Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' By TEA Party.

McCain is just mad at Cruz for being RIGHT about the commie Obamacare cluster.

The Tea Party made hay over this and will come out even stronger


And each time they shut the government down, their approval rating drops a little more. If it continues, they will dip to the level of Congress itself...
McCain is just mad at Cruz for being RIGHT about the commie Obamacare cluster.

The Tea Party made hay over this and will come out even stronger


And each time they shut the government down, their approval rating drops a little more. If it continues, they will dip to the level of Congress itself...

I guess we will see next year. The ACA implosion is just starting. America is going to make someone pay.... Other then themselves

McCain is just mad at Cruz for being RIGHT about the commie Obamacare cluster.

The Tea Party made hay over this and will come out even stronger


And each time they shut the government down, their approval rating drops a little more. If it continues, they will dip to the level of Congress itself...

and your Dear leaders and Democrats approval keeps going up

oh wait, no it keeps going down too

tsk tsk

WSJ/NBC: For the first time, views of Obama are more unfavorable than favorable
posted at 8:01 pm on October 30, 2013 by Allahpundit

Lots of people, including NBC, are leading with the fact that his job approval is also at a new low (42/51), but that’s less interesting to me than his favorable rating. Of course his job approval’s in the tank. How could it not be? He’s tangled up in the NSA dragnet again, he’s still smarting (as is the GOP) from public bitterness about the shutdown, and he’s got a five-alarm political fire on his hands from the dual failures of and the “if you like your plan” fiasco. This isn’t even the worst approval rating he’s had in polling lately: YouGov pegged him at 44/54 and last week Fox News had him at 41/53. He’s lucky he’s not below 40 percent. Yet.

ALL of it here
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McCain is just mad at Cruz for being RIGHT about the commie Obamacare cluster.

The Tea Party made hay over this and will come out even stronger


Yes, a whole lot of people who already have insurance are upset that the website they don't need to log onto doesn't work well.


No.. the 2 million who no longer have insurance because as they found, Obama lied. Estimates are that over 10 million americans will lose their current insurance as a result of Obamacare

McCain is just mad at Cruz for being RIGHT about the commie Obamacare cluster.

The Tea Party made hay over this and will come out even stronger


Yes, a whole lot of people who already have insurance are upset that the website they don't need to log onto doesn't work well.


No.. the 2 million who no longer have insurance because as they found, Obama lied. Estimates are that over 10 million americans will lose their current insurance as a result of Obamacare


You mean they will lose barely adequate shitty insurance that was as much security as a jar of peanuts over their bed?

Frankly, I have to wonder just how shitty these policies had to be to NOT qualify, given the shitty, awful plan I have does.
Tea Party scares Dems. Big Time.

Take the other side of the coin.....Occupy Movement. Rebubs don't care, fear or even mention them.
Yes, a whole lot of people who already have insurance are upset that the website they don't need to log onto doesn't work well.


No.. the 2 million who no longer have insurance because as they found, Obama lied. Estimates are that over 10 million americans will lose their current insurance as a result of Obamacare


You mean they will lose barely adequate shitty insurance that was as much security as a jar of peanuts over their bed?

Frankly, I have to wonder just how shitty these policies had to be to NOT qualify, given the shitty, awful plan I have does.

why was it your or the governments business what policies people had? you all BITCH because supposedly all these people didn't have insurance and now when they are upset with getting them canceled and now have to buy policies that INCLUDE things they don't need covered in them, like maternity, you fascist control freaks bitch still and blame them for the policies they did have

you people are as twisted as Obama and his comrades in arms
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No.. the 2 million who no longer have insurance because as they found, Obama lied. Estimates are that over 10 million americans will lose their current insurance as a result of Obamacare


You mean they will lose barely adequate shitty insurance that was as much security as a jar of peanuts over their bed?

Frankly, I have to wonder just how shitty these policies had to be to NOT qualify, given the shitty, awful plan I have does.

why was it your or the governments business what policies people had? you all BITCH because supposedly all these people didn't have insurance and now when they are upset with getting them canceled and now have to buy policies that INCLUDE things they don't need covered in them, like maternity, you freaks bitch still


because the rest of us end up paying for it, dumbass.

This is kind of what you don't get. When an insurance company sells someone a shit policy and they get sick and find out they aren't covered, the rest of us with good insurance end up picking up the slack when hospitals and doctors write off those bad debts.

For the record, the folks on the left wanted to go to a single payer system like Canada has.

Nixon was the one who first suggested individal mandates and expanding private insurance to cover everyone. Then the Heritage foundation, and then Mitt Romney.

Obama went along with YOUR plan, and when it has problems, you bitch.

Yes, a whole lot of people who already have insurance are upset that the website they don't need to log onto doesn't work well.


No.. the 2 million who no longer have insurance because as they found, Obama lied. Estimates are that over 10 million americans will lose their current insurance as a result of Obamacare


You mean they will lose barely adequate shitty insurance that was as much security as a jar of peanuts over their bed?

Frankly, I have to wonder just how shitty these policies had to be to NOT qualify, given the shitty, awful plan I have does.

Qualify by what standards? Those from some dumb ass suits in a back room who don't know chit?

It was what the American could afford at the coverage THEY needed.

The sad thing is not just that McCain, a war hero and patriot feels alienated by the GOP craziness.

It is that even Reagan or Ike would not be welcome in the GOP today.

The inmates have taken over the asylum.

And I don't see it getting better any time soon.

Yes, the Great Reagan would be an outcast to the TP today. They would label him a RINO and a deficit King.

The Dems love this! They know that when an extreme candidate is pushed in the GOP primary and defeats the main stream republican, the TP person will lose in the general. It has happened and will continue to happen, because neither the TP or the GOP will admit reality.

Yeah and JFK would be ousted from the Democrat party today...He said the famous, ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country

so sorry to burst your all's bubble, but it's the Democrat party who has become the EXTEMIST filled with socialist/communist...hard to deal with I know , but bury your all heads in the sand might help
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What the poor little Meggie McCain doesn't know is the people in the Tea party could care less about her oponions or her traitor to the Republican party father

she's such a shallow spoiled little girl who believes she more Important than she is
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How sacred are you when you send Megan McCain out to speak for you and invoke your previous opponent and her defeated father ?

Pretty scared.
Yes, a whole lot of people who already have insurance are upset that the website they don't need to log onto doesn't work well.


No.. the 2 million who no longer have insurance because as they found, Obama lied. Estimates are that over 10 million americans will lose their current insurance as a result of Obamacare


You mean they will lose barely adequate shitty insurance that was as much security as a jar of peanuts over their bed?

Frankly, I have to wonder just how shitty these policies had to be to NOT qualify, given the shitty, awful plan I have does.

This is typical of liberal idiots such as yourself who think they know what insurance policy is better for us.

The policies you call shitty are ones people shopped around for and bought into because it fit their needs. A 67 year old single man doesn't need maternity coverage or pediatric coverage so why would he purchase a policy that included them?

You and your kind are the dumbest pieces of shits that has ever walked this earth.
How sacred are you when you send Megan McCain out to speak for you and invoke your previous opponent and her defeated father ?

Pretty scared.

megan speaks for herself.

And, yes, I am pretty scared when Anarchists almost crash the world economy and get our credit downgraded because they don't like the Negro in the White House.

race card alert :eek::eusa_hand:

got news for ya dipshit. the anarchists are the dems and progressive libtardians who currently control the WH and the senate (and the MSM). They are the ones who are destroying our economy and our culture.

It would not matter if Obama was as white as margaret thatcher, we do not oppose him because he is half black, we oppose him because of what he is doing to our country.
Awe. That's just terrible for the old GOP elitist Senator. To bad for him but the patriotic TEA Party isn't going anywhere. He needs to step down. Like Obama, he is just as corrupt.

Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Meghan said, “He is so depressed. He is so downtrodden. The way he’s talking about it, how he’s never seen it this bad in his 30-plus years in office.” She then complained about her father having to run “another dirty tea party election,” saying that the prospect of a primary challenge could encourage her father to drop out.


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