Melania Trump auctioning the hat off her head

But there is a big difference between Melania and Hillary. You have quantity and Rs have quality. Let's face facts. You'd jump at the chance to brush your hair with Melania's toilet brush.
Sorry, I don't reduce women to their looks. Melania gets no ill will from me and ive never made a derogatory post about her. I simply asked why she would sell her stuff? She's a billionaire I believe, and it looks weird that it isnt all going to charity. Seems, weird.
Sorry, I don't reduce women to their looks. Melania gets no ill will from me and ive never made a derogatory post about her. I simply asked why she would sell her stuff? She's a billionaire I believe, and it looks weird that it isnt all going to charity. Seems, weird.
Who said anything about looks? Unlike Hillary, Melania speaks 7 languages, has elegant taste, is a great mother and is honest and intelligent.
Who said anything about looks? Unlike Hillary, Melania speaks 7 languages, has elegant taste, is a great mother and is honest and intelligent.
Gaslighting doesn’t work on intelligent species. You suggested I’d drink her toilet water. You meant to imply she was hot and Hillary us not. Own it. Your backpedaling insults both of us.
^^^This is how the left treats women.
Lies are lies no matter how nice the person.

“I couldn’t find any videos showing her fluency in anything other than Slovenian and English,” Jordan wrote. “I asked the White House if they could point to any evidence, and they did not respond.”

Who said anything about looks? Unlike Hillary, Melania speaks 7 languages, has elegant taste, is a great mother and is honest and intelligent.
I sometimes wonder if the leftists have any clue about how much beauty is in the world, or is their hate so all-consuming that they simply can't see anything beautiful?
Lies are lies no matter how nice the person.

“I couldn’t find any videos showing her fluency in anything other than Slovenian and English,” Jordan wrote. “I asked the White House if they could point to any evidence, and they did not respond.”

Right. The only source of this claim is Melania, herself.
Lies are lies no matter how nice the person.

“I couldn’t find any videos showing her fluency in anything other than Slovenian and English,” Jordan wrote. “I asked the White House if they could point to any evidence, and they did not respond.”

So, an article which we already knew, before clicking, would not be complimentary towards the First Lady. Big surprise.

Try harder.
Somebody found Google translator! Maybe you can help Melania?
If you say so, loser.

What I love about this board is that there are so few leftists who have the gumption to do much more than name calling, and usually not even very creative name calling. This place is pure fun. Losers like FFI are overpowered out outnumbered here and it gives me hope that the demographics out in the real world are similar. If that's the case, we'll whip the eunuchs into submission in a flash.
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