Megyn Kelly Continues To Put Her Stupidity on Display

It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
Here's the full transcript. What questions do you have trouble with?

Republican Debate: Read the Transcript of the CNBC Debate

Megyn Kelly's condescending / snarky question about checking past voting records....again that demonstrates a level of immaturity / lack of professionalism, in my opinion (as someone with a journalism degree).

Questioning "Fantastic cncepts anbd pie in the sky ideas" are god questions.

How will Cruz separate the libs from the conservatives? Also, not to be rude, but CNBC moderators are a bit on the economic right.

Calling financial advisers,investors and market analyst "LEFTIST" is a bit of a reach.

Maybe the GOP,Cruz especially, may want to walk back calling those CNBC moderators "leftist"
I'm sorry but Libs continuing to claim CNBC was professional, unbiased, and did a 'great job' is like anyone still trying to claim Hillary never lied about Benghazi being a protest over a video, especially after the State Department just released more e-mails that show Hillary just perjured herself before Congress.

Keep repeating it enough times and MAYBE someone will eventually believe it.....
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
To me a sexist pig is a president sticking cigars up an impressionable interns' privates and blowing his load all over her dress....and then accusing her of lying about it in front of cameras and his wife knowing it happened but accusing us of some vast rightwing - conspiracy.
Here's the full transcript. What questions do you have trouble with?

Republican Debate: Read the Transcript of the CNBC Debate

Megyn Kelly's condescending / snarky question about checking past voting records....again that demonstrates a level of immaturity / lack of professionalism, in my opinion (as someone with a journalism degree).

Questioning "Fantastic cncepts anbd pie in the sky ideas" are god questions.

How will Cruz separate the libs from the conservatives? Also, not to be rude, but CNBC moderators are a bit on the economic right.

Calling financial advisers,investors and market analyst "LEFTIST" is a bit of a reach.

Maybe the GOP,Cruz especially, may want to walk back calling those CNBC moderators "leftist"
Then again.....maybe not.
Kelley lost her credibility with the first question in the Fox debate. She is no better than the CNBC bitch. Credibility is hard to regain once you lose it.
Kelley lost her credibility with the first question in the Fox debate. She is no better than the CNBC bitch. Credibility is hard to regain once you lose it.

spoken from the expert on lost credibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I'm sorry but Libs continuing to claim CNBC was professional, unbiased, and did a 'great job' is like anyone still trying to claim Hillary never lied about Benghazi being a protest over a video, especially after the State Department just released more e-mails that show Hillary just perjured herself before Congress.

Keep repeating it enough times and MAYBE someone will eventually believe it.....

OH--I did not say they did a professional job in the least. Hell, I think professional and political debate moderators do not belong in the same sentence.

What my issue is "Who are you calling a leftist?" I hate to break the bad news to ya, but it is your fellow right leaning media that is giving you these outrageous debates.

I can even explain why they are outrageous. Too many damn candidates==too many committed journalist trying to get their guy to win.

Those CNBC moderators were practically Kasich and Christie groupies. Did you see how they toss Carson up to get knocked down by Kasich?

Biased, unprofessional right wingers. Maybe you conservatives haven't noticed, but the party is re-enacting Sengoku Jidai!!

Every faction in the GOP is vying for power. It has gotten out of control and the leadership appears to weak and fractured to do anything about it.

.....and conservatives want to blame outsiders!

Blame your damn selves for once!!
She can't help being a good looking Rino...

YOU are the RINO's.

funny how she was all GOP to you guys until she didn't like women being treated like fluff by misogynists who buy mail order brides.

she was number one in her law school class. she is smarter than you'll ever be in your wildest dreams.

she did however play dumb on TV..... and as soon as she didn't, *you* teatard RINO's turned on her.

Kelley lost her credibility with the first question in the Fox debate. She is no better than the CNBC bitch. Credibility is hard to regain once you lose it.

spoken from the expert on lost credibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Coming from a Hillary supporter,......that means nada.

coming from a bigoted Obama-deranged loon, who never says an honest thing, *nothing* you say means anything.
"Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?"
LINK: Megyn Kelly Confronts Cruz: Should GOP Moderators Have to Show You Their Voting Records?

"Megyn Kelly confronted Ted Cruz tonight about his proposal that any future Republican debate moderators should not include people who have never voted in a Republican party primary."

The candidate's actions since the CNBC debate has nothing to do with how someone has voted in the past but has been instead about JOURNALISTIC Integrity, Journalistic Competence, and exposed extreme bias. Being what SHE calls a journalist, she finds offense at that. She also is obviously still a little sensitive / pissed about being taken to task for her own LACK of professionalism in the 1st debate. In doing so, she continues to demonstrate her INABILITY to BE a fair, un-biased, and professional journalist.

ALSO, Cruz brings up a VALID Point. Just like Democrats voting in a GOP primary, I do not believe any registered Democrats or anyone who is biased and have no intention of voting for a Republican should be allowed to vote in a GOP Primary. Similarly, the Liberally-biased media have already proven they are not competent enough to come up with debate questions that address REAL issues versus questions about fantasy football or trying to incite candidates to engage in personal attacks.

As I said, if Megyn Kelly, still having her proverbial panties in a wad after being lectured on her lack of professionalism, can't understand that or is still offended by that concept, to hail with her. 'It' ain't all about the media.

She could have realized that when Obama puts up his ignorance people seem to think he is smart. Perhaps she thinks it can work for her if it works for obama.
She can't help being a good looking Rino...

YOU are the RINO's.

funny how she was all GOP to you guys until she didn't like women being treated like fluff by misogynists who buy mail order brides.

she was number one in her law school class. she is smarter than you'll ever be in your wildest dreams.

she did however play dumb on TV..... and as soon as she didn't, *you* teatard RINO's turned on her.

...keep drinking the koolaid
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:
Don't be inane.....if he had done that before he was elected he wouldn't have been elected.....but you're proving that Republican conservatives are hypocrites, because they make a big todo about Clinton and just give the rest of their sexist pigs like T-Chump Sanford, Ensign, Craig, Vitter, and others a pass and even re-elect some of them to other positions of power.

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record

It's not his many marriages that make T-Chump a sexist pig, it's the way he treats women, but alas, we know that Republican/conservative women like to be treated like Stepford wives.....they thrive on being walked on all over by the men.......they go along with their policies to make women second class citizens. Hooray for you.

and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
Don't know who you might be alluding to.....the only politician I've ever heard killed his ex-wife was Republican State Representative from Kentucky, Steve Nunn.....but T-Chump is rather vengeful....hope his wife doesn't double-cross him, he just might.

Here's a list of the cheaters......they are from both parties although it seems there are more Republicans, the ones who tout "Family Values"! :eek:

Politicians Who Cheated
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
To me a sexist pig is a president sticking cigars up an impressionable interns' privates and blowing his load all over her dress....and then accusing her of lying about it in front of cameras and his wife knowing it happened but accusing us of some vast rightwing - conspiracy.

He didn't rape her, she sought it it seems to me that you're just jealous cause you can't get someone to act like Monica for you. And there's a difference between getting bj's from a consensual adult and just being downright insultingly sexist to women....calling them pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.....I'm sure T-Chump would make a great President for the desperate and uninformed, unfortunately, most liberal women know about him and his sexist pig attitude, and they don't vote against their own interests like the lemmings in the Republican party.
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
To me a sexist pig is a president sticking cigars up an impressionable interns' privates and blowing his load all over her dress....and then accusing her of lying about it in front of cameras and his wife knowing it happened but accusing us of some vast rightwing - conspiracy.

He didn't rape her, she sought it it seems to me that you're just jealous cause you can't get someone to act like Monica for you. And there's a difference between getting bj's from a consensual adult and just being downright insultingly sexist to women....calling them pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.....I'm sure T-Chump would make a great President for the desperate and uninformed, unfortunately, most liberal women know about him and his sexist pig attitude, and they don't vote against their own interests like the lemmings in the Republican party.

So your married boss can talk you into giving up the bootie.....he can shove foreign objects up your orifices......he can talk you into giving him head.....let him shoot his load all over you...promise you he'll dump his wife when the time is right.....lie about you when he's caught.....say he never had any sexual contact with you.....trash your reputation.....turn you into a joke. He can party with child - molesters and pedophiles.

No problem. He should be back in the White House.

But don't you dare say anything about a woman who was on national television making fun of your hair..talking about you like you're some kind of a clown or a freak....and calling women you respect and admire crack - whores, airheads, and dumbasses. Don't you dare respond, even when you aren't running for president.

Lady.....your sense of right and wrong is in the toilet.
I'm sorry but Libs continuing to claim CNBC was professional, unbiased, and did a 'great job' is like anyone still trying to claim Hillary never lied about Benghazi being a protest over a video,

Do you have any proof whatsoever with positive claims that the video didn't play a part? There was anger over the video that had caused protests in other areas of the unless you have actually talked to the protestors and can show proof that they claim the video played no part, you need to shut up about the damn video being a "lie". And even if the video didn't play a part, there was strong indications that it could have been the video......but conservatives want to make her remarks the cause of the attack while giving Bush and Rice a pass for sitting on their ass and not checking out information that could have prevented the worst terrorist attack under Republican leadership, 9/11.

And to further make it more obvious that conservative accusations of Hillary lying is just a ploy to try and bring her poll numbers down....a terrorist makes a claim that the video indeed was the reason for the attack, according to the NY, there goes you all's stupid allegation.....up in flames.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

Several witnesses to the attack later said that Mr. Abu Khattala’s presence and leadership were conspicuous from the start. He initially hung back, standing near the crowd at Venezia Road, several witnesses said. But a procession of fighters hurried to him out of the smoke and gunfire, addressed him as “sheikh,” and then gave him reports or took his orders before plunging back into the compound.

especially after the State Department just released more e-mails that show Hillary just perjured herself before Congress.
Do you have a link for that, because no perjury on the part of Hillary was brought up at the hearing, where Clinton decimated the Republican members of the committee. Of course, your daily prayer continues to be that they somehow find something, anything, that conservatives can use against Hillary, because they know she will be hard to beat, especially by the bozos who are currently leading the GOP clown car.
Keep repeating it enough times and MAYBE someone will eventually believe it.....
Apparently that is what conservatives have been doing, repeating their drivel over and over till now they actually believe Benghazi was attacked due to Hillary's comments (that she made after the fact)....typical conservative logic.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
To me a sexist pig is a president sticking cigars up an impressionable interns' privates and blowing his load all over her dress....and then accusing her of lying about it in front of cameras and his wife knowing it happened but accusing us of some vast rightwing - conspiracy.

He didn't rape her, she sought it it seems to me that you're just jealous cause you can't get someone to act like Monica for you. And there's a difference between getting bj's from a consensual adult and just being downright insultingly sexist to women....calling them pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.....I'm sure T-Chump would make a great President for the desperate and uninformed, unfortunately, most liberal women know about him and his sexist pig attitude, and they don't vote against their own interests like the lemmings in the Republican party.

So your married boss can talk you into giving up the bootie.....he can shove foreign objects up your orifices......he can talk you into giving him head.....let him shoot his load all over you...promise you he'll dump his wife when the time is right.....lie about you when he's caught.....say he never had any sexual contact with you.....trash your reputation.....turn you into a joke. He can party with child - molesters and pedophiles.
If I was a Republican Stepford wife, with a Republican boss, that might be true. Nobody forced Monica, she did it of her own volition, and Monica is not a "child" as moronic conservatives are trying to make her out to be with the accusations of pedophilia....but apparently conservative Stepford wives don't do bjs....for their men and that has gotten them all butt hurt over it, wanting Bill to go to prison for something they secretly long for themselves! :eek:

No problem. He should be back in the White House.
That's what makes conservatives the most mad.......they want punishment for personal behavior that doesn't affect anyone that wasn't consenting to begin with, while giving T-Chump, the sexist pig, the right to demean women, even Republican women, like Megan Kelly. Doesn't speak well of conservative men that support the sexist pig.

But don't you dare say anything about a woman who was on national television making fun of your hair..talking about you like you're some kind of a clown or a freak....and calling women you respect and admire crack - whores, airheads, and dumbasses. Don't you dare respond, even when you aren't running for president.
I don't see any Republican/conservatives going after Rush Limbaugh for calling a young woman a slut. So, don't be such a damn hypocrite......when you start calling down people like Limbaugh, Coulter and others who demean women, then you can preach to me about what a bunch of actresses say on TV. T-Chump is not an actor, although he makes a good clown performer, and we don't need a President that demeans women the way he does. I know you don't get the difference between comedians, commentators and those who want to be President....why you are comparing the two, and why you think someone like him represents you.

Lady.....your sense of right and wrong is in the toilet.
Coming from the mouth of someone that supports a sexist pig, I say you don't even know where the toilet is.....and you're swimming in it.
It's not surprising that you think a President would be okay to call women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals." I don't see a problem with a moderator bringing that up, because I sure wouldn't vote for a sexist pig that would say that. On the other hand, you think Megan Kelly is the one wrong here, which doesn't make you any better than T-Chump.
Speaking of sexists pigs, what's Bill been up to while her Royal Highness has been away on the campaign trail? not playing hide the cigar with the interns again I hope.....

We know he's not divorcing and re-marrying umpteen times like T-Chump, or wearing diapers and visiting whores like Vitter and certainly not pretending to be straight while passing notes to gay men in restrooms like Craig. Yep....conservatives are so righteous.

Uh-Huh, so let me get this straight, sexist pig with a "D" behind his name is okay but sexist pig with an "R" behind his name is a no-no, got it, man this partisan hypocrisy stuff is complicated. :rolleyes:

Anywho... give the Donald a break, he's doing his best to Break Henry VIII's record and at least he hasn't killed any of his ex-wives (yet).
To me a sexist pig is a president sticking cigars up an impressionable interns' privates and blowing his load all over her dress....and then accusing her of lying about it in front of cameras and his wife knowing it happened but accusing us of some vast rightwing - conspiracy.

He didn't rape her, she sought it it seems to me that you're just jealous cause you can't get someone to act like Monica for you. And there's a difference between getting bj's from a consensual adult and just being downright insultingly sexist to women....calling them pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.....I'm sure T-Chump would make a great President for the desperate and uninformed, unfortunately, most liberal women know about him and his sexist pig attitude, and they don't vote against their own interests like the lemmings in the Republican party.

monica was an adult woman who went to D.C. to "get [her] presidential knee pads". he has trouble with reality. the dishonesty is amusing, but at some point it does start to look a bit sociopathic.

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