members of education wing of the democrat party being assaulted in public schools....

All the examples were of black kids attacking the teachers. What does that tell us?

They are the greatest victims of left wing regressivism.....their chances for a good life have been greatly diminished by being placed in the care of left wing regressive educators....
All the examples were of black kids attacking the teachers. What does that tell us?
White kids are wimps?
or that they have better manners
Didn't seem that whey in the 1950's and 1960's, when it was the white kids were doing the violence...

Not to this degree...because even then there were more intact, two parent families....and the out of wedlock birth rates even for black families was incredibly low....but decades of left wing regressivism has destroyed the 2 parent family....and created sad, unhappy children, who are then preyed upon by the reressives....
I saw this on O'reilly........there is a problem in the government schools that are run by the education wing of the democrat party....the children they have indoctrinated into left wing regressivism.......are physically attacking their teachers.....

What did they expect....they teach them to hate their country, to think their troubles are all based in racism.....and then when these innocent children are turned into violent monsters...the democrats in charge are shocked that they turn their hate on the teachers....

I don't have a link....if you want to know more about the story go to O'reilly's website......
I'm not certain you are aware of this, but the State Board of Education members, who run the education process in each State, have LIMITS of how many from the same political party can be appointed....

the governor of each State appoints the majority of the BOE members, and the state legislature appoints a few...meeting the requirement of not having them all coming from the same party.... take indiana or maybe it was iowa?... the BOE has 11 spots, the governor can pick 8 of the BOE members, and 5 of those 8 he picks, can be from the same political party, the legislater picks the other 3.

most States have republican governors, most Boards of Education members in our States primarily but not entirely (due to the rules), ARE Republican...

So, time for this bull crud about leftists running the show on education in each state, is simply not true.

The teachers unions run the actual schools.....teachers are majority democrat.....they are the ones in the actual classroom teaching kids to hate America and embrace their victimhood......and vote democrat...
All the examples were of black kids attacking the teachers. What does that tell us?
White kids are wimps?
or that they have better manners
Didn't seem that whey in the 1950's and 1960's, when it was the white kids were doing the violence...

Not to this degree...because even then there were more intact, two parent families....and the out of wedlock birth rates even for black families was incredibly low....but decades of left wing regressivism has destroyed the 2 parent family....and created sad, unhappy children, who are then preyed upon by the reressives....
Leftism has nothing to do with personal relationships...

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