Megyn Kelly Continues To Put Her Stupidity on Display

And still they sound so much more intelligent, insightful, eloquent than that phony you voted for twice.

Really? Of course they do - to the conservative masses.......after all, they think McCarthy with his "Hillary is not trustable" comment is a genius and Sarah Palin with her "refudiate" comment must be much like Shakespeare......:laugh:
I am still waiting for you to say something impressive or even sensible.
Aren't you one of T-Chump's'll never be able to figure out when something is impressive or sensible, your capabilities are already limited. I bet you didn't pick up that there are no such words your "eloquent" wannabe leaders uttered!

Of course, you have already made it clear you are betrothed to Obama and Hillary. Only someone who stands to gain financially from that arrangement would ever have a case for voting for either of those two phonies. Or maybe you are not a believer of God, or care what He thinks, and so whatever immoral positions the liberals back and push makes no difference to you? Maybe that would explain these leftists "intellects" being so dedicated to all the wrong causes, (abortion, gay marriage, weak defense, sucking up to Islam, anti-cops, open borders, anti-Israel, screwing up the morality of public school kids, and so on.)

Don't preach your morality to me.......I'm not a psuedo Christian, that's for sure. And if you think that demeaning people (like conservatives do on a regular basis to the gay community) is what was demanded by Jesus, you might want to go read the Bible. You cherish a fertilized egg and want to call it a person, but support the party that doesn't mind cutting food to precious children and poor families. You think it is fine for a woman that is raped and impregnated by a monster carry the fetus to term, so you can then deny it healthcare and food. You think your values are so "Godly" - yet, for the sake of more money you are willing to support someone that would tear families apart because their only hope of survival was to come to America. You probably think that Jesus carried an Uzi to protect himself from those Muslims you conservatives seem to love to hate.

So, don't preach morality to me until you are able to explain how Jesus condones what the Republican party stands for.

>>Aren't you one of T-Chump's'll never be able to figure out when something is impressive or sensible, your capabilities are already limited. I bet you didn't pick up that there are no such words your "eloquent" wannabe leaders uttered!<<
You are such a little child. You are so desperate to find fault you will focus on minutia and pretend it defines the whole person in profound ways. Well if so, then how can you possibly ignore the ridiculous phrases or declarations that come out of Barack’s mouth?

>>Don't preach your morality to me.......I'm not a psuedo Christian, that's for sure.<<
You are pseudo something, IMO.

>>And if you think that demeaning people (like conservatives do on a regular basis to the gay community) is what was demanded by Jesus, you might want to go read the Bible. <<
This is B.S. but I do not think you are capable of calmly understanding why.

>>You cherish a fertilized egg and want to call it a person, but support the party that doesn't mind cutting food to precious children and poor families. <<
This is stupid once again. And, no, you are not a Christian when it comes to understanding life, that is becoming clearer.

>>You think it is fine for a woman that is raped and impregnated by a monster carry the fetus to term, so you can then deny it healthcare and food. <<
This is stupid, once again. Incidentally, there are thousands and thousands of couples in the USA on waiting lists who would gladly take this child as their own. But you and your “altruistic and charitable” way of thinking would rather that child be taken out in the womb. Yes, do keep impressing me with your godly ways.

>>You think your values are so "Godly" - yet, for the sake of more money you are willing to support someone that would tear families apart because their only hope of survival was to come to America.<<
Am I in conversation with a 14 year old bravado raging know-it-all? Is there any point in my trying to remonstrate with you? I will answer that… “No.”

>>You probably think that Jesus carried an Uzi to protect himself from those Muslims you conservatives seem to love to hate.<<
Yes, you are an obama sycophant. You do not care how many Middle Eastern innocents are slaughtered, you surely do not care how many M.E. Christians are slaughtered or driven away. To you 9/11 was an anomaly and nothing like that is anything we should worry about in this country or spend any money on. You would rather spend a trillion on green jobs and phony green companies and other waste of resources. But the military? Ha! And Israel? Screw them! And why not introduce another asinine “cash for clunkers” program obama where you allow well off people to get many thousands for their cars and then you destroy those cars so no one can pollute our air. How nice. Meanwhile in the paper every week are veterans or the mentally challenged or other needy organizations begging for our old vehicles so they can use them to generate some very needy funds for their survival. Yes, another “brilliant” liberal idiot idea we pay for.

>>So, don't preach morality to me until you are able to explain how Jesus condones what the Republican party stands for.<<
You have demonstrated not the slightest idea, whatsoever, that you understand who Jesus is or how you should act or behave if in fact you did believe in Him. I find you to be a real embarrassment and I do not mind telling you.

The real embarrassment is you and the rest of the psuedo Christians, who claim to love the Constitution and what it represents while trying to shred it. You and the rest of the psuedo Christians in the Republican party are the ones that don't understand Jesus and have created a new and improved, conservative version of him that fits right along with your greedy policies and feigned love for your fellow man.

You all claim that helping the poor makes them dependent.....Jesus helped the poor and gave free medical help and never in his 3 year ministry did he ever tell anyone that helping the poor would make them dependent. You all whine about paying taxes and all your candidates talk about is lowering taxes (but not for the rich) while Jesus encouraged his disciples to pay their taxes and also warned them about making sure they weren't paying honor to the rich and mistreating the poor.

You all need to be ashamed yourselves.
You had better go back and read the bible, your way off.
So journalists have to produce papers now?

How Germany, 1933..
Repub candidates want softball questions from people like themselves.

Honestly, that would be worse for the republicans as the people would hear what they really think. They really do want to take ssi away from granny, they really do want to cut our science programs, they really do want to spend a lot more on our military and they really do want what a lot of the media has been warning about for decades.

I think it is good for democrats for the republicans to speak their feelings to the public.

You need to get your terms straight. Granny is usually not on SSI, which is not funded by the Social Security Trust fund.
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Voting records? Seriously? Seig Heil!

Where would you even get them to begin with?
Is there a record being kept of how I have voted?

why yes there is... every time you vote a magical voter fraud republican fairy writes down your name and address and sends it to Cruz .. you haven't heard ?
I find it extremely disturbing that a candidate for the Presidency of the United States is suggesting there is any excuse what so ever that anyone, particularly a political party or the government, has a right to question an American citizen about how they have voted in the past or plan to vote in the future.

Has anyone posted the exact quote or we all acting like libs?
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:
Don't be inane.....if he had done that before he was elected he wouldn't have been elected.....but you're proving that Republican conservatives are hypocrites, because they make a big todo about Clinton and just give the rest of their sexist pigs like T-Chump Sanford, Ensign, Craig, Vitter, and others a pass and even re-elect some of them to other positions of power.

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record

It's not his many marriages that make T-Chump a sexist pig, it's the way he treats women, but alas, we know that Republican/conservative women like to be treated like Stepford wives.....they thrive on being walked on all over by the men.......they go along with their policies to make women second class citizens. Hooray for you.

and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
Don't know who you might be alluding to.....the only politician I've ever heard killed his ex-wife was Republican State Representative from Kentucky, Steve Nunn.....but T-Chump is rather vengeful....hope his wife doesn't double-cross him, he just might.

Here's a list of the cheaters......they are from both parties although it seems there are more Republicans, the ones who tout "Family Values"! :eek:

Politicians Who Cheated

It was not his wife, but an ex-fiancee'.
NightFox said:
Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
Don't know who you might be alluding to.....the only politician I've ever heard killed his ex-wife was Republican State Representative from Kentucky, Steve Nunn.....but T-Chump is rather vengeful....hope his wife doesn't double-cross him, he just might.

Read what I posted, I was "alluding" to Henry VIII (aka Henry Tudor aka Henry the Eighth, by the Grace of God, King of England, France and Lord of Ireland) ever heard of him and what he did to two of his six wives Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard ? go look him up and maybe you'll get the joke.

I know the story about Henry the Viii.......but you were talking about Bill Clinton earlier....I thought maybe conservatives had some bs story about some Democratic president killing his ex-wife......turns out there was a Republican politician that did just that! And why go back into antiquity to make a could have just said he was trying to break Rush Limbaugh's record.

Who would that be?
And still they sound so much more intelligent, insightful, eloquent than that phony you voted for twice.

Really? Of course they do - to the conservative masses.......after all, they think McCarthy with his "Hillary is not trustable" comment is a genius and Sarah Palin with her "refudiate" comment must be much like Shakespeare......:laugh:
I am still waiting for you to say something impressive or even sensible.
Aren't you one of T-Chump's'll never be able to figure out when something is impressive or sensible, your capabilities are already limited. I bet you didn't pick up that there are no such words your "eloquent" wannabe leaders uttered!

Of course, you have already made it clear you are betrothed to Obama and Hillary. Only someone who stands to gain financially from that arrangement would ever have a case for voting for either of those two phonies. Or maybe you are not a believer of God, or care what He thinks, and so whatever immoral positions the liberals back and push makes no difference to you? Maybe that would explain these leftists "intellects" being so dedicated to all the wrong causes, (abortion, gay marriage, weak defense, sucking up to Islam, anti-cops, open borders, anti-Israel, screwing up the morality of public school kids, and so on.)

Don't preach your morality to me.......I'm not a psuedo Christian, that's for sure. And if you think that demeaning people (like conservatives do on a regular basis to the gay community) is what was demanded by Jesus, you might want to go read the Bible. You cherish a fertilized egg and want to call it a person, but support the party that doesn't mind cutting food to precious children and poor families. You think it is fine for a woman that is raped and impregnated by a monster carry the fetus to term, so you can then deny it healthcare and food. You think your values are so "Godly" - yet, for the sake of more money you are willing to support someone that would tear families apart because their only hope of survival was to come to America. You probably think that Jesus carried an Uzi to protect himself from those Muslims you conservatives seem to love to hate.

So, don't preach morality to me until you are able to explain how Jesus condones what the Republican party stands for.

>>Aren't you one of T-Chump's'll never be able to figure out when something is impressive or sensible, your capabilities are already limited. I bet you didn't pick up that there are no such words your "eloquent" wannabe leaders uttered!<<
You are such a little child. You are so desperate to find fault you will focus on minutia and pretend it defines the whole person in profound ways. Well if so, then how can you possibly ignore the ridiculous phrases or declarations that come out of Barack’s mouth?

>>Don't preach your morality to me.......I'm not a psuedo Christian, that's for sure.<<
You are pseudo something, IMO.

>>And if you think that demeaning people (like conservatives do on a regular basis to the gay community) is what was demanded by Jesus, you might want to go read the Bible. <<
This is B.S. but I do not think you are capable of calmly understanding why.

>>You cherish a fertilized egg and want to call it a person, but support the party that doesn't mind cutting food to precious children and poor families. <<
This is stupid once again. And, no, you are not a Christian when it comes to understanding life, that is becoming clearer.

>>You think it is fine for a woman that is raped and impregnated by a monster carry the fetus to term, so you can then deny it healthcare and food. <<
This is stupid, once again. Incidentally, there are thousands and thousands of couples in the USA on waiting lists who would gladly take this child as their own. But you and your “altruistic and charitable” way of thinking would rather that child be taken out in the womb. Yes, do keep impressing me with your godly ways.

>>You think your values are so "Godly" - yet, for the sake of more money you are willing to support someone that would tear families apart because their only hope of survival was to come to America.<<
Am I in conversation with a 14 year old bravado raging know-it-all? Is there any point in my trying to remonstrate with you? I will answer that… “No.”

>>You probably think that Jesus carried an Uzi to protect himself from those Muslims you conservatives seem to love to hate.<<
Yes, you are an obama sycophant. You do not care how many Middle Eastern innocents are slaughtered, you surely do not care how many M.E. Christians are slaughtered or driven away. To you 9/11 was an anomaly and nothing like that is anything we should worry about in this country or spend any money on. You would rather spend a trillion on green jobs and phony green companies and other waste of resources. But the military? Ha! And Israel? Screw them! And why not introduce another asinine “cash for clunkers” program obama where you allow well off people to get many thousands for their cars and then you destroy those cars so no one can pollute our air. How nice. Meanwhile in the paper every week are veterans or the mentally challenged or other needy organizations begging for our old vehicles so they can use them to generate some very needy funds for their survival. Yes, another “brilliant” liberal idiot idea we pay for.

>>So, don't preach morality to me until you are able to explain how Jesus condones what the Republican party stands for.<<
You have demonstrated not the slightest idea, whatsoever, that you understand who Jesus is or how you should act or behave if in fact you did believe in Him. I find you to be a real embarrassment and I do not mind telling you.

The real embarrassment is you and the rest of the psuedo Christians, who claim to love the Constitution and what it represents while trying to shred it. You and the rest of the psuedo Christians in the Republican party are the ones that don't understand Jesus and have created a new and improved, conservative version of him that fits right along with your greedy policies and feigned love for your fellow man.

You all claim that helping the poor makes them dependent.....Jesus helped the poor and gave free medical help and never in his 3 year ministry did he ever tell anyone that helping the poor would make them dependent. You all whine about paying taxes and all your candidates talk about is lowering taxes (but not for the rich) while Jesus encouraged his disciples to pay their taxes and also warned them about making sure they weren't paying honor to the rich and mistreating the poor.

You all need to be ashamed yourselves.

Did Jesus tell everyone to pay their taxes to him so he could decide which poor to help?
Really? Of course they do - to the conservative masses.......after all, they think McCarthy with his "Hillary is not trustable" comment is a genius and Sarah Palin with her "refudiate" comment must be much like Shakespeare......:laugh:
I am still waiting for you to say something impressive or even sensible.
Aren't you one of T-Chump's'll never be able to figure out when something is impressive or sensible, your capabilities are already limited. I bet you didn't pick up that there are no such words your "eloquent" wannabe leaders uttered!

Of course, you have already made it clear you are betrothed to Obama and Hillary. Only someone who stands to gain financially from that arrangement would ever have a case for voting for either of those two phonies. Or maybe you are not a believer of God, or care what He thinks, and so whatever immoral positions the liberals back and push makes no difference to you? Maybe that would explain these leftists "intellects" being so dedicated to all the wrong causes, (abortion, gay marriage, weak defense, sucking up to Islam, anti-cops, open borders, anti-Israel, screwing up the morality of public school kids, and so on.)

Don't preach your morality to me.......I'm not a psuedo Christian, that's for sure. And if you think that demeaning people (like conservatives do on a regular basis to the gay community) is what was demanded by Jesus, you might want to go read the Bible. You cherish a fertilized egg and want to call it a person, but support the party that doesn't mind cutting food to precious children and poor families. You think it is fine for a woman that is raped and impregnated by a monster carry the fetus to term, so you can then deny it healthcare and food. You think your values are so "Godly" - yet, for the sake of more money you are willing to support someone that would tear families apart because their only hope of survival was to come to America. You probably think that Jesus carried an Uzi to protect himself from those Muslims you conservatives seem to love to hate.

So, don't preach morality to me until you are able to explain how Jesus condones what the Republican party stands for.

>>Aren't you one of T-Chump's'll never be able to figure out when something is impressive or sensible, your capabilities are already limited. I bet you didn't pick up that there are no such words your "eloquent" wannabe leaders uttered!<<
You are such a little child. You are so desperate to find fault you will focus on minutia and pretend it defines the whole person in profound ways. Well if so, then how can you possibly ignore the ridiculous phrases or declarations that come out of Barack’s mouth?

>>Don't preach your morality to me.......I'm not a psuedo Christian, that's for sure.<<
You are pseudo something, IMO.

>>And if you think that demeaning people (like conservatives do on a regular basis to the gay community) is what was demanded by Jesus, you might want to go read the Bible. <<
This is B.S. but I do not think you are capable of calmly understanding why.

>>You cherish a fertilized egg and want to call it a person, but support the party that doesn't mind cutting food to precious children and poor families. <<
This is stupid once again. And, no, you are not a Christian when it comes to understanding life, that is becoming clearer.

>>You think it is fine for a woman that is raped and impregnated by a monster carry the fetus to term, so you can then deny it healthcare and food. <<
This is stupid, once again. Incidentally, there are thousands and thousands of couples in the USA on waiting lists who would gladly take this child as their own. But you and your “altruistic and charitable” way of thinking would rather that child be taken out in the womb. Yes, do keep impressing me with your godly ways.

>>You think your values are so "Godly" - yet, for the sake of more money you are willing to support someone that would tear families apart because their only hope of survival was to come to America.<<
Am I in conversation with a 14 year old bravado raging know-it-all? Is there any point in my trying to remonstrate with you? I will answer that… “No.”

>>You probably think that Jesus carried an Uzi to protect himself from those Muslims you conservatives seem to love to hate.<<
Yes, you are an obama sycophant. You do not care how many Middle Eastern innocents are slaughtered, you surely do not care how many M.E. Christians are slaughtered or driven away. To you 9/11 was an anomaly and nothing like that is anything we should worry about in this country or spend any money on. You would rather spend a trillion on green jobs and phony green companies and other waste of resources. But the military? Ha! And Israel? Screw them! And why not introduce another asinine “cash for clunkers” program obama where you allow well off people to get many thousands for their cars and then you destroy those cars so no one can pollute our air. How nice. Meanwhile in the paper every week are veterans or the mentally challenged or other needy organizations begging for our old vehicles so they can use them to generate some very needy funds for their survival. Yes, another “brilliant” liberal idiot idea we pay for.

>>So, don't preach morality to me until you are able to explain how Jesus condones what the Republican party stands for.<<
You have demonstrated not the slightest idea, whatsoever, that you understand who Jesus is or how you should act or behave if in fact you did believe in Him. I find you to be a real embarrassment and I do not mind telling you.

The real embarrassment is you and the rest of the psuedo Christians, who claim to love the Constitution and what it represents while trying to shred it. You and the rest of the psuedo Christians in the Republican party are the ones that don't understand Jesus and have created a new and improved, conservative version of him that fits right along with your greedy policies and feigned love for your fellow man.

You all claim that helping the poor makes them dependent.....Jesus helped the poor and gave free medical help and never in his 3 year ministry did he ever tell anyone that helping the poor would make them dependent. You all whine about paying taxes and all your candidates talk about is lowering taxes (but not for the rich) while Jesus encouraged his disciples to pay their taxes and also warned them about making sure they weren't paying honor to the rich and mistreating the poor.

You all need to be ashamed yourselves.

Did Jesus tell everyone to pay their taxes to him so he could decide which poor to help?
According to progressives God needs money... Lol
"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.
rw civil war on megyn Kelly still going on? Delicious :eusa_drool:
Wait, Cruz actually said he wanted only people who vote GOP to moderate?

And Meagan is a fool for asking how he would verify his own proposal?


You need to learn to read between the lines.

Megyn implied far more than just that. She was trying to make his statement to be verbatim when it was clearly only lamenting when you get liberal agitators in there looking to make personal little squabbles be the prime show.

Pretty disgraceful how CNBC ran their show. But not unlike how CNN ran theirs, not unlike how fake Megyn Kelly attempted to make Trump look bad, and not unlike how Candy Crowley sucked up to Obama in his debate with Romney.

We get what Cruz was getting at. You need not try to pretend it was something else.

Leftists love to pretend they're mysterious and inscrutable, and that it's impossible to suss out their biases.
Cruz: Everyone needs to be a member to attend!
Kelly: Yeah, lets check to be sure
Cruz: Dont be stupid Kelly

Do you really think it's somehow difficult to tell which "journalists" are unlikely to ever vote in a GOP primary or for a GOP candidate?
Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary.

Like Rush Limpballs in 2008? Operation CHAOS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you don't believe states should be able to set their own election rules?

Yet another "Being obtuse is such a clever debate strategy!" post.

No one suggested that states shouldn't set their own election laws, dimbulb. The suggestion is that they should set their laws to restrict party primaries to party members.
How about instead of trying to find Republican or Democrat debate moderators we focus on trying to find honest ones?

I don't think it's a bad idea to find moderators for a GOP debate who know and understand what issues Republicans/conservatives care about and want addressed. A moderator who has never voted for a Republican in his/her life has a body of work demonstrating hostility toward conservatives is not likely to fit that requirement.
I don't think it's a bad idea to find moderators for a GOP debate who know and understand what issues Republicans/conservatives care about and want addressed.

...except Liberals think if one of their 'trusted, liberally-certified, card-carrying biased media members' doesn't moderate then it's not credible and not a valid debate... :p
Anderson Cooper gave the Donald a fairly solid dressing down over this recently.

The few real journalists left with an ounce of integrity are on record being embarrassed by all these hacks.

Whom do you consider a real journalist?

Not these three clowns

That does not answer the question. It's the cowardly way Republicans answer just about every question.

Q: How would you deal with ISIS?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama is doing!

Q: How would you deal with Iran?

A: I wouldn't do what Obama did!

Answering without answering.

Q: Do you think Obama sucks?

A: YES, I do.

Q: Do you think Obama is a socialist?

A: YES I do

Q: Do you think Obama tripled the deficit ?

A: YES I do.

(end of debate) Audience gives standing ovation to debate mods !!!!!

Straw man.
He didnt say UNLIKELY he said only people that vote GOP. Pay attention

Still don't see it being a mentioned, a GOP member/supporter knows and cares more about issues that GOP / Conservatives are concerned with than any biased liberal.
I don't think it's a bad idea to find moderators for a GOP debate who know and understand what issues Republicans/conservatives care about and want addressed.

...except Liberals think if one of their 'trusted, liberally-certified, card-carrying biased media members' doesn't moderate then it's not credible and not a valid debate... :p

I don't give a rat's furry fat ass if the liberals think a GOP debate is "legitimate" or not. The whole point is that these debates shouldn't be about liberals at all.
He didnt say UNLIKELY he said only people that vote GOP. Pay attention

Still don't see it being a mentioned, a GOP member/supporter knows and cares more about issues that GOP / Conservatives are concerned with than any biased liberal.

OK, but how is Kelly stupid for asking how Cruz would verify their voting records? Thats the part that gets me
Voting records? Seriously? Seig Heil!

Where would you even get them to begin with?
Is there a record being kept of how I have voted?
Yes, as a matter of fact. Not particularly who you voted for but what party you voted for. IMO it is unconstitutional but no one listens to me.

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