Memes that show Americans may not be that bright after all


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Well, it was actually not Bush's idea but that of PNAC zionist neocons.
Not really funny and most built on bullshit...

Lets have a joke how Stphen Miller spent 4 years doing everything possible to make sure uS didn't take responsibility...
Not really funny and most built on bullshit...

Lets have a joke how Stephen Miller spent 4 years doing everything possible to make sure US didn't take responsibility...
Responsibility for what? Does your blind partisanship ever make you wonder if just maybe you're wrong about which party and which policies are better for the US? Xiden is a proven disaster.

Fucking idiot that idiots voted into office.
Fukking Louie Gommert
Yet, those idiots are laying the groundwork to retake the House and maybe even the Senate. You people are just pissed because even YOU can see the writing on the wall for 2022. Hate if for ya!
Yet, those idiots are laying the groundwork to retake the House and maybe even the Senate. You people are just pissed because even YOU can see the writing on the wall for 2022. Hate if for ya!
Not to worry. I'm sure that the idiots that are laying the ground work to be replaced will be replaced by other idiots who will get the previous idiots reelected

Or at least, that is how politics works in America.
In all honesty, the Taliban may be ugly, retarded savages, but they realize the Fauci Flu is bullshit.
In all honesty, the Taliban may be ugly, retarded savages, but they realize the Fauci Flu is bullshit.

Well, they are also not late-stage Rome as we are: incapacitated by neuroses and wracked by narcissism. So there's that.
Responsibility for what? Does your blind partisanship ever make you wonder if just maybe you're wrong about which party and which policies are better for the US? Xiden is a proven disaster.
It is becoming very clear that the US personnell left in Kabul were there by choice and would not go home... A sizeable proportion who believed leaving Afghanistan would show a defeatist attitude...

As for the US friendly and other refugees... It is becoming very clea that Stephen Miller & Co were doing everything possible not to let them near US... Olivia Troye (Pence Advisor) has been very clear about this... Miller has been on Fox backing that up...

On top of that we had GOP politicians that wanted this to all happen months ago, Trump said Biden was stalling the withdrawal and he had done all the work... He has gone very quite about that now...

So Biden inherited a mess from Trump with a timeline of weeks... He stretched the weeks into a few months but he can't force Americans to leave a country when they didn't want to... but the Taliban has stated very clearly that they would like the Americans to leave safely and have even given escorts...
Remember Zero Americans killed so far..
Responsibility for what? Does your blind partisanship ever make you wonder if just maybe you're wrong about which party and which policies are better for the US? Xiden is a proven disaster.

Does yours? What Republican policies have been good for the country? The economic crashes? The end of anti-trust legislation? The gerrymandering|? The current white nationalist fascism of Trump's Republican Party?

What Republican policies have been good for the country? Since Ronald Reagan changed your tax code, Republican policies have impoverished the working and middle class and enriched the wealthy. How is that working out for you?

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