Megyn Kelly Sums Up Obama Presidency to Date ---

It is our current obstructionist Republican Party that will not be treated well by historians

A President's "job" is to lead. A President's "job" is to craft political compromise so that the business of the country can take place. A President's "job" is to rise above being the leader of his party to become the leader of America.

Barack Obama has failed miserably at all of these things. He's declined to be the leader of the Free World...choosing instead to "lead from behind". His habit of blaming the opposition for his own policy failures has led to the most divided and partisan government in the history of the nation. His lack of a coherent economic policy has led to the worst recovery from a recession in the last 60 years. His lack of a coherent foreign policy has left much of the Middle East in the hands of a group so evil Al Queda wouldn't take them in.

But you think Barry's going to be "graded on the curve" by future historians? I think you're dreaming, Winger. Barack Obama is a combination of Nixon's corruption and Carter's ineffectiveness.

Nice try

Republicans take their ball and go home and then blame Obama for not stopping them

Here's your problem with that spin, Winger! At the beginning of his first term Barack Obama sat across a table from the Republicans...smugly told them that elections have consequences...I won...and then proceeded to ignore their views. The Republicans didn't take their ball and go home because at that point the Democrats were the only ones allowed to touch the ball. When Rahm Emanuel was asked if he was concerned about angering the Republicans he succinctly replied "Fuck 'em...we've got the votes!"

So what do you think happens when you've taken THAT approach to bi-partisanship and then your opponents take back control of the House because your agenda has scared so many Americans? Are you naive enough to think that the same people you told to take a hike are going to cheerfully work with you?

If Obama wants to blame ANYONE for the level of animosity between the two parties the first place he should look is in the mirror. It's HIS actions in those early days of his first term that set the tone for the partisan gridlock that's taken place ever since.
Barack Obama is a combination of Nixon's corruption and Carter's ineffectiveness.

Oh come on - Nixon was no where near as corrupt as Obama is. And Obama's ineffectiveness has far surpassed Carter's.

Ah, yes...but neither combined the two, Warrior! Nixon, while corrupt...was an adept politician. Carter while squeaky clean...was awful at Washington politics. Obama has managed to be both corrupt AND ineffective!
A President's "job" is to lead. A President's "job" is to craft political compromise so that the business of the country can take place. A President's "job" is to rise above being the leader of his party to become the leader of America.

Barack Obama has failed miserably at all of these things. He's declined to be the leader of the Free World...choosing instead to "lead from behind". His habit of blaming the opposition for his own policy failures has led to the most divided and partisan government in the history of the nation. His lack of a coherent economic policy has led to the worst recovery from a recession in the last 60 years. His lack of a coherent foreign policy has left much of the Middle East in the hands of a group so evil Al Queda wouldn't take them in.

But you think Barry's going to be "graded on the curve" by future historians? I think you're dreaming, Winger. Barack Obama is a combination of Nixon's corruption and Carter's ineffectiveness.

Nice try

Republicans take their ball and go home and then blame Obama for not stopping them

Here's your problem with that spin, Winger! At the beginning of his first term Barack Obama sat across a table from the Republicans...smugly told them that elections have consequences...I won...and then proceeded to ignore their views. The Republicans didn't take their ball and go home because at that point the Democrats were the only ones allowed to touch the ball. When Rahm Emanuel was asked if he was concerned about angering the Republicans he succinctly replied "Fuck 'em...we've got the votes!"

So what do you think happens when you've taken THAT approach to bi-partisanship and then your opponents take back control of the House because your agenda has scared so many Americans? Are you naive enough to think that the same people you told to take a hike are going to cheerfully work with you?

If Obama wants to blame ANYONE for the level of animosity between the two parties the first place he should look is in the mirror. It's HIS actions in those early days of his first term that set the tone for the partisan gridlock that's taken place ever since.

Yes he did when one Eric Cantor sat down in his first meeting with the new President and started dictating terms

So what was your point?

Republicans have insisted on ruling from the minority. The President reminded them that that is not how things work
The President reminded them that that is not how things work

The Community Organizer couldn't operate a blender successfully.
He counts on brainless stooges like you for their undying support. Keep up the good work.
The President reminded them that that is not how things work

The Community Organizer couldn't operate a blender successfully.
He counts on brainless stooges like you for their undying support. Keep up the good work.

The community organizer was overwhelmingly elected in two elections

Republicans responded that if they were not able to call the shots, then nobody can

= Obstruction
The community organizer was overwhelmingly elected in two elections

Republicans responded that if they were not able to call the shots, then nobody can

= Obstruction

Hitler was overwhelmingly elected moron. That doesn't make it right.
The community organizer was overwhelmingly elected in two elections

Republicans responded that if they were not able to call the shots, then nobody can

= Obstruction

Hitler was overwhelmingly elected moron. That doesn't make it right.

Nice try

Republicans take their ball and go home and then blame Obama for not stopping them

Here's your problem with that spin, Winger! At the beginning of his first term Barack Obama sat across a table from the Republicans...smugly told them that elections have consequences...I won...and then proceeded to ignore their views. The Republicans didn't take their ball and go home because at that point the Democrats were the only ones allowed to touch the ball. When Rahm Emanuel was asked if he was concerned about angering the Republicans he succinctly replied "Fuck 'em...we've got the votes!"

So what do you think happens when you've taken THAT approach to bi-partisanship and then your opponents take back control of the House because your agenda has scared so many Americans? Are you naive enough to think that the same people you told to take a hike are going to cheerfully work with you?

If Obama wants to blame ANYONE for the level of animosity between the two parties the first place he should look is in the mirror. It's HIS actions in those early days of his first term that set the tone for the partisan gridlock that's taken place ever since.

Yes he did when one Eric Cantor sat down in his first meeting with the new President and started dictating terms

So what was your point?

Republicans have insisted on ruling from the minority. The President reminded them that that is not how things work

My "point" is that Barack Obama DIDN'T listen to the GOP's concerns. He basically told the GOP that they should go sit in the hall in 2009 while he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid conducted the country's business.

Now Obama certainly had that ability...because he had large majorities in both the House and Senate in 2009. When he chose to do so however, he put himself in a position where if the GOP DID regain control of the House or Senate they would remember how they were treated by the Democrats that first year. That's simple common sense. If you kick someone when they are down...then you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug if they get up off the ground.

What's amusing to watch is liberals like yourself whining about how the GOP won't "play fair" with Barry NOW...when you were all giggling like giddy little kids when Obama was telling Cantor to sit down and shut up back THEN!
It's my belief that the Obama Administration will not be treated well by future generations of political historians. I think he'll be seen as a charismatic under achiever who never quite lived up to the myth of his own innate brilliance.

It is our current obstructionist Republican Party that will not be treated well by historians

Actually it's Harry Reid in the Senate that is the Obstructionist for refusing to put up multiple bills that the House PASSED.
Actually it's Harry Reid in the Senate that is the Obstructionist for refusing to put up multiple bills that the House PASSED.

But Rightnutjob will tell you he was elected overwhelmingly by Americans, so Mr. Reid has carte blanc to ass-fuck Americans…
He was overwhelmingly elected, ya see.
That makes it OK.
Here's your problem with that spin, Winger! At the beginning of his first term Barack Obama sat across a table from the Republicans...smugly told them that elections have consequences...I won...and then proceeded to ignore their views. The Republicans didn't take their ball and go home because at that point the Democrats were the only ones allowed to touch the ball. When Rahm Emanuel was asked if he was concerned about angering the Republicans he succinctly replied "Fuck 'em...we've got the votes!"

So what do you think happens when you've taken THAT approach to bi-partisanship and then your opponents take back control of the House because your agenda has scared so many Americans? Are you naive enough to think that the same people you told to take a hike are going to cheerfully work with you?

If Obama wants to blame ANYONE for the level of animosity between the two parties the first place he should look is in the mirror. It's HIS actions in those early days of his first term that set the tone for the partisan gridlock that's taken place ever since.

Yes he did when one Eric Cantor sat down in his first meeting with the new President and started dictating terms

So what was your point?

Republicans have insisted on ruling from the minority. The President reminded them that that is not how things work

My "point" is that Barack Obama DIDN'T listen to the GOP's concerns. He basically told the GOP that they should go sit in the hall in 2009 while he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid conducted the country's business.

Now Obama certainly had that ability...because he had large majorities in both the House and Senate in 2009. When he chose to do so however, he put himself in a position where if the GOP DID regain control of the House or Senate they would remember how they were treated by the Democrats that first year. That's simple common sense. If you kick someone when they are down...then you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug if they get up off the ground.

What's amusing to watch is liberals like yourself whining about how the GOP won't "play fair" with Barry NOW...when you were all giggling like giddy little kids when Obama was telling Cantor to sit down and shut up back THEN!

Obama was explaining the political realities to Mr Cantor. Namely, Republicans must be willing to work writhin the legislative framework established by the Democrats. The elections established that

If Republicans had chosen to work as a minority party, they could have gotten some, but not all of their legislative agenda and saved some Republican priorities
Instead, they chose an all or nothing approach and guess what?
They ended up with nothing
Hitler was overwhelmingly elected moron. That doesn't make it right.

Agreed, because it's totally wrong.

First, "Hitler" was never elected. Voters voted for the Nazi party, not the person of Hitler.

Second, the Nazis did not get a majority of the votes, which plainly makes the "overwhelmingly" part completely wrong.

Hitler, with his minority of Nazis behind him, essentially seized total power with the Enabling Act of 1933, deploying stormtroopers to the Reichstag to help "suggest" to the legislators what the correct vote might be.
Hitler was overwhelmingly elected moron. That doesn't make it right.

Agreed, because it's totally wrong.

First, "Hitler" was never elected. Voters voted for the Nazi party, not the person of Hitler.

Second, the Nazis did not get a majority of the votes, which plainly makes the "overwhelmingly" part completely wrong.

Hitler, with his minority of Nazis behind him, essentially seized total power with the Enabling Act of 1933, deploying stormtroopers to the Reichstag to help "suggest" to the legislators what the correct vote might be.

Carter was elected
Yes he did when one Eric Cantor sat down in his first meeting with the new President and started dictating terms

So what was your point?

Republicans have insisted on ruling from the minority. The President reminded them that that is not how things work

My "point" is that Barack Obama DIDN'T listen to the GOP's concerns. He basically told the GOP that they should go sit in the hall in 2009 while he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid conducted the country's business.

Now Obama certainly had that ability...because he had large majorities in both the House and Senate in 2009. When he chose to do so however, he put himself in a position where if the GOP DID regain control of the House or Senate they would remember how they were treated by the Democrats that first year. That's simple common sense. If you kick someone when they are down...then you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug if they get up off the ground.

What's amusing to watch is liberals like yourself whining about how the GOP won't "play fair" with Barry NOW...when you were all giggling like giddy little kids when Obama was telling Cantor to sit down and shut up back THEN!

Obama was explaining the political realities to Mr Cantor. Namely, Republicans must be willing to work writhin the legislative framework established by the Democrats. The elections established that

If Republicans had chosen to work as a minority party, they could have gotten some, but not all of their legislative agenda and saved some Republican priorities
Instead, they chose an all or nothing approach and guess what?
They ended up with nothing

Interesting concept, Winger. The Republicans didn't have a choice but to work within the legislative framework established by the Democrats in 2009. Why is it that Barack Obama and Harry Reid refused to admit what the 2010 mid-term elections "established"? Why is it that elections had consequences in 2008 according to Barack Obama but elections in 2010 did not?

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