Megan Kelly predicts Trump's pick for VP...Nikki Haley

If she's correct, will this secure a win for Trump? Or will it doom him? Would pro-Trumpers still vote for him?

I would but I don't see it happening.

I don't support Halley for the top spot either, but I don't understand the Trumpster's hate for her. My issue with her is I don't have confidence she realizes what she's getting into with the left. They are vicious and full of hate and if she were the candidate I can see her as another W who negotiates for eight years with the left and gives them one goodie bag after another, but got nothing in return ever. The Democrat's hate for Trump will just shift to whoever is next up.

I've heard accusations of her being a neocon and big defense, but I haven't heard anything she's actually done behind that. Do you have a clearer grasp of the issue with her?

Global Warming, homewrecker, dishonest....need I go on? Nothing but a typical DemonRat.
There’s nothing he’s done that could disqualify him.

He‘ll be on the ballot with either Scott or Vivek. More likely, Scott.
And you just may be right. Scott is expected to endorse Trump and is currently traveling with him. I am a fan of Scott myself. He just might be the perfect imperfect VP for Trump, in 2024.

The New York Times first reported the forthcoming endorsement, confirmed by “two people briefed on the matter.”

According to the report, Scott — who dropped out of the presidential race in November — is traveling with Trump to attend a rally in New Hampshire, days ahead of the state’s primary contest. The Times speculates that the endorsement could further discussions on potential running mates, as the former president has also developed a strong relationship with former presidential candidate Gov. Doug Burgum as well:

Mr. Trump has pursued Mr. Scott’s endorsement since the senator exited the race last year. His endorsement not only lifts Mr. Trump in New Hampshire, which hosts its primary on Tuesday, but also in South Carolina, the home state of one of Mr. Trump’s top remaining Republican rivals, Nikki Haley.

Trump has plus and minuses....So let's put a great big fucking MINUS on the team, in a perfect position to kneecap him at every turn.....


The true question is who doesn't have pluses and minuses that aren't democrats as they simply just have minuses.
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Noem flailed on the question of tranny freak men in women's sports.

Double nope.
Also, since this broke a few months ago: Married Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has engaged in a years-long affair with longtime Donald Trump adviser Corey Lewandowski, multiple sources told The Post Friday.

If she's correct, will this secure a win for Trump? Or will it doom him? Would pro-Trumpers still vote for him?

I would but I don't see it happening.
Don’t know, and don’t really care, I can stay home or go fishing again. #neverNimrata Not that it matters, Texas will carry for any GOP on the ballott.
Waffled and sputtered when Tucker put her on the spot a bout it.

Saw it in real time....It was embarrassing.

Yet Trump has come out repeatedly saying that he'll get males off of female sport teams because unlike her and the majority of the left he has common sense. As it shouldn't be difficult to say at all.
Haley would appeal to moderates, independents and the suburban moms who went for Biden in 2020. Trumps base wouldn’t abandon him over it and you need more than just your base to win a national election.
Scott could hurt Haley's hope in her home state even more than she already has.

Mr. Trump has pursued Mr. Scott’s endorsement since the senator exited the race last year. His endorsement not only lifts Mr. Trump in New Hampshire, which hosts its primary on Tuesday but also in South Carolina, the home state of one of Mr. Trump’s top remaining Republican rivals, Nikki Haley.
If she's correct, will this secure a win for Trump? Or will it doom him? Would pro-Trumpers still vote for him?

I would but I don't see it happening.

She wll be.
Beware accepting the wedge the Dems are trying to drive into the Republican Party. Haley has her critics (I'm one of them) and I prefer other by a lot but as I can't vote I have no horse in the race. But each candidate would be MUCH better than the current slop bucket and frankly Haley's POLICIES are not much different to Trumps or the others.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who appears to be winning increasing support among Republicans in the race for her party’s 2024 presidential nomination, is running on a fairly standard GOP tax and budget platform. But it includes important twists and some inconsistencies with her record as governor.

She backs big tax cuts for individuals and small businesses but opposes what she calls “corporate welfare.” She says she wants to balance the federal budget and lays out some general ideas for reducing Social Security benefits but has described few other specific spending cuts. And her unspecified tax cuts would make balancing the budget much more difficult.

"And her unspecified tax cuts would make balancing the budget much more difficult."

That's what "razor gangs" are for!!!

Beware accepting the wedge the Dems are trying to drive into the Republican Party. Haley has her critics (I'm one of them) and I prefer other by a lot but as I can't vote I have no horse in the race. But each candidate would be MUCH better than the current slop bucket and frankly Haley's POLICIES are not much different to Trumps or the others.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who appears to be winning increasing support among Republicans in the race for her party’s 2024 presidential nomination, is running on a fairly standard GOP tax and budget platform. But it includes important twists and some inconsistencies with her record as governor.

She backs big tax cuts for individuals and small businesses but opposes what she calls “corporate welfare.” She says she wants to balance the federal budget and lays out some general ideas for reducing Social Security benefits but has described few other specific spending cuts. And her unspecified tax cuts would make balancing the budget much more difficult.

"And her unspecified tax cuts would make balancing the budget much more difficult."

That's what "razor gangs" are for!!!

She is 100% a shill of corporations and rich people.

There won't be any surprises, here.

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