Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' By TEA Party.

Originality of thought or disagreement with the pack is brutally reacted against in the Republican party.
Mao Tse Tung would be impressed.

Or the people making up the party are sick and tired of the McCains of the world who never hesitate to make nice with everything the Dems try to push down the pike. It's hard to be the "Party of No" when the leaders of the party race each other to see who can tongue Obama's bung first and deepest.
The Republican Party faced a problem because of shifting demographics.

So they began marketing themselves to stupid people, e.g., people who know nothing about history or politics, and can't explain the conceptual difference between Marx & Keynes. These are morons who've never read Hayek's "Road To Serfdom" or Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom". These are people who've never even read "The Wealth of Nations", and who don't know that Smith favored protectionism and feared exactly the kind of rentier class that late capitalism has produced. The GOP marketed themselves to know-nothings, many of whom lacked even a minimal college education. How many people in the Tea Party know who Mosaddegh is or can describe the US relation with the Shaw or Reagan's relationship with Hussein? These are wildly under-educated people who feed upon banal cliches about how "Freedom is on the march", but they know nothing about geopolitics. Try to talk to these people about how the Cold War was used as a context to intervene in resource-rich parts of the developing world because it possessed ultra cheap raw material and labor . . . and you will draw a blank stare. These people have never studied the Cold War or economics; they get all their education from Talk Radio or the Rightwing blogosphere. In short the GOP created a voting coalition out of very naive people who don't have the analytical tools to question men like Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck.

But here's something the old Republican party didn't plan for. The stupid people not only came in the house, they came in and took over. Now the entire party is run by know nothings who clog the public debate with paranoid revanchist garbage.

(Every time the elite tries to bottom feed for votes this happens)
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Originality of thought or disagreement with the pack is brutally reacted against in the Republican party.
Mao Tse Tung would be impressed.

Or the people making up the party are sick and tired of the McCains of the world who never hesitate to make nice with everything the Dems try to push down the pike. It's hard to be the "Party of No" when the leaders of the party race each other to see who can tongue Obama's bung first and deepest.

The Party must be purified.
Juan McCain needs to retire

He needs to be tried for treason, like so many others inside the beltway.

[ame=""]Marine calls for John McCain to be arrested and tried for treason at town hall meeting - YouTube[/ame]

I try to imagine what this country would be like if these uncompromising extremist conservatives ever took the reins of power in this country. If their rhetoric is an indication of how they would govern, living in America would turn into some kind of Orwellian nightmare.


Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed
Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed
Originality of thought or disagreement with the pack is brutally reacted against in the Republican party.
Mao Tse Tung would be impressed.

Or the people making up the party are sick and tired of the McCains of the world who never hesitate to make nice with everything the Dems try to push down the pike. It's hard to be the "Party of No" when the leaders of the party race each other to see who can tongue Obama's bung first and deepest.

Bingo. John McCain has spent the vast majority of his time kissing the ass of every liberal democrat in office and never getting a damned thing in return.

Screw democrats. I want politicians who will kick democrats in the nuts at every turn. Then, when the assholes get off the floor, kick them in the nuts again.
Originality of thought or disagreement with the pack is brutally reacted against in the Republican party.
Mao Tse Tung would be impressed.

Or the people making up the party are sick and tired of the McCains of the world who never hesitate to make nice with everything the Dems try to push down the pike. It's hard to be the "Party of No" when the leaders of the party race each other to see who can tongue Obama's bung first and deepest.

Bingo. John McCain has spent the vast majority of his time kissing the ass of every liberal democrat in office and never getting a damned thing in return.

Screw democrats. I want politicians who will kick democrats in the nuts at every turn. Then, when the assholes get off the floor, kick them in the nuts again.

It truly is the Republicans' Cultural Revolution.

The Republican Party was done the minute they sold out to Obama. The only way the party ever comes back as a true opposition to liberalism i.e, communism, is through the Tea Party


Guy, the problem with that is, the GOP has no interest in rejecting liberalism.

They want to turn Social Security over to Wall Street, but they don't want to eliminate it.

Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed
Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed

This would be the SAME Ronald Reagan who

1) Gave Amnesty to 3 million Illegal Aliens. (Isn't this what you are mad at McCain for suggesting?)

2) Appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS (O'Conner and Kennedy).

3) Raised taxes after he had cut them. (The Tax reform act of 1986).

4) Traded Arms for Hostages.

5) Thought Saddam Hussein was an okay guy.

6) Thought Osama Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter".

7) Increased the National Debt from 900 Billion to 3 TRILLION.

8) Reformed Social Security by increasing taxes.

THAT Ronald Reagan. You mean that true blue conservative?

This is a guy who was a pragmatist and lived in the real world and would have seen Ted Cruz and Rand Paul as dangerous nuts.

Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed
Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed

This would be the SAME Ronald Reagan who

1) Gave Amnesty to 3 million Illegal Aliens. (Isn't this what you are mad at McCain for suggesting?)

2) Appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS (O'Conner and Kennedy).

3) Raised taxes after he had cut them. (The Tax reform act of 1986).

4) Traded Arms for Hostages.

5) Thought Saddam Hussein was an okay guy.

6) Thought Osama Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter".

7) Increased the National Debt from 900 Billion to 3 TRILLION.

8) Reformed Social Security by increasing taxes.

THAT Ronald Reagan. You mean that true blue conservative?

This is a guy who was a pragmatist and lived in the real world and would have seen Ted Cruz and Rand Paul as dangerous nuts.
Irrelevant the question was asked
I try to imagine what this country would be like if these uncompromising extremist conservatives ever took the reins of power in this country.
It was answered.
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Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed
Reagan Succeeded Where Obama Failed

This would be the SAME Ronald Reagan who

1) Gave Amnesty to 3 million Illegal Aliens. (Isn't this what you are mad at McCain for suggesting?)

2) Appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS (O'Conner and Kennedy).

3) Raised taxes after he had cut them. (The Tax reform act of 1986).

4) Traded Arms for Hostages.

5) Thought Saddam Hussein was an okay guy.

6) Thought Osama Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter".

7) Increased the National Debt from 900 Billion to 3 TRILLION.

8) Reformed Social Security by increasing taxes.

THAT Ronald Reagan. You mean that true blue conservative?

This is a guy who was a pragmatist and lived in the real world and would have seen Ted Cruz and Rand Paul as dangerous nuts.
Irrelevant the question was asked
I try to imagine what this country would be like if these uncompromising extremist conservatives ever took the reins of power in this country.
It was answered.

No, it wasn't.

Your implication was that Ronald Reagan was "uncomprimising" when he was exactly the oppossite of that.

He sat down with Tip O'Neill and made deals to get some of what he wanted.

And when he found out things he wanted didn't really work, such as Trickle Down Voodoo Economics don't work, he reversed himself.

In short, he actually is the opposite of your kind of republican. Pragamatic, comprimising, etc.
This would be the SAME Ronald Reagan who

1) Gave Amnesty to 3 million Illegal Aliens. (Isn't this what you are mad at McCain for suggesting?)

2) Appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS (O'Conner and Kennedy).

3) Raised taxes after he had cut them. (The Tax reform act of 1986).

4) Traded Arms for Hostages.

5) Thought Saddam Hussein was an okay guy.

6) Thought Osama Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter".

7) Increased the National Debt from 900 Billion to 3 TRILLION.

8) Reformed Social Security by increasing taxes.

THAT Ronald Reagan. You mean that true blue conservative?

This is a guy who was a pragmatist and lived in the real world and would have seen Ted Cruz and Rand Paul as dangerous nuts.
Irrelevant the question was asked
I try to imagine what this country would be like if these uncompromising extremist conservatives ever took the reins of power in this country.
It was answered.

No, it wasn't.

Your implication was that Ronald Reagan was "uncomprimising" when he was exactly the oppossite of that.

He sat down with Tip O'Neill and made deals to get some of what he wanted.

And when he found out things he wanted didn't really work, such as Trickle Down Voodoo Economics don't work, he reversed himself.

In short, he actually is the opposite of your kind of republican. Pragamatic, comprimising, etc.

Reagan In Name Only
This would be the SAME Ronald Reagan who

1) Gave Amnesty to 3 million Illegal Aliens. (Isn't this what you are mad at McCain for suggesting?)

2) Appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS (O'Conner and Kennedy).

3) Raised taxes after he had cut them. (The Tax reform act of 1986).

4) Traded Arms for Hostages.

5) Thought Saddam Hussein was an okay guy.

6) Thought Osama Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter".

7) Increased the National Debt from 900 Billion to 3 TRILLION.

8) Reformed Social Security by increasing taxes.

THAT Ronald Reagan. You mean that true blue conservative?

This is a guy who was a pragmatist and lived in the real world and would have seen Ted Cruz and Rand Paul as dangerous nuts.
Irrelevant the question was asked
I try to imagine what this country would be like if these uncompromising extremist conservatives ever took the reins of power in this country.
It was answered.

No, it wasn't.

Your implication was that Ronald Reagan was "uncomprimising" when he was exactly the oppossite of that.

He sat down with Tip O'Neill and made deals to get some of what he wanted.

And when he found out things he wanted didn't really work, such as Trickle Down Voodoo Economics don't work, he reversed himself.

In short, he actually is the opposite of your kind of republican. Pragamatic, comprimising, etc.

Dumb ass you don't get it? some of the shit obama is dishing out. Reagan would be deemed an extremist He would not compromise with such shit.
I'm depressed that the GOP has driven out people like Dick Lugar, John McCain, Colin Powell, Arlen Specter- guys who have truly served this country even if you don't agree with their politics...

But you have plenty of room for batshit crazy characters like Cruz and Paul.

I can respect someones service to the country while not agreeing, at all, with their current politics.

What kind of a dick says you must support them politically just because they served?
Well, here's the thing.

There's the real Reagan, a pragmatic politician who played the game, kept the nuts in line, and made deals.

And then there's Mythic Reagan, a guy who gave pretty speeches, "won" the Cold War, and never, ever comprimised his principles.

Only one of them was President from 1981 to 1989.
Irrelevant the question was asked
I try to imagine what this country would be like if these uncompromising extremist conservatives ever took the reins of power in this country.
It was answered.

No, it wasn't.

Your implication was that Ronald Reagan was "uncomprimising" when he was exactly the oppossite of that.

He sat down with Tip O'Neill and made deals to get some of what he wanted.

And when he found out things he wanted didn't really work, such as Trickle Down Voodoo Economics don't work, he reversed himself.

In short, he actually is the opposite of your kind of republican. Pragamatic, comprimising, etc.

Dumb ass you don't get it? some of the shit obama is dishing out. Reagan would be deemed an extremist He would not compromise with such shit.

Are you drunk this morning?

Frankly, Obama is about as much a centrist as Reagan was.

Let's take ObamaCare.

The idea that private insurance should be expanded was first proposed by - Richard Nixon.

Reagan made similiar proposals, but found himself blocked by Democrats who wanted Single Payer.

The Heritage Foundation proposed it.

Mitt Romney actually implemented it.

And then the Black Guy did it, and suddenly your "Free Market Alertnative" has become "EEEEEEEEK, Communism!!!!"
Well, here's the thing.

There's the real Reagan, a pragmatic politician who played the game, kept the nuts in line, and made deals.

And then there's Mythic Reagan, a guy who gave pretty speeches, "won" the Cold War, and never, ever comprimised his principles.

Only one of them was President from 1981 to 1989.

whut whut whut whut whut whut

What ever Reagan did worked for 30+ years what obama is doing has not.

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