Mele Kalikimaka: Tax Payer Christmas Gift to the Obamas - $470k A DAY Hawaiian Vacation

Funny how Liberals always claim to be worried about spending, the budget, etc...except when the excessive wasteful spending is being done by....Liberals. Not one is 'shocked', bothered, or concerned by the cost or that over-burdened tax payers, many of whom do not get a single vacation a year is doling out their hard-earned money for the 1st family to live like royalty. Not a surprise...


Such altruism! I think it is quite noble for you to suddenly worry yourself about all those poor Americans that didn't/couldn't take a vacation. :lol: Spare us all the crocodile tears.
Logical fallacy, and as such irrelevant.

Take it up with the OP. He is the one whining about how some 'poor Americans' can't take a vacation. :crybaby:
I know what the op states. Your comment is still a logical fallacy and is still irrelevant. The purpose of your comment was to show hypocrisy of the poster. True or not, it's ad hominem and does not address the topic.

You're right, that was unfair of me. Easy65's concern for poor Americans unable to go on holiday this year is as sincere as it is genuine.

Does C_Clayton_Jones know you're stealing his shtick now?
Presidents go on vacation and the taxpayers foot the bill for the travel and security associated with it. Get over it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter.

Why does he have to go to Hawaii for vacation? Bush went to his own ranch in Texas or to Camp David for most of his vacations. Why doesn't Obama go to his own house in Chicago where all of the friends he had as an adult still live?
Because black lives don't matter :lol:
Take it up with the OP. He is the whinging about how 'poor Americans' can't take a vacation. :crybaby:
The point of the post, not surprising, has surpassed your partisan, uneducated level of understanding and comprehension.

I am sorry your circle jerk isn't working out they way you intended. :itsok:
Oh look another ad hominem..that's like three in a row. Looks like you've run out of material. Take some time and refresh your progressive talking points feed..


Oh look, another whine...that's like 53,970 in a row.
Presidents go on vacation and the taxpayers foot the bill for the travel and security associated with it. Get over it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter.

Why does he have to go to Hawaii for vacation? Bush went to his own ranch in Texas or to Camp David for most of his vacations. Why doesn't Obama go to his own house in Chicago where all of the friends he had as an adult still live?

Because he's from Hawaii (which is in the United States, birthers) Next stupid fucking question.

Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?
Ooooh, the Kenyan went to that foreign land of "Hawaii" for vacation.

4. Taxpayers foot the bill for presidential vacations.

Presidents pay for their own and their families’ lodging, food and incidentals while on vacation, which may be why they generally prefer to stay at properties they own, as guests of wealthy friends or at the official presidential retreat at Camp David.

But since presidential vacations are always working vacations, taxpayers cover what it takes to keep the commander in chief working. Lodging and meals are an extra cost, but taxpayers pay the salaries of White House staffers and Secret Service agents whether the president stays in Washington or not, so a presidential vacation does not significantly increase personnel costs.

The biggest additional expense is the use of Air Force One and the support aircraft needed to haul all the equipment and ground transportation the president needs. The Congressional Research Service estimated that the cost of operating Air Force One is nearly $180,000 per hour. Ultimately, a presidential vacation can cost taxpayers an additional $1 million or considerably more than if the president had just stayed put in the White House. How significant this is within a $3.5 trillion federal budget is something voters can decide for themselves.

Five Myths About Presidential Vacations

Presidents pay for their own and their families’ lodging, food and incidentals while on vacation, which may be why they generally prefer to stay at properties they own, as guests of wealthy friends or at the official presidential retreat at Camp David.

Wonder why the Left never made that argument concerning Bushs vacations?
You're right, that was unfair of me. Easy65's concern for poor Americans unable to go on holiday this year is as sincere as it is genuine.

You miss part of the point as well. The President AND other elected Federal officials are ENTRUSTED with the responsibility and task of being fiscally responsible with our tax dollars, to put them to the best, most fiscally responsible way possible to benefit this nation and the US citizens. I don't care who you are $70 MILLION for vacations...and millions more for a NON-elected 1st lady or family to go on their own personal fiscally irresponsible, an abuse of power, and a breach of the American citizens' trust...especially when the economy is bad and when the average middle class (who is fitting the bill) income is declining.

Not to mention $70 million in vacations is a promise broken by Obama:

"President Barack Obama has come under fire for vacationing and playing golf while the world is in turmoil just as a video has surfaced of him vowing not to take time off for leisure or family trips while he's in the White House.

The video features then-Sen. Obama discussing his book "The Audacity of Hope" in 2008, and saying that candidates running for president must "give their life to it."

He said, "The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you. The American people should have no patience for what's going on in your head because you've got a job to do."

After saying that people should only run for president if they can make that type of sacrifice, Herbert asked him whether he was willing to make that kind of commitment. "Sure," he firmly replied.
LINK: Video Shows Obama Vowing Not to Take Vacations as President

- This was followed up by Obama going golfing 186 times...short-lived promise.

Obama criticized Bush for playing golf while American troops were in harm's way. Bush immediately stopped playing. As soon as Obama took office he began playing. he just sent troops back into Iraq...and he is playing golf on his vacation.

The hypocrisy demonstrated by Obama in his rebuke of Republicans and his promise to 'sacrifice' as President, 'surrendering his personal wants and desires' to serve the people and do the job required of him' and his fiscally irresponsible handling of tax payer dollars are all excusable, acceptable Obama / liberal 'perks' which they (Liberals) condemn Republicans of taking advantage of.

Presidents are not 'royalty' and neither are their families. The President is the only elected person that enters the WH. The 1st lady / Family should not be entitled to take multi-million tax dollar vacations without the President. They are entitled to no such thing. Presidents - all of them - and elected members of Congress should not be allowed to frivolously waste tax dollars. Nancy Pelosi and HER FAMILY members, as documented, have used US Military airlift to take trips, to include vacations. Last I checked, Pelosi's family were not elected to any government position and should not be allowed ot be 'taxied' all over the place without her being there or to go on personal trips with the Congresswoman. Again, this should go for all elected officials, not just Democrats or just Republicans.

Our elected officials are tasked with being good stewards of our tax dollars with which they have been entrusted, and such cavalier excuses and justifications - 'it is what it is' - is how they continue to get away with squandering our tax dollars. Again, all politicians should be held equally accountable, to a higher more responsible standard. They are not because partisan idiots would rather defend their own political party politicians while arguing that their politicians are less criminal than the others instead of holding them to those equal standards. Those who do so deserve to be taken advantage of, as we are also tasked to be good stewards of the rights and freedoms we have been given, which requires us to hold all of our elected officials to that higher standard.

Obama promised to be such a good steward of that with which he has been entrusted. It was immediately evident that he never meant what he said. As ALL 'good politicians' do, he said what he thought the people wanted to hear, what would get him elected...and we allowed him...allow him and others to get away with it with our continued excuses and justifications.

Sorry, but I can't.
Wonder why the Left never made that argument concerning Bushs vacations?

Those that gassed on about Bush's vacations are blind partisan hacks as well. Though I do find it humorous watching these roles flip depending on which party controls The White House.
Presidents go on vacation and the taxpayers foot the bill for the travel and security associated with it. Get over it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter.

Why does he have to go to Hawaii for vacation? Bush went to his own ranch in Texas or to Camp David for most of his vacations. Why doesn't Obama go to his own house in Chicago where all of the friends he had as an adult still live?

Because he's from Hawaii (which is in the United States, birthers) Next stupid fucking question.

Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?

He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.
Here in lies the problem you have with Democrats being mad Obama went on vacation.

All of us Democrat and even Independents have made so much money during the Obama Presidency that we dont mind if HE takes a vacation.

Because we are all going on a vacation as well.
Cause we were smart enough to make money under Obama.

And evidently, you Republicans were to stupid to benefit from his time in office.

Take a vacation Obama. You earned it. I will be doing the same soon. And thanks. Enjoy yourself.
Wilbur, I am glad YOU made money during the Obama administration; however, YOUR situation does not reflect the average American household / family.


Real Household Incomes Fall 5.9% Under Obama
Real Household Incomes Fall 5.9% Under Obama - Breitbart

"Economic recoveries are historically known for big gains in “real” (after inflation) household income. But for most American households there has been no economic recovery during the Obama Administration because of chronic falling wages, according to data from the website. For the first time in American history during a supposed economic expansion, real after tax income fell by -5.9%. "


Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency
Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency

"Barack Obama enters the final two years of his presidency with a blemish on his legacy that looks impossible to erase: the decline of the middle class he has promised to rescue."

Nice try, though...


I will give you that Republican middle class people have and are struggling.

That is what I said first.

But who do you really blame that on? Obama?

Why would I and people like me, as middle class as there is, do better than fine under Obama and others such as your self not do so well?

I say it is entirely based on decisions made by the peope effected. And had next to nothing to do with Obama.

However it is hard for me to hate Obama when I have done as well as I have during his adminastration.

And for those that have done better than me and claim to hate Obama, that makes no sense.

But if a person is struggling and thinks there is no way forward, blaming Obama is better than blaming yourself.
Presidents go on vacation and the taxpayers foot the bill for the travel and security associated with it. Get over it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter.

Why does he have to go to Hawaii for vacation? Bush went to his own ranch in Texas or to Camp David for most of his vacations. Why doesn't Obama go to his own house in Chicago where all of the friends he had as an adult still live?

Because he's from Hawaii (which is in the United States, birthers) Next stupid fucking question.

Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?

He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.
Presidents go on vacation and the taxpayers foot the bill for the travel and security associated with it. Get over it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter.

Why does he have to go to Hawaii for vacation? Bush went to his own ranch in Texas or to Camp David for most of his vacations. Why doesn't Obama go to his own house in Chicago where all of the friends he had as an adult still live?

Because he's from Hawaii (which is in the United States, birthers) Next stupid fucking question.

Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?

He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.

Gosh, you mean the Faux Noise machine doesn't cover it if he doesn't go to some foreign land like Hawaii? Color me shocked.

Oh, look...Faux did cover a Chicago try to slam him for not going to Arlington one Memorial Day naturally.

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

And outside the bubble...

Business or pleasure: Of 25 Chicago visits, 7 of Obama's trips have been for policy
The President pays for his own vacations

Expenses related to maintaining a staff and security are picked up by the taxpayer. With a Republican Congress, I'm sure that anything charged by the Obama's that is outside allowable limits will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
Why does he have to go to Hawaii for vacation? Bush went to his own ranch in Texas or to Camp David for most of his vacations. Why doesn't Obama go to his own house in Chicago where all of the friends he had as an adult still live?

Because he's from Hawaii (which is in the United States, birthers) Next stupid fucking question.

Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?

He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.

Gosh, you mean the Faux Noise machine doesn't cover it if he doesn't go to some foreign land like Hawaii? Color me shocked.

Oh, look...Faux did cover a Chicago try to slam him for not going to Arlington one Memorial Day naturally.

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

And outside the bubble...

Business or pleasure: Of 25 Chicago visits, 7 of Obama's trips have been for policy

It is difficult to pay any attention to an asshole that doesn't know how to spell FOX.
On edit: " Since the president's inauguration in 2009, he has made it back home to Chicago 25 times. The vast majority of those visits were for campaign events and fundraisers, but he also has given a handful of speeches on issues affecting the nation as a whole, such as income inequality and school shootings."
Because he's from Hawaii (which is in the United States, birthers) Next stupid fucking question.

Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?

He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.

Gosh, you mean the Faux Noise machine doesn't cover it if he doesn't go to some foreign land like Hawaii? Color me shocked.

Oh, look...Faux did cover a Chicago try to slam him for not going to Arlington one Memorial Day naturally.

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

And outside the bubble...

Business or pleasure: Of 25 Chicago visits, 7 of Obama's trips have been for policy

It is difficult to pay any attention to an asshole that doesn't know how to spell FOX.
On edit: " Since the president's inauguration in 2009, he has made it back home to Chicago 25 times. The vast majority of those visits were for campaign events and fundraisers, but he also has given a handful of speeches on issues affecting the nation as a whole, such as income inequality and school shootings."

So? He still goes back multiple times. He's in Chicago, spending time. He goes to Hawaii once, maybe twice a year.

I did spell Faux right. Heres another one I can spell right ODS.

Fortunately, we're not going to be able to see for a very long time, at least 8 years, how folks like you, upset over President Obama's vacations, would react to a Republican presidents vacations...but we can guess.
Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?

He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.

Gosh, you mean the Faux Noise machine doesn't cover it if he doesn't go to some foreign land like Hawaii? Color me shocked.

Oh, look...Faux did cover a Chicago try to slam him for not going to Arlington one Memorial Day naturally.

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

And outside the bubble...

Business or pleasure: Of 25 Chicago visits, 7 of Obama's trips have been for policy

It is difficult to pay any attention to an asshole that doesn't know how to spell FOX.
On edit: " Since the president's inauguration in 2009, he has made it back home to Chicago 25 times. The vast majority of those visits were for campaign events and fundraisers, but he also has given a handful of speeches on issues affecting the nation as a whole, such as income inequality and school shootings."

So? He still goes back multiple times. He's in Chicago, spending time. He goes to Hawaii once, maybe twice a year.

I did spell Faux right. Heres another one I can spell right ODS.

Fortunately, we're not going to be able to see for a very long time, at least 8 years, how folks like you, upset over President Obama's vacations, would react to a Republican presidents vacations...but we can guess.

Yeah, big difference in the lady in Chief trips and Bush


compared to

Why didn't he go home to Hawaii to run for public office instead of Chicago?

He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.

Gosh, you mean the Faux Noise machine doesn't cover it if he doesn't go to some foreign land like Hawaii? Color me shocked.

Oh, look...Faux did cover a Chicago try to slam him for not going to Arlington one Memorial Day naturally.

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

And outside the bubble...

Business or pleasure: Of 25 Chicago visits, 7 of Obama's trips have been for policy

It is difficult to pay any attention to an asshole that doesn't know how to spell FOX.
On edit: " Since the president's inauguration in 2009, he has made it back home to Chicago 25 times. The vast majority of those visits were for campaign events and fundraisers, but he also has given a handful of speeches on issues affecting the nation as a whole, such as income inequality and school shootings."

So? He still goes back multiple times. He's in Chicago, spending time. He goes to Hawaii once, maybe twice a year.

I did spell Faux right. Heres another one I can spell right ODS.

Fortunately, we're not going to be able to see for a very long time, at least 8 years, how folks like you, upset over President Obama's vacations, would react to a Republican presidents vacations...but we can guess.

Bush went home to Texas for his vacations where he had been Governor for 8 years. Big difference.
He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.

Gosh, you mean the Faux Noise machine doesn't cover it if he doesn't go to some foreign land like Hawaii? Color me shocked.

Oh, look...Faux did cover a Chicago try to slam him for not going to Arlington one Memorial Day naturally.

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

And outside the bubble...

Business or pleasure: Of 25 Chicago visits, 7 of Obama's trips have been for policy

It is difficult to pay any attention to an asshole that doesn't know how to spell FOX.
On edit: " Since the president's inauguration in 2009, he has made it back home to Chicago 25 times. The vast majority of those visits were for campaign events and fundraisers, but he also has given a handful of speeches on issues affecting the nation as a whole, such as income inequality and school shootings."

So? He still goes back multiple times. He's in Chicago, spending time. He goes to Hawaii once, maybe twice a year.

I did spell Faux right. Heres another one I can spell right ODS.

Fortunately, we're not going to be able to see for a very long time, at least 8 years, how folks like you, upset over President Obama's vacations, would react to a Republican presidents vacations...but we can guess.

Bush went home to Texas for his vacations where he had been Governor for 8 years. Big difference.

You think all those trips were free?

We still had to pay for Air Force 1, security and staff ....same as Obama
He goes to both. He was BORN and raised in Hawaii. Nothing wrong with vacationing at your childhood home.

Care to tell me when the Obama's EVER vacationed in Chicago? I may have missed it.

Gosh, you mean the Faux Noise machine doesn't cover it if he doesn't go to some foreign land like Hawaii? Color me shocked.

Oh, look...Faux did cover a Chicago try to slam him for not going to Arlington one Memorial Day naturally.

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

And outside the bubble...

Business or pleasure: Of 25 Chicago visits, 7 of Obama's trips have been for policy

It is difficult to pay any attention to an asshole that doesn't know how to spell FOX.
On edit: " Since the president's inauguration in 2009, he has made it back home to Chicago 25 times. The vast majority of those visits were for campaign events and fundraisers, but he also has given a handful of speeches on issues affecting the nation as a whole, such as income inequality and school shootings."

So? He still goes back multiple times. He's in Chicago, spending time. He goes to Hawaii once, maybe twice a year.

I did spell Faux right. Heres another one I can spell right ODS.

Fortunately, we're not going to be able to see for a very long time, at least 8 years, how folks like you, upset over President Obama's vacations, would react to a Republican presidents vacations...but we can guess.

Bush went home to Texas for his vacations where he had been Governor for 8 years. Big difference.

Of all the places in the world i can't imagine a vacation in Crawford Texas.

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