Memorial Day Hypocrisy

They died to protect your freedom to run your damn mouth. You do plenty of that then chastise those that did so a puss like you can continue to exist.
Dogma, total fucking dogma.

Not a single soldier died in Korea, Vietnam, and anywhere in the Middle East protecting my freedom. Not a one.

Sadly, i have to agree. None of these nations are realistic threats to the U.S. All these invasions and wars are being conducted for money & power. But only the few Elites enjoy that money & power. Average Citizens only pay for these wars with their blood & treasure. They're being used as meat for the Elite's meat grinder.

Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.
Now dumbfuck here suddenly trusts the government.

What a fucking drone you are, Hitler Youth.
You're a pussy that runs his mouth about what he doesn't have the guts or ability to do.
Stop being a child you little dumbfuck. Go back to the playground where you belong.

There you are only mostly stupid, instead of all stupid.

And learn what liberty means? It doesn't mean you get to beat on someone for expressing their liberty, asswipe.

I'll go wherever you say WHEN you can enforce the demand.

Still think you can burn that flag in front of me? I know you won't.
Bitch, if you understood what Liberty means, you'd hand me the goddamned match.

But as you are a mindless Hitler Youth, you think you can beat on someone else for expressing their rights which you don't agree with.

Those soldiers that did die protecting freedom, and not your version, also protected the right to burn the fucking flag, in front of you or anyone else. Celebrate it, that's fucking L I B E R T Y.

What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson
Dogma, total fucking dogma.

Not a single soldier died in Korea, Vietnam, and anywhere in the Middle East protecting my freedom. Not a one.

Sadly, i have to agree. None of these nations are realistic threats to the U.S. All these invasions and wars are being conducted for money & power. But only the few Elites enjoy that money & power. Average Citizens only pay for these wars with their blood & treasure. They're being used as meat for the Elite's meat grinder.

Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.

Yeah sure, the Globalist Elites care about you. Sure they do. That's why they've actually made you less safe with all their wars. Nice job 'protecting' America. Most Americans are just too busy stuffing their fat faces and shopping till they drop to understand the reality. All these wars are only about making some wealthy and powerful Elites more wealthy and powerful. It has nothing to do with 'defending' or 'protecting' America.

Still don't see where you're in charge of making that determination.
What they tell me is I am fucking smart, because I am.

Next time think, don't just repeat what you've been told all your damn life. Much of it, were lies.

You may be smart, but you're also fucking ignorant. No, I know who you are.... you're one of these snot-nosed kids who mommy and daddy spent their entire lives patting you on the head, telling you how wonderful you are even when you fuck up completely. Nothing's your fault, everybody owes you something. You shouldn't have to do jack-shit that you don't feel like doing.

Yeah, I know your type and I detest that type.
Nothing of the kind, but I know what fucking dogma and liberty are.

Just save it, bitch.

You think someone born male can be female because he thinks he is. Anyone that does that is too stupid to understand anything.
I think that because science knows that it can be true, you ignorant dumbfuck.

What does science have to do with whether a conflict is advisable or not? Do you even know what science is?

You say a lot of stupid shit.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.
You're a pussy that runs his mouth about what he doesn't have the guts or ability to do.
Stop being a child you little dumbfuck. Go back to the playground where you belong.

There you are only mostly stupid, instead of all stupid.

And learn what liberty means? It doesn't mean you get to beat on someone for expressing their liberty, asswipe.

I'll go wherever you say WHEN you can enforce the demand.

Still think you can burn that flag in front of me? I know you won't.
Bitch, if you understood what Liberty means, you'd hand me the goddamned match.

But as you are a mindless Hitler Youth, you think you can beat on someone else for expressing their rights which you don't agree with.

Those soldiers that did die protecting freedom, and not your version, also protected the right to burn the fucking flag, in front of you or anyone else. Celebrate it, that's fucking L I B E R T Y.

What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

We get it, you've posted the TJ quote a gazillion times.... Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions, hardly on par with somebody threatening, over the WEB at that, to kick your ass if you burn a flag. Apples and sport cars.
Dogma, total fucking dogma.

Not a single soldier died in Korea, Vietnam, and anywhere in the Middle East protecting my freedom. Not a one.

Sadly, i have to agree. None of these nations are realistic threats to the U.S. All these invasions and wars are being conducted for money & power. But only the few Elites enjoy that money & power. Average Citizens only pay for these wars with their blood & treasure. They're being used as meat for the Elite's meat grinder.

Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.
Now dumbfuck here suddenly trusts the government.

What a fucking drone you are, Hitler Youth.

Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
You may be smart, but you're also fucking ignorant. No, I know who you are.... you're one of these snot-nosed kids who mommy and daddy spent their entire lives patting you on the head, telling you how wonderful you are even when you fuck up completely. Nothing's your fault, everybody owes you something. You shouldn't have to do jack-shit that you don't feel like doing.

Yeah, I know your type and I detest that type.
Nothing of the kind, but I know what fucking dogma and liberty are.

Just save it, bitch.

You think someone born male can be female because he thinks he is. Anyone that does that is too stupid to understand anything.
I think that because science knows that it can be true, you ignorant dumbfuck.

What does science have to do with whether a conflict is advisable or not? Do you even know what science is?

You say a lot of stupid shit.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Science nowhere says you're something because you think you are. That's just dumb. Seriously, how old are you? You seem incredibly immature.
Stop being a child you little dumbfuck. Go back to the playground where you belong.

There you are only mostly stupid, instead of all stupid.

And learn what liberty means? It doesn't mean you get to beat on someone for expressing their liberty, asswipe.

I'll go wherever you say WHEN you can enforce the demand.

Still think you can burn that flag in front of me? I know you won't.
Bitch, if you understood what Liberty means, you'd hand me the goddamned match.

But as you are a mindless Hitler Youth, you think you can beat on someone else for expressing their rights which you don't agree with.

Those soldiers that did die protecting freedom, and not your version, also protected the right to burn the fucking flag, in front of you or anyone else. Celebrate it, that's fucking L I B E R T Y.

What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

We get it, you've posted the TJ quote a gazillion times.... Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions, hardly on par with somebody threatening, over the WEB at that, to kick your ass if you burn a flag. Apples and sport cars.
I never said it was the same you stupid bitch, I said he is a Hitler Youth. They didn't agree with Liberty either, nor understand what that would mean.
Nothing of the kind, but I know what fucking dogma and liberty are.

Just save it, bitch.

You think someone born male can be female because he thinks he is. Anyone that does that is too stupid to understand anything.
I think that because science knows that it can be true, you ignorant dumbfuck.

What does science have to do with whether a conflict is advisable or not? Do you even know what science is?

You say a lot of stupid shit.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Science nowhere says you're something because you think you are. That's just dumb. Seriously, how old are you? You seem incredibly immature.
The fuck it doesn't. The brain is what tells you what gender you are, not what's in your underpants. Mostly they match up, or close enough. Sometimes, they don't.

We have thread after thread on this. Go read one.
Sadly, i have to agree. None of these nations are realistic threats to the U.S. All these invasions and wars are being conducted for money & power. But only the few Elites enjoy that money & power. Average Citizens only pay for these wars with their blood & treasure. They're being used as meat for the Elite's meat grinder.

Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.
Now dumbfuck here suddenly trusts the government.

What a fucking drone you are, Hitler Youth.

Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

And Conass, liberty for me but fuck you if I don't approve. Goddamned Hitler Youths.
I'll go wherever you say WHEN you can enforce the demand.

Still think you can burn that flag in front of me? I know you won't.
Bitch, if you understood what Liberty means, you'd hand me the goddamned match.

But as you are a mindless Hitler Youth, you think you can beat on someone else for expressing their rights which you don't agree with.

Those soldiers that did die protecting freedom, and not your version, also protected the right to burn the fucking flag, in front of you or anyone else. Celebrate it, that's fucking L I B E R T Y.

What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

We get it, you've posted the TJ quote a gazillion times.... Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions, hardly on par with somebody threatening, over the WEB at that, to kick your ass if you burn a flag. Apples and sport cars.
I never said it was the same you stupid bitch, I said he is a Hitler Youth. They didn't agree with Liberty either, nor understand what that would mean.

Wait, so wanting to stop you from burning a flag makes one Hitler Youth? A member of a group that doesn't even exist? How's that work exactly? :lmao:
Stop being a child you little dumbfuck. Go back to the playground where you belong.

There you are only mostly stupid, instead of all stupid.

And learn what liberty means? It doesn't mean you get to beat on someone for expressing their liberty, asswipe.

I'll go wherever you say WHEN you can enforce the demand.

Still think you can burn that flag in front of me? I know you won't.
Bitch, if you understood what Liberty means, you'd hand me the goddamned match.

But as you are a mindless Hitler Youth, you think you can beat on someone else for expressing their rights which you don't agree with.

Those soldiers that did die protecting freedom, and not your version, also protected the right to burn the fucking flag, in front of you or anyone else. Celebrate it, that's fucking L I B E R T Y.

What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson
Sadly, i have to agree. None of these nations are realistic threats to the U.S. All these invasions and wars are being conducted for money & power. But only the few Elites enjoy that money & power. Average Citizens only pay for these wars with their blood & treasure. They're being used as meat for the Elite's meat grinder.

Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.

Yeah sure, the Globalist Elites care about you. Sure they do. That's why they've actually made you less safe with all their wars. Nice job 'protecting' America. Most Americans are just too busy stuffing their fat faces and shopping till they drop to understand the reality. All these wars are only about making some wealthy and powerful Elites more wealthy and powerful. It has nothing to do with 'defending' or 'protecting' America.

Still don't see where you're in charge of making that determination.

Not in charge, but i don't have to support this Permanent War. I woke up. All these wars are making you less safe, not more. The Globalist Elites who start all these wars, don't care about you. They only care about getting richer and more powerful. They could care less how many Americans die in that process. They look forward to WWIII. They know they'll come out of it just fine. But will you?
Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.
Now dumbfuck here suddenly trusts the government.

What a fucking drone you are, Hitler Youth.

Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

Why are you so fucking angry? Did mommy not fix your breakfast this morning?
Dogma, total fucking dogma.

Not a single soldier died in Korea, Vietnam, and anywhere in the Middle East protecting my freedom. Not a one.

Sadly, i have to agree. None of these nations are realistic threats to the U.S. All these invasions and wars are being conducted for money & power. But only the few Elites enjoy that money & power. Average Citizens only pay for these wars with their blood & treasure. They're being used as meat for the Elite's meat grinder.

Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.
Now dumbfuck here suddenly trusts the government.

What a fucking drone you are, Hitler Youth.

Seems you're stupid enough to think someone that agree with is correct simply because you agree with him.

What an ass licker you are, figuratively and literally.
Bitch, if you understood what Liberty means, you'd hand me the goddamned match.

But as you are a mindless Hitler Youth, you think you can beat on someone else for expressing their rights which you don't agree with.

Those soldiers that did die protecting freedom, and not your version, also protected the right to burn the fucking flag, in front of you or anyone else. Celebrate it, that's fucking L I B E R T Y.

What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

We get it, you've posted the TJ quote a gazillion times.... Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions, hardly on par with somebody threatening, over the WEB at that, to kick your ass if you burn a flag. Apples and sport cars.
I never said it was the same you stupid bitch, I said he is a Hitler Youth. They didn't agree with Liberty either, nor understand what that would mean.

Wait, so wanting to stop you from burning a flag makes one Hitler Youth?
You're goddamned right it does. It's my fucking right to do so. That's L I B E R T Y, bitches. Learn it and defend it.
I'll go wherever you say WHEN you can enforce the demand.

Still think you can burn that flag in front of me? I know you won't.
Bitch, if you understood what Liberty means, you'd hand me the goddamned match.

But as you are a mindless Hitler Youth, you think you can beat on someone else for expressing their rights which you don't agree with.

Those soldiers that did die protecting freedom, and not your version, also protected the right to burn the fucking flag, in front of you or anyone else. Celebrate it, that's fucking L I B E R T Y.

What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson
Since when do you determine what is and isn't realistic?

None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.

Yeah sure, the Globalist Elites care about you. Sure they do. That's why they've actually made you less safe with all their wars. Nice job 'protecting' America. Most Americans are just too busy stuffing their fat faces and shopping till they drop to understand the reality. All these wars are only about making some wealthy and powerful Elites more wealthy and powerful. It has nothing to do with 'defending' or 'protecting' America.

Still don't see where you're in charge of making that determination.

Not in charge, but i don't have to support this Permanent War. I woke up. All these wars are making you less safe, not more. The Globalist Elites who start all these wars, don't care about you. They only care about getting richer and more powerful. They could care less how many Americans die in that process. They look forward to WWIII. They know they'll come out of it just fine. But will you?

You don't but to make a statement as if you are in charge of doing so doesn't make your opinion fact.
None of these nations are serious threats. All these invasions and wars have nothing to do with 'protecting' our nation. Our Government is the one starting much of the world's conflicts. It's not 'defending' or 'protecting our nation.' It's aggressively waging war to protect Globalist Elite interests.

It's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering foreign nations. It has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy' or 'protecting' America. The Elites have actually made you less safe. Hopefully one day most Americans will understand that.

Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.
Now dumbfuck here suddenly trusts the government.

What a fucking drone you are, Hitler Youth.

Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

Why are you so fucking angry? Did mommy not fix your breakfast this morning?
Because mindless Nazis like you two living in my liberal nation fucking piss me off.
What did they say that is Hitler like? Do you know who Hitler was?
Hitler-like? How about if you burn an American flag in protest, which it is my right to do, we beat your ass?

Ever heard of this guy?

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

We get it, you've posted the TJ quote a gazillion times.... Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions, hardly on par with somebody threatening, over the WEB at that, to kick your ass if you burn a flag. Apples and sport cars.
I never said it was the same you stupid bitch, I said he is a Hitler Youth. They didn't agree with Liberty either, nor understand what that would mean.

Wait, so wanting to stop you from burning a flag makes one Hitler Youth?
You're goddamned right it does. It's my fucking right to do so. That's L I B E R T Y, bitches. Learn it and defend it.

Actually doing it in front of me would make you a dumbass.
You may be smart, but you're also fucking ignorant. No, I know who you are.... you're one of these snot-nosed kids who mommy and daddy spent their entire lives patting you on the head, telling you how wonderful you are even when you fuck up completely. Nothing's your fault, everybody owes you something. You shouldn't have to do jack-shit that you don't feel like doing.

Yeah, I know your type and I detest that type.
Nothing of the kind, but I know what fucking dogma and liberty are.

Just save it, bitch.

You think someone born male can be female because he thinks he is. Anyone that does that is too stupid to understand anything.
I think that because science knows that it can be true, you ignorant dumbfuck.

What does science have to do with whether a conflict is advisable or not? Do you even know what science is?

You say a lot of stupid shit.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
Again, who put you in charge of making that determination? I don't recall you being in the position to make it.
Now dumbfuck here suddenly trusts the government.

What a fucking drone you are, Hitler Youth.

Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

Why are you so fucking angry? Did mommy not fix your breakfast this morning?
Because mindless Nazis like you two living in my liberal nation fucking piss me off.

Little pussy getting mad that someone told him no?

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