Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.
Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.
Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

We remember the memory of those who gave their lives so douchebags like you are free to post this mindless drek on websites. Personally, I'd prefer you just said "thank you".

Now, fuck off.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.
Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

Nah, you're just a whiney little self-entitled bitch... a proud member of the participation trophy generation.
The Globalist Elites are very quick to send em off to be gruesomely maimed, but are then very slow to take care of em properly when they return home. Many of our Vets die waiting for care. It's just not a good deal being a U.S. Soldier these days. I wouldn't recommend it.
The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You do realize that this holiday is to honor the memory of those who died protecting your freedoms to whine and burn flags, right?
Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

Nah, you're just a whiney little self-entitled bitch... a proud member of the participation trophy generation.
Nothing of the kind.

Fly a flag or burn a flag, your call? That's known as Liberty, bitches.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You do realize that this holiday is to honor the memory of those who died protecting your freedoms to whine and burn flags, right?
When was the last time a soldier died "protecting" my freedoms? Was Vietnam invading the US?

Don't post dogma, it pisses me off. And don't believe it either. Fucking think for yourself instead.
Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

Nah, you're just a whiney little self-entitled bitch... a proud member of the participation trophy generation.
Nothing of the kind.

Fly a flag or burn a flag, your call? That's known as Liberty, bitches.

Ill prefer to be an adult and either fly a flag, or not fly a flag. I'll leave the burning to the self-entitled & ungrateful little whiney babies, like you.
The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You have to have the ability in order to have the guts. Step up, pussy.
We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You do realize that this holiday is to honor the memory of those who died protecting your freedoms to whine and burn flags, right?
When was the last time a soldier died "protecting" my freedoms? Was Vietnam invading the US?

Don't post dogma, it pisses me off. And don't believe it either. Fucking think for yourself instead.

They died to protect your freedom to run your damn mouth. You do plenty of that then chastise those that did so a puss like you can continue to exist.
We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You do realize that this holiday is to honor the memory of those who died protecting your freedoms to whine and burn flags, right?
When was the last time a soldier died "protecting" my freedoms? Was Vietnam invading the US?

Don't post dogma, it pisses me off. And don't believe it either. Fucking think for yourself instead.

Memorial day isn't about Vietnam you clueless little bitch. And you need to look up the meaning of dogma ya whiney little dummy.
So, what if I did?

That's Free Speech, bitch.

Don't like it, leave.

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You have to have the ability in order to have the guts. Step up, pussy.
Bitch, if I wanted you gone, we wouldn't be chatting right now.

Don't let your mouth write checks you can't cash.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You do realize that this holiday is to honor the memory of those who died protecting your freedoms to whine and burn flags, right?
When was the last time a soldier died "protecting" my freedoms? Was Vietnam invading the US?

Don't post dogma, it pisses me off. And don't believe it either. Fucking think for yourself instead.

They died to protect your freedom to run your damn mouth. You do plenty of that then chastise those that did so a puss like you can continue to exist.
Dogma, total fucking dogma.

Not a single soldier died in Korea, Vietnam, and anywhere in the Middle East protecting my freedom. Not a one.
We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You have to have the ability in order to have the guts. Step up, pussy.
Bitch, if I wanted you gone, we wouldn't be chatting right now.

Don't let your mouth write checks you can't cash.

Oooohh... internet tough guy.

I bet this is you:

We do know one thing. You didn't do it in front of me.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You have to have the ability in order to have the guts. Step up, pussy.
Bitch, if I wanted you gone, we wouldn't be chatting right now.

Don't let your mouth write checks you can't cash.

So you don't have the guts. Didn't think so. If you had the ability to do it, you would have done it already instead of claiming what you can't do. Step up, pussy.
Suck it, bitch.

“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another...” - Thomas Jefferson

Learn to respect what America stands for, Hitler Youth.

We both know you don't have the guts to burn it in front of me.
I have the guts to wrap you in it first, and then burn it, if necessary.

Now go play jackbooted thug with someone else you liberty-hating fuck.

You have to have the ability in order to have the guts. Step up, pussy.
Bitch, if I wanted you gone, we wouldn't be chatting right now.

Don't let your mouth write checks you can't cash.

Oooohh... internet tough guy.

I bet this is you:

View attachment 76538

He's a bigger pussy than that. If he could do what he said, he wouldn't have to say he could. He'd simply do it.

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