Memo To Kim Dong Dung

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Best you not listen to our leftist hysterics, still extremely butt-hurt from our election last November. You are no longer dealing with the Kenyan pansy, a president occupied by wars he started in the ME, or the piece of crap we call Willy who sold your Chi-Com pals our missile telemetry secrets for campaign money. You are now dealing with a New Yawker, who doesn't speak "diplomat" or play nice. If you continue running your mouth, your death may come from above or below....our choice.



Because at this very moment, there are probably at least two Ohio-class US nuclear ballistic missile submarines on patrol in the Western Pacific. Their mission? To provide surety for the nation's strategic nuclear deterrence posture. Supporting U.S. land based and air launched nuclear missile forces, the SSBNs move slowly in a variety of pre-defined patrol sectors far out at sea.

Under the military's nuclear attack base plan, OPLAN 8010, the SSBNs stand ready to launch their Trident D-5 ballistic missiles at either preselected or actively chosen targets.

Regardless, the SSBNs represent the pinnacle of warfighting lethality. With each SSBN armed with 24 missiles and at least 8 independent nuclear warheads per missile, one US Ohio-class submarine carries at least 192 nuclear warheads varying between yields of 100 and 475 kilotons. Moreover, as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists blog noted in March, these missiles possess exceptionally accurate targeting systems.

But that's just the start. Were a North Korean nuclear attack looming, the U.S. military would almost certainly recommend Trump to authorize 3+ warhead strikes on each major command and control target. Depending on U.S. concerns about civilian casualties and the imminence of the threat, that might include multiple strikes on Pyongyang itself. Missile launch sites, carriers, and warhead silos would also definitely be targeted in such an event.

What a US nuclear strike on North Korea would look like
Course there was that deal we made with NK and sold them nuclear reactors a mere 2 years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" (a term coined by the CIA) list; sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. Utterly bipartisan it was, initiated under Clinton and wrapped up under Bush. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to close the deal. Unlce Tom here helped North Korea acquire nuclear reactors and never questioned it a bit.
Under Obama we never even had to worry about nuke war . NK was in check .
Under Obama we never even had to worry about nuke war . NK was in check .

Not worrying about it doesn't mean we shouldn't have. North Korea doubled the number of nuclear weapons while Obama was President.

Obama did absolutely nothing to curb North Korea's nuclear program. Gary Samore, who served for four years in the Obama administration as the White House's Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, said this about Obama's handling of North Korea:

"You can say [strategic patience is] a failure and you can also say engagement is a failure. All of the approaches we've used—first to prevent, then eliminate, North Korea's nuclear weapons program have failed. When we've negotiated it's failed and when we haven't negotiated it's failed."

Experts Blame Obama for North Korea's New Nukes
What this article fails to mention is that according to a cursory internet search on my part the prevailing winds on the Korean peninsula blow north to south. There's this thing you might have heard of, it's called "nuclear fallout" that would settle like a death shroud over our long-time allies. Actually using nukes in Korea is not an option.
The only meaningful negotiation will be with China. The unwillingness to do what was necessary for China to stomp out the N.K. problem is the root cause of all problems there.
Under Obama we never even had to worry about nuke war . NK was in check .

I want some of that smoke you have.

You are half right. It took them 8 years to get it all figured out to this point. If you could, can you point out the policy that Half Black Jesus used to keep those little guys in check?
Under Obama we never even had to worry about nuke war . NK was in check .

I want some of that smoke you have.

You are half right. It took them 8 years to get it all figured out to this point. If you could, can you point out the policy that Half Black Jesus used to keep those little guys in check?

Please. Obama kept North Korea and check. They only started messing around when Trump walked into the office because they knew they were dealing with an idiot.
What this article fails to mention is that according to a cursory internet search on my part the prevailing winds on the Korean peninsula blow north to south. There's this thing you might have heard of, it's called "nuclear fallout" that would settle like a death shroud over our long-time allies. Actually using nukes in Korea is not an option.

We have more than enough conventional weapons to make a parking lot out the entire country, and the companies that make them are eagerly standing by.
What this article fails to mention is that according to a cursory internet search on my part the prevailing winds on the Korean peninsula blow north to south. There's this thing you might have heard of, it's called "nuclear fallout" that would settle like a death shroud over our long-time allies. Actually using nukes in Korea is not an option.

We have more than enough conventional weapons to make a parking lot out the entire country, and the companies that make them are eagerly standing by.
Certainly but that is not the topic at hand. OP is doing what conservatives always do, engaging in masturbatory fantasies about glorious mass killing without a thought to what happens next. None of you seem to be able to spare a moment to consider the aftermath of your actions, it's why you people are constantly being blindsided by life.
Under Obama we never even had to worry about nuke war . NK was in check .

I want some of that smoke you have.

You are half right. It took them 8 years to get it all figured out to this point. If you could, can you point out the policy that Half Black Jesus used to keep those little guys in check?

Please. Obama kept North Korea and check. They only started messing around when Trump walked into the office because they knew they were dealing with an idiot.

With “strategic patience” that only that focused on isolating Pyongyang? Obama's policy that mostly consisted of ignoring North Korea, US military maneuvers in South Korea, and saying "pretty please" to China in a lame attempt to mildly cajole China to pressure the regime?

How the hell is that supposed to represent "Keeping North Korea in check"?
What this article fails to mention is that according to a cursory internet search on my part the prevailing winds on the Korean peninsula blow north to south. There's this thing you might have heard of, it's called "nuclear fallout" that would settle like a death shroud over our long-time allies. Actually using nukes in Korea is not an option.

We have more than enough conventional weapons to make a parking lot out the entire country, and the companies that make them are eagerly standing by.
Certainly but that is not the topic at hand. OP is doing what conservatives always do, engaging in masturbatory fantasies about glorious mass killing without a thought to what happens next. None of you seem to be able to spare a moment to consider the aftermath of your actions, it's why you people are constantly being blindsided by life.

The ones who literally got blindsided are the ones who scoffed and ridiculed Ronald Reagan for his Star Wars idea. They called him a "senile old fool" for believing we could have space-based anti-missile systems.

Except they're not laughing so hard now, are they?
What this article fails to mention is that according to a cursory internet search on my part the prevailing winds on the Korean peninsula blow north to south. There's this thing you might have heard of, it's called "nuclear fallout" that would settle like a death shroud over our long-time allies. Actually using nukes in Korea is not an option.

We have more than enough conventional weapons to make a parking lot out the entire country, and the companies that make them are eagerly standing by.
Certainly but that is not the topic at hand. OP is doing what conservatives always do, engaging in masturbatory fantasies about glorious mass killing without a thought to what happens next. None of you seem to be able to spare a moment to consider the aftermath of your actions, it's why you people are constantly being blindsided by life.

The ones who literally got blindsided are the ones who scoffed and ridiculed Ronald Reagan for his Star Wars idea. They called him a "senile old fool" for believing we could have space-based anti-missile systems.

Except they're not laughing so hard now, are they?
The only people laughing in this situation are the N Koreans at Trump and you people trying to laugh off the threat to world peace your dear leader represents with his open hatred of diplomatic solutions.
What this article fails to mention is that according to a cursory internet search on my part the prevailing winds on the Korean peninsula blow north to south. There's this thing you might have heard of, it's called "nuclear fallout" that would settle like a death shroud over our long-time allies. Actually using nukes in Korea is not an option.

We have more than enough conventional weapons to make a parking lot out the entire country, and the companies that make them are eagerly standing by.
Certainly but that is not the topic at hand. OP is doing what conservatives always do, engaging in masturbatory fantasies about glorious mass killing without a thought to what happens next. None of you seem to be able to spare a moment to consider the aftermath of your actions, it's why you people are constantly being blindsided by life.

The ones who literally got blindsided are the ones who scoffed and ridiculed Ronald Reagan for his Star Wars idea. They called him a "senile old fool" for believing we could have space-based anti-missile systems.

Except they're not laughing so hard now, are they?
The only people laughing in this situation are the N Koreans at Trump and you people trying to laugh off the threat to world peace your dear leader represents with his open hatred of diplomatic solutions.

But...but...Obama already tried "diplomatic solutions" with North Korea.

Are you admitting that he failed?
Under Obama we never even had to worry about nuke war . NK was in check .
Yes indeed, and slowly building it's nuclear arsenal and perfecting an orbital delivery system. The question I have is why are people so ignorant.
Under Obama we never even had to worry about nuke war . NK was in check .

I want some of that smoke you have.

You are half right. It took them 8 years to get it all figured out to this point. If you could, can you point out the policy that Half Black Jesus used to keep those little guys in check?

Please. Obama kept North Korea and check. They only started messing around when Trump walked into the office because they knew they were dealing with an idiot.

Yet here you are unable to point to a specific Half Black Jesus policy other then chronic neglect of the situation, that "kept them in check". Obama was the worst presidant in history. Obama was nothing but a child who was allowed to drive for awhile. He was only a token, not a real president. A real president would not have left the mess that Barry's deraliction Of duity left us. The biggest thing bothering you libs is seeing a man with balls. It's been 24 years since you have experienced it . It will be easily for you around year six or Trumps second term.
What this article fails to mention is that according to a cursory internet search on my part the prevailing winds on the Korean peninsula blow north to south. There's this thing you might have heard of, it's called "nuclear fallout" that would settle like a death shroud over our long-time allies. Actually using nukes in Korea is not an option.

We have more than enough conventional weapons to make a parking lot out the entire country, and the companies that make them are eagerly standing by.
Certainly but that is not the topic at hand. OP is doing what conservatives always do, engaging in masturbatory fantasies about glorious mass killing without a thought to what happens next. None of you seem to be able to spare a moment to consider the aftermath of your actions, it's why you people are constantly being blindsided by life.

The ones who literally got blindsided are the ones who scoffed and ridiculed Ronald Reagan for his Star Wars idea. They called him a "senile old fool" for believing we could have space-based anti-missile systems.

Except they're not laughing so hard now, are they?
The only people laughing in this situation are the N Koreans at Trump and you people trying to laugh off the threat to world peace your dear leader represents with his open hatred of diplomatic solutions.

But...but...Obama already tried "diplomatic solutions" with North Korea.

Are you admitting that he failed?
If diplomacy has failed it is because of your man, not the fault of diplomacy itself. You people just hate it because it has robbed you of several glorious patriotic wars with all those cool explosions and random body parts littering the streets of third-world shitholes.

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