Megyn Kelly Sums Up Obama Presidency to Date ---

Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

No dummy, try again.
What did she SAY IN HER MONOLOGUE that you would like to dispute.
Got it now?
Looking forward to your reply.

Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
No, she couldn't.
No dummy, try again.
What did she SAY IN HER MONOLOGUE that you would like to dispute.
Got it now?
Looking forward to your reply.

Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
No, she couldn't.

According to the Cable New Ratings, it's a proven fact that only a few idiots watch this Rachael Maddlow person.
Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

No dummy, try again.
What did she SAY IN HER MONOLOGUE that you would like to dispute.
Got it now?
Looking forward to your reply.

Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
Another fail, with no help from Obama as a senator, Bush actually handed Obama a stable Iraqi government. Obama even put Iraq as one of his accomplishments, Biden even said their administration was going to make Iraq a peaceful, successful nation without violence. How has that worked out?
Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
No, she couldn't.

According to the Cable New Ratings, it's a proven fact that only a few idiots watch this Rachael Maddlow person.
I managed to sit through 12 minutes of her once. I remember thinking that I needed to be more fair in My assessment of the main stream media.

I'll never think that again.
No dummy, try again.
What did she SAY IN HER MONOLOGUE that you would like to dispute.
Got it now?
Looking forward to your reply.

Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
Another fail, with no help from Obama as a senator, Bush actually handed Obama a stable Iraqi government. Obama even put Iraq as one of his accomplishments, Biden even said their administration was going to make Iraq a peaceful, successful nation without violence. How has that worked out?

Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
Another fail, with no help from Obama as a senator, Bush actually handed Obama a stable Iraqi government. Obama even put Iraq as one of his accomplishments, Biden even said their administration was going to make Iraq a peaceful, successful nation without violence. How has that worked out?


I'm really not interested in clicking on your link. Is that how you respond to her monologue? With a lame-ass link that you deem funny, cute?
Why don't you counter her monologue with an ounce of intelligence - if you can muster one, vs. wailing like a little fucking child.
FoxNews has been claiming the Obama administration is imploding for five years

Any day now....any day
are you kidding?? the radical islamists LOVE Obama and wish him continued success. fuck. Obama burned Iraq down to the ground because Maliki wasn't inclusive toward Obama's favorite Jihadists

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What has Megyn done to her hair lately? She has that just got out of bed look. If that's the new style, then she needs to go back to pigtails.
FoxNews has been claiming the Obama administration is imploding for five years

Any day now....any day

What's really funny is that many people actually believe FOX News is a legitimate news agency.

According to Cable News Ratings, week after week, month after month, year after year - it is.

What are you basing your assumption that they are not on?

Can you source your assertion that they are not a legitimate news agency?

Of course you can't.

You're a babbling idiot.
No question that Megyn is an interesting piece of eye candy.....but isn't she capabale of objective analysis not led by FoxNews talking points?

Does she realize that when she brings up "golf" she is establishing her credibility as a commentator?
No question that Megyn is an interesting piece of eye candy.....but isn't she capabale of objective analysis not led by FoxNews talking points?

Wow - what is this - my FIFTH request?
What did she say in the monologue that I posted in the OP that is inaccurate/incorrect?
Do you need the question dumbed-down more in order to post a response?
Maybe the part where she ignores the entire political/religious animosity that has been going on for generations and Republicans role in upsetting a fragile political balance

Kelly gives a simplistic analysis of an Iraq implosion that was inevitable the minute Bush decided to invade. Maybe you should watch more Rachel Maddow.......she could give you a better perspective on the situation in Iraq than some FoxNews shill
Another fail, with no help from Obama as a senator, Bush actually handed Obama a stable Iraqi government. Obama even put Iraq as one of his accomplishments, Biden even said their administration was going to make Iraq a peaceful, successful nation without violence. How has that worked out?


On febuary 11, 2010 told Larry king that iraq will be on of Obama's best accomplishments. It must suck being liberal.
I understand that Megyn is trying to elevate herself into a legitimate credible political commentator. Maybe even get a job on a legitimate news network

But when she puts out Fox puff pieces like this she is establishing herself as nothing better than a rightwing propagandist. She needs to understand that you have to support "something" the other side is doing to establish credibility. But this feeble attempt at rattling off FoxNews Obama Fail talking points establishes where her bread is buttered

This video has nothing that Michelle Malkin hasn't been spouting for years
Last edited:
FoxNews has been claiming the Obama administration is imploding for five years

Any day now....any day

What's really funny is that many people actually believe FOX News is a legitimate news agency.

According to Cable News Ratings, week after week, month after month, year after year - it is.

What are you basing your assumption that they are not on?

Can you source your assertion that they are not a legitimate news agency?

Of course you can't.

You're a babbling idiot.

FOX News is highly entertaining.....99% speculation, theory, innuendo, and bullshit, about 1% actual news. I guess they have to fill the time somehow.
Another fail, with no help from Obama as a senator, Bush actually handed Obama a stable Iraqi government. Obama even put Iraq as one of his accomplishments, Biden even said their administration was going to make Iraq a peaceful, successful nation without violence. How has that worked out?

On febuary 11, 2010 told Larry king that iraq will be on of Obama's best accomplishments. It must suck being liberal.

"Bush actually handed Obama a stable Iraqi government"


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