Megyn Kelly Sums Up Obama Presidency to Date ---

I understand that Megyn is trying to elevate herself into a legitimate credible political commentator.

According to the ratings, she already has.

As has the entire network she works for.

See ratings - Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - Ratings |

What's Rachael Maddlow's excuse for failure to achieve the same?
What's the excuse of all the other networks as a whole?

They seem to be "miserable failures," much like the man Ms. Kelly references in her monologue in my OP.
I understand that Megyn is trying to elevate herself into a legitimate credible political commentator.

According to the ratings, she already has.

As has the entire network she works for.

See ratings - Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - Ratings |

What's Rachael Maddlow's excuse for failure to achieve the same?
What's the excuse of all the other networks as a whole?

They seem to be "miserable failures," much like the man Ms. Kelly references in her monologue in my OP.

Ratings is how you establish your credibility as a political commentator?


Seriously now. Megyn Kelly is a hot looking blonde right out of Fox casting. Like most on Fox, she has learned how to throw red meat to conservatives and beat the Obama Fail drum.

But someone who is trying to break out of the Fox News bimbo mold spouting a litany of rightwing talking points and even using "golf" to help make her points shows that she will never break out as a credible source of commentary
When Megyn led off with the "Iran is a terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans" whopper, there didn't seem much point in going on.

It's funny but sad, how none of the ODSers here can recognize the lies that normal people spot instantly. A busted BS meter is one of the defining characteristics of the kook fringe right, which makes it easy to get them to parrot the propaganda. People with functional BS meters simply don't get sucked into the right wing stooge cult.
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Ratings is how you establish your credibility as a political commentator?

Sure - ratings illustrate the public's trust in an individual, network, program.
What do you think they illustrate?

What part of Ms. Kelly's monologue was not credible?
When Megyn led off with the "Iran is a terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans" whopper, there didn't seem much point in going on.

Iran isn't responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans?
What disproves that?
99% speculation, theory, innuendo, and bullshit, about 1% actual news.


I've conducted my own comprehensive study of FOX News. My intensive research consisted of watching many hours of FOX News, tabulating the amount of bullshit, and correlating that with the number of hair brained conspiracy theories. Listening to that much FOX News was an arduous task, I realized early on that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome in understanding the FOX News audience. I found myself at an impasse but I finally discovered a way to understand. When ever I'm confused about the logic of something I've just heard on FOX News I just repeatedly beat myself over the head with a hammer until it makes sense.
99% speculation, theory, innuendo, and bullshit, about 1% actual news.


I've conducted my own comprehensive study of FOX News. My intensive research consisted of watching many hours of FOX News, tabulating the amount of bullshit, and correlating that with the number of hair brained conspiracy theories. Listening to that much FOX News was an arduous task, I realized early on that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome in understanding the FOX News audience. I found myself at an impasse but I finally discovered a way to understand. When ever I'm confused about the logic of something I've just heard on FOX News I just repeatedly beat myself over the head with a hammer until it makes sense.

There's a reason no one is paying you to perform your comprehensive, intensive research for a paycheck.

Need the reason?

Get dressed and look in a mirror.
When Megyn led off with the "Iran is a terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans" whopper, there didn't seem much point in going on.

It's funny but sad, how none of the ODSers here can recognize the lies that normal people spot instantly. A busted BS meter is one of the defining characteristics of the kook fringe right, which makes it easy to get them to parrot the propaganda. People with functional BS meters simply don't get sucked into the right wing stooge cult.

I lasted till she brought up Obama playing golf

Hard to believe they are pushing Kelly as a legitimate commentator. She offers nothing that Malkin does not spout out on a regular basis
When Megyn led off with the "Iran is a terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans" whopper, there didn't seem much point in going on.

It's funny but sad, how none of the ODSers here can recognize the lies that normal people spot instantly. A busted BS meter is one of the defining characteristics of the kook fringe right, which makes it easy to get them to parrot the propaganda. People with functional BS meters simply don't get sucked into the right wing stooge cult.

I lasted till she brought up Obama playing golf

Hard to believe they are pushing Kelly as a legitimate commentator. She offers nothing that Malkin does not spout out on a regular basis

You watched?

At most I glimpse FNC and marginally less MSNBC or Maher's show on HBO.

Partisan claptrap is for sheeple.

I've conducted my own comprehensive study of FOX News. My intensive research consisted of watching many hours of FOX News, tabulating the amount of bullshit, and correlating that with the number of hair brained conspiracy theories. Listening to that much FOX News was an arduous task, I realized early on that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome in understanding the FOX News audience. I found myself at an impasse but I finally discovered a way to understand. When ever I'm confused about the logic of something I've just heard on FOX News I just repeatedly beat myself over the head with a hammer until it makes sense.

There's a reason no one is paying you to perform your comprehensive, intensive research for a paycheck.

Need the reason?

Get dressed and look in a mirror.

You're one of the lucky one's, you don't need to buy a hammer.
What I enjoyed about Megyn Kelly in the OP video is how she does her best to channel the Nancy Grace sneer and false outrage

I couldn't help laughing when she talked about Iran
When Megyn led off with the "Iran is a terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans" whopper, there didn't seem much point in going on.

It's funny but sad, how none of the ODSers here can recognize the lies that normal people spot instantly. A busted BS meter is one of the defining characteristics of the kook fringe right, which makes it easy to get them to parrot the propaganda. People with functional BS meters simply don't get sucked into the right wing stooge cult.

Shouldn't you go back to counting dead soldiers?
What I enjoyed about Megyn Kelly in the OP video is how she does her best to channel the Nancy Grace sneer and false outrage

I couldn't help laughing when she talked about Iran

Who is Nancy Grace?
What did she say about Iran that you find so hilarious?
Megyn Kelly's assertion that the Obama administration is somehow "imploding" rings like a desperate attempt to rescue Republican hopes in the 2014 election cycle

Contrary to repeated FoxNews predictions, the economy is doing nothing close to imploding. The Stock Market is in record territory and unemployment is in the low 6% range

Contrary to repeated FoxNews predictions, Obamacare is working. 10 million people are insured under it. Our healthcare network has not collapsed

So what do they have? Iraq is bubbling up so the FoxNews pundits have to beat their war drums. As usual, Obama will not overreact and will not be bullied by the right into military action
FoxNews has been claiming the Obama administration is imploding for five years

Any day now....any day

What's really funny is that many people actually believe FOX News is a legitimate news agency.

What's REALLY sad is that FOX News is the only news source that's critical of the Obama White House while the other "legitimate" news sources actively work to cover up scandal after scandal perpetrated by this Administration!

If it wasn't for FOX's embarrassing the other outlets I don't think we'd ever hear about things like missing e-mails. So tell me, someone a "legitimate news agency" when they go along with the disinformation that a corrupt Administration puts out?
Megyn Kelly's assertion that the Obama administration is somehow "imploding" rings like a desperate attempt to rescue Republican hopes in the 2014 election cycle

Your attempts to elevate Obama to some level of "success" seem desperate.

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