Megyn Kelly Sums Up Obama Presidency to Date ---

Would you make a comment like that about your own mother? The mother of someone you know? So why do you think it's appropriate to make a comment like that about Megyn Kelly? All that you prove when you do how utterly disgusting you are.

No, but I would make a comment like that about your mother.

Thankfully, you and I are not alike, Disc. I wouldn't make that comment about ANYONE'S mother!
This is what Obama's success looks like. Back in 2008, many of us came out and stated right up front, we hoped Obama's policies fail. Because we could see where his policies were going to lead us.

So, here we are. His policy successes have turn the world into chaos.

I would like to see you prove that claim.

You don't remember the big uproar about how the right wanted Obama to fail after he was elected?

They were half right. We wanted Obama to fail because his policies would lead to America's downward spiral.....

Now Obama's policies have succeeded, and the world is going up in flames.

I say..."Well done Barry". Way to bring us to the brink.

No, I am calling you out for your PRO-Obama posts and your PRO-Jihadist posts and your ANTI-American posts.

Because you recognize Obama's failed presidency you are flip flopping to become a born-again Moderate?


You are a poster from the dark side, wherever that is.

You are always against what is good.

And not like a misguided Lib.

No, you post like an agent for the enemies of Liberty.
Another Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class bull shit thread.

Interesting take on things, 1%er...Kelly talks about the failures of the Obama Presidency but you see that as the GOP having failed the Middle Class?

I bet you think that Obama has been a boon for the Middle Class...don't you?
Don't like Obama administration too much, didn't like the Bush administration too much. But I doubt Obama is going anywhere, and till 2016 Republicans and Democrats will have to put up with him.
The question now, whether this President is intelligent enough to realize that what he's been doing for the past four years simply isn't working? I didn't like Bill Clinton for his lack of character but I could respect the man for his political savvy. Clinton understood that he needed to adjust his agenda following the takeover of Congress by the GOP. He figured out ways to coexist with Newt Gingritch and the Contract with America. Obama has done nothing like that. He's engaged in political trench warfare with the Republicans and the result is political partisanship that is so bitter nothing gets done. Now we could argue for years over who's most at fault for that...the Dems or the GOP...but the bottom line is this...WHEN YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES YOUR FOREMOST CONCERN IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR THE WELL BEING OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES...NOT THE WELL BEING OF YOUR PARTY!
The question now, whether this President is intelligent enough to realize that what he's been doing for the past four years simply isn't working? I didn't like Bill Clinton for his lack of character but I could respect the man for his political savvy. Clinton understood that he needed to adjust his agenda following the takeover of Congress by the GOP. He figured out ways to coexist with Newt Gingritch and the Contract with America. Obama has done nothing like that. He's engaged in political trench warfare with the Republicans and the result is political partisanship that is so bitter nothing gets done. Now we could argue for years over who's most at fault for that...the Dems or the GOP...but the bottom line is this...WHEN YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES YOUR FOREMOST CONCERN IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR THE WELL BEING OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES...NOT THE WELL BEING OF YOUR PARTY!
The thing I point out is that I didn't vote for him, or for Romney. For most Americans they were tied 50/50 enough between the two, the only difference is that Obama voters were mobilized much better on election day.

Obama will only be remembered as being the first 'black' President, apart from that he will be footnote in Presidential history.

Best way to describe the Obama presidency is a candle burning less and less brightly, the big 2008 'Change' is over and what is left is wax.
Typical response from the conservative side of politics. It gets a lot boring listening to Fox News. No wonder I gave up watching that network sometime ago.

They say they are fair and balanced in their approach to telling the news. Well I don't see any balance in their reporting at all. It all goes one way.
"The Kelly Files"? What is that? A rw hack opinion show on Fox (AKA- GOP TV :eusa_shhh: )? :eusa_hand: You can have it wahrrior102

Yeah it's only the number 1 cable news show in her time slot by alot

Could that be because conservatives have nothing better to do then watch cable news?

And of course conservatives are going to watch the network that feeds them with everything they want to hear.

You know that before every Fox News show starts you are going to hear Obama bashing.
"The Kelly Files"? What is that? A rw hack opinion show on Fox (AKA- GOP TV :eusa_shhh: )? :eusa_hand: You can have it wahrrior102

Yeah it's only the number 1 cable news show in her time slot by alot

Could that be because conservatives have nothing better to do then watch cable news?

And of course conservatives are going to watch the network that feeds them with everything they want to hear.

You know that before every Fox News show starts you are going to hear Obama bashing.

Good. He deserves to be bashed for being a POS.:lol:
The problem for Kelly is that she works for a network that has declared Obama a failure since the day he took office. Their daily predictions of impending doom have not come true. The economy is solid, Obamacare is working the public has grown tired of Fox declaring a scandal of the week that is the worst of all time

Crying wolf has its consequences
"The Kelly Files"? What is that? A rw hack opinion show on Fox (AKA- GOP TV :eusa_shhh: )? :eusa_hand: You can have it wahrrior102

Yeah it's only the number 1 cable news show in her time slot by alot

Could that be because conservatives have nothing better to do then watch cable news?

And of course conservatives are going to watch the network that feeds them with everything they want to hear.

You know that before every Fox News show starts you are going to hear Obama bashing.

I'm curious...what part of what Kelly said do you find incorrect? I know that you may not like "Obama bashing" but the great thing about this country is that when our leaders are screwing up we are allowed to "bash" them.

I picked up the weekend edition of USA Today yesterday and was amazed that there wasn't even a mention of the missing IRS e-mails. It's like the story hadn't occurred. Editorial choices like THAT, Gam...are appalling to me. The role of media in this country is supposed to be reporting in an unbiased manner on what's happening so we the citizens can make informed decisions. Instead you've got media deciding what will and will not be reported on and those decisions are based on their political ideology. If your editorial board is liberal, as much of the main stream media's are at the present time, then you're going to choose to cover something else rather than a scandal that reflects badly on the present Administration. And then we wonder why government officials think they can get away with things like the VA scandal and targeting political opponents. They do it because they're confident that the main stream media will not call them out on it.
Yeah it's only the number 1 cable news show in her time slot by alot

Could that be because conservatives have nothing better to do then watch cable news?

And of course conservatives are going to watch the network that feeds them with everything they want to hear.

You know that before every Fox News show starts you are going to hear Obama bashing.

I'm curious...what part of what Kelly said do you find incorrect? I know that you may not like "Obama bashing" but the great thing about this country is that when our leaders are screwing up we are allowed to "bash" them.

I picked up the weekend edition of USA Today yesterday and was amazed that there wasn't even a mention of the missing IRS e-mails. It's like the story hadn't occurred. Editorial choices like THAT, Gam...are appalling to me. The role of media in this country is supposed to be reporting in an unbiased manner on what's happening so we the citizens can make informed decisions. Instead you've got media deciding what will and will not be reported on and those decisions are based on their political ideology. If your editorial board is liberal, as much of the main stream media's are at the present time, then you're going to choose to cover something else rather than a scandal that reflects badly on the present Administration. And then we wonder why government officials think they can get away with things like the VA scandal and targeting political opponents. They do it because they're confident that the main stream media will not call them out on it.

Have you identified the thousands of Americans killed by Iran yet?
She is wrong about Obamacare and wrong about the economy....both are doing well
She is wrong in her assessment of Syria, Libya, Egypt and Ukraine, all of which Obama proved to have a better assessment of the situation than Fox talking heads
The problem for Kelly is that she works for a network that has declared Obama a failure since the day he took office. Their daily predictions of impending doom have not come true. The economy is solid, Obamacare is working the public has grown tired of Fox declaring a scandal of the week that is the worst of all time

Crying wolf has its consequences

Winger, the economy is NOT "solid". Take away quantitative easing and see what happens to both the stock exchange and the economy in general. We're at present riding a stock market bubble fueled by essentially interest free money from the Fed. Every time that the Fed Chief even hints at raising interest rates the stock market immediately goes into free fall.

ObamaCare is "working" because it's signed up the people who had pre-existing conditions and those getting large subsidies but it hasn't signed up the people that it needs to make the system economically viable. There was an article in the local paper about how ObamaCare was "working" for Florida because the average monthly premium for those on the plan was something like $97 while before it was $450 dollars. The gist of the story was how great that was for those signed up. What it fails to take into account is that the Federal Government is picking up the difference between that $97 amount and the $450. We the taxpayer are on the hook for subsidizing 75% of those premiums and if insurance company costs are higher than expected (and with mostly sick people signing up how can they NOT be!) then under the provisions of ObamaCare we the taxpayer are on the hook for those costs as well. ObamaCare was set up to fail. The numbers never did work because they were never designed to work. They were ALWAYS a lie to take us one step further along a path to single payer...government run healthcare.

As for the "scandal a week" thing? You only have those scandals because of the general ineptitude of this Administration, Winger. To be quite blunt...they are not good at what they do and they do their best to hide that fact by lying to the American people.
Could that be because conservatives have nothing better to do then watch cable news?

And of course conservatives are going to watch the network that feeds them with everything they want to hear.

You know that before every Fox News show starts you are going to hear Obama bashing.

I'm curious...what part of what Kelly said do you find incorrect? I know that you may not like "Obama bashing" but the great thing about this country is that when our leaders are screwing up we are allowed to "bash" them.

I picked up the weekend edition of USA Today yesterday and was amazed that there wasn't even a mention of the missing IRS e-mails. It's like the story hadn't occurred. Editorial choices like THAT, Gam...are appalling to me. The role of media in this country is supposed to be reporting in an unbiased manner on what's happening so we the citizens can make informed decisions. Instead you've got media deciding what will and will not be reported on and those decisions are based on their political ideology. If your editorial board is liberal, as much of the main stream media's are at the present time, then you're going to choose to cover something else rather than a scandal that reflects badly on the present Administration. And then we wonder why government officials think they can get away with things like the VA scandal and targeting political opponents. They do it because they're confident that the main stream media will not call them out on it.

Have you identified the thousands of Americans killed by Iran yet?
She is wrong about Obamacare and wrong about the economy....both are doing well
She is wrong in her assessment of Syria, Libya, Egypt and Ukraine, all of which Obama proved to have a better assessment of the situation than Fox talking heads

Ah, Winger? Barack Obama's "assessment" of the situation in Syria, Libya, Egypt and the Ukraine has been a day late and a dollar short for his entire presidency. He's not acting proactively...he's getting caught off guard time after time and then having to play catch up. His Middle East "strategy" is so muddled and confused that I challenge anyone here to try and articulate what it is at this point. Hoping that nothing bad happens until after you leave office isn't a foreign policy but that's what we currently have. Whoever takes over after Barry leaves office, whether it is a Democrat or a Republican is going to face a monumental task.

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