Megyn Kelly Continues To Put Her Stupidity on Display

^It's only about the media when they say what you want to hear..

I actually have a journalism degree, so I stand fully qualified to make the declaration that YOU ARE WRONG. I don't care if what I am told is NOT what I want to hear AS LONG AS IT IS THE TRUTH! today's journalists no longer REPORT the story and let the facts speak for themselves. Today's journalists try to MAKE the news, put their own spin on the news, omit the facts that do not support their agenda, etc. That is NOT journalism, and being 'old school' I highly resent that crap...from ANYONE!

Great article!

I have always maintained that there is not a single problem in this country that would not be solved quickly if we had an honest, aggressive, and diligent press. If we had that, everything else that is worthwhile and fair would follow. Joseph Pulitzer understood the awesome power of the press:

"There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy. Get these things out in the open, describe them, attack them, ridicule them in the press, and sooner or later public opinion will sweep them away. Publicity may not be the only thing that is needed, but it is the one thing without which all other agencies will fail."

“Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together," Pulitzer wrote. "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.”

Joseph Pulitzer

Pulitzer was right; as the press goes, so goes the country. Unfortunately, when the press withholds or distorts the news in favor of a personal political agenda, they become an enemy more dangerous by far than any foreign threat could ever be.
"Bwahahaha....what weenies you have in the Republican party.....they claim they are going to take on China, Russia and Mexico, but they can't even handle CNBC?"

I love how Liberals have to 're-write history' to fit their narrative. The Candidates DID handle the CNBC moderators. They took them to task for their lack of professionalism and extreme partisanship, and they proved they won't sit back and take the Liberal media's crap.

They also showed the rest of the Liberal media, beginning with NBC, that they refuse to 'play their game'. This is about a Presidential election and the debates are supposed to be about serious discussion on America's real issues. It is not about THEIR ratings. It is not about THEIR profit Margin. They will not put up with an agenda that consists of egging on the candidates to fight with each other for higher ratings.

The Liberal media is just pissed that they have lost a debate or two, and thus the ratings and money that go with it, that the GOP would not be manipulated into fighting each other but instead only succeeded in unifying the GOP candidates, if only for a little while. These candidates showed they REFUSE to be manipulated, bullied, and taken advantage of the way China, Russia, Iran, etc has done to / with Obama!

The TRUTH is the candidates did a really good job of handling CNBC and the Liberals. This doesn't fit their agenda, so the author of the 'Lie of the Year' and the Liberal media are forced to spin it another way instead of accepting they just got 'served'.
^It's only about the media when they say what you want to hear.

Kelly's either finally grown a backbone, or the boys on the top floor sat her down and said "We want you to play the loyal opposition."

Be happy explain what that means to anyone who doesn't know.
Don't you actually have to find out what the candidates views are before opposing them......
It's funny. A year ago the Gnu Right was fawning and drooling over Megyn Kelly's journalistic props. Now she hurts Trump's feelings and she's a RINO. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Memories like that of a goldfish, boys and girls. Like goldfish.
Cruz: Everyone needs to be a member to attend!
Kelly: Yeah, lets check to be sure
Cruz: Dont be stupid Kelly
The Donald has a pattern of using sexist misogynist language towards women. Kelly called him on it, and asked if that history wasn't going to hurt the gop when the dems accuse the gop of having a war on women. And the Donald said she must be on the rag. And people don't have a problem with that.

THAT surprises me. Not that an outsider leads in the gop polling at this point.
How about instead of trying to find Republican or Democrat debate moderators we focus on trying to find honest ones?
"Bwahahaha....what weenies you have in the Republican party.....they claim they are going to take on China, Russia and Mexico, but they can't even handle CNBC?"

I love how Liberals have to 're-write history' to fit their narrative. The Candidates DID handle the CNBC moderators. They took them to task for their lack of professionalism and extreme partisanship, and they proved they won't sit back and take the Liberal media's crap.
No, they didn't. They whined right in the middle of the debate and they whined after the debate demanding that they be asked "easy" questions.....maybe they need time to research Wikipedia for the answers?

They also showed the rest of the Liberal media, beginning with NBC, that they refuse to 'play their game'. This is about a Presidential election and the debates are supposed to be about serious discussion on America's real issues. It is not about THEIR ratings. It is not about THEIR profit Margin. They will not put up with an agenda that consists of egging on the candidates to fight with each other for higher ratings.
They weren't being egged to fight with each other, they started that on their for Hillary,
that's bullshit. Hillary was asked tough questions. Trump is a weenie who doesn't know anything about being President and can't answer the tough questions. Deal with it. Hillary was asked tough questions at the debate and at the farce of a Republican Benghazi hearing....and she didn't whine like the Republican weenies. And she proved that she is tough under scrutiny.
You can't be President if you are going to whine and cry like a baby about questions being asked at a debate.

Anderson Cooper drops a hammer on Donald Trump after being accused of going easy on Hillary Clinton

The Liberal media is just pissed that they have lost a debate or two, and thus the ratings and money that go with it, that the GOP would not be manipulated into fighting each other but instead only succeeded in unifying the GOP candidates, if only for a little while. These candidates showed they REFUSE to be manipulated, bullied, and taken advantage of the way China, Russia, Iran, etc has done to / with Obama!
The Republican candidates can't handle the questions because they are truly not qualified to be President. It's too bad there are so many moronic people that think because they claim they are going to do this and that, that they are qualified. Just pay attention....if they whine because CNBC didn't ask them easy questions, imagine how they are going to meltdown when they have to face Putin or some other country's dignitaries that won't be catering to their demands. They'll make the country look worse than it did when GW Bush was President.

Bwahaha....they haven't had a chance to be manipulated or bullied by China or Russia....and if they whine over CNBC, I don't think they'll be able to handle China or Russia.

The TRUTH is the candidates did a really good job of handling CNBC and the Liberals. This doesn't fit their agenda, so the author of the 'Lie of the Year' and the Liberal media are forced to spin it another way instead of accepting they just got 'served'.
If you think "whining" and "bellyaching" is a good job.....then I guess they did a good job. Let's face it, if they can't handle a news media, how are they going to handle tough countries like Russia and China? I don't think they can.
Let me clue you guys in.

If the right wing viewers actually wanted politicians of substance and a real debate, Donald Trump wouldn't be where he is today.

Think on that for a while.
Cruz is a piece of shit...I've voted republican for all the time I've been allowed to vote under law, but because of this whiny piece of shit i probably won't this coming election.

Everyone has a right to have a say within our nation and this little worm should just stfu!!!
Let me clue you guys in.

If the right wing viewers actually wanted politicians of substance and a real debate, Donald Trump wouldn't be where he is today.

Think on that for a while.
Exactly, and I think the complaint from some candidates (and not Kasich or Jeb and maybe even Rubio) isn't exactly that the moderators are dems, it's that they're asked questions, and then followup questions when the moderators consider their answers fanciful or mathematically challenged. The voters want to see immigration solved without legal status, the budget balanced with no new revenues and no cuts to "their" entitlements, Obamacare repealed, etc ....
Why are Republicans so afraid of liberals, anyway?
We are also afraid of ISIS and the devil.

Does not mean we should do nothing about it.

Well, therein lies your need to talk to some of your Christian shouldn't be afraid of anyone.

Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
So journalists have to produce papers now?

How Germany, 1933..
Repub candidates want softball questions from people like themselves.

Honestly, that would be worse for the republicans as the people would hear what they really think. They really do want to take ssi away from granny, they really do want to cut our science programs, they really do want to spend a lot more on our military and they really do want what a lot of the media has been warning about for decades.

I think it is good for democrats for the republicans to speak their feelings to the public.
So journalists have to produce papers now?

How Germany, 1933..

Journalists are not moderating debates, hacks from the Democratic party's propaganda ministry are. Kelly is no journalist she's a damn lawyer.

well then, that explains her professional career since 2002 ... journalist.

Journalists have a professional code of conduct, show me one self described journalist who's adhering to it.

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