Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' By TEA Party.

Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Who can blame him?

It must indeed be very frustrating and depressing to want to pursue responsible governance yet be stopped by the ignorance and stupidity of the TPM.

The only one displaying ignorance and stupidity is you, by thinking about 20% of the congress has all that power, they can do nothing alone and you're not smart enough to figure that out.
Awe. That's just terrible for the old GOP elitist Senator. To bad for him but the patriotic TEA Party isn't going anywhere. He needs to step down. Like Obama, he is just as corrupt.


Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Meghan said, “He is so depressed. He is so downtrodden. The way he’s talking about it, how he’s never seen it this bad in his 30-plus years in office.” She then complained about her father having to run “another dirty tea party election,” saying that the prospect of a primary challenge could encourage her father to drop out.

Gee, McCain needs to understand how frustrated and depressed the people in this country are because of the stupid laws and policies coming out of Washington. His immigration reform will ensure that more Americans remain unemployed and he basically called it an unfortunate effect of the amnesty. What is unfortunate is that we have idiots who don't read bills and worry more about their re-elections than about the people they are supposed to serve.

McCain and the rest of the thugs in Washington don't need to whine to us about frustration and depression after the shit they've pulled on us.

The tea party wants our constitution upheld. If any politician has a problem with that, they are the one that needs to go.
Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Who can blame him?

It must indeed be very frustrating and depressing to want to pursue responsible governance yet be stopped by the ignorance and stupidity of the TPM.

McCain has created his own frustrations and depression by living a lie, a lie about being a Republican. He could easily eliminate his frustrations by being honest for once in his life and going to the party he really represents, the Democrat Party.

francoHFW in a drunken stupor sent chunks of oatmeal out of his mouth while stupidly stuttering: said:
80 per cent of the country sick of them, and yes they are going someplace, the garbage can of history- just a matter of time...

No room left in the garbage cans of history, they're full with Occupy Wall Street.
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The sad thing is not just that McCain, a war hero and patriot feels alienated by the GOP craziness.

It is that even Reagan or Ike would not be welcome in the GOP today.

The inmates have taken over the asylum.

And I don't see it getting better any time soon.
The sad thing is not just that McCain, a war hero and patriot feels alienated by the GOP craziness.

It is that even Reagan or Ike would not be welcome in the GOP today.

The inmates have taken over the asylum.

And I don't see it getting better any time soon.

perfect description of the obama white house. :eusa_whistle:
Awe. That's just terrible for the old GOP elitist Senator. To bad for him but the patriotic TEA Party isn't going anywhere. He needs to step down. Like Obama, he is just as corrupt.


Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Meghan said, “He is so depressed. He is so downtrodden. The way he’s talking about it, how he’s never seen it this bad in his 30-plus years in office.” She then complained about her father having to run “another dirty tea party election,” saying that the prospect of a primary challenge could encourage her father to drop out.

Is this a joke? Depressed? Really?

I think someone needs to get a grip.
If John McCain had had confidence in winning in his runs for the Presidency, he would have resigned his Senate seat, unconditionally.

He was defeated in the primary by George W. Bush in 2004. That should have signaled to him that he was utterly OBSOLETE.

Yet, he had the nerve to run again in 2008, knowing fully well that he could not possibly win against a candidate who was a historical first and who had a talent to read from a teleprompter and who could hold lessons for future used car salesmen how to bamboozle unsuspecting idiots to buy his crap.

Neither times this hero was heroic enough to put his political future on the line, by resigning his Senate seat. Neither has he learned that in everyone's life there comes a moment when stubbornly hanging onto the status quo represent not courage, but blind and egotistical stupidity.

I have no problem with Meaghan McCain running for a political office, with or without the support of her father. But I think that if a fossil like John McCain thinks that he can run forever, the law, similar to presidential term limits, is required for all elected political offices.
Government runs on compromise, which brainwashed ignorami can't understand...repealing the 20th century is just stupid and ignorant...

Can't believe my eyes: A post by francoHFW without "haters" and "repubs"!!!
He finally went into the field and the light took him!

I'm going to miss him.......well.......okay...I won't. Just sayin....:eusa_whistle:
No doubt John McCain is depressed by the tea party. He hasn't stood for American values for many years. I voted for John McCain, not because he particularly impressed me, but because I recognized obama as so bad, so evil, so destructive, that anyone would be preferable.
Awe. That's just terrible for the old GOP elitist Senator. To bad for him but the patriotic TEA Party isn't going anywhere. He needs to step down. Like Obama, he is just as corrupt.


Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Meghan said, “He is so depressed. He is so downtrodden. The way he’s talking about it, how he’s never seen it this bad in his 30-plus years in office.” She then complained about her father having to run “another dirty tea party election,” saying that the prospect of a primary challenge could encourage her father to drop out.

30 + years in office and the Tea Party has him down ? Man this woman is a tard.
Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Who can blame him?

It must indeed be very frustrating and depressing to want to pursue responsible governance yet be stopped by the ignorance and stupidity of the TPM.

is responsible governance what you would call, Obamafailnofail

three years to get it running

but I doubt a hack like you would call that, ignorance and stupidiy

you've become a obedient sheep, nothing more
Awe. That's just terrible for the old GOP elitist Senator. To bad for him but the patriotic TEA Party isn't going anywhere. He needs to step down. Like Obama, he is just as corrupt.


Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Meghan said, “He is so depressed. He is so downtrodden. The way he’s talking about it, how he’s never seen it this bad in his 30-plus years in office.” She then complained about her father having to run “another dirty tea party election,” saying that the prospect of a primary challenge could encourage her father to drop out.

30 + years in office and the Tea Party has him down ? Man this woman is a tard.

And so is her OBSOLETE and way past his best-before date (roughly 1970) father.

I'd like to slap her titties around and pee on her leg. She looks like fun.

On the issue of TEA and GOP, the left, if they really gave a shit about liberty and had any scruples whatsoever, would embrace the Tea Party, if for no other reason than the greatest hater of the TP, who has sworn to do all he can to destroy them, is the punk ass W bitch, Karl "melon head" Rove.

I have to admit, it's pretty cool to be the anti-establishment guy at the party. Nothing more fun than watching some douchebag go blank-faced after they make some snarky Tea-bag comment, only to get an earful from yours truly. The stupidity and ignorance out there is profound.
Has anyone (aside from me) noticed that Republicans have a habit of turning on their former leaders, presidents, presidential candidates, etc.

It happened with Bush Sr, Newt, Bush 43, McCain, Romney, and with a number of former Senators who were primaried. In fact, Mitch McConnell is now facing his own trial by fire.

So, what happens to this country when one of your guys actually gets to a point where he's ready to close a deal with the Democrats to solve a long-standing budget problem, and compromise is necessary to close the deal? What will he do if he has to weigh the interests of the country versus what's personally good for himself if he believes that rank and file Republicans won't support the compromise and will instead turn on him?

Do conservatives hate America SO much that you would collectively scuttle a deal if your representative didn't take an uncompromising attitude that would effectively prevent a deal from ever being reached?

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