Meme On Twitter about Filming Gun Owners

How would some stupid Moon Bat that was such an idiot to have voted for Joe Potatohead like it if I set up a camera in front of their home and streamed them on social media 24/7?

It would be legal, right?
Get a projector and run gun ads, pro-gun memes, nra and goa ads and reallife self protection videos right on the sides of the house 24/7.

Might even get some sponsors.
It's legal for me to put out my sprinkler and accidentally get his camera equipment wet.
I would say from a legal point of view you would be liable for damages to the camera equipment. As long as the sprinkler and water remains on your property, and anyone in a public place films without trespassing on your property, then all's good.

Don't know how it works in America but in the UK trespassing is a civil offence and not criminal, so the cops wouldn't be interested. Civil offence means you would have to take that person to court to seek damages.
I would say from a legal point of view you would be liable for damages to the camera equipment. As long as the sprinkler and water remains on your property, and anyone in a public place films without trespassing on your property, then all's good.

Don't know how it works in America but in the UK trespassing is a civil offence and not criminal, so the cops wouldn't be interested. Civil offence means you would have to take that person to court to seek damages ...
... and we all know that courts often side with the offender rather than the offended. Not to mention the high cost of attorneys, court costs, time away from work, etc.

America's system of “justice” is broken in many ways. Very recently, a black man who drove into a crowd, killing one and injuring more than 30 others, got off with a slap on the wrist. He committed his crime because he hated white people. In another state, a white man who was being surrounded by BLM and Antifa drove away in self-defense. He killed one and injured more than 30 others. He got more than 400 years behind bars.

So “justice” in America is in the eye of the beholder. Race plays a huge role, as does the part of the country one lives in.
The homeowner calls his local court, says he is "in fear" of the person filming him.

The court issued a restraining order that prohibits being within 250 yards of any place he lives or works.

The camera guy gets arrest for breach of restraining order.

Nice and simple
I live in a county that is a gun sanctuary. The law enforcement around here might agree with me that filming my house might lead to someone trying to steal my firearms. If it isn’t against the law they might say that I could go outside and play catch with another person to show off. If a baseball hit the camera, no big deal.
I agree with the idea of having the camera freak doing the filming in the really high crime areas of the lawless Democrat inner city neighborhoods. After less than an hour, the coroner would most likely be sent out to retrieve the body and the camera equipment would be in a pawn shop before the day was done.
If he's just staying in one place on the sidewalk, or leaving his equipment unattended there, then he's blocking the sidewalk and interfering with the rights of others to use it for its intended purpose.

Since he's talking about streaming 24/7, I assume he means to leave his equipment unattended.

Valuable equipment, left unattended on a public sidewalk, blocking the way for others. Legal or not, you know that equipment is going to go away. Either someone will legitimately remove it from the sidewalk, to clear the way, or else someone will steal it, or something will happen to it. It might even be legal just to remove it as litter.
Sounds like a sov cit/auditor. Best to leave them alone because they are looking to sue you.
The internet is a thing. Try it sometimes outside your MAGA crazy blinders.

So is language. And as part of it, the idea of putting letters together in ways that form words that other people can recognize, and putting those words together in ways that convey an understandable meaning to other people.

Your inability to consistently do so is your own issue, and no reflection on me. Throwing random clusters of letters and punctuation marks together in a way that forms no recognizable word is not exactly an indication of literacy.

I was being kind, by assuming that you are merely drunk or drugged when you did so.
How would they know if the person was a gun owner?




It's damn hard to find this story online anymore...but Missouri CCW law was changed in it's aftermath.

The Missouri Department of Revenue initially issued CCWs... but after it was discovered that the DOR was sharing gun owner info with parties outside the state in violation of Missouri law, the entire CCW process was transferred completely to local sheriff's offices.

Most Missouri local sheriff's vowed go to jail before releasing CCW data to the FBI.

... And those are just the ones I know off the top of my head.
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