Megyn Kelly Continues To Put Her Stupidity on Display

^It's only about the media when they say what you want to hear..

I actually have a journalism degree, so I stand fully qualified to make the declaration that YOU ARE WRONG. I don't care if what I am told is NOT what I want to hear AS LONG AS IT IS THE TRUTH!

So which outlet do you watch other than FOX?

(P.S. Putting THE TRUTH! in upper case doesn't make it any truthier.)
So journalists have to produce papers now?

How Germany, 1933..
Repub candidates want softball questions from people like themselves.

That just proves they're a bunch of weenies who shouldn't even be running for President. Some Republican candidates, that are not at the top, are telling them like it is....I don't care about Christie or Fiborina, but at least they have shown they are not weenies like T-Chump and Carson.

Washington (CNN)Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina dismissed concerns from their Republican opponents about the debate format Monday, but South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said the candidates need to have a say as Republicans look for a path forward after Wednesday's debate.

Christie said Monday that while the moderators of the last GOP presidential debate did a poor job, he and his fellow Republican candidates should not get to control the debate format.

Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina dismiss Republican debate concerns -
I don't care if what I am told is NOT what I want to hear AS LONG AS IT IS THE TRUTH!

Except you deny the truth. T-Chump insulted Megan Kelly with his nasty comment and you see it as him putting her in her place. Women are a big voting bloc.....we don't take that kind of crap from men and many women have taken notice that T-Chump is sexist. So, don't delude yourself that you don't care what you are like to hear what you want to hear, and that is that T-Chump is electable. That is not truth.......he doesn't know shit or shinola about running a country, all he does is insult and bully. But, you'll find out soon enough.
So journalists have to produce papers now?

How Germany, 1933..

Journalists are not moderating debates, hacks from the Democratic party's propaganda ministry are. Kelly is no journalist she's a damn lawyer.

well then, that explains her professional career since 2002 ... journalist.

Journalists have a professional code of conduct, show me one self described journalist who's adhering to it.
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.
I would demand all moderators be Republicans, but I would insist they be PROFESSIONALS!

That's really hypocritical, considering we aren't demanding that of our candidates.

They want to look good for the primaries...........wait till their wannabe candidate makes it to the general election....are they going to demand that the questions be given to them ahead of time so they can check Wikipedia for the answers? Bwahahaha.....that is too funny that these supporters can't see them for what they are.
Repub candidates want softball questions from people like themselves.

No, we only wish liberals like you were smart enough to understand the nature and facts behind an argument. Or at least recognize the irony in your last comment.
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"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.
She thinks she was successful in destroying Trump over Rosie O'Donnell, the fat, foul-mouthed lesbo, that Kelly was sticking up for, that thinks good looking women like Ms Kelly, are stupid crack-whores.

Megan Kelly lost my trust. What she did was unforgivable. She got a boost in ratings, but when you betray your viewers, you find out what the Dixie Chick's had to find out....the hard way. If you have no integrity, conservative viewership will crater. Once the liberals stop watching her, she's toast.
So journalists have to produce papers now?

How Germany, 1933..

Journalists are not moderating debates, hacks from the Democratic party's propaganda ministry are. Kelly is no journalist she's a damn lawyer.

well then, that explains her professional career since 2002 ... journalist.

Journalists have a professional code of conduct, show me one self described journalist who's adhering to it.
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.

The few real journalists left with an ounce of integrity are on record being embarrassed by all these hacks.
The left have confused hosting a roast with moderating a debate, well not really they know exactly what they are doing and why.
So journalists have to produce papers now?

How Germany, 1933..

Journalists are not moderating debates, hacks from the Democratic party's propaganda ministry are. Kelly is no journalist she's a damn lawyer.

well then, that explains her professional career since 2002 ... journalist.

Journalists have a professional code of conduct, show me one self described journalist who's adhering to it.
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.

The few real journalists left with an ounce of integrity are on record being embarrassed by all these hacks.

Whom do you consider a real journalist?
Journalists are not moderating debates, hacks from the Democratic party's propaganda ministry are. Kelly is no journalist she's a damn lawyer.

well then, that explains her professional career since 2002 ... journalist.

Journalists have a professional code of conduct, show me one self described journalist who's adhering to it.
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.

The few real journalists left with an ounce of integrity are on record being embarrassed by all these hacks.

Whom do you consider a real journalist?

Not these three clowns

"Panties in a wad"? The post belongs in the media forum but everything is political to the left. There is little or no real content in the post , it's just another display of animosity by the sissie left toward real women.
well then, that explains her professional career since 2002 ... journalist.

Journalists have a professional code of conduct, show me one self described journalist who's adhering to it.
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.

The few real journalists left with an ounce of integrity are on record being embarrassed by all these hacks.

Whom do you consider a real journalist?

Not these three clowns

That does not answer the question. It's the cowardly way Republicans answer just about every question.

Q: How would you deal with ISIS?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama is doing!

Q: How would you deal with Iran?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama did!

Answering without answering.
I like Kellys' new haircut, but she needs a boob job despite admitting that her husband calls her tits 'Killer B's'.........
there's not a journalist alive that can satisfy the RW loons.

but I repeat myself.
there's not a journalist alive that can satisfy the RW loons.

but I repeat myself.

Folks, meet the new head of the Dept. of Redundancy..........(if appointed by Obama, will someday have to take the '5th'....).
Journalists have a professional code of conduct, show me one self described journalist who's adhering to it.
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.

The few real journalists left with an ounce of integrity are on record being embarrassed by all these hacks.

Whom do you consider a real journalist?

Not these three clowns

That does not answer the question. It's the cowardly way Republicans answer just about every question.

Q: How would you deal with ISIS?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama is doing!

Q: How would you deal with Iran?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama did!

Answering without answering.

Q: Do you think Obama sucks?

A: YES, I do.

Q: Do you think Obama is a socialist?

A: YES I do

Q: Do you think Obama tripled the deficit ?

A: YES I do.

(end of debate) Audience gives standing ovation to debate mods !!!!!
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.

The few real journalists left with an ounce of integrity are on record being embarrassed by all these hacks.

Whom do you consider a real journalist?

Not these three clowns

That does not answer the question. It's the cowardly way Republicans answer just about every question.

Q: How would you deal with ISIS?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama is doing!

Q: How would you deal with Iran?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama did!

Answering without answering.

Q: Do you think Obama sucks?

A: YES, I do.

Q: Do you think Obama is a socialist?

A: YES I do

Q: Do you think Obama tripled the deficit ?

A: YES I do.

(end of debate) Audience gives standing ovation to debate mods !!!!!

Dem Moderator: Hillary isn't it true that in Nov 2014 it was determined that your shit doesn't stink?

Hillary: (awkward faked laugh) Why yes that is true.

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