Memorial Day Hypocrisy

What does science have to do with whether a conflict is advisable or not? Do you even know what science is?

You say a lot of stupid shit.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
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Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.
You salad goes in the fridge marked Salad, bitch.

It's a salad like he's a male, even with XX chromosomes.

What does this even mean? It's a salad like he' a male?

What does science have to do with whether a conflict is advisable or not? Do you even know what science is?

You say a lot of stupid shit.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.

He eats whatever mommy fixes for him. Trust me, this one's very young. No normal adult thinks this way.
You wouldn't know a normal adult if I sat you on their lap. You think like a child, endlessly repeat dogma instead of thinking for yourself, which you can't because you are fucking S T U P I D !
What does science have to do with whether a conflict is advisable or not? Do you even know what science is?

You say a lot of stupid shit.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
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Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.

He eats whatever mommy fixes for him. Trust me, this one's very young. No normal adult thinks this way.

Jackoff's argument is that looks matter. I offered to make him something that LOOKS like chicken salad although in reality it was chicken shit to see if he would eat it based on looks. IT refused.
For folks who supposedly distrust Big Brother so much, Neocons sure are willing to support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' They're so gung-ho to hop into the Elite's meat grinder. They'll gladly die or be maimed for nothing.

Neocons really should rethink their rabid Warmongering. WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Only the few Globalist Elites will come out of it intact. The rest are gonna suffer immensely. And that includes average Neocons.
War makes them feel like real men, just like he keeps egging me on to fight him in the schoolyard.

Fucking children.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.
You salad goes in the fridge marked Salad, bitch.

It's a salad like he's a male, even with XX chromosomes.

What does this even mean? It's a salad like he' a male?

Jackoff bases his entire argument on LOOKS. I offered him some chicken shit that I could make LOOK like chicken salad. Despite his claim that only looks matter, he wouldn't agree to eat it.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.

He eats whatever mommy fixes for him. Trust me, this one's very young. No normal adult thinks this way.

Jackoff's argument is that looks matter. I offered to make him something that LOOKS like chicken salad although in reality it was chicken shit to see if he would eat it based on looks. IT refused.
Yeah, dumbfuck, I'm not stupid. Salads hang out with salads, no matter what they are made of.

And this, this is a man, bitch.
XX male.jpg
For folks who supposedly distrust Big Brother so much, Neocons sure are willing to support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' They're so gung-ho to hop into the Elite's meat grinder. They'll gladly die or be maimed for nothing.

Neocons really should rethink their rabid Warmongering. WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Only the few Globalist Elites will come out of it intact. The rest are gonna suffer immensely. And that includes average Neocons.
War makes them feel like real men, just like he keeps egging me on to fight him in the schoolyard.

Fucking children.

You're the one that said you could wrap me up in the flag, light it, and I couldn't do a thing about it.

Step up, pussy.
Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

And Conass, liberty for me but fuck you if I don't approve. Goddamned Hitler Youths.

I didn't say you couldn't do what you want to do. I said it wasn't a good idea for you to do so.
Same thing, bitch.

Here's what you should say instead, I will defend your right to burn a flag, an aspect of liberty, until my dying breath.

And fuck you, liberty-hater.


Really what are you, like 15?
That's what you two are, just a couple of Nazis ready to beat on someone else expressing any right you don't happen to agree with.

Uhm, where did I ever say that? So, you're a liar too? Sweet.
Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.

He eats whatever mommy fixes for him. Trust me, this one's very young. No normal adult thinks this way.

Jackoff's argument is that looks matter. I offered to make him something that LOOKS like chicken salad although in reality it was chicken shit to see if he would eat it based on looks. IT refused.
Yeah, dumbfuck, I'm not stupid. Salads hang out with salads, no matter what they are made of.

And this, this is a man, bitch.
View attachment 76543

If you say looks are what matters but won't eat something that look like chicken salad, your argument is invalid.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.
You salad goes in the fridge marked Salad, bitch.

It's a salad like he's a male, even with XX chromosomes.

What does this even mean? It's a salad like he' a male?

A salad is a salad, you dumb bitch.

And if it has balls and a dick you want it in the little boys' room so all you can base that on is looks, not DNA.
Science says we have multiple sexes and even more genders. Learn science.

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.

He eats whatever mommy fixes for him. Trust me, this one's very young. No normal adult thinks this way.
You wouldn't know a normal adult if I sat you on their lap. You think like a child, endlessly repeat dogma instead of thinking for yourself, which you can't because you are fucking S T U P I D !

Says the kid that responds to everything with "Nazi" or "Hitler Youth". Everybody that doesn't agree with him is a Nazi. Grow up ya little twat.

Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

And Conass, liberty for me but fuck you if I don't approve. Goddamned Hitler Youths.

I didn't say you couldn't do what you want to do. I said it wasn't a good idea for you to do so.
Same thing, bitch.

Here's what you should say instead, I will defend your right to burn a flag, an aspect of liberty, until my dying breath.

And fuck you, liberty-hater.


Really what are you, like 15?
That's what you two are, just a couple of Nazis ready to beat on someone else expressing any right you don't happen to agree with.

According to you I couldn't do it. I'm still waiting on you to wrap me in the flag and light it like you said you would do.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

And Conass, liberty for me but fuck you if I don't approve. Goddamned Hitler Youths.

I didn't say you couldn't do what you want to do. I said it wasn't a good idea for you to do so.
Same thing, bitch.

Here's what you should say instead, I will defend your right to burn a flag, an aspect of liberty, until my dying breath.

And fuck you, liberty-hater.


Really what are you, like 15?
That's what you two are, just a couple of Nazis ready to beat on someone else expressing any right you don't happen to agree with.

Uhm, where did I ever say that? So, you're a liar too? Sweet.
You never opposed him so why would I think anything different.

Go ahead, tell him he's wrong?
Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.
You salad goes in the fridge marked Salad, bitch.

It's a salad like he's a male, even with XX chromosomes.

What does this even mean? It's a salad like he' a male?

A salad is a salad, you dumb bitch.

And if it has balls and a dick you want it in the little boys' room so all you can base that on is looks, not DNA.

But you said a salad like he's a male.... is salad a salad or a male? A male salad maybe?

Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.

He eats whatever mommy fixes for him. Trust me, this one's very young. No normal adult thinks this way.
You wouldn't know a normal adult if I sat you on their lap. You think like a child, endlessly repeat dogma instead of thinking for yourself, which you can't because you are fucking S T U P I D !

Says the kid that responds to everything with "Nazi" or "Hitler Youth". Everybody that doesn't agree with him is a Nazi. Grow up ya little twat.

Hey, bitch, if you don't defend rights of other Americans, that's what you are.
Yeah well, Neocons are known for their rabid Warmongering. They want WWIII. They're nuts. They'll support any war Big Brother deems 'necessary.' When it comes to war, they truly are loyal Government Bootlickers. I'll never get the cheerleading for WWIII. They really don't get that WWIII won't benefit them in any way. Lost souls for sure.
Fucking flag-waving drones.

And Conass, liberty for me but fuck you if I don't approve. Goddamned Hitler Youths.

I didn't say you couldn't do what you want to do. I said it wasn't a good idea for you to do so.
Same thing, bitch.

Here's what you should say instead, I will defend your right to burn a flag, an aspect of liberty, until my dying breath.

And fuck you, liberty-hater.


Really what are you, like 15?
That's what you two are, just a couple of Nazis ready to beat on someone else expressing any right you don't happen to agree with.

Yup, if you don't support this Permanent War, you hates America. Neocons are very Nazi-like. I've always said that. They've taken the Republican Party down a very destructive path. The Republican Party used to stand for a 'humble foreign policy' and no nation-building.

The Neocons have completely obliterated that stance. Now it's 'All war, All the time' for the Party. I truly despise them. They can take their Warmongering and religious bullshite and GTFO. Let em go form an American Nazi Party. Good riddance.
Please quote "Science" saying that.

And please give me a picture of "Science". I've never seen a picture of this dude. He says a lot that actually never is sourced by the retards who like to quote him. I'd like to see what he looks like.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.
You salad goes in the fridge marked Salad, bitch.

It's a salad like he's a male, even with XX chromosomes.

What does this even mean? It's a salad like he' a male?

A salad is a salad, you dumb bitch.

And if it has balls and a dick you want it in the little boys' room so all you can base that on is looks, not DNA.

It's not about a salad. If you think it is, you're an idiot. It's about you proving whether or not you think LOOKS are what matters.

You said looks are what matters not DNA. I offered you an opportunity to eat something that looked like chicken salad. You refused.
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.
You salad goes in the fridge marked Salad, bitch.

It's a salad like he's a male, even with XX chromosomes.

What does this even mean? It's a salad like he' a male?

A salad is a salad, you dumb bitch.

And if it has balls and a dick you want it in the little boys' room so all you can base that on is looks, not DNA.

But you said a salad like he's a male.... is salad a salad or a male? A male salad maybe?

Just shut up you dumb ****.

You can't understand language beyond See Spot Run. The meaning was clear.

Salad in the salad fridge, males in the boys room.
I didn't say you couldn't do what you want to do. I said it wasn't a good idea for you to do so.
Same thing, bitch.

Here's what you should say instead, I will defend your right to burn a flag, an aspect of liberty, until my dying breath.

And fuck you, liberty-hater.


Really what are you, like 15?
That's what you two are, just a couple of Nazis ready to beat on someone else expressing any right you don't happen to agree with.

Uhm, where did I ever say that? So, you're a liar too? Sweet.
You never opposed him so why would I think anything different.

Go ahead, tell him he's wrong?

Why is that important to you? Aren't you confident enough in your own opinion? Why do you require affirmation from some one you don't even know?
View attachment 76542
Would you like him in the little girls' room? He is XX, bitches.

Are you willing to eat the chicken shit that LOOKS like chicken salad? Until you are, your argument of looks doesn't work.

He eats whatever mommy fixes for him. Trust me, this one's very young. No normal adult thinks this way.
You wouldn't know a normal adult if I sat you on their lap. You think like a child, endlessly repeat dogma instead of thinking for yourself, which you can't because you are fucking S T U P I D !

Says the kid that responds to everything with "Nazi" or "Hitler Youth". Everybody that doesn't agree with him is a Nazi. Grow up ya little twat.

Hey, bitch, if you don't defend rights of other Americans, that's what you are.

If you think burning a flag in front of me is a good idea, a dumbass is what you are.

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