Megyn Kelly Continues To Put Her Stupidity on Display

Repub candidates want softball questions from people like themselves.

No, we only wish liberals like you were smart enough to understand the nature and facts behind an argument. Or at least recognize the irony in your last comment.

I really don't appreciate you quoting me with something that I didn't post. I did not make that statement that you are quoting me with. It's against the rules to change someone's post and obviously you have done that because I didn't say that.
She got a boost in ratings, but when you betray your viewers, you find out what the Dixie Chick's had to find out....the hard way. If you have no integrity, conservative viewership will crater. Once the liberals stop watching her, she's toast.

That's what lemmings do....they follow like blind fools. And, it turns out the Dixie Chicks were right, what a loser Bush turned out to be. And, so much for the Republican/conservatives loving and adhering to the Constitution...what about the First Amendment - Free Speech? You all talk a good game about Patriotism and defending the Constitution, but in action y'all's word is crap.

And, I doubt that Megan Kelly will be hurt for exposing T-Chump for what he is...a sexist pig, because from this article, Ailes is on Kelly's side......of course, you can't trust Ailes, he's a money hungry pig himself, and T-Chump brings in the viewers with his circus act each time, which means more money for his fake news station.

Fox News boss Roger Ailes backs Megyn Kelly: ‘Donald Trump rarely apologizes’ — but he should
She got a boost in ratings, but when you betray your viewers, you find out what the Dixie Chick's had to find out....the hard way. If you have no integrity, conservative viewership will crater. Once the liberals stop watching her, she's toast.

That's what lemmings do....they follow like blind fools. And, it turns out the Dixie Chicks were right, what a loser Bush turned out to be. And, so much for the Republican/conservatives loving and adhering to the Constitution...what about the First Amendment - Free Speech? You all talk a good game about Patriotism and defending the Constitution, but in action y'all's word is crap.

And, I doubt that Megan Kelly will be hurt for exposing T-Chump for what he is...a sexist pig, because from this article, Ailes is on Kelly's side......of course, you can't trust Ailes, he's a money hungry pig himself, and T-Chump brings in the viewers with his circus act each time, which means more money for his fake news station.

Fox News boss Roger Ailes backs Megyn Kelly: ‘Donald Trump rarely apologizes’ — but he should

Roger Ailes has a long history with Trump. My guess is he gave Megyn Kelly the green light to attack Trump. Funny how you all of the sudden think Fox News is the cat's meow. I would think you'd like to appear more consistent with respect to Faux News, instead of jumping on their bandwagon over something as stupid as this. After all of these years calling them liars, but in this one thing, they're being honest. Right???? Phfffffft.

FYI Trump isn't a sexist pig. But the women on The View are. They said stuff that was 100 times worse than anything Trump said.....calling beauty contestants on Trump's pageants crack-whores and saying that Carli Fiorina's smile makes her look demented. Personally I think the women on the View need to have their mouths washed out with soap. Trump simply doesn't take shit off of anyone, especially when they're extremely rude.....which seems to be a normal thing in NYC....especially when it comes to liberals like the girls on The View.

Oh, and It's clear your idea of what is a sexist pig is totally based on your choice of political ideology.
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Repub candidates want softball questions from people like themselves.

No, we only wish liberals like you were smart enough to understand the nature and facts behind an argument. Or at least recognize the irony in your last comment.

I really don't appreciate you quoting me with something that I didn't post. I did not make that statement that you are quoting me with. It's against the rules to change someone's post and obviously you have done that because I didn't say that.

Well it was deleted so I cannot respond to you. I have no idea what I attributed to you that was not you? No clue whatsoever?

My apologies if I did, but I am quite sure it was an honest mistake on my part. If I only knew what it was.
"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.

Fox's vixens (get it hehe) aren't hired for their brains. They're hired because they don't mind dyeing their hair blonde and sitting on the ends of tables where the camera can show their nice legs. They're set dressing.
Let me clue you guys in.

If the right wing viewers actually wanted politicians of substance and a real debate, Donald Trump wouldn't be where he is today.

Think on that for a while.
Yet another of a long series of false stereotypes that liberals like to spread and are now getting a massive backlash over.

The left figures out what nasty trait they can use to ridicule a Republican with.....and regardless of the fact that none of their (Democrat) candidates has any redeeming qualities, they push this false stereotype till it becomes real in the minds of voters. It's called Availability Cascades. Using the corrupt media, Democrats are able to brainwash people into thinking something that is total BS. It's a favorite tactic Democrats use. They create an issue based on lies, repeat it over and over until it seems to be common knowledge. This technique was used on several issues like the following:

  1. Income inequality
  2. Same-sex marriage
  3. Being against illegal immigration is racist
  4. #Blacklivesmatter/ Cops are murderers/ America is a racist country
  5. Glowbull Warming
  6. Universal Health Care/ Affordable Health Care
  7. A video caused Benghazi
  8. Al Qaeda is on the run
  9. The Ozone Hole over the poles
  10. Bush lied, people died
  11. The Iraq War resulted in terrible casualties (4000 compared to the Vietnam War 52.0000 or The Korean War 178,000 or WWII 400,000) The U.S.S.R. had the most die (20,000,000) during WWII.....something the left doesn't like to talk about.

The truly ironic aspect of this is Donald Trump is more real and more genuine than anything the Democrats have produced in the last 20 years, including the compulsive liars they keep trying to convince us to vote for like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Barack Obama, and now Hillary Clinton.
She has had one too many nose jobs and that Chris Angel style haircut looks terrible. She is almost entering MSNBC transgender territory.
Fox's vixens (get it hehe) aren't hired for their brains. They're hired because they don't mind dyeing their hair blonde and sitting on the ends of tables where the camera can show their nice legs. They're set dressing.

And still they sound so much more intelligent, insightful, eloquent than that phony you voted for twice. Which does not say anything necessarily great about the blondes, but only causes enormous consternation about the one who is allegedly our leader. An inexplicable catastrophe.
Repub candidates want softball questions from people like themselves.

No, we only wish liberals like you were smart enough to understand the nature and facts behind an argument. Or at least recognize the irony in your last comment.

I really don't appreciate you quoting me with something that I didn't post. I did not make that statement that you are quoting me with. It's against the rules to change someone's post and obviously you have done that because I didn't say that.

Well it was deleted so I cannot respond to you. I have no idea what I attributed to you that was not you? No clue whatsoever?

My apologies if I did, but I am quite sure it was an honest mistake on my part. If I only knew what it was.
I highlighted it for you and made it bigger.........and how can you make an honest mistake like that? When you hit reply to someone's post, it picks up what they said, not what someone else said.
"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.

Yeah how dare she ask him tough questions, who the fuck does she think she is , a journalist? :rolleyes:
She got a boost in ratings, but when you betray your viewers, you find out what the Dixie Chick's had to find out....the hard way. If you have no integrity, conservative viewership will crater. Once the liberals stop watching her, she's toast.

That's what lemmings do....they follow like blind fools. And, it turns out the Dixie Chicks were right, what a loser Bush turned out to be. And, so much for the Republican/conservatives loving and adhering to the Constitution...what about the First Amendment - Free Speech? You all talk a good game about Patriotism and defending the Constitution, but in action y'all's word is crap.

And, I doubt that Megan Kelly will be hurt for exposing T-Chump for what he is...a sexist pig, because from this article, Ailes is on Kelly's side......of course, you can't trust Ailes, he's a money hungry pig himself, and T-Chump brings in the viewers with his circus act each time, which means more money for his fake news station.

Fox News boss Roger Ailes backs Megyn Kelly: ‘Donald Trump rarely apologizes’ — but he should

Roger Ailes has a long history with Trump. My guess is he gave Megyn Kelly the green light to attack Trump. Funny how you all of the sudden think Fox News is the cat's meow. I would think you'd like to appear more consistent with respect to Faux News, instead of jumping on their bandwagon over something as stupid as this. After all of these years calling them liars, but in this one thing, they're being honest. Right???? Phfffffft.

So, you think my calling Faux News "his fake news station" means I think Faux News is the cat's meow? No wonder you're confused about your candidate's ability. And, we only call them liars when they lie.......but most of you conservatives can differentiate a lie from the truth and are only dumping your once "hero" Kelly because you are in love with another dummy - T-Chump.

FYI Trump isn't a sexist pig. But the women on The View are. They said stuff that was 100 times worse than anything Trump said.....calling beauty contestants on Trump's pageants crack-whores and saying that Carli Fiorina's smile makes her look demented.
See, this is where I think most conservatives are really wet behind the ears. The women on the view are not running for President. I know that is going to be hard for you to figure out, but try to ponder on that.

Personally I think the women on the View need to have their mouths washed out with soap. Trump simply doesn't take shit off of anyone, especially when they're extremely rude.....which seems to be a normal thing in NYC....especially when it comes to liberals like the girls on The View.
I could compare the women on The View with Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Balkin, and you would not have a leg to stand on, but none of them are running for President, although most conservative are so inane, they would probably elect any one of those. The position makes a difference.....but it's beyond what conservatives can comprehend.

Oh, and It's clear your idea of what is a sexist pig is totally based on your choice of political ideology.
No, it is based on what comes out of their mouth. You can't see T-Chump as a sexist pig because you think the same way he does........I pity those of the opposite sex that have anything to do with you.
And still they sound so much more intelligent, insightful, eloquent than that phony you voted for twice.

Really? Of course they do - to the conservative masses.......after all, they think McCarthy with his "Hillary is not trustable" comment is a genius and Sarah Palin with her "refudiate" comment must be much like Shakespeare......:laugh:
I highlighted it for you and made it bigger.........and how can you make an honest mistake like that? When you hit reply to someone's post, it picks up what they said, not what someone else said.

Well thank you once again. But just to put an end to this.

Obviously, I did not hit the REPLY button or it would have gone to the one who said that, “Dot Com.” Ok? Secondly, you were all over those same pages making very similar remarks, like, “republicans are weenies” or the like. It is entirely possible I was reading multiple posts at once and then I took DotCom’s phrase and copied it into a reponse to you. I got confused who I was quoting. Ok?

The long and short of all this is “Big Deal” IMO. I apologized for an honest mistake that was anything but scandalous. Especially given the fact you seem to be of that opinion anyway.

Now if you want to remain unconvinced and thinking I tried to create some calumny or lies, be my guest. I think it is much adieu about nothing.
She got a boost in ratings, but when you betray your viewers, you find out what the Dixie Chick's had to find out....the hard way. If you have no integrity, conservative viewership will crater. Once the liberals stop watching her, she's toast.

That's what lemmings do....they follow like blind fools. And, it turns out the Dixie Chicks were right, what a loser Bush turned out to be. And, so much for the Republican/conservatives loving and adhering to the Constitution...what about the First Amendment - Free Speech? You all talk a good game about Patriotism and defending the Constitution, but in action y'all's word is crap.

And, I doubt that Megan Kelly will be hurt for exposing T-Chump for what he is...a sexist pig, because from this article, Ailes is on Kelly's side......of course, you can't trust Ailes, he's a money hungry pig himself, and T-Chump brings in the viewers with his circus act each time, which means more money for his fake news station.

Fox News boss Roger Ailes backs Megyn Kelly: ‘Donald Trump rarely apologizes’ — but he should

Roger Ailes has a long history with Trump. My guess is he gave Megyn Kelly the green light to attack Trump. Funny how you all of the sudden think Fox News is the cat's meow. I would think you'd like to appear more consistent with respect to Faux News, instead of jumping on their bandwagon over something as stupid as this. After all of these years calling them liars, but in this one thing, they're being honest. Right???? Phfffffft.

So, you think my calling Faux News "his fake news station" means I think Faux News is the cat's meow? No wonder you're confused about your candidate's ability. And, we only call them liars when they lie.......but most of you conservatives can differentiate a lie from the truth and are only dumping your once "hero" Kelly because you are in love with another dummy - T-Chump.

FYI Trump isn't a sexist pig. But the women on The View are. They said stuff that was 100 times worse than anything Trump said.....calling beauty contestants on Trump's pageants crack-whores and saying that Carli Fiorina's smile makes her look demented.
See, this is where I think most conservatives are really wet behind the ears. The women on the view are not running for President. I know that is going to be hard for you to figure out, but try to ponder on that.

Personally I think the women on the View need to have their mouths washed out with soap. Trump simply doesn't take shit off of anyone, especially when they're extremely rude.....which seems to be a normal thing in NYC....especially when it comes to liberals like the girls on The View.
I could compare the women on The View with Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Balkin, and you would not have a leg to stand on, but none of them are running for President, although most conservative are so inane, they would probably elect any one of those. The position makes a difference.....but it's beyond what conservatives can comprehend.

Oh, and It's clear your idea of what is a sexist pig is totally based on your choice of political ideology.
No, it is based on what comes out of their mouth. You can't see T-Chump as a sexist pig because you think the same way he does........I pity those of the opposite sex that have anything to do with you.
My, what a homophobe you are. To assume that I would only be interested in members of the opposite sex. Simply shows that despite your rhetoric, your bigotry shines thru loud and clear.

I've been married for almost 38 years and I have no interest in anyone other than my wife, and she feels even more strongly about Ms Megyn than it do. She hates her with a passion. She knows she pulled a dirty underhanded trick on him.

Oh, and btw......

You think that just because they aren't running for president they don't have any standards of conduct to adhere to. That's total bs and you know it.

And ask any female here and I would be willing to bet they will say my conduct is extremely nonsexist and beyond reproach. I treat women with the respect they deserve....but if in the few cases where they don't deserve any...I'm at least fair.
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And still they sound so much more intelligent, insightful, eloquent than that phony you voted for twice.

Really? Of course they do - to the conservative masses.......after all, they think McCarthy with his "Hillary is not trustable" comment is a genius and Sarah Palin with her "refudiate" comment must be much like Shakespeare......:laugh:
I am still waiting for you to say something impressive or even sensible.

Of course, you have already made it clear you are betrothed to Obama and Hillary. Only someone who stands to gain financially from that arrangement would ever have a case for voting for either of those two phonies. Or maybe you are not a believer of God, or care what He thinks, and so whatever immoral positions the liberals back and push makes no difference to you? Maybe that would explain these leftists "intellects" being so dedicated to all the wrong causes, (abortion, gay marriage, weak defense, sucking up to Islam, anti-cops, open borders, anti-Israel, screwing up the morality of public school kids, and so on.)
I don't really care about Megan Kelly......the whole Faux News scenario is right-leaning and fake.....but she wasn't taken to task by Trump....she was insulted by Trump. Obviously the uninformed Trump supporters think that is what happened.
Wrong. Trump was insulted by Megyn Kelly’s cheap games, and by Fox News in general trying tacky ways to bring him down. Here was the first question of the night – tacky.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

BAIER: Gentlemen, we know how much you love hand-raising questions. So we promise, this is the only one tonight: the only one. Is there anyone on stage, and can I see hands, who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican party and pledge to not run an independent campaign against that person. Again, we’re looking for you to raise your hand now — raise your hand now if you won’t make that pledge tonight.

(Donald Trump only one to raise his hand.) (BOOING)

BAIER: Mr. Trump to be clear, you’re standing on a Republican primary debate stage.

TRUMP: I fully understand.

Now here are three of Megyn Kelly’s “journalistic” and “fair” questions --- the kind directed at Donald Trump only!

Question #1.
KELLY: Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don’t use a politician’s filter. However, that is not without its downsides, in particular, when it comes to women. You’ve called women you don’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” (LAUGHTER)

TRUMP: Only Rosie O’Donnell. (LAUGHTER)

KELLY: No, it wasn’t. (APPLAUSE) Your Twitter account…

TRUMP: Thank you.

KELLY: For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O’Donnell.

TRUMP: Yes, I’m sure it was.

KELLY: Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. (APPLAUSE) I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either... And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes it’s fun, it’s kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry. I’ve been very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you have treated me. But I wouldn’t do that.

Question #2.
KELLY: Mr. Trump, in 1999, you said you were, quote, “very pro- choice.” Even supporting partial-birth abortion. You favored an assault weapons ban as well. In 2004, you said in most cases you identified as a Democrat. Even in this campaign, your critics say you often sound more like a Democrat than a Republican, calling several of your opponents on the stage things like clowns and puppets. When did you actually become a Republican?

TRUMP: I don’t think they like me very much. I’ll tell you what. I’ve evolved on many issues over the years. And you know who else has? Is Ronald Reagan evolved on many issues.

Question #3.
KELLY: Governor Bush, I want to ask you, on the subject of name calling of your fellow candidates, a story appeared today quoting an anonymous GOP donor who said you called Mr. Trump a clown, a buffoon, something else that cannot be repeated on television.

BUSH: None of which is true.

KELLY: Is it true?

BUSH: No. It’s not true. But I have said that Mr. Trump’s language is divisive.

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There you have it. Megyn Kelly had an agenda, or her producers did, to embarrass Trump. Not find out what his positions are on the most important issues facing this nation --- embarrass him! I guess Fox News is not above the deceptive and childish ways the other networks go about it. And Megyn Kelly is a drag.

It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.

On the second question, Hillary Clinton was asked by Cooper about her changing positions, and she didn't get her panties in a wad like T-Chump.

As for the question that was asked of Jeb Bush......several sources claim he made the comment. Why is he so brave to call T-Chump that behind his back but not to his face? And what kind of language is that for a wannabe "President"?

Well, it's clear that T-Chump's supporters are the blue-collar, uninformed masses of the GOP, so it's no surprise they think he's wonderful and would welcome the idea of a crass, sexist and ignoramus for President.
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....
And still they sound so much more intelligent, insightful, eloquent than that phony you voted for twice.

Really? Of course they do - to the conservative masses.......after all, they think McCarthy with his "Hillary is not trustable" comment is a genius and Sarah Palin with her "refudiate" comment must be much like Shakespeare......:laugh:
I am still waiting for you to say something impressive or even sensible.
Aren't you one of T-Chump's'll never be able to figure out when something is impressive or sensible, your capabilities are already limited. I bet you didn't pick up that there are no such words your "eloquent" wannabe leaders uttered!

Of course, you have already made it clear you are betrothed to Obama and Hillary. Only someone who stands to gain financially from that arrangement would ever have a case for voting for either of those two phonies. Or maybe you are not a believer of God, or care what He thinks, and so whatever immoral positions the liberals back and push makes no difference to you? Maybe that would explain these leftists "intellects" being so dedicated to all the wrong causes, (abortion, gay marriage, weak defense, sucking up to Islam, anti-cops, open borders, anti-Israel, screwing up the morality of public school kids, and so on.)

Don't preach your morality to me.......I'm not a psuedo Christian, that's for sure. And if you think that demeaning people (like conservatives do on a regular basis to the gay community) is what was demanded by Jesus, you might want to go read the Bible. You cherish a fertilized egg and want to call it a person, but support the party that doesn't mind cutting food to precious children and poor families. You think it is fine for a woman that is raped and impregnated by a monster carry the fetus to term, so you can then deny it healthcare and food. You think your values are so "Godly" - yet, for the sake of more money you are willing to support someone that would tear families apart because their only hope of survival was to come to America. You probably think that Jesus carried an Uzi to protect himself from those Muslims you conservatives seem to love to hate.

So, don't preach morality to me until you are able to explain how Jesus condones what the Republican party stands for.
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.
I don't really care about Megan Kelly......the whole Faux News scenario is right-leaning and fake.....but she wasn't taken to task by Trump....she was insulted by Trump. Obviously the uninformed Trump supporters think that is what happened.
Wrong. Trump was insulted by Megyn Kelly’s cheap games, and by Fox News in general trying tacky ways to bring him down. Here was the first question of the night – tacky.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

BAIER: Gentlemen, we know how much you love hand-raising questions. So we promise, this is the only one tonight: the only one. Is there anyone on stage, and can I see hands, who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican party and pledge to not run an independent campaign against that person. Again, we’re looking for you to raise your hand now — raise your hand now if you won’t make that pledge tonight.

(Donald Trump only one to raise his hand.) (BOOING)

BAIER: Mr. Trump to be clear, you’re standing on a Republican primary debate stage.

TRUMP: I fully understand.

Now here are three of Megyn Kelly’s “journalistic” and “fair” questions --- the kind directed at Donald Trump only!

Question #1.
KELLY: Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don’t use a politician’s filter. However, that is not without its downsides, in particular, when it comes to women. You’ve called women you don’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” (LAUGHTER)

TRUMP: Only Rosie O’Donnell. (LAUGHTER)

KELLY: No, it wasn’t. (APPLAUSE) Your Twitter account…

TRUMP: Thank you.

KELLY: For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O’Donnell.

TRUMP: Yes, I’m sure it was.

KELLY: Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. (APPLAUSE) I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either... And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes it’s fun, it’s kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry. I’ve been very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you have treated me. But I wouldn’t do that.

Question #2.
KELLY: Mr. Trump, in 1999, you said you were, quote, “very pro- choice.” Even supporting partial-birth abortion. You favored an assault weapons ban as well. In 2004, you said in most cases you identified as a Democrat. Even in this campaign, your critics say you often sound more like a Democrat than a Republican, calling several of your opponents on the stage things like clowns and puppets. When did you actually become a Republican?

TRUMP: I don’t think they like me very much. I’ll tell you what. I’ve evolved on many issues over the years. And you know who else has? Is Ronald Reagan evolved on many issues.

Question #3.
KELLY: Governor Bush, I want to ask you, on the subject of name calling of your fellow candidates, a story appeared today quoting an anonymous GOP donor who said you called Mr. Trump a clown, a buffoon, something else that cannot be repeated on television.

BUSH: None of which is true.

KELLY: Is it true?

BUSH: No. It’s not true. But I have said that Mr. Trump’s language is divisive.

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There you have it. Megyn Kelly had an agenda, or her producers did, to embarrass Trump. Not find out what his positions are on the most important issues facing this nation --- embarrass him! I guess Fox News is not above the deceptive and childish ways the other networks go about it. And Megyn Kelly is a drag.

It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.

On the second question, Hillary Clinton was asked by Cooper about her changing positions, and she didn't get her panties in a wad like T-Chump.

As for the question that was asked of Jeb Bush......several sources claim he made the comment. Why is he so brave to call T-Chump that behind his back but not to his face? And what kind of language is that for a wannabe "President"?

Well, it's clear that T-Chump's supporters are the blue-collar, uninformed masses of the GOP, so it's no surprise they think he's wonderful and would welcome the idea of a crass, sexist and ignoramus for President.
It's one thing to be accused of flip - flopping .....and quite another to be accused of sexism and being a terrible person. Flip - flopping is a normal question.

The question about Hillary changing her positions was a setup for her to show how open-minded she is Anderson Cooper, according to this article. Anderson Cooper Confronts Hillary on Flip-Flops at Debate: ‘Will You Say Anything to Get Elected?’ Anderson Cooper was satisfied with her explanation.

She was not challenge or rudely interrupted in the middle of her explanation as where the Republicans, during the debate. We were supposed to take her answer at face value and not question it.
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