Megyn Kelly Continues To Put Her Stupidity on Display


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.
^It's only about the media when they say what you want to hear.

Kelly's either finally grown a backbone, or the boys on the top floor sat her down and said "We want you to play the loyal opposition."

Be happy explain what that means to anyone who doesn't know.
^It's only about the media when they say what you want to hear..

I actually have a journalism degree, so I stand fully qualified to make the declaration that YOU ARE WRONG. I don't care if what I am told is NOT what I want to hear AS LONG AS IT IS THE TRUTH! today's journalists no longer REPORT the story and let the facts speak for themselves. Today's journalists try to MAKE the news, put their own spin on the news, omit the facts that do not support their agenda, etc. That is NOT journalism, and being 'old school' I highly resent that crap...from ANYONE!
6 of 14 rejected the new format .. Cruz included.

wasn't he one of the first to rail about debate mods ? now they have change and refuse it... LOL

re enter the RNC to handle the debates because the children can't get along by themselves... there's not a mod alive that can please these dolts.
"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.
It sounds to me that it was Cruz who said something stupid. But that's to be expected.
Wait, Cruz actually said he wanted only people who vote GOP to moderate?

And Meagan is a fool for asking how he would verify his own proposal?

Didn't say I agreed with him in any way, but I see where he is coming from, especially after CNBC. I would demand all moderators be Republicans, but I would insist they be PROFESSIONALS!

Let's be honest - ratings matter, and the media was more interested in feuds and ratings than really about serious issues. the media now knows the candidates don't give a rip about their ratings and are serious about discussing the issues. THAT is the best thing that has come out of this.
Voting records? Seriously? Seig Heil!

Where would you even get them to begin with?
Wait, Cruz actually said he wanted only people who vote GOP to moderate?

And Meagan is a fool for asking how he would verify his own proposal?

Didn't say I agreed with him in any way, but I see where he is coming from, especially after CNBC. I would demand all moderators be Republicans, but I would insist they be PROFESSIONALS!

Let's be honest - ratings matter, and the media was more interested in feuds and ratings than really about serious issues. the media now knows the candidates don't give a rip about their ratings and are serious about discussing the issues. THAT is the best thing that has come out of this.

Here's the full transcript.

What questions do you have trouble with?

Republican Debate: Read the Transcript of the CNBC Debate
Wait, Cruz actually said he wanted only people who vote GOP to moderate?

And Meagan is a fool for asking how he would verify his own proposal?


You need to learn to read between the lines.

Megyn implied far more than just that. She was trying to make his statement to be verbatim when it was clearly only lamenting when you get liberal agitators in there looking to make personal little squabbles be the prime show.

Pretty disgraceful how CNBC ran their show. But not unlike how CNN ran theirs, not unlike how fake Megyn Kelly attempted to make Trump look bad, and not unlike how Candy Crowley sucked up to Obama in his debate with Romney.

We get what Cruz was getting at. You need not try to pretend it was something else.
"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.
I don't really care about Megan Kelly......the whole Faux News scenario is right-leaning and fake.....but she wasn't taken to task by Trump....she was insulted by Trump. Obviously the uninformed Trump supporters think that is what happened.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

Bwahahaha....what weenies you have in the Republican party.....they claim they are going to take on China, Russia and Mexico, but they can't even handle CNBC? That is too funny. Maybe the Republican candidates should turn in the questions they want to be asked, then given time to memorize their responses....:biggrin:... it appears that conservatives are not concerned about electing someone that is qualified as President......they just want someone that is a bully, insults others and pushes people around. Then they can finish the job that Bush started, tanking the country.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.

What most of you are going to find out is that you may be able to control the RNC or the Faux News type media to ask the easy questions of their candidates, but when it comes to the General Election, they better be ready for the tough questions they are going to be asked. I think Trump and Carson will make fools of themselves then, and the GOP will have learned another valuable lesson.
Wait, Cruz actually said he wanted only people who vote GOP to moderate?

And Meagan is a fool for asking how he would verify his own proposal?

Didn't say I agreed with him in any way, but I see where he is coming from, especially after CNBC. I would demand all moderators be Republicans, but I would insist they be PROFESSIONALS!

Let's be honest - ratings matter, and the media was more interested in feuds and ratings than really about serious issues. the media now knows the candidates don't give a rip about their ratings and are serious about discussing the issues. THAT is the best thing that has come out of this.

Ok, but if he wants only people who voted GOP how is asking how he would verify that stupid?
Cruz noted that even though the debate was branded as an economic-policy forum, the moderators did not ask a single question about Obamacare.

I suppose he wanted to brag about voting YES to defund it 55 times ...

unsuccessfully ...


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