Megyn Kelly debunks Smith's claims against Trump and makes the case he is election interfering

Your typical Attorney exists in a silo. I mean due to their cases, and their level of expertise, how can an attorney be a know it all? Kelley is lucky that as a lawyer, she got into politics and gives us all information from the inside of things. If one thinks she is wrong, they can sent notices to her on forums like YouTube or try to e mail her.
The fact is that Megyn Kelly obtained a JD degree, I believe passed the bar, has worked in legal firms, and has had her finger on the pulse of national events for a number of years now. She is articulate and very well spoken in all circumstances with great recall suggesting a high intellect. I don't always agree with her conclusions, but I haven't been able to fault her scholarship. Ever.
The fact is that Megyn Kelly obtained a JD degree, I believe passed the bar, has worked in legal firms, and has had her finger on the pulse of national events for a number of years now. She is articulate and very well spoken in all circumstances with great recall suggesting a high intellect. I don't always agree with her conclusions, but I haven't been able to fault her scholarship. Ever.
... and she, like you, has a partisan opinion that does not jive with that and the needs of most Americans.
The fact is that Megyn Kelly obtained a JD degree, I believe passed the bar, has worked in legal firms, and has had her finger on the pulse of national events for a number of years now. She is articulate and very well spoken in all circumstances with great recall suggesting a high intellect. I don't always agree with her conclusions, but I haven't been able to fault her scholarship. Ever.
She’s very pretty and that disgusts a lot of lib “males”
There is another thread about Smith engaging in election interference. But this is more about the expert discussion by Megyn Kelly who is actually a lawyer.
Watch her dismiss Smith now. Smith will be dismissed later by a Judge as he was when Cannon Dismissed him earlier.

Bitch must be on the fat Elvis rag.
I see it differently, about the POTUS'S.
I have that right, as do you.

You seem knowledgeable, and prepared.

So, give me your #1 and #2 (Using passed Legislation, Not just feels) that:

1) made biden poor.
2) made trump great.

I'm now leaving for lunch with a friend, so I'll get back in 2 hours.
Great questions and thank you for bringing this up.
1. Biden should not have opened the border as he did.
2. Biden should not have stopped this XL oil pipe.
3. Biden should never have tried to enact laws telling drivers their cars would only be electric powered.
4. Biden helped Ukraine. But he slow walked it all along. Ukraine was against an enemy country that had what Ukraine needed. I hope I am in agreement with every poster that wars should not be engaged in and if one happens, do what you can to stop it really fast.
5. Biden should have treated inflation as his enemy rather than claim Russia did it to us. Americans would have loved to have Biden support us to stop inflation.
Trump: I never liked how he gives speeches. I said it before he was elected and say it over and over. Trump could do with less public talking and more concrete things.
1. Trump clearly tackled the border issue. But at times he exaggerated. He got caught up in media lies by saying Mexicans are rapists. What he was saying illegal aliens rape women. Not clear how many got raped. This caused the focus to be on Trump and the Media attacked him and showed no interest at all in talking to women who got raped trying to show up in the USA.
2. I can go on and on as to how sour he made it for me by him bragging.
3. Biden has a video of him talking of Helene and he told the reporter this. "What storm?
It will not cripple Biden but why did he talk about "What Storm" after they talked to him about Helene?

4. Trump gave the impression he was pals of Putin a few times. HE knew how the Media treated him so his discussion should have not made him a target by saying he was a good friend of Putins. Same thing about North Korea. Trump made his own mess.
I don't mind expanding it about Trump too. Can you tell me why you object to trump>
So, just tell me straight up.

Trump is Honest?
I am assuming you mean on presidents issues. Again and again I hit him for how he talks. It is like he can beat up on people and be admired. As to his actually honesty, I admit I have studied him a lot. I rank him good but poor at times on talking to others.
The fact is that Megyn Kelly obtained a JD degree, I believe passed the bar, has worked in legal firms, and has had her finger on the pulse of national events for a number of years now. She is articulate and very well spoken in all circumstances with great recall suggesting a high intellect. I don't always agree with her conclusions, but I haven't been able to fault her scholarship. Ever.
I believe all of that is accurate. I have worked with Attorneys in my past and the rank from terrible to extremely good. I can only judge Kelly by what I know about law and how she explains things. She seems to me to be what you say she is.
I believe all of that is accurate. I have worked with Attorneys in my past and the rank from terrible to extremely good. I can only judge Kelly by what I know about law and how she explains things. She seems to me to be what you say she is.
It is her ability to speak intelligently and competently in extemporaneous situations that most impresses me. She has incredible recall and can express it clearly and woe be to the person who tries to scam or bluff their rhetoric because she'll nail them every time.

She was an avid never Trumper in 2016 and for all I know may still be. But she is well informed on his really good record and is intellectually honest enough to cite it. And she doesn't get her facts wrong about the Biden/Harris record and agenda and isn't afraid to explain exactly why they are dangerous and unacceptable.
Not always. Nobody always is. You never are.
I don't think I've ever caught you or Trump in a deliberate lie though most especially in an official capacity. Yes he engages in hyperbole and yes he sometimes repeats things he has been told that turn out to be wrong. But deliberately lying with intention to deceive? I haven't caught him doing that.

I cannot say that about either Biden or Harris. Or Mayorkas or Wray or Garland or any other administration people as well as many deep state figures that show up on TV now and then.
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I don't think I've ever caught you or Trump in a deliberate lie though most especially in an official capacity. Yes he engages in hyperbole and yes he sometimes repeats things he has been told that turned out to be incorrect. But deliberately lying with intention to deceive? I haven't caught him doing that.

I cannot say that about either Biden or Harris.
If I claimed that I have never lied, that would be a lie.

I do believe that all people lie at some point in their lives. Maybe not on a daily basis. But, once in a while.

I recall as a young teen having my grandmother visit us once year in the summertime. She wore a hideous house dress one day. But she had just done her hair. She asked me how she looked. I lied. I said she looked very nice.

Sometimes, sadly, dishonesty serves a reasonable and even justified purpose.

We have indeed seen Potato and Harris lie — flat out. But they don’t lie for good reasons. They lie out of habit. They are phonies.
If I claimed that I have never lied, that would be a lie.

I do believe that all people lie at some point in their lives. Maybe not on a daily basis. But, once in a while.

I recall as a young teen having my grandmother visit us once year in the summertime. She wore a hideous house dress one day. But she had just done her hair. She asked me how she looked. I lied. I said she looked very nice.

Sometimes, sadly, dishonesty serves a reasonable and even justified purpose.

We have indeed seen Potato and Harris lie — flat out. But they don’t lie for good reasons. They lie out of habit. They are phonies.
Yes. We all lie. Either to be kind or to avoid giving away a confidence or secret or to protect ourselves or somebody else from embarrassment/culpability or whatever.

That is different though than lying in an official capacity to deceive the people who elected, appointed or hired you to govern and do a job on their behalf. That is different than lying to hurt somebody in a malicious way or to cheat somebody to advantage yourself. That is different than lying under oath to prevent the truth from being known, etc.

You may have done any and all but all I'm saying I haven't caught you at it. :)

Trump may have done any and all, but I am saying that I haven't detected it or caught him at it.
We have indeed seen Potato and Harris lie — flat out. But they don’t lie for good reasons. They lie out of habit. They are phonies.
Dear Lord.
The SPIN is huge with this claim.

They lie out of habit. <<<<< the trump way.

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