Megyn Kelly Sums Up Obama Presidency to Date ---

The truth is, Fast & Furious is simply an example of a mindset this Administration has employed since they took office...which is...the end justifies the means.

Hundreds of Mexican nationals murdered? Well, that's a small price to pay if liberals can get tougher gun control laws passed! So let's go ahead and run hundreds of high powered weapons to narco terrorists in Mexico!
The truth, that it gets harder with each passing month to list Barack Obama's failures because there are so many. Invariably, I overlook major scandals because there are so many that it's almost impossible to keep track of them all! What you see as "failed attacks" upon Barack Obama are simply backlogged scandals that this Administration have stonewalled for years. What's obvious to anyone not wearing partisan blinders like yourself, is that the old scandals haven't gone away...they've simply been supplanted in the news cycle by NEW scandals. Fast & Furious is still the same incredibly inept program now as it always just don't hear about it because newer debacles like the IRS scandal and the VA scandal drew attention away from that scandal. Now kids pouring across our borders and Iraq blowing up in Barry's face is drawing attention away from THOSE scandals. None of them are resolved...all of them still hang around this President's neck like millstones pointing out how inept his administration has been.

Historians and educated people have always said what Republicans were doing in Iraq was going to lead to the very mess it is now. Why? Because Shiite and Sunni have been at war for over a thousand years. The fact that Muslims are so divided is the biggest reason that Israel has been as unmolested as it's been. But Republicans don't respect other people enough to learn about them before they bully them. Worse, Republicans wanted to "free" Iraq but fix elections here using voter suppression. And it is voter suppression. To many Republicans have admitted it. It's no longer deniable.

The so called "Fast and Furious" scandal is one of the most ignorant things Republicans have come up with in a decade. This "conspiracy" is that Obama was trying to get American made guns into the hands of Mexicans hoping they would kill Americans and leave behind the guns so we could identify them as well as some type of evidence that it was the Mexicans who used the guns so Obama could pass gun laws taking away the guns of average American citizens. That's so fucking stupid it's beyond laughable. You would have to be a total ignorant tard to believe something so far out and outlandish.

And if Republicans would stop blocking Obama's nominees, then it wouldn't have been a "Bush Appointee" at the center of the so called IRS scandal. And the real scandal is that Republicans used the IRS for two years under Bush to tie up the NAACP. And then dropped the investigation. Two years wasted costing tax payer money.

And there is a reason Republicans have a 9% favorability rating. "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
Republicans drag everyone down into the mud. What are they doing good for the country. You can't even name a one of their policies for the last 15 years that have helped this country in any way. But you sure can name the damage.

I'm curious, Deanie...what WAS the intent of Fast & Furious? You've stated that it's "stupid" and "outlandish" to contend that the Obama Administration deliberately let weapons "walk" into Mexico because they wanted to spotlight what they saw as inadequate gun control laws...yet you never provide an answer to what it was they were trying to achieve if it WASN'T that! They started up a program that the Bush Administration had stopped because they were unable to track weapons even with the cooperation of the Mexican government. What was the thought behind doing that? Why did they not inform the Mexican government of what they were doing? Why did they keep the program going even when ATF agents were protesting that gun traffickers were not being arrested and the guns were not being tracked? Why did they keep that program going right up to the point where Terry was killed and the media finally got wind of what was going on from ATF whistle blowers? Why was it that only being embarrassed by the scandal made Eric Holder FINALLY halt Fast & Furious?

Probably it was rouge Republicans who hated Obama kept Fast and Furious going. I suspect no one in Washington even knew what was going on until someone died. All those weapons were bought legally. Remember, Republicans don't believe in gun laws. Anyone could buy them at any gun show.

A country as big as the United States? No one in a brand new administration could possibly know everything Bush left behind.

The idea that a new president, at the very beginning of his first term already has an established gunrunning operation is ridiculous and laughable beyond belief. You guys really do believe Obama is a "god".

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune

Check this out:

The National Rifle Association has so successfully opposed a comprehensive electronic database of gun sales that the ATF’s congressional appropriation explicitly prohibits establishing one.

Now what is even more fucking hilarious is the Brady Foundation gives Obama an "F" on gun control because Obama has expanded gun rights further than any president in the last 100 years.

Gun control group gives Obama an "F"

Republicans hate Obama so much, they just assume he is against everything they are for. But remember, these are the people who invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the history of the region. They believe in "trickle down" and think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. Is it any wonder the entire world has nothing but scorn for American right wingnut Republicans?
The truth is, Fast & Furious is simply an example of a mindset this Administration has employed since they took office...which is...the end justifies the means.

Hundreds of Mexican nationals murdered? Well, that's a small price to pay if liberals can get tougher gun control laws passed! So let's go ahead and run hundreds of high powered weapons to narco terrorists in Mexico!

Where were weapons illegally purchased? Oh that's right. Republicans won't allow gun laws. Just another example of right wingnuts complaining about the disastrous effects of their screwball policies.
Historians and educated people have always said what Republicans were doing in Iraq was going to lead to the very mess it is now. Why? Because Shiite and Sunni have been at war for over a thousand years. The fact that Muslims are so divided is the biggest reason that Israel has been as unmolested as it's been. But Republicans don't respect other people enough to learn about them before they bully them. Worse, Republicans wanted to "free" Iraq but fix elections here using voter suppression. And it is voter suppression. To many Republicans have admitted it. It's no longer deniable.

The so called "Fast and Furious" scandal is one of the most ignorant things Republicans have come up with in a decade. This "conspiracy" is that Obama was trying to get American made guns into the hands of Mexicans hoping they would kill Americans and leave behind the guns so we could identify them as well as some type of evidence that it was the Mexicans who used the guns so Obama could pass gun laws taking away the guns of average American citizens. That's so fucking stupid it's beyond laughable. You would have to be a total ignorant tard to believe something so far out and outlandish.

And if Republicans would stop blocking Obama's nominees, then it wouldn't have been a "Bush Appointee" at the center of the so called IRS scandal. And the real scandal is that Republicans used the IRS for two years under Bush to tie up the NAACP. And then dropped the investigation. Two years wasted costing tax payer money.

And there is a reason Republicans have a 9% favorability rating. "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
Republicans drag everyone down into the mud. What are they doing good for the country. You can't even name a one of their policies for the last 15 years that have helped this country in any way. But you sure can name the damage.

I'm curious, Deanie...what WAS the intent of Fast & Furious? You've stated that it's "stupid" and "outlandish" to contend that the Obama Administration deliberately let weapons "walk" into Mexico because they wanted to spotlight what they saw as inadequate gun control laws...yet you never provide an answer to what it was they were trying to achieve if it WASN'T that! They started up a program that the Bush Administration had stopped because they were unable to track weapons even with the cooperation of the Mexican government. What was the thought behind doing that? Why did they not inform the Mexican government of what they were doing? Why did they keep the program going even when ATF agents were protesting that gun traffickers were not being arrested and the guns were not being tracked? Why did they keep that program going right up to the point where Terry was killed and the media finally got wind of what was going on from ATF whistle blowers? Why was it that only being embarrassed by the scandal made Eric Holder FINALLY halt Fast & Furious?

Probably it was rouge Republicans who hated Obama kept Fast and Furious going. I suspect no one in Washington even knew what was going on until someone died. All those weapons were bought legally. Remember, Republicans don't believe in gun laws. Anyone could buy them at any gun show.

A country as big as the United States? No one in a brand new administration could possibly know everything Bush left behind.

The idea that a new president, at the very beginning of his first term already has an established gunrunning operation is ridiculous and laughable beyond belief. You guys really do believe Obama is a "god".

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune

Check this out:

The National Rifle Association has so successfully opposed a comprehensive electronic database of gun sales that the ATF’s congressional appropriation explicitly prohibits establishing one.

Now what is even more fucking hilarious is the Brady Foundation gives Obama an "F" on gun control because Obama has expanded gun rights further than any president in the last 100 years.

Gun control group gives Obama an "F"

Republicans hate Obama so much, they just assume he is against everything they are for. But remember, these are the people who invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the history of the region. They believe in "trickle down" and think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. Is it any wonder the entire world has nothing but scorn for American right wingnut Republicans?

Wow, that's a reach even for you, Deanie! Now you want us to believe that Fast & Furious wasn't an Obama Justice Department program at all? That it was actually left over from the Bush Administration and that nobody in the Obama Administration noticed it? Is that your story? That's so pathetic it speaks volumes about how desperate you are to excuse this Administration.

I gave you a very simple task...give me the reason behind the Obama Justice Department starting up a program that the Bush Administration had shut down. You don't HAVE a reason you?
If you're wearing a pair of shoes that's a little flashy, then it's important not to be flashy up top and vice versa. ~ Megyn Kelly
I'm curious, Deanie...what WAS the intent of Fast & Furious? You've stated that it's "stupid" and "outlandish" to contend that the Obama Administration deliberately let weapons "walk" into Mexico because they wanted to spotlight what they saw as inadequate gun control laws...yet you never provide an answer to what it was they were trying to achieve if it WASN'T that! They started up a program that the Bush Administration had stopped because they were unable to track weapons even with the cooperation of the Mexican government. What was the thought behind doing that? Why did they not inform the Mexican government of what they were doing? Why did they keep the program going even when ATF agents were protesting that gun traffickers were not being arrested and the guns were not being tracked? Why did they keep that program going right up to the point where Terry was killed and the media finally got wind of what was going on from ATF whistle blowers? Why was it that only being embarrassed by the scandal made Eric Holder FINALLY halt Fast & Furious?

Probably it was rouge Republicans who hated Obama kept Fast and Furious going. I suspect no one in Washington even knew what was going on until someone died. All those weapons were bought legally. Remember, Republicans don't believe in gun laws. Anyone could buy them at any gun show.

A country as big as the United States? No one in a brand new administration could possibly know everything Bush left behind.

The idea that a new president, at the very beginning of his first term already has an established gunrunning operation is ridiculous and laughable beyond belief. You guys really do believe Obama is a "god".

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune

Check this out:

The National Rifle Association has so successfully opposed a comprehensive electronic database of gun sales that the ATF’s congressional appropriation explicitly prohibits establishing one.

Now what is even more fucking hilarious is the Brady Foundation gives Obama an "F" on gun control because Obama has expanded gun rights further than any president in the last 100 years.

Gun control group gives Obama an "F"

Republicans hate Obama so much, they just assume he is against everything they are for. But remember, these are the people who invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the history of the region. They believe in "trickle down" and think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. Is it any wonder the entire world has nothing but scorn for American right wingnut Republicans?

Wow, that's a reach even for you, Deanie! Now you want us to believe that Fast & Furious wasn't an Obama Justice Department program at all? That it was actually left over from the Bush Administration and that nobody in the Obama Administration noticed it? Is that your story? That's so pathetic it speaks volumes about how desperate you are to excuse this Administration.

I gave you a very simple task...give me the reason behind the Obama Justice Department starting up a program that the Bush Administration had shut down. You don't HAVE a reason you?

The reason Obama started up that program is because he never did. See? I don't have a reason because he never started up such a program.

Tell us why he would. I already gave you the Republican's ridiculous conspiracy. And you are asking me for what? The conspiracy you guys already laid out?
Probably it was rouge Republicans who hated Obama kept Fast and Furious going. I suspect no one in Washington even knew what was going on until someone died. All those weapons were bought legally. Remember, Republicans don't believe in gun laws. Anyone could buy them at any gun show.

A country as big as the United States? No one in a brand new administration could possibly know everything Bush left behind.

The idea that a new president, at the very beginning of his first term already has an established gunrunning operation is ridiculous and laughable beyond belief. You guys really do believe Obama is a "god".

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune

Check this out:

The National Rifle Association has so successfully opposed a comprehensive electronic database of gun sales that the ATF’s congressional appropriation explicitly prohibits establishing one.

Now what is even more fucking hilarious is the Brady Foundation gives Obama an "F" on gun control because Obama has expanded gun rights further than any president in the last 100 years.

Gun control group gives Obama an "F"

Republicans hate Obama so much, they just assume he is against everything they are for. But remember, these are the people who invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the history of the region. They believe in "trickle down" and think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. Is it any wonder the entire world has nothing but scorn for American right wingnut Republicans?

Wow, that's a reach even for you, Deanie! Now you want us to believe that Fast & Furious wasn't an Obama Justice Department program at all? That it was actually left over from the Bush Administration and that nobody in the Obama Administration noticed it? Is that your story? That's so pathetic it speaks volumes about how desperate you are to excuse this Administration.

I gave you a very simple task...give me the reason behind the Obama Justice Department starting up a program that the Bush Administration had shut down. You don't HAVE a reason you?

The reason Obama started up that program is because he never did. See? I don't have a reason because he never started up such a program.

Tell us why he would. I already gave you the Republican's ridiculous conspiracy. And you are asking me for what? The conspiracy you guys already laid out?

So that's what you're going with, Deanie? That Fast & Furious never was a program started and overseen by the Obama Justice Department? That it was REALLY George W. Bush's program and the Obama Justice Department didn't know it existed? :dig::dig::dig::dig:

You're embarrassing yourself at this point.

Step away from the computer before you lose what little credibility you still have left...
I already told you the only reason I can think of that someone would start a program as idiotic as Fast & Furious. I've never made the claim that it was a good reason (in reality I think it's one of the least thought out programs I've ever heard of. I don't know who the genius it was that came up with it but they are complete morons!) I've simply tried to come up with SOME rational reason for them to do what they did. You've declared that to be a ridiculous conspiracy theory. I'm giving you the opportunity to provide the REAL reason why the Obama Justice Department would authorize something like this but all you've done is duck the question while telling an outrageous lie that Fast & Furious wasn't an Obama Administration program.

So, Deanie? Why did the Obama Justice Department start up Fast & Furious? What was the end goal of that program?
God, she's hot, intelligent, classy, articulate, so "right on" about Obama...

Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding Kelly File - YouTube
This is what Obama's success looks like. Back in 2008, many of us came out and stated right up front, we hoped Obama's policies fail. Because we could see where his policies were going to lead us.

So, here we are. His policy successes have turn the world into chaos.

The world in chaos. Too funny. The chaos was happening while eight years of bush/cheney was winding down. You maybe don't realize this, but most of the country and the world does. Obama will go down in history as a success much like another president that fixed what the republicans screwed up - FDR. Keep telling yourselves all these blatant lies and posting them but it won't change anything.
God, she's hot, intelligent, classy, articulate, so "right on" about Obama...

Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding Kelly File - YouTube
This is what Obama's success looks like. Back in 2008, many of us came out and stated right up front, we hoped Obama's policies fail. Because we could see where his policies were going to lead us.

So, here we are. His policy successes have turn the world into chaos.

The world in chaos. Too funny. The chaos was happening while eight years of bush/cheney was winding down. You maybe don't realize this, but most of the country and the world does. Obama will go down in history as a success much like another president that fixed what the republicans screwed up - FDR. Keep telling yourselves all these blatant lies and posting them but it won't change anything.

Wow, Jason...what part of the Obama Presidency do you see going down in history as a "success"? His economic policy? With all due respect, the man has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. His foreign policy? Quite frankly, I'm hard pressed to imagine how that could be much more FUBARed than it is now!
It's my belief that the Obama Administration will not be treated well by future generations of political historians. I think he'll be seen as a charismatic under achiever who never quite lived up to the myth of his own innate brilliance.
It's my belief that the Obama Administration will not be treated well by future generations of political historians. I think he'll be seen as a charismatic under achiever who never quite lived up to the myth of his own innate brilliance.

It is our current obstructionist Republican Party that will not be treated well by historians
When Megyn led off with the "Iran is a terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans" whopper, there didn't seem much point in going on.

It's funny but sad, how none of the ODSers here can recognize the lies that normal people spot instantly. A busted BS meter is one of the defining characteristics of the kook fringe right, which makes it easy to get them to parrot the propaganda. People with functional BS meters simply don't get sucked into the right wing stooge cult.

Your 'stupid' is showing again, you really should do some research before posting here.

Iran was financing most of the insurgents in Iraq during the time when most of the Americans were killed there.
Iran financed most of the terrorist attacks in Africa.
Iran finances Hezbollah
Iran finances Hamas

Yes, Iran is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and tens of thousands of non-Americans around the World.
Yes, Iran is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and tens of thousands of non-Americans around the World.

Correct, yet Libberhoids consider them allies and innocent of any wrongdoing.
99% speculation, theory, innuendo, and bullshit, about 1% actual news.


I've conducted my own comprehensive study of FOX News. My intensive research consisted of watching many hours of FOX News, tabulating the amount of bullshit, and correlating that with the number of hair brained conspiracy theories. Listening to that much FOX News was an arduous task, I realized early on that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome in understanding the FOX News audience. I found myself at an impasse but I finally discovered a way to understand. When ever I'm confused about the logic of something I've just heard on FOX News I just repeatedly beat myself over the head with a hammer until it makes sense.

And you call that a responsible and honest response? You are a liar!! There, I said it and at least it's true, verified by your own words.
When Megyn led off with the "Iran is a terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans" whopper, there didn't seem much point in going on.

It's funny but sad, how none of the ODSers here can recognize the lies that normal people spot instantly. A busted BS meter is one of the defining characteristics of the kook fringe right, which makes it easy to get them to parrot the propaganda. People with functional BS meters simply don't get sucked into the right wing stooge cult.

Your 'stupid' is showing again, you really should do some research before posting here.

Iran was financing most of the insurgents in Iraq during the time when most of the Americans were killed there.
Iran financed most of the terrorist attacks in Africa.
Iran finances Hezbollah
Iran finances Hamas

Yes, Iran is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and tens of thousands of non-Americans around the World.

Actually, George Bush was responsible for the thousands of dead in Iraq. He was the decider
The Rightwingnuts are responding in their usual manner, don't like the message, attack the messenger.
Not one of megan's statements has been proven to be false.

We win, you Libtards lose again!
It's my belief that the Obama Administration will not be treated well by future generations of political historians. I think he'll be seen as a charismatic under achiever who never quite lived up to the myth of his own innate brilliance.

It is our current obstructionist Republican Party that will not be treated well by historians

A President's "job" is to lead. A President's "job" is to craft political compromise so that the business of the country can take place. A President's "job" is to rise above being the leader of his party to become the leader of America.

Barack Obama has failed miserably at all of these things. He's declined to be the leader of the Free World...choosing instead to "lead from behind". His habit of blaming the opposition for his own policy failures has led to the most divided and partisan government in the history of the nation. His lack of a coherent economic policy has led to the worst recovery from a recession in the last 60 years. His lack of a coherent foreign policy has left much of the Middle East in the hands of a group so evil Al Queda wouldn't take them in.

But you think Barry's going to be "graded on the curve" by future historians? I think you're dreaming, Winger. Barack Obama is a combination of Nixon's corruption and Carter's ineffectiveness.
It's my belief that the Obama Administration will not be treated well by future generations of political historians. I think he'll be seen as a charismatic under achiever who never quite lived up to the myth of his own innate brilliance.

It is our current obstructionist Republican Party that will not be treated well by historians

A President's "job" is to lead. A President's "job" is to craft political compromise so that the business of the country can take place. A President's "job" is to rise above being the leader of his party to become the leader of America.

Barack Obama has failed miserably at all of these things. He's declined to be the leader of the Free World...choosing instead to "lead from behind". His habit of blaming the opposition for his own policy failures has led to the most divided and partisan government in the history of the nation. His lack of a coherent economic policy has led to the worst recovery from a recession in the last 60 years. His lack of a coherent foreign policy has left much of the Middle East in the hands of a group so evil Al Queda wouldn't take them in.

But you think Barry's going to be "graded on the curve" by future historians? I think you're dreaming, Winger. Barack Obama is a combination of Nixon's corruption and Carter's ineffectiveness.

Nice try

Republicans take their ball and go home and then blame Obama for not stopping them

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