Megyn Kelly Sums Up Obama Presidency to Date ---

99% speculation, theory, innuendo, and bullshit, about 1% actual news.


I've conducted my own comprehensive study of FOX News. My intensive research consisted of watching many hours of FOX News, tabulating the amount of bullshit, and correlating that with the number of hair brained conspiracy theories. Listening to that much FOX News was an arduous task, I realized early on that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome in understanding the FOX News audience. I found myself at an impasse but I finally discovered a way to understand. When ever I'm confused about the logic of something I've just heard on FOX News I just repeatedly beat myself over the head with a hammer until it makes sense.
So, you're just an idiot with an opinion....kind of like an asshole....and you know....well.

You do know what they say about opinions and assholes....right?

I don't want to assume here...

I've conducted my own comprehensive study of FOX News. My intensive research consisted of watching many hours of FOX News, tabulating the amount of bullshit, and correlating that with the number of hair brained conspiracy theories. Listening to that much FOX News was an arduous task, I realized early on that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome in understanding the FOX News audience. I found myself at an impasse but I finally discovered a way to understand. When ever I'm confused about the logic of something I've just heard on FOX News I just repeatedly beat myself over the head with a hammer until it makes sense.
So, you're just an idiot with an opinion....kind of like an asshole....and you know....well.

You do know what they say about opinions and assholes....right?

I don't want to assume here...

Thanks Capt Cliché
God, she's hot, intelligent, classy, articulate, so "right on" about Obama...

Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding Kelly File - YouTube
This is what Obama's success looks like. Back in 2008, many of us came out and stated right up front, we hoped Obama's policies fail. Because we could see where his policies were going to lead us.

So, here we are. His policy successes have turn the world into chaos.

I would like to see you prove that claim.
I would like to see you prove that claim.

Rush Limbaugh made that claim.
I agreed with it.
I am sure millions of others did as well.
Had Obama succeeded - we'd be goose-stepping and driving VW Beetles. Well, we're almost there.
You can have it wahrrior102

Apparently, millions of others every night are having it to:

Net 9PM P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
FOXN KELLY FILE, THE 2,378 389 915CNN PARTS UNKNOWN 519 175 247
MSNB Rachel Maddow Show 961 175 384
HLN Dr. Drew ON CALL 385 188 216

thats the Fox (Murdoch/Al Waleed network) demographic- 60+ yr old, rw, white males who want to whack their micro puds to her :yawn:

I've conducted my own comprehensive study of FOX News. My intensive research consisted of watching many hours of FOX News, tabulating the amount of bullshit, and correlating that with the number of hair brained conspiracy theories. Listening to that much FOX News was an arduous task, I realized early on that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome in understanding the FOX News audience. I found myself at an impasse but I finally discovered a way to understand. When ever I'm confused about the logic of something I've just heard on FOX News I just repeatedly beat myself over the head with a hammer until it makes sense.
So, you're just an idiot with an opinion....kind of like an asshole....and you know....well.

You do know what they say about opinions and assholes....right?

I don't want to assume here...

That's right, just another asshole with opinions......much like the fair and balanced folks at FOX News.
God, she's hot, intelligent, classy, articulate, so "right on" about Obama...

Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding Kelly File - YouTube

She's hot.....I want her to be my slave. I'll bet she looks good in a leather bustier and spiked dog collar. Anne Coulter's slutty little school girl look really works for me too; but if I had my choice I'd much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin.

Sorry,'re a get to play spank the bad little liberal with Candy Crowley, Whoopi Goldberg and Rachel have fun with that! :badgrin::D:badgrin::lol::D:badgrin:
God, she's hot, intelligent, classy, articulate, so "right on" about Obama...

Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding Kelly File - YouTube

She's hot.....I want her to be my slave. I'll bet she looks good in a leather bustier and spiked dog collar. Anne Coulter's slutty little school girl look really works for me too; but if I had my choice I'd much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin.

Can we get a tickle fight?
Megyn Kelly is a feminazi's worst nightmare...someone's who's intelligent, articulate, poised and attractive. OMG...the HORROR!!!

So what do you of the Party that supposedly "champions" women? You dress her in a leather bustier and dog collar? But it's the GOP and conservatives that is waging a "war on women"...right? (eye-roll)
God, she's hot, intelligent, classy, articulate, so "right on" about Obama...

Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding Kelly File - YouTube
This is what Obama's success looks like. Back in 2008, many of us came out and stated right up front, we hoped Obama's policies fail. Because we could see where his policies were going to lead us.

So, here we are. His policy successes have turn the world into chaos.

I would like to see you prove that claim.

You don't remember the big uproar about how the right wanted Obama to fail after he was elected?

They were half right. We wanted Obama to fail because his policies would lead to America's downward spiral.....

Now Obama's policies have succeeded, and the world is going up in flames.

I say..."Well done Barry". Way to bring us to the brink.
Kelly is one of the ones over there who know that they are deceiving their audience.

There will come a time when she writes her memoirs. Well see if she comes clean then.
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Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

No dummy, try again.
What did she SAY IN HER MONOLOGUE that you would like to dispute.
Got it now?
Looking forward to your reply.

First off, Iran is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. Which "thousands"?

And remember, this is the same woman who went after Dick Cheney and his daughter about the disaster in Iraq. A few days ago, it was Cheney's fault but today it's Obama's fault.

And what did they forget to mention? The Lily Ledbetter act? The end of DADT? Still having an auto industry. The end of the deep recession brought on by GOP deregulation. Moving student loans away from the banks.

And get this, she said the deeply unpopular Obamacare. In Kentucky, they love Kynect. But they hate Obamacare. Course, Kynect IS Obamacare. Isn't that hilarious?

And the IRS debacle happened under a Bush Appointee because Republicans won't confirm any of Obama nominees. So it's Obama's fault? Really?

And Republicans keep insisting Obama is friends with terrorist Muslims. Yea, go tell that to Bin Laden. Oh wait.

The GOP would do better at least attempting to clean up some of the mess they made when they held the entire government under Bush. Idiots on the USMB don't even know that Republicans used reconciliation three times under Bush.

These right wingers. What a lost cause. No wonder they hate immigrants. They can't compete against immigrants. Not enough smarts, sense or teeth.
Kelly is one of the ones over there who know that they are deceiving their audience.

There will come a time when she writes her memoirs. Well see if she comes clean then.

Cool theory. I'd good with that one. :)

Not a theory. She's aware of the disingenuous nature of her network. Some of the audience is as well. They give it a pass as it forwards an agenda.
Megyn Kelly is a feminazi's worst nightmare...someone's who's intelligent, articulate, poised and attractive. OMG...the HORROR!!!

So what do you of the Party that supposedly "champions" women? You dress her in a leather bustier and dog collar? But it's the GOP and conservatives that is waging a "war on women"...right? (eye-roll)

Not only that but she looks like she really knows how to take a dick.

Like I to watch you "champions of women" show your true colors.
Megyn Kelly is a feminazi's worst nightmare...someone's who's intelligent, articulate, poised and attractive. OMG...the HORROR!!!

So what do you of the Party that supposedly "champions" women? You dress her in a leather bustier and dog collar? But it's the GOP and conservatives that is waging a "war on women"...right? (eye-roll)

Not only that but she looks like she really knows how to take a dick.

Like I to watch you "champions of women" show your true colors.

I'm in full agreement with the OP, she's hot.....and I'll bet she likes to gobble down some sausage now and then.

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