Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' By TEA Party.

How sacred are you when you send Megan McCain out to speak for you and invoke your previous opponent and her defeated father ?

Pretty scared.

megan speaks for herself.

And, yes, I am pretty scared when Anarchists almost crash the world economy and get our credit downgraded because they don't like the Negro in the White House.

46 men and women in the House rule the world ?

I can see you trembling through my monitor.

We evoked the plan of our 2012 opponent yesterday while grasping for credibility and focus shift.....quick send out Megan McCain to speak for us.
You mean they will lose barely adequate shitty insurance that was as much security as a jar of peanuts over their bed?

Frankly, I have to wonder just how shitty these policies had to be to NOT qualify, given the shitty, awful plan I have does.

why was it your or the governments business what policies people had? you all BITCH because supposedly all these people didn't have insurance and now when they are upset with getting them canceled and now have to buy policies that INCLUDE things they don't need covered in them, like maternity, you freaks bitch still


because the rest of us end up paying for it, dumbass.

This is kind of what you don't get. When an insurance company sells someone a shit policy and they get sick and find out they aren't covered, the rest of us with good insurance end up picking up the slack when hospitals and doctors write off those bad debts.

For the record, the folks on the left wanted to go to a single payer system like Canada has.

Nixon was the one who first suggested individal mandates and expanding private insurance to cover everyone. Then the Heritage foundation, and then Mitt Romney.

Obama went along with YOUR plan, and when it has problems, you bitch.


omg, like WE THE PEOPLE don't pay for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc etc but now you bitch because you had to pay for other people's insurance polices it they weren't what you think they should are so full of shit with the've become nothing more but a government STOOGE
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It is up to democrats to decide for everyone which insurance policy is shitty! It doesn't matter whether or not the policy holder was happy with it. What do they know? They need to be taken care of better.
It is up to democrats to decide for everyone which insurance policy is shitty! It doesn't matter whether or not the policy holder was happy with it. What do they know? They need to be taken care of better.

welcome to north korea, comrade. the ruling elite will tell us how to live, what to eat, where to work, who to screw, what to wear, what temp to keep our homes at, what to drive, what to buy. they know all and we are too dumb to control our own lives.

and by the way, the ruling elite will live like kings and queens--------because they can.

I am amazed at the abject ignorance of about half of americans.
It is up to democrats to decide for everyone which insurance policy is shitty! It doesn't matter whether or not the policy holder was happy with it. What do they know? They need to be taken care of better.

yep, that's that fascist in their Dna...they are born with it
It is up to democrats to decide for everyone which insurance policy is shitty! It doesn't matter whether or not the policy holder was happy with it. What do they know? They need to be taken care of better.

welcome to north korea, comrade. the ruling elite will tell us how to live, what to eat, where to work, who to screw, what to wear, what temp to keep our homes at, what to drive, what to buy. they know all and we are too dumb to control our own lives.

and by the way, the ruling elite will live like kings and queens--------because they can.

I am amazed at the abject ignorance of about half of americans.

that's were we are headed with the citizens in this country today just buying all this now being FORCED on them...we are just about communist complete
Has anyone (aside from me) noticed that Republicans have a habit of turning on their former leaders, presidents, presidential candidates, etc.

It happened with Bush Sr, Newt, Bush 43, McCain, Romney, and with a number of former Senators who were primaried. In fact, Mitch McConnell is now facing his own trial by fire.

So, what happens to this country when one of your guys actually gets to a point where he's ready to close a deal with the Democrats to solve a long-standing budget problem, and compromise is necessary to close the deal? What will he do if he has to weigh the interests of the country versus what's personally good for himself if he believes that rank and file Republicans won't support the compromise and will instead turn on him?

Do conservatives hate America SO much that you would collectively scuttle a deal if your representative didn't take an uncompromising attitude that would effectively prevent a deal from ever being reached?

we do notice you democrats NEVER hold your hold your elected idiots responsible for anything...they can get blowjobs while cheating on their wife in the white house and you all still hail him as some HERO

you people like MASTERS hate America and the people in it if they don't bow to what you think they should

Well, I for one felt that a personal indiscretion was not a sufficient cause for Impeachment and driving a man from office after a national election returned him to the WH for a second time.

But let's visit YOUR high standards of governance, shall we? How did you feel about Reagan's scandal of arming both the Iranians and the Contras contrary to both US law, and clearly stated US policy, and diverting funds from the US Treasury in a shadow operation run from the basement of the WH by a rogue Marine Colonel who spent his time shredding documents to keep them away from the US Congress who he lied to under oath when he testified?

Any problem with that?

Yes I did, and Clinton wasn't almost impeached for a blow job, it was his repeated lying under oath.

I also have an issue with Frank running a prostitution ring, Kennedy killing someone, Berry smoking crack in office, then you have current Congressman Rangel. I have issues with Foley, Packwood and Delay. The difference is once the Republicans screw up, they disappear, the Democrats, like those mentioned above, were elected over and over in spite on their misdeeds.
Hell, Weiner would have been elected had he not screwed up during the election.
I've seen her show, Raising McCain, whoa, she is one foul mouthed bitch in real life!
Juan McCain needs to retire

He needs to be tried for treason, like so many others inside the beltway.

[ame=""]Marine calls for John McCain to be arrested and tried for treason at town hall meeting - YouTube[/ame]

I try to imagine what this country would be like if these uncompromising extremist conservatives ever took the reins of power in this country. If their rhetoric is an indication of how they would govern, living in America would turn into some kind of Orwellian nightmare.

This is typical of liberal idiots such as yourself who think they know what insurance policy is better for us.

The policies you call shitty are ones people shopped around for and bought into because it fit their needs. A 67 year old single man doesn't need maternity coverage or pediatric coverage so why would he purchase a policy that included them?

You and your kind are the dumbest pieces of shits that has ever walked this earth.

A 67 year old man can't get a woman pregnant?

Point was, most of these private plans really were shit. It's why the country had 25 million people with inadequate insurance on top of the 46 with NO insurance.
we do notice you democrats NEVER hold your hold your elected idiots responsible for anything...they can get blowjobs while cheating on their wife in the white house and you all still hail him as some HERO

you people like MASTERS hate America and the people in it if they don't bow to what you think they should

Well, I for one felt that a personal indiscretion was not a sufficient cause for Impeachment and driving a man from office after a national election returned him to the WH for a second time.

But let's visit YOUR high standards of governance, shall we? How did you feel about Reagan's scandal of arming both the Iranians and the Contras contrary to both US law, and clearly stated US policy, and diverting funds from the US Treasury in a shadow operation run from the basement of the WH by a rogue Marine Colonel who spent his time shredding documents to keep them away from the US Congress who he lied to under oath when he testified?

Any problem with that?

Yes I did, and Clinton wasn't almost impeached for a blow job, it was his repeated lying under oath.

I also have an issue with Frank running a prostitution ring, Kennedy killing someone, Berry smoking crack in office, then you have current Congressman Rangel. I have issues with Foley, Packwood and Delay. The difference is once the Republicans screw up, they disappear, the Democrats, like those mentioned above, were elected over and over in spite on their misdeeds.
Hell, Weiner would have been elected had he not screwed up during the election.

Did anyone else notice this in PG's post?
The difference is once the Republicans screw up, they disappear
Being blinkered is one thing...having your eyes firmly shut with your fingers in your ears is another.
Awe. That's just terrible for the old GOP elitist Senator. To bad for him but the patriotic TEA Party isn't going anywhere. He needs to step down. Like Obama, he is just as corrupt.


Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' by Tea Party

Meghan said, “He is so depressed. He is so downtrodden. The way he’s talking about it, how he’s never seen it this bad in his 30-plus years in office.” She then complained about her father having to run “another dirty tea party election,” saying that the prospect of a primary challenge could encourage her father to drop out.

I'm depressed a nobody like megan gets press....:doubt:
A senator who is frustrated and depressed needs to step down and retire. A senator who intentionally uses his daughter to portray a fake political scenario should be indicted.
I'm depressed that the GOP has driven out people like Dick Lugar, John McCain, Colin Powell, Arlen Specter- guys who have truly served this country even if you don't agree with their politics...

But you have plenty of room for batshit crazy characters like Cruz and Paul.

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