Megyn Kelly Sums Up Obama Presidency to Date ---

You know that before every Fox News show starts you are going to hear Obama bashing.

What did Ms. Kelly say in the OP video that was incorrect about Obama?

Iran causing the deaths of thousands of Americans? When did that happen?

In Kentucky, they hate Obamacare, but they love Kynect, which of course is Obamacare by a different name.

Twist the facts and you can make anything seem true.

Here, she seems to be blaming Cheney and Bush.
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Winger and Deanie are so invested in Barack Obama there is no way they can admit that he's an idiot. We're talking about six plus YEARS of their lives spent defending a "myth".

The economy is great...everybody who lost jobs are back working...Al Queda's on the run...Iraq is a stable country...ObamaCare is wonderful...Benghazi was about a video...Fast & Furious nobody at Justice knew anything about...the IRS targeting conservatives nobody at the White House knew anything about...James Rosen was never accused of being a criminal by Eric Holder's Justice Department...the stimulus created millions of jobs and staved off another Great Depression...swapping one deserter for five top level Taliban extremists was a peachy deal...there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption ANYWHERE in the Obama Administration because everything is a fake scandal or was two years ago, Dude!

You gotta love these two...if they were any further in denial they'd believe that the GOP made the sun go down and only Barack Obama makes it rise again...
Winger and Deanie are so invested in Barack Obama there is no way they can admit that he's an idiot. We're talking about six plus YEARS of their lives spent defending a "myth".

The economy is great...everybody who lost jobs are back working...Al Queda's on the run...Iraq is a stable country...ObamaCare is wonderful...Benghazi was about a video...Fast & Furious nobody at Justice knew anything about...the IRS targeting conservatives nobody at the White House knew anything about...James Rosen was never accused of being a criminal by Eric Holder's Justice Department...the stimulus created millions of jobs and staved off another Great Depression...swapping one deserter for five top level Taliban extremists was a peachy deal...there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption ANYWHERE in the Obama Administration because everything is a fake scandal or was two years ago, Dude!

You gotta love these two...if they were any further in denial they'd believe that the GOP made the sun go down and only Barack Obama makes it rise again...

These two are accident prone to boot. Every time Obama stops suddenly they get their heads lodged up his ass. The Democratic one.

Then Doctors must surgically remove their heads. They are why medical bills are so high.:eek:
To be honest with you, some ways I feel sorry for the Wingers and Deanies of the world. They want so desperately to believe that Barack Obama IS the man that they thought he was back in 2008 that they have to continually come up with reasons why his failings aren't really HIS failings.
God, she's hot, intelligent, classy, articulate, so "right on" about Obama...

Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding Kelly File - YouTube


You think the problem is that we pulled out of Iraq and didn't stay in it...........

Obama is faced the same situation today as he did Day 1.

Stop the war Bush/Cheney started and say, "whoops, sorry about that last turd" Or try to find a clean point to pull out......

We have been in Afghanistan for 12 years, 8 months and 2 weeks now. At what point do you take ownership of a war that could have been avoided?

NOTE; SOME people that wanted war with Libya, Syria, Russia, China and TODAY are calling for war with Iraq again.

NOTE; OTHERS are calling for DIPLOMACY!

Strange how "The pen is mightier than the sword" still hasn't sunk in...........'Merica...
Tell you what...let's duel. I get a sword and you get a pen. Let's see if that whole "pen is mightier that the sword" thing is just an old wives tale! LOL

I'm all for diplomacy, Anti...but at some point you have to accept that there are people out there that only see weakness in diplomacy. Those are the kind of people who took away the lunch money of kids like Barry Obama and Johnny Kerry at recess. Just saying...
To be honest with you, some ways I feel sorry for the Wingers and Deanies of the world. They want so desperately to believe that Barack Obama IS the man that they thought he was back in 2008 that they have to continually come up with reasons why his failings aren't really HIS failings.


Obama was the Anti-Christ on Fox News in 2008, very Westboro.

They stated (in '08) that he was going to implant devices under the skin of us to track us.....They called this "The mark of the Beast", on Fox News.

The Right continually repeats that the end of time happens when there are a lot of "gays" and others. They don't want the end of time, so they try to stop gays and others.

The Bible says, "Do not judge or be judged". It also says, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".........

So yes, the Bible DOES say there will a lot of gays on judgement day. But who are the bad people that day? The people who sin (we all do) or the people that try to act like god and judge others?

Or perhaps someone here can show me a list of sins that aren't in the 7 deadly that show "being gay" as something more significant than regular sins.........

Perhaps it's the paranoid nuttbags that don't want the end of time accidently sealing their fate with judgement that will end Humanity.........."one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it "

Basically, there are constant signs of the end. But it's almost always the ones trying to avoid it that push it.
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Since I'm a conservative who's also an agnostic, I'm afraid I'm going to have a slightly different take on the importance of the whole "end of the world" thing, Anti.

The issues that drive the Republican Party these days coalesce around the economy and jobs. This notion that what they REALLY want is to force everyone to become a bible thumper is overcooked. I'd like us to stop wasting so much money on a bloated and inefficient Federal Government...and stop putting up road blocks to job creation. Do those two things and everything else will work itself out. Don't and we're screwed, blued and tattooed.
Winger and Deanie are so invested in Barack Obama there is no way they can admit that he's an idiot. We're talking about six plus YEARS of their lives spent defending a "myth".

The economy is great...everybody who lost jobs are back working...Al Queda's on the run...Iraq is a stable country...ObamaCare is wonderful...Benghazi was about a video...Fast & Furious nobody at Justice knew anything about...the IRS targeting conservatives nobody at the White House knew anything about...James Rosen was never accused of being a criminal by Eric Holder's Justice Department...the stimulus created millions of jobs and staved off another Great Depression...swapping one deserter for five top level Taliban extremists was a peachy deal...there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption ANYWHERE in the Obama Administration because everything is a fake scandal or was two years ago, Dude!

You gotta love these two...if they were any further in denial they'd believe that the GOP made the sun go down and only Barack Obama makes it rise again...

You've done quite a good job of listing failed right wingnut attacks. Kudos.
Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
Another fail, with no help from Obama as a senator, Bush actually handed Obama a stable Iraqi government. Obama even put Iraq as one of his accomplishments, Biden even said their administration was going to make Iraq a peaceful, successful nation without violence. How has that worked out?


Nobody watches Maddow, and for good reason.

Hell, nobody with a brain watches any of those idiots.

About the on thing worth watching MSNBC for is Lockup and Chirs Hansen.
Winger and Deanie are so invested in Barack Obama there is no way they can admit that he's an idiot. We're talking about six plus YEARS of their lives spent defending a "myth".

The economy is great...everybody who lost jobs are back working...Al Queda's on the run...Iraq is a stable country...ObamaCare is wonderful...Benghazi was about a video...Fast & Furious nobody at Justice knew anything about...the IRS targeting conservatives nobody at the White House knew anything about...James Rosen was never accused of being a criminal by Eric Holder's Justice Department...the stimulus created millions of jobs and staved off another Great Depression...swapping one deserter for five top level Taliban extremists was a peachy deal...there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption ANYWHERE in the Obama Administration because everything is a fake scandal or was two years ago, Dude!

You gotta love these two...if they were any further in denial they'd believe that the GOP made the sun go down and only Barack Obama makes it rise again...

You've done quite a good job of listing failed right wingnut attacks. Kudos.

The truth, that it gets harder with each passing month to list Barack Obama's failures because there are so many. Invariably, I overlook major scandals because there are so many that it's almost impossible to keep track of them all! What you see as "failed attacks" upon Barack Obama are simply backlogged scandals that this Administration have stonewalled for years. What's obvious to anyone not wearing partisan blinders like yourself, is that the old scandals haven't gone away...they've simply been supplanted in the news cycle by NEW scandals. Fast & Furious is still the same incredibly inept program now as it always just don't hear about it because newer debacles like the IRS scandal and the VA scandal drew attention away from that scandal. Now kids pouring across our borders and Iraq blowing up in Barry's face is drawing attention away from THOSE scandals. None of them are resolved...all of them still hang around this President's neck like millstones pointing out how inept his administration has been.
Winger and Deanie are so invested in Barack Obama there is no way they can admit that he's an idiot. We're talking about six plus YEARS of their lives spent defending a "myth".

The economy is great...everybody who lost jobs are back working...Al Queda's on the run...Iraq is a stable country...ObamaCare is wonderful...Benghazi was about a video...Fast & Furious nobody at Justice knew anything about...the IRS targeting conservatives nobody at the White House knew anything about...James Rosen was never accused of being a criminal by Eric Holder's Justice Department...the stimulus created millions of jobs and staved off another Great Depression...swapping one deserter for five top level Taliban extremists was a peachy deal...there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption ANYWHERE in the Obama Administration because everything is a fake scandal or was two years ago, Dude!

You gotta love these two...if they were any further in denial they'd believe that the GOP made the sun go down and only Barack Obama makes it rise again...

You've done quite a good job of listing failed right wingnut attacks. Kudos.

The truth, that it gets harder with each passing month to list Barack Obama's failures because there are so many. Invariably, I overlook major scandals because there are so many that it's almost impossible to keep track of them all! What you see as "failed attacks" upon Barack Obama are simply backlogged scandals that this Administration have stonewalled for years. What's obvious to anyone not wearing partisan blinders like yourself, is that the old scandals haven't gone away...they've simply been supplanted in the news cycle by NEW scandals. Fast & Furious is still the same incredibly inept program now as it always just don't hear about it because newer debacles like the IRS scandal and the VA scandal drew attention away from that scandal. Now kids pouring across our borders and Iraq blowing up in Barry's face is drawing attention away from THOSE scandals. None of them are resolved...all of them still hang around this President's neck like millstones pointing out how inept his administration has been.

Historians and educated people have always said what Republicans were doing in Iraq was going to lead to the very mess it is now. Why? Because Shiite and Sunni have been at war for over a thousand years. The fact that Muslims are so divided is the biggest reason that Israel has been as unmolested as it's been. But Republicans don't respect other people enough to learn about them before they bully them. Worse, Republicans wanted to "free" Iraq but fix elections here using voter suppression. And it is voter suppression. To many Republicans have admitted it. It's no longer deniable.

The so called "Fast and Furious" scandal is one of the most ignorant things Republicans have come up with in a decade. This "conspiracy" is that Obama was trying to get American made guns into the hands of Mexicans hoping they would kill Americans and leave behind the guns so we could identify them as well as some type of evidence that it was the Mexicans who used the guns so Obama could pass gun laws taking away the guns of average American citizens. That's so fucking stupid it's beyond laughable. You would have to be a total ignorant tard to believe something so far out and outlandish.

And if Republicans would stop blocking Obama's nominees, then it wouldn't have been a "Bush Appointee" at the center of the so called IRS scandal. And the real scandal is that Republicans used the IRS for two years under Bush to tie up the NAACP. And then dropped the investigation. Two years wasted costing tax payer money.

And there is a reason Republicans have a 9% favorability rating. "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
Republicans drag everyone down into the mud. What are they doing good for the country. You can't even name a one of their policies for the last 15 years that have helped this country in any way. But you sure can name the damage.
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You've done quite a good job of listing failed right wingnut attacks. Kudos.

The truth, that it gets harder with each passing month to list Barack Obama's failures because there are so many. Invariably, I overlook major scandals because there are so many that it's almost impossible to keep track of them all! What you see as "failed attacks" upon Barack Obama are simply backlogged scandals that this Administration have stonewalled for years. What's obvious to anyone not wearing partisan blinders like yourself, is that the old scandals haven't gone away...they've simply been supplanted in the news cycle by NEW scandals. Fast & Furious is still the same incredibly inept program now as it always just don't hear about it because newer debacles like the IRS scandal and the VA scandal drew attention away from that scandal. Now kids pouring across our borders and Iraq blowing up in Barry's face is drawing attention away from THOSE scandals. None of them are resolved...all of them still hang around this President's neck like millstones pointing out how inept his administration has been.

Historians and educated people have always said what Republicans were doing in Iraq was going to lead to the very mess it is now. Why? Because Shiite and Sunni have been at war for over a thousand years. The fact that Muslims are so divided is the biggest reason that Israel has been as unmolested as it's been. But Republicans don't respect other people enough to learn about them before they bully them. Worse, Republicans wanted to "free" Iraq but fix elections here using voter suppression. And it is voter suppression. To many Republicans have admitted it. It's no longer deniable.

The so called "Fast and Furious" scandal is one of the most ignorant things Republicans have come up with in a decade. This "conspiracy" is that Obama was trying to get American made guns into the hands of Mexicans hoping they would kill Americans and leave behind the guns so we could identify them as well as some type of evidence that it was the Mexicans who used the guns so Obama could pass gun laws taking away the guns of average American citizens. That's so fucking stupid it's beyond laughable. You would have to be a total ignorant tard to believe something so far out and outlandish.

And if Republicans would stop blocking Obama's nominees, then it wouldn't have been a "Bush Appointee" at the center of the so called IRS scandal. And the real scandal is that Republicans used the IRS for two years under Bush to tie up the NAACP. And then dropped the investigation. Two years wasted costing tax payer money.

And there is a reason Republicans have a 9% favorability rating. "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
Republicans drag everyone down into the mud. What are they doing good for the country. You can't even name a one of their policies for the last 15 years that have helped this country in any way. But you sure can name the damage.

I'm curious, Deanie...what WAS the intent of Fast & Furious? You've stated that it's "stupid" and "outlandish" to contend that the Obama Administration deliberately let weapons "walk" into Mexico because they wanted to spotlight what they saw as inadequate gun control laws...yet you never provide an answer to what it was they were trying to achieve if it WASN'T that! They started up a program that the Bush Administration had stopped because they were unable to track weapons even with the cooperation of the Mexican government. What was the thought behind doing that? Why did they not inform the Mexican government of what they were doing? Why did they keep the program going even when ATF agents were protesting that gun traffickers were not being arrested and the guns were not being tracked? Why did they keep that program going right up to the point where Terry was killed and the media finally got wind of what was going on from ATF whistle blowers? Why was it that only being embarrassed by the scandal made Eric Holder FINALLY halt Fast & Furious?

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