melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville


Of course I will. You rightards crack me up. It's why I post here. You're nothing but entertainment to me and you never let me down in that regard.

And I keep my post count up using as little effort as possible replying to SJW twattery such as yours.
Great, then QUOTE me calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment....

Back your delusions up....

Again, and I'll type this slowly so you get it, I consider you a fucking liar, so any post of you supporting the RKBA is probably a lie.

You contribute nothing to any thread except snide drive by bullshit.
Again, and I'll type this slowly so you get it, I consider you a fucking liar, so any post of you supporting the RKBA is probably a lie.

You contribute nothing to any thread except snide drive by bullshit.

Moron, you're claiming I take a position I've not only never taken, I've literally taken the opposite position of what you delude yourself into believing.

Who knows why you think you needed to supply even more evidence you're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

You apparently believe NO Liberal Democrats own guns and that ALL Liberal Democrats want the Second Amendment repealed.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
They probably have ID's to get booze though.....

Any idiot can get an ID, you prove that whenever you renew your license.

Why would they need an ID to buy booze? I frankly haven't been carded to buy Alcohol in years except when I travel to Elk Grove Village, because they had a mandatory ID rule. So I just avoid shopping in EGV.

And here you have the problem with voter ID laws. They won't be enforced universally. They will be enforced in the poor minority neighborhoods while we all know Mrs. O'Leary from down the block.

He was pardoned, not forgiven by most.

There is a difference, cumstain.
Was he, though?

Seems to public largely forgave Nixon after a certain point.

Frankly, I think that he gets a bad rap. He did a lot more good (Normalizing relations with China, ending Vietnam, establishing OSHA) than he did evil (Watergate). I don't think history will have the same judgement of Trump.

Your ignorance persists. A pardon is forgiveness. He was forgiven by Ford. Same as with Confederate soldiers, they were forgiven by Johnson. So like Nixon couldn't be charged with his crimes, neither could Confederate soldiers.

Here's the thing. Ford set a very bad precedent. We've seen Presidents abuse the pardon power since then to cover their own scandals. Bush-41 pardoned the Iran-Contra figures, Clinton pardoned everyone caught up in Ken Starr's investigations, Bush-43 commuted Scooter Libby's sentence, and Trump brought abuse of the Pardon to a whole new level, essentially promising people pardons to keep their mouths shut.

Moron, you're claiming I take a position I've not only never taken, I've literally taken the opposite position of what you delude yourself into believing.

Who knows why you think you needed to supply even more evidence you're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

You apparently believe NO Liberal Democrats own guns and that ALL Liberal Democrats want the Second Amendment repealed.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

I just don't believe YOU because your posting style doesn't make me want to believe you.

All you do is reply with snark and bullshit.
Why would they need an ID to buy booze? I frankly haven't been carded to buy Alcohol in years except when I travel to Elk Grove Village, because they had a mandatory ID rule. So I just avoid shopping in EGV.

And here you have the problem with voter ID laws. They won't be enforced universally. They will be enforced in the poor minority neighborhoods while we all know Mrs. O'Leary from down the block.

Was he, though?

Seems to public largely forgave Nixon after a certain point.

Frankly, I think that he gets a bad rap. He did a lot more good (Normalizing relations with China, ending Vietnam, establishing OSHA) than he did evil (Watergate). I don't think history will have the same judgement of Trump.

Here's the thing. Ford set a very bad precedent. We've seen Presidents abuse the pardon power since then to cover their own scandals. Bush-41 pardoned the Iran-Contra figures, Clinton pardoned everyone caught up in Ken Starr's investigations, Bush-43 commuted Scooter Libby's sentence, and Trump brought abuse of the Pardon to a whole new level, essentially promising people pardons to keep their mouths shut.

I've gotten ID'd in my 40's, it happens.

You also need an ID for a myriad of other things, currently COVID restrictions.
I just don't believe YOU because your posting style doesn't make me want to believe you.

All you do is reply with snark and bullshit.

Ok, using your logic, you are pro-Holocaust and wish every Jew was killed by the Nazis. Doesn't matter what positions you've taken in the past on that subject, it's still true because I said you believe that and you're lying if you deny it.

Ok, using your logic, you are pro-Holocaust and wish every Jew was killed by the Nazis. Doesn't matter what positions you've taken in the past on that subject, it's still true because I said you believe that and you're lying if you deny it.

You can say anything you want. I know it isn't true and that's all that matters.

I think you are a fucking liar, and nothing you have posted has ever made me thing otherwise.

It boils down to the negative respect I have for you as a poster and a human being, it's down to the levels of JoeBlow and SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

Now please go play in traffic.
You can say anything you want. I know it isn't true and that's all that matters.

I think you are a fucking liar, and nothing you have posted has ever made me thing otherwise.

It boils down to the negative respect I have for you as a poster and a human being, it's down to the levels of JoeBlow and SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

Now please go play in traffic.
Sure, Jew-hater. :itsok:
I've gotten ID'd in my 40's, it happens.

You also need an ID for a myriad of other things, currently COVID restrictions.

Most of those things aren't a right. Voting is.

Again, when you guys say you want to keep anyone from voting, we have to be suspicious because you have a whole history of things like Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests and voter intimidation.

It's not because there is any actual voter fraud out there, it's that people you don't want to vote are, and we can't have that.

If you clowns spent half the time appealing to people of color you spend trying to suppress their vote, you might be on to something.
Most of those things aren't a right. Voting is.

Again, when you guys say you want to keep anyone from voting, we have to be suspicious because you have a whole history of things like Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests and voter intimidation.

It's not because there is any actual voter fraud out there, it's that people you don't want to vote are, and we can't have that.

If you clowns spent half the time appealing to people of color you spend trying to suppress their vote, you might be on to something.

Guns are a right, and you feel free to ignore that.

Showing an ID is not an intrusion.
Your opinion of my views matters less than my opinion of you.
So? That doesn't mean you're not a Jew-hater who's sad nazis didn't get to finish the job they started. Everyone else here sees that too.
Nope. That was just you talking shit.

Nope. Those that defeated the confederacy have the moral authority. You have nothing.
Really? What moral authority do they have, when they allowed another form of slavery to take place.
I'm pretty sure they did not give a damn about some statues in the park.
You know this how? Somebody told you they didn't have a problem with it. That's stupid as hell.

They had real issues to deal with. Unlike you today, which is why you have gone down teh list of "concerns" to the point that all you have left is bullshit.

Yep, the problems of racism and discrimination against them.
Forgiveness given by the heroes of the North, and the nation as a whole, to those that lost and surrendered.

We kissed and made up. Who the fuck are you to renege on that? What is the source of your moral authority?

We both know what it is, but you are afraid to say it, because you worry it will make you look like a fool.

HInt: If you say it clearly, it will make you look like a fool.
Actually the nation moved on, it didn't have a damn thing to do with forgiveness.
In 1868, President Andrew Johnson pardoned Confederate soldiers . He was just as racist as they were. He changed everything that Lincoln and Grant had done in the South.
So? That doesn't mean you're not a Jew-hater who's sad nazis didn't get to finish the job they started. Everyone else here sees that too.

Only your fellow-travelling commie sympathizer kooks.

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