melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

You wouldn't have the balls to Karen someone, nevermind actually be an "Activist"

Don't confuse me with your cucked culture little boy. You're the one sitting back while you're country get rearranged to suit us. I'm sure your ancestors would be proud to see how soft you've gotten. Think you're grand pappy would of sat on his ass if we melted Lee down and turned him into black art?
Don't confuse me with your cucked culture little boy. You're the one sitting back while you're country get rearranged to suit us. I'm sure your ancestors would be proud to see how soft you've gotten. Think you're grand pappy would of sat on his ass if we melted Lee down and turned him into black art?

Just proving it's all about vengeance and hate for you.

The modern SJW is the Klan from the 1960's.
It sounds like it and the pedestal is going to a museum. Sounds like a good ending, yes?

A museum that's probably an SJW conclave.

Give the Statues to the people who wanted to keep them up. Anything else is just being racist and hateful.
Nothing. I don't give a shit who you hate. The only thing I care about is whether or not your culture is dying.

And replaced with what? More balkanized virtue signaling based on who's more "oppressed"?

Also, I ain't a southerner, and my ancestors weren't even here yet during the civil war, so you are barking up the wrong tree.
And replaced with what? More balkanized virtue signaling based on who's more "oppressed"?
Replaced with whatever we want, go ahead and cry about it.
Also, I ain't a southerner, and my ancestors weren't even here yet during the civil war, so you are barking up the wrong tree.
You mean you're catching all these feelings for someone else's ancestors? That's one of the saddest and funniest things I've ever heard. :lmao:
Replaced with whatever we want, go ahead and cry about it.

You mean you're catching all these feelings for someone else's ancestors? That's one of the saddest and funniest things I've ever heard. :lmao:

It's called supporting freedom, you proto-NKVD wannabe twat.
Just not the freedom to choose to take down statues of slavers...

When you don't support opposing views, you don't support freedom.

When you tear things down by force or threat of force, you are rioting not protesting.

When you go out of your way to piss the other side off, i.e. melting the statue instead of giving it to someone who will display it on their own property, you are just being vengeful assholes.
When you don't support opposing views, you don't support freedom.
That makes no sense. Why would I support views that I'm opposed to? I support the right of people I oppose to say whatever they want but I have every right to criticize and mock and ridicule the things they say. Tough tits, snowflake.
When you tear things down by force or threat of force, you are rioting not protesting.
These statues are coming down legally through the votes of city councils due to pressure from public protests. All of that is perfectly legal, shit for brains.
When you go out of your way to piss the other side off, i.e. melting the statue instead of giving it to someone who will display it on their own property, you are just being vengeful assholes.
And? I don't give a shit about the feelings of deplorable assclowns who venerate slavers. Go cry to someone who cares.
That makes no sense. Why would I support views that I'm opposed to? I support the right of people I oppose to say whatever they want but I have every right to criticize and mock and ridicule the things they say. Tough tits, snowflake.

These statues are coming down legally through the votes of city councils due to pressure from public protests. All of that is perfectly legal, shit for brains.

And? I don't give a shit about the feelings of deplorable assclowns who venerate slavers. Go cry to someone who cares.

Cancel culture says otherwise.

Pressure and threats of violence, and references to previous violence.

Funny considering lefties are always the ones who winge about empathy.
Cancel culture says otherwise.
Cancel culture is just a cute little term racist snowflakes gave to people who decided to no longer tolerate their deplorable behavior. No one owes you an audience or a platform.
Pressure and threats of violence, and references to previous violence.
Pressure is legal. We have a right to pressure our government for change. If you have credible threats of violence then report, those would be crimes.
Funny considering lefties are always the ones who winge about empathy.
I'm not one of those. I don't advocate empathy for deplorable racists, I advocate for defeating them, politically and culturally.

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