing at least 17 civil and criminal investigations that we know of. Probably more in the works. He is a loser.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Against that we have know nothings like you posting shit.
I wonder if we are in for another dust bowl, combined with economic collapse. This is also includes areas that have seen a big increase in population.

'Megadrought' emerging in the western US might be worse than any in 1,200 years

Fueled in part by human-caused climate change, a “megadrought” appears to be emerging in the western U.S., a study published Thursday suggests.

In fact, the nearly-20-year drought is almost as bad or worse than any in the past 1,200 years, scientists say.

Megadroughts – defined as intense droughts that last for decades or longer – once plagued the Desert Southwest. Thanks to global warming, an especially fierce one appears to be coming back:

"We now have enough observations of current drought and tree-ring records of past drought to say that we're on the same trajectory as the worst prehistoric droughts," said study lead author A. Park Williams, a bioclimatologist at Columbia University, in a statement. This is “a drought bigger than what modern society has seen."

Scientists say that about half of this historic drought can be blamed on man-made global warming. Some of the impacts today include shrinking reservoirs and worsening wildfire seasons.

Described in a comprehensive new study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, scientists now understand the causes of the megadroughts common during the medieval period. With climate change, they predict more megadroughts in the future.
"What’s new here is they are really putting the pieces together in a way that hasn’t been done before,” says Connie Woodhouse, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona who was uninvolved with the study.

A string of decade-long droughts occurred in the American Southwest during the medieval period, between 800 and 1600 CE. The researchers tied together previously existing theories about megadroughts to discover three main drivers.
Lead author Nathan Steiger, a climate scientist at Columbia University, says that the study was “exciting scientifically, but [the] consequences are not good” for a warming future.

Their analysis pinpoints three main factors causing megadroughts in the American Southwest: Cooling water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, warming water in the Atlantic Ocean, and something called radiative forcing. A novel part of this study, Steiger says, was “showing that radiative forcing is important too for causing these megadroughts.”
There have been mega droughts before

we will survive
Hey, cocksuck, it matters not where Covid came from, your dumbass leader completely failed. But he also failed and did so many criminal actions in other spheres that he is facing at least 17 civil and criminal investigations that we know of. Probably more in the works. He is a loser.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Against that we have know nothings like you posting shit.
Every scientist agrees? Why isn’t it page one of every news source then? Worst drought in 1,200 years? Tell us that you Depends wearing embarrassment who smells of piss and death.
I wonder if we are in for another dust bowl, combined with economic collapse. This is also includes areas that have seen a big increase in population.

'Megadrought' emerging in the western US might be worse than any in 1,200 years

Fueled in part by human-caused climate change, a “megadrought” appears to be emerging in the western U.S., a study published Thursday suggests.

In fact, the nearly-20-year drought is almost as bad or worse than any in the past 1,200 years, scientists say.

Megadroughts – defined as intense droughts that last for decades or longer – once plagued the Desert Southwest. Thanks to global warming, an especially fierce one appears to be coming back:

"We now have enough observations of current drought and tree-ring records of past drought to say that we're on the same trajectory as the worst prehistoric droughts," said study lead author A. Park Williams, a bioclimatologist at Columbia University, in a statement. This is “a drought bigger than what modern society has seen."

Scientists say that about half of this historic drought can be blamed on man-made global warming. Some of the impacts today include shrinking reservoirs and worsening wildfire seasons.

Described in a comprehensive new study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, scientists now understand the causes of the megadroughts common during the medieval period. With climate change, they predict more megadroughts in the future.
"What’s new here is they are really putting the pieces together in a way that hasn’t been done before,” says Connie Woodhouse, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona who was uninvolved with the study.

A string of decade-long droughts occurred in the American Southwest during the medieval period, between 800 and 1600 CE. The researchers tied together previously existing theories about megadroughts to discover three main drivers.
Lead author Nathan Steiger, a climate scientist at Columbia University, says that the study was “exciting scientifically, but [the] consequences are not good” for a warming future.

Their analysis pinpoints three main factors causing megadroughts in the American Southwest: Cooling water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, warming water in the Atlantic Ocean, and something called radiative forcing. A novel part of this study, Steiger says, was “showing that radiative forcing is important too for causing these megadroughts.”
STOPIT ! Quasar hates rain. It's perfect out there

Williams looked at tree ring data from thousands of sites to conduct the research. The researchers sampled data collected from live trees, dead trees and wood beams preserved at Native American archeological sites. The tree rings gave Williams insight into drought events dating back to A.D. 800, around the time Charlemagne was being crowned emperor of Rome.

He identified four other megadroughts in that time period, the most notable being a 23-year drought that ended in the late 1500s. There were hopes during a wet 2019 that the current megadrought was following a similar pattern, Williams said.

"And then from summer 2020 through all of 2021, it was just exceptionally dry across the West ... indicating that this drought is nowhere near done."

So far in February — typically the wettest month of the year in California — a huge portion of the state has received no precipitation whatsoever. The rest of the month is expected to bring no relief. If that outlook holds up, the first two months of 2022 could wind up in the record books as the driest January and February in California history.

“There’s no precipitation forecast through the remainder of February. And there’s very little precipitation in the long-range forecast for March,” said Erik Ekdahl, a deputy director with California's Water Resources Control Board, speaking at a recent board meeting. “All this is pointing to, again, some pretty dire conditions statewide for drought.”

It is apparent you still didn't get the news that the Megadrought paper failed to make their case due to manipulating a trendline and using CHMIP6 models to support it.

Bad move.
I haven't seen a flake of snow since Xmas. 30 miles north of the California border.

I'm 120 miles north of the California border ... it's not supposed to snow here ... if you live where it snows, you know nothing about climate ...

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