

Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Trump might be an useful clown after all.
Glad to see Trump is calling out Megyn's usual modus operandi of confusing (lying) facts to promote t̶h̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ the Roger Ailes Party ideology.

(BTW: just look at the language of her question - "You [Kasich] defended your Medicaid expansion by invoking God," you talk about "arriv[ing] in heaven," and "Saint Peter" and what we should do "for the poor."

Megyn Kelly did tell one huge, deliberate lie during the last Republican debate
Tue Aug 11, 2015


...Fox's Megyn Kelly at the last Republican debate, with as an intentionally dishonest a question that you could imagine: KELLY: Governor Kasich, You chose to expand Medicaid in your state, unlike several other governors on this stage tonight, and it is already over budget by some estimates costing taxpayers an additional $1.4 billion in just the first 18 months.

You defended your Medicaid expansion by invoking God, saying to skeptics that when they arrive in heaven, Saint Peter isn’t going to ask them how small they’ve kept government, but what they have done for the poor.

Why should Republican voters, who generally want to shrink government, believe that you won’t use your Saint Peter rationale to expand every government program?

Wow! I thought: Ohio's Medicaid expansion - passed over objections of the Republican legislature - is already $1.4 billion over budget?!? Holy cow! These Republicans are innocent of heart - or at least forgivably broke. Right?

No. This dishonest Megyn Kelly "question" (previously the rage on right wing web sites) is so galling, and so dangerous, that it requires close attention:

1. This is not about waste or profligacy. The sole reason for the extra costs is because Ohio's Medicaid expansion proved so necessary and appealing that more people signed up than predicted. Do you catch that trick? Ohio's Medicaid expansion is not so vital and successful beyond expectations; No, it is "over budget." In other words, when Gov. Kasich [illustrative numbers only] originally hoped to reduce Ohio's uninsured rate by 5% in the first year, but wound up reducing it by 8%, that wasn't a striking success; it was an Orwellian failure to meet a budget. (Kudos for the dry accounting language of evil.)

2. Still, what about the $1.4 billion in extra costs?
All of it, 100%, is covered by the federal ACA program, without any additional costs to Ohioans.

3. But Ms. Kelly mentions the "taxpayers"? Ohio taxpayers? No. She is slyly referring to federal taxpayers. But the ACA federal taxes are already being collected, and they don't go up or down whether Ohio expands Medicaid, rejects Medicaid or enrolls more (or less) than they expected in Medicaid. If Ohio Republicans succeeded in taking away their citizens' insurance, federal taxpayers would not save a penny.

4. Sure, but after a couple of years Ohio taxpayers will have to pay 5% to 10% of this higher number? Two answers: (i) yes, but that was never the Republican objection. Republicans objected to paying 5% to 10% from dollar one, and falsely pretend that the problem was "billions" of unfunded costs. (ii) Much of the unexpected ACA Medicaid expansion consisted of former (traditional) Medicaid members learning that they are eligible for the new, expanded ACA Medicaid.
Guess what? The Medicaid expansion is paid 90%-100% by the federal government, while the traditional Medicaid is paid around 50%. So, with respect to the "overage," Ohio is getting double the Medicare reimbursement by accepting Obamacare, and eliminating the (substantial but inadequate) amounts that it used to spend on the uninsured.

OK, that may sound wonky, but it is clear . . . and Megyn Kelly certainly knew what she was obfuscating. Sorry, Megyn. The politics of your Republican bosses remain immoral . . . historically immoral. A true journalist would report the crime, not aid in covering it up.

Megyn's (temporary) popularity went to her head and she thought she was rock star. Now she is exposed as a snippy little airhead.
Megyn's (temporary) popularity went to her head and she thought she was rock star. Now she is exposed as a snippy little airhead.

I think Roger Ailes is getting closer and closer to Megyn Kelly's "(temporary) popularity" a reality.

The Fox audience is losing patience with Megyn Kelly's lying and gotcha journalism. If nothing else good comes from Trump's candidacy, exposing Megyn Kelly's cheap shot journalism will be a very good thing and-----and don't worry Republicans you still have a full lineup of cheap shot artists - liars - pundits - politicians to choose from if Ailes decides to throw the bruised and bloodied Megyn Kelly to the curb.

Roger Ailes Picks Trump, and Fox News’ Audience, Over Megyn Kelly

By Gabriel Sherman
August 11, 2015

Ailes had to mute his defense of his star anchor after the GOP debate.


Photo: Getty Images
In the fallout since the first GOP debate, Fox News chairman Roger Ailes has found himself caught between Donald Trump, who has the full backing of Fox’s misogynist audience, and Megyn Kelly, the star anchor whom Ailes has nurtured and sees as the key to reaching younger viewers. For a few days, Ailes didn’t know how to handle Trump’s full-throated attack on Kelly, who accused Trump of sexism during the debate. Eventually, as I reported yesterday, he made the same choice he always does: follow the ratings, and mend fences with Trump. But that process has meant that Fox has had to mute its defense of Kelly, who is now watching uneasily as the Fox audience turns on her: According to one high-level source, Kelly has told Fox producers that she’s been getting death threats from Trump supporters.

While Trump barnstormed rival media outlets over the last few days, dissing Kelly and Fox at virtually every turn, Ailes remained surprisingly restrained in his response, even after Trump told CNN on Friday that Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever” during the debate. Paralyzed by the volume of pro-Trump emails from Fox’s loyal viewers, Ailes’s only statement, released a day after the debate, said that he was “extremely proud of all of the moderators.” Fox’s famously aggressive PR apparatus has not gone after Trump to defend Kelly, and although Kelly’s executive producer Tom Lowell did send out an email to colleagues thanking them for their support in recent days, that support has been private.


I find this whole thing funny...

Megyn Kelly is an independent, not a slave to the conservative party. Ha. All these angry reactions only prove how the Republican party is no different from the Democrats. There went the Alinsky card. So much political McCarthyism on display it makes my head spin.

When Trump does fade away, there will be plenty of tar and feathers for the lot of you.
It was obvious from the get go that Megyn Kelly was out to up her value in that first debate. I'm disappointed in the lot of them. Especially Chris Wallace in participating in this farce of a debate.

When the moderator is the headline the next day it means the debate was FUBAR'D.

When the moderators actually take up one third of the time allotted for the participants it means the debate was FUBAR'D.

I really expected more from these individuals. Instead of them properly executing their jobs in the debate it was like they became the FOX MOD SQUAD stars in their own minds basking in the glory of 24 million people tuning in but failing to realize that the viewers weren't tuning in to hear them speak so in the end the debate was FUBAR'D.

And the FOX MOD SQUAD did a disservice not only to ALL those good candidates running for the Presidency, but they also did a huge disservice to the electorate who tuned in to listen to the candidates.
Trump might be an useful clown after all.
Glad to see Trump is calling out Megyn's usual modus operandi of confusing (lying) facts to promote t̶h̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ the Roger Ailes Party ideology.

(BTW: just look at the language of her question - "You [Kasich] defended your Medicaid expansion by invoking God," you talk about "arriv[ing] in heaven," and "Saint Peter" and what we should do "for the poor."

Megyn Kelly did tell one huge, deliberate lie during the last Republican debate
Tue Aug 11, 2015


...Fox's Megyn Kelly at the last Republican debate, with as an intentionally dishonest a question that you could imagine: KELLY: Governor Kasich, You chose to expand Medicaid in your state, unlike several other governors on this stage tonight, and it is already over budget by some estimates costing taxpayers an additional $1.4 billion in just the first 18 months.

You defended your Medicaid expansion by invoking God, saying to skeptics that when they arrive in heaven, Saint Peter isn’t going to ask them how small they’ve kept government, but what they have done for the poor.

Why should Republican voters, who generally want to shrink government, believe that you won’t use your Saint Peter rationale to expand every government program?

Wow! I thought: Ohio's Medicaid expansion - passed over objections of the Republican legislature - is already $1.4 billion over budget?!? Holy cow! These Republicans are innocent of heart - or at least forgivably broke. Right?

No. This dishonest Megyn Kelly "question" (previously the rage on right wing web sites) is so galling, and so dangerous, that it requires close attention:

1. This is not about waste or profligacy. The sole reason for the extra costs is because Ohio's Medicaid expansion proved so necessary and appealing that more people signed up than predicted. Do you catch that trick? Ohio's Medicaid expansion is not so vital and successful beyond expectations; No, it is "over budget." In other words, when Gov. Kasich [illustrative numbers only] originally hoped to reduce Ohio's uninsured rate by 5% in the first year, but wound up reducing it by 8%, that wasn't a striking success; it was an Orwellian failure to meet a budget. (Kudos for the dry accounting language of evil.)

2. Still, what about the $1.4 billion in extra costs?
All of it, 100%, is covered by the federal ACA program, without any additional costs to Ohioans.

3. But Ms. Kelly mentions the "taxpayers"? Ohio taxpayers? No. She is slyly referring to federal taxpayers. But the ACA federal taxes are already being collected, and they don't go up or down whether Ohio expands Medicaid, rejects Medicaid or enrolls more (or less) than they expected in Medicaid. If Ohio Republicans succeeded in taking away their citizens' insurance, federal taxpayers would not save a penny.

4. Sure, but after a couple of years Ohio taxpayers will have to pay 5% to 10% of this higher number? Two answers: (i) yes, but that was never the Republican objection. Republicans objected to paying 5% to 10% from dollar one, and falsely pretend that the problem was "billions" of unfunded costs. (ii) Much of the unexpected ACA Medicaid expansion consisted of former (traditional) Medicaid members learning that they are eligible for the new, expanded ACA Medicaid.
Guess what? The Medicaid expansion is paid 90%-100% by the federal government, while the traditional Medicaid is paid around 50%. So, with respect to the "overage," Ohio is getting double the Medicare reimbursement by accepting Obamacare, and eliminating the (substantial but inadequate) amounts that it used to spend on the uninsured.

OK, that may sound wonky, but it is clear . . . and Megyn Kelly certainly knew what she was obfuscating. Sorry, Megyn. The politics of your Republican bosses remain immoral . . . historically immoral. A true journalist would report the crime, not aid in covering it up.


Megyn Kelly Suspended?

Nothing confirmed yet but-----but it looks to me like Roger Ailes is treating Megyn Kelly like the immature little twit she is by sending her home and giving her a time out.

The sad thing is; rightwingers and Republicans depend on megynlies to get the party's twisted interpretation of Fox "News" -- made up news.

Looks to me like Roger Ailes is capitulating to Donald Trump... but this "suspension?" story is in it's early stages.
by Rich Tucker
13 Aug 2015

On her Wednesday broadcast, the anchor announced she would be taking a vacation, starting immediately.

It comes less than a week after Kelly made headlines by grilling GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump during the initial debate.

“It’s been an interesting week,” Kelly said, adding “It’s been six months since I’ve had a vacation.”

A Fox spokesman tells the Daily Beast the vacation was planned. But Salon disagrees, saying Kelly’s break comes as a surprise.

‎”The timing of her unplanned absence is a touch curious,” writes Scott Eric Kaufman. He adds the vacation is “coming mere days after Roger Ailes had to personally step to ratchet down hostilities between the battling parties — especially given the rumors that he told Trump that not accepting the detente would mean “go[ing] to war” with the network‎.”


Megyn all FOX personalities and most conservative "journalists"..... doesn't ask questions. She makes statements which happen to have question marks at the end.

Pay attention to the "questions" that are asked by the media personalities that you trust. You'll see what I mean.

A simple example?

Normal question: "What are your plans for growing the US economy?"

FOX question: "The US economy has failed to have a robust recovery under President Obama and many Americans are still suffering, what are your plans for growing the US economy?"
Last edited:
Megyn all FOX personalities and most conservative "journalists"..... doesn't ask questions. She makes statements which happen to have question marks at the end.

Pay attention to the "questions" that are asked by the media personalities that you trust. You'll see what I mean.

A simple example?

Normal question: "What are your plans for growing the US economy?"

FOX question: "The US economy has failed to have a robust recovery under President Obama and many Americans are still suffering, what are your plans for growing the US economy?"

Spot on Laugher
Good to see Republicans are tiring of the sickening BS that their rightwing media's been spewing for the past 20+ years.
Megyn Kelly, Rush Limbaugh... who'll be the next target of Republican rage at the piss-poor reporting they're being fed?

Limbaugh Dumped by One of His "Original" Affiliates, Citing "Toxic Brand"
by eric lewis
Aug 11, 2015

From Media Matters: California's KOWL has dropped Rush Limbaugh's radio show from its lineup. Describing the station as "one of the original Rush Limbaugh affiliates," the announcement release emphasized that the decision was based exclusively on "economic reasons," citing Limbaugh's "toxic brand."

The release elaborated on the economic reasons: "And now the free market has spoken. Rush has repelled local, regional, and national advertisers from KOWL costing the stations [sic] thousands of dollars in advertisers." It went on to state that "advertisers would rather just avoid the whole station then [sic] take the risk of being associated with Rush's increasingly toxic brand."

KOWL's explanation for dropping Limbaugh's show is very similar to reasons offered by Boston's WRKO and Indianapolis' WIBC, which both recently dropped Limbaugh from their lineups.

It's a non-issue but the only faction who seems to want to keep it alive , surprise, surprise, is the radical left. The democrat party is only barely alive through the extreme efforts of the liberal media and the only thing they have left is trying to split the republican party. It ain't working but what the hell, it beats trying to promote the world's greatest pervert enabler and the idiot who is playing golf while the world burns.
It was obvious from the get go that Megyn Kelly was out to up her value in that first debate. I'm disappointed in the lot of them. Especially Chris Wallace in participating in this farce of a debate.

When the moderator is the headline the next day it means the debate was FUBAR'D.

When the moderators actually take up one third of the time allotted for the participants it means the debate was FUBAR'D.

I really expected more from these individuals. Instead of them properly executing their jobs in the debate it was like they became the FOX MOD SQUAD stars in their own minds basking in the glory of 24 million people tuning in but failing to realize that the viewers weren't tuning in to hear them speak so in the end the debate was FUBAR'D.

And the FOX MOD SQUAD did a disservice not only to ALL those good candidates running for the Presidency, but they also did a huge disservice to the electorate who tuned in to listen to the candidates.

Hmmm, I wonder why Roger Ailes thinks it's necessary to protect a "good journalism[ist]" like Megyn Kelly? Maybe Megyn forgot to put on her big girl pants? Or maybe Megyn is one of those bullies that can dish it out but can't take it types?

Fox News chief: Donald Trump owes Megyn Kelly an apology
Aug 25th 2015

NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News chief Roger Ailes said Tuesday that Donald Trump owes the network's Megyn Kelly an apology for an unprovoked Twitter attack that "is as unacceptable as it is disturbing."

The Republican presidential front-runner-turned-TV-critic had welcomed Kelly back from a vacation Monday night by tweeting that he liked her show better while she was away. Trump said Kelly "must have had a terrible vacation" because "she's really off her game." He retweeted a message that referred to her as a bimbo.

"Megyn Kelly represents the very best of American journalism and all of us at Fox News Channel reject the crude and irresponsible attempts to suggest otherwise," said Ailes, the Fox News Channel chairman. "I could not be more proud of Megyn for her professionalism and class in the face of all of Mr. Trump's verbal assaults."

Trump has been attacking Kelly ever since her tough questioning of him during the first GOP presidential debate, seen by 24 million people on Fox on Aug. 6. A day after the debate, he said Kelly had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

That led to a private, clear-the-air conversation between Ailes and Trump two weeks ago, but that clearly hasn't led to peace.

Megyn's (temporary) popularity went to her head and she thought she was rock star. Now she is exposed as a snippy little airhead.

Snippy is about right. If she gets one more nose job she's going to have to wear a prosthesis a.k.a. Michael Jackson. And will someone please get her a better grade of hair extensions? Those yellow Dynel ropes hanging off the sides of her head are terrible.

BUT...she does have an excellent group of producers....Those people whispering in her ear when she's on the air, feeding her questions and comments. Nothing stupid about Roger Ailes. He knows how to put the pretty, plastic people on the stage and really smart people in the control room.
It was obvious from the get go that Megyn Kelly was out to up her value in that first debate. I'm disappointed in the lot of them. Especially Chris Wallace in participating in this farce of a debate.

When the moderator is the headline the next day it means the debate was FUBAR'D.

When the moderators actually take up one third of the time allotted for the participants it means the debate was FUBAR'D.

I really expected more from these individuals. Instead of them properly executing their jobs in the debate it was like they became the FOX MOD SQUAD stars in their own minds basking in the glory of 24 million people tuning in but failing to realize that the viewers weren't tuning in to hear them speak so in the end the debate was FUBAR'D.

And the FOX MOD SQUAD did a disservice not only to ALL those good candidates running for the Presidency, but they also did a huge disservice to the electorate who tuned in to listen to the candidates.

Hmmm, I wonder why Roger Ailes thinks it's necessary to protect a "good journalism[ist]" like Megyn Kelly? Maybe Megyn forgot to put on her big girl pants? Or maybe Megyn is one of those bullies that can dish it out but can't take it types?

Fox News chief: Donald Trump owes Megyn Kelly an apology
Aug 25th 2015

NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News chief Roger Ailes said Tuesday that Donald Trump owes the network's Megyn Kelly an apology for an unprovoked Twitter attack that "is as unacceptable as it is disturbing."

The Republican presidential front-runner-turned-TV-critic had welcomed Kelly back from a vacation Monday night by tweeting that he liked her show better while she was away. Trump said Kelly "must have had a terrible vacation" because "she's really off her game." He retweeted a message that referred to her as a bimbo.

"Megyn Kelly represents the very best of American journalism and all of us at Fox News Channel reject the crude and irresponsible attempts to suggest otherwise," said Ailes, the Fox News Channel chairman. "I could not be more proud of Megyn for her professionalism and class in the face of all of Mr. Trump's verbal assaults."

Trump has been attacking Kelly ever since her tough questioning of him during the first GOP presidential debate, seen by 24 million people on Fox on Aug. 6. A day after the debate, he said Kelly had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

That led to a private, clear-the-air conversation between Ailes and Trump two weeks ago, but that clearly hasn't led to peace.


""""Megyn Kelly represents the very best of American journalism and all of us at Fox News Channel reject the crude and irresponsible attempts to suggest otherwise," said Ailes, the Fox News Channel chairman. "I could not be more proud of Megyn for her professionalism and class in the face of all of Mr. Trump's verbal assaults.""""

Cable news theater at its best. Fox Noise and Trump achieved their goal: highest viewing audience for a presidential debate ever.
Trump might be an useful clown after all.
Glad to see Trump is calling out Megyn's usual modus operandi of confusing (lying) facts to promote t̶h̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ the Roger Ailes Party ideology.

(BTW: just look at the language of her question - "You [Kasich] defended your Medicaid expansion by invoking God," you talk about "arriv[ing] in heaven," and "Saint Peter" and what we should do "for the poor."

Megyn Kelly did tell one huge, deliberate lie during the last Republican debate
Tue Aug 11, 2015


...Fox's Megyn Kelly at the last Republican debate, with as an intentionally dishonest a question that you could imagine: KELLY: Governor Kasich, You chose to expand Medicaid in your state, unlike several other governors on this stage tonight, and it is already over budget by some estimates costing taxpayers an additional $1.4 billion in just the first 18 months.

You defended your Medicaid expansion by invoking God, saying to skeptics that when they arrive in heaven, Saint Peter isn’t going to ask them how small they’ve kept government, but what they have done for the poor.

Why should Republican voters, who generally want to shrink government, believe that you won’t use your Saint Peter rationale to expand every government program?

Wow! I thought: Ohio's Medicaid expansion - passed over objections of the Republican legislature - is already $1.4 billion over budget?!? Holy cow! These Republicans are innocent of heart - or at least forgivably broke. Right?

No. This dishonest Megyn Kelly "question" (previously the rage on right wing web sites) is so galling, and so dangerous, that it requires close attention:

1. This is not about waste or profligacy. The sole reason for the extra costs is because Ohio's Medicaid expansion proved so necessary and appealing that more people signed up than predicted. Do you catch that trick? Ohio's Medicaid expansion is not so vital and successful beyond expectations; No, it is "over budget." In other words, when Gov. Kasich [illustrative numbers only] originally hoped to reduce Ohio's uninsured rate by 5% in the first year, but wound up reducing it by 8%, that wasn't a striking success; it was an Orwellian failure to meet a budget. (Kudos for the dry accounting language of evil.)

2. Still, what about the $1.4 billion in extra costs?
All of it, 100%, is covered by the federal ACA program, without any additional costs to Ohioans.

3. But Ms. Kelly mentions the "taxpayers"? Ohio taxpayers? No. She is slyly referring to federal taxpayers. But the ACA federal taxes are already being collected, and they don't go up or down whether Ohio expands Medicaid, rejects Medicaid or enrolls more (or less) than they expected in Medicaid. If Ohio Republicans succeeded in taking away their citizens' insurance, federal taxpayers would not save a penny.

4. Sure, but after a couple of years Ohio taxpayers will have to pay 5% to 10% of this higher number? Two answers: (i) yes, but that was never the Republican objection. Republicans objected to paying 5% to 10% from dollar one, and falsely pretend that the problem was "billions" of unfunded costs. (ii) Much of the unexpected ACA Medicaid expansion consisted of former (traditional) Medicaid members learning that they are eligible for the new, expanded ACA Medicaid.
Guess what? The Medicaid expansion is paid 90%-100% by the federal government, while the traditional Medicaid is paid around 50%. So, with respect to the "overage," Ohio is getting double the Medicare reimbursement by accepting Obamacare, and eliminating the (substantial but inadequate) amounts that it used to spend on the uninsured.

OK, that may sound wonky, but it is clear . . . and Megyn Kelly certainly knew what she was obfuscating. Sorry, Megyn. The politics of your Republican bosses remain immoral . . . historically immoral. A true journalist would report the crime, not aid in covering it up.


Megyn Kelly Suspended?

Nothing confirmed yet but-----but it looks to me like Roger Ailes is treating Megyn Kelly like the immature little twit she is by sending her home and giving her a time out.

The sad thing is; rightwingers and Republicans depend on megynlies to get the party's twisted interpretation of Fox "News" -- made up news.

Looks to me like Roger Ailes is capitulating to Donald Trump... but this "suspension?" story is in it's early stages.
by Rich Tucker
13 Aug 2015

On her Wednesday broadcast, the anchor announced she would be taking a vacation, starting immediately.

It comes less than a week after Kelly made headlines by grilling GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump during the initial debate.

“It’s been an interesting week,” Kelly said, adding “It’s been six months since I’ve had a vacation.”

A Fox spokesman tells the Daily Beast the vacation was planned. But Salon disagrees, saying Kelly’s break comes as a surprise.

‎”The timing of her unplanned absence is a touch curious,” writes Scott Eric Kaufman. He adds the vacation is “coming mere days after Roger Ailes had to personally step to ratchet down hostilities between the battling parties — especially given the rumors that he told Trump that not accepting the detente would mean “go[ing] to war” with the network‎.”



So this article is dated August 13. This is August 24. Is she back yet?
Kelly's behavior during the debate was unprofessional. With all the really important issues the country is facing that should have been discussed instead she fires stupid gotcha questions at Trump. But what really chaps my ass is Fox trying to spin the story that those were good solid tough moderator questions, that's a laughable joke. They tried to take Trump out with this gotcha crap and it blew up in their face and failed.

Today Fox is all worked up about some Trump tweets? For fucks sake Fox as continued to launch attack after attack on Trump, I can barely tune into Fox news without one of their clan attacking him. So Trump fires back and Fox tries to pretend like it was unprovoked?

Fox News is looking a lot like just another run of the mill Washington establishment propaganda tool.

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