Memorial Day Hypocrisy

I think we should amend Memorial should also be a day in which we roundly and loudly condemn the sticking lying politicians and elites who caused so much death and suffering for Americans and non-Americans.
I would suggest we never forget who pulls the politicians' strings:

"The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

"His business dealings … continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act


"The documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade.

"The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen’s US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.
Bankers are Behind the Wars

Oh that wonderful Bush family. They epitomize American politicians....corrupt and self serving...and yet two members of that asshole family became presidents. How the f**k does that happen?
The same way Obama got elected. Braindead voters.
Partisan biases produce systemic differences between voter's preferences and any true beliefs that might be present:

Rational irrationality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"For rational irrationality at an individual level to have an effect on political outcomes, it is necessary that there be systemic ways in which people are irrational.

"In other words, people need to have systemic biases: there needs to be a systemic difference between people's preferences over beliefs and true beliefs.

"In the absence of systemic biases, different forms of irrationality would cancel out when aggregated using the voting process..."

"Implications for the outcomes of democracy[edit]

"When a large number of individuals hold systematically biased beliefs, the total cost to the democracy of all these irrational beliefs could be significant. Thus, even though every individual voter may be behaving rationally, the voters as a whole are not acting in their collective self-interest. This is analogous to the tragedy of the commons. Another way of thinking about it is that each voter, by being rationally irrational, creates a small negative externality for other voters."

Rational irrationality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The soldiers did the fighting so we honor them we don't honor WHAT or WHO they were fighting for at least I don't. I honor my great great great grandfather who fought for the CSA,I honor my great grandfather who fought in ww1 and my grandfather who fought in ww2 and my dad who was in the Army but never saw battle and my uncle who fought in the first desert storm. I didn't agree with most of those wars but soldiers sign up to defend this country AND to get money for college,or mature,or learn a skill as ALL of my ancestors did. My grandfather used his money to go to college and became a civil engineer and now has a building named after him in Pensacola,Fl,My father used it to learn a skill and figure out what he wanted to do with his life,my uncle was the same way.

It must be so nice to be able to stand there and talk shit about our veterans because you do it simply because you HATE America ,I don't agree with the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell don't bash my relatives and ancestors for fighting.
The soldiers might have been honorable, that doesn't mean the wars were or their deaths necessary.
Says the fruit loop who admits he has no idea how to tell a boy from a girl.
The soldiers did the fighting so we honor them we don't honor WHAT or WHO they were fighting for at least I don't. I honor my great great great grandfather who fought for the CSA,I honor my great grandfather who fought in ww1 and my grandfather who fought in ww2 and my dad who was in the Army but never saw battle and my uncle who fought in the first desert storm. I didn't agree with most of those wars but soldiers sign up to defend this country AND to get money for college,or mature,or learn a skill as ALL of my ancestors did. My grandfather used his money to go to college and became a civil engineer and now has a building named after him in Pensacola,Fl,My father used it to learn a skill and figure out what he wanted to do with his life,my uncle was the same way.

It must be so nice to be able to stand there and talk shit about our veterans because you do it simply because you HATE America ,I don't agree with the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell don't bash my relatives and ancestors for fighting.
The soldiers might have been honorable, that doesn't mean the wars were or their deaths necessary.
Says the fruit loop who admits he has no idea how to tell a boy from a girl.
I don't, and science can't. Fucks you alright.
Memorial Day is to honor the dead. Their sacrifice is real as is their family's sacrifice. They weren't the 'monied class' making more money. They were honorable people doing their best in a terrible situation.

I wrote this a while back on a Memorial Day as it had become so commercialized and the people that died were not being remembered. I had an uncle die in the Battle of The Bulge so this was for him and all the rest who are forgotten.

I Remembered You

They call my name and many more
The time is now at hand
A generation's youthful fire
must rise and make their stand

Prepare yourselves the road is hard
and some will not return
but your the ones and this your time
our freedom this to earn

For those you love and those you don't
and all those then between
are threatened now by evil things
as yet though still unseen

A world away the fire burns
with quite a different task
They toil now with equal fire
to rip it from our grasp

We'll show you how and arm you well
and tell you why it's right
but you decide when faced with death
if it's worth the fight

So take the time to look around
and see from whence you came
there is no time to hesitate
when you must play the game

Is all you see and all we are
and all we will be yet
worth the price the few must pay
to satisfy the debt...'s been many years since then
my family's grown and gone
My grandson never knew me
nor my son for very long

America does not look back
quite as much as time goes by
forgotten wars on distant shores
her heroes lost in time

But don't be sad should you forget
to honor we who fell
I paid the price I filled the breech
and freedom stands here still

This monument of breathing free
to our living sacrifice
honors me in such a way
as nothing else suffice

But if you do remember me
in silence or in prayer
the wind you feel upon your face
let's you know that I am there

When my time came to make the choice
and pay this freedom's dues
I stepped into eternity
because I remembered you
Sadly, i have to advise parents to discourage their children from joining the military. They'll only be sent to be killed and maimed to make some rich & powerful Globalist Elites richer and more powerful.

Actually, I'd prefer any child of mine go into the military than into any other Government job or to college.

I hear ya, but joining the military will only mean serving wealthy Globalist Elites as mercenaries. They'll be killed and maimed for nothing.

"Military Men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

Why would you stomp on someone who has given his/her life so that you could write your anti-american sentiment. Why not point your crosshairs at the assholes ie congress, senate, presidents who got us into these quagmires post WW2. Its not the soldiers fault.
I hear ya, but joining the military will only mean serving wealthy Globalist Elites as mercenaries. They'll be killed and maimed for nothing.

I tend to disagree, but I'm sure you already knew that.

That's cool, it took me many years to finally accept the ugly reality. I do realize most will never accept it. I don't recommend becoming a mercenary to be killed and maimed, just so some Globalist Elites can get richer. It's not worth losing limbs and dying for. Avoid the meat grinder.
That's cool, it took me many years to finally accept the ugly reality. I do realize most will never accept it. I don't recommend becoming a mercenary to be killed and maimed, just so some Globalist Elites can get richer. It's not worth losing limbs and dying for. Avoid the meat grinder.

There are far worse ways to live and due than protecting the nation you were born in.
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

Why would you stomp on someone who has given his/her life so that you could write your anti-american sentiment. Why not point your crosshairs at the assholes ie congress, senate, presidents who got us into these quagmires post WW2. Its not the soldiers fault.
I don't mean to give the politicians a pass for their roles in launching wars of aggression; however, that doesn't mean those who fight the wars are blameless for their crimes, as some retired soldiers come to realize:
"Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army soldier and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses on US national security. He also instructs a senior seminar in the Honors Department at the George Washington University entitled 'National Security Decision Making.'"

Colonel Wilkerson had his eyes opened when he returned to the US after his first tour in Vietnam:
War is Not About Truth, Justice and the American Way (1/8)

"WILKERSON: Well, the next moment in my life that was as you're referring to was at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, where I was introduced to Vom Kriege, Clausewitz's seminal book on war, and introduced to a team of professors who more or less stripped war of its truth, justice, and the American way and gave it its real face, not just in terms of the battlefield--all of us in those seminars were Vietnam veterans, whatever service, and it included CIA and State Department personnel too--but also stripped it of its, shall we say, particularly in America, its hyperbole, its passion, its you've got to do this for the country, you've got to defend the shores, and so forth, and boiled it down to its basics.

"This is all about politics and power.

"This is all about getting your way over someone else--or someone else plural--who wants to prevent you from getting your way, whether it's territory, whether it's resources, whether it's a way of belief, ideology, or whatever. That's what war's really all about. It's not about truth and justice. It never has been, never will be."

War is Not About Truth, Justice and the American Way (1/8)
That's cool, it took me many years to finally accept the ugly reality. I do realize most will never accept it. I don't recommend becoming a mercenary to be killed and maimed, just so some Globalist Elites can get richer. It's not worth losing limbs and dying for. Avoid the meat grinder.

There are far worse ways to live and due than protecting the nation you were born in.

Your Government starts most of the conflicts around the world. So it isn't protecting anything but Globalist Elite interests. It's aggressively creating conflicts in order to plunder other nations' resources. It's put you in more danger, not less. In fact, i'll go a step further and say your Government is a far bigger threat to your freedom & liberty than any foreign entity could ever be.

So why head off to be killed and maimed? Being a U.S. Soldier isn't so honorable anymore. Most have no idea why their being sent to die. They don't understand the missions. Most quickly realize they're not on just honorable missions. They're just serving as mercenary meat for the meat grinder. I can't in good conscience recommend young people join the military. Don't be another piece of meat stuffed into the meat grinder.
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Your Government starts most of the conflicts around the world. So it isn't protecting anything but Globalist Elite interests. It's aggressively creating conflicts in order to plunder other nations' resources. In fact, i'll go a step further and say your Government is a far bigger threat to your freedom & liberty than any foreign entity could ever be.

So why head off to be killed and maimed? Being a U.S. Soldier isn't so honorable anymore. Most have no idea why their being sent to die. They don't understand the missions. Most quickly realize they're not on a just honorable mission. They're just serving as mercenary meat for the meat grinder. I can't in good conscience recommend young people join the military. Don't be another piece of meat stuffed into the meat grinder.

I don't believe in Freedom or Liberty. I never have, and that's been widely discussed around during here. As has my last of respect for the subhumans that populate foreign nations and even parts of the USA
That's cool, it took me many years to finally accept the ugly reality. I do realize most will never accept it. I don't recommend becoming a mercenary to be killed and maimed, just so some Globalist Elites can get richer. It's not worth losing limbs and dying for. Avoid the meat grinder.
Colin Powell's former chief-of-staff, Lawrence Wilkerson, has arrived at some of the same conclusions:

"WILKERSON: Let me just back up a little bit and say that the first Gulf War, which of course was Powell's first we're going to cut it off and then we're going to kill it with regard to the Iraqi army, opened my eyes to a certain extent about the Middle East and about the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf and about Saudi Arabia and others.

"The reason we fought that war was not to uphold UN mandates.

"It was not to prove that the new world order was going to be established well by George Herbert Walker Bush.

"It was to protect oil.

"The reason we put forces down in the desert early was to keep Saddam Hussein from turning right and going into Saudi Arabia. We knew if he did, his tanks would roll over the 82nd Airborne Division we'd put on the ground, but his tanks would be rolling over US soldiers, and that would be cassus belli for sure.

"So my eyes began to be opened even more in this pragmatic way as to why the United States was using force in the world these days.

"In this case it was all about oil.

"Of course, that would come back again in 2003 when we re-invaded Iraq and threw out all kinds of aspersions for reasons to the contrary, but we still were going back to oil, basically.

"So this is a continuity, if you will, that gets established in terms of abusing me of my naivete, what little was left, as to why the United States in the post-World War II period uses force so often."

Predatory Capitalism and War for Oil (4/8)
Your Government starts most of the conflicts around the world. So it isn't protecting anything but Globalist Elite interests. It's aggressively creating conflicts in order to plunder other nations' resources. In fact, i'll go a step further and say your Government is a far bigger threat to your freedom & liberty than any foreign entity could ever be.

So why head off to be killed and maimed? Being a U.S. Soldier isn't so honorable anymore. Most have no idea why their being sent to die. They don't understand the missions. Most quickly realize they're not on a just honorable mission. They're just serving as mercenary meat for the meat grinder. I can't in good conscience recommend young people join the military. Don't be another piece of meat stuffed into the meat grinder.

I don't believe in Freedom or Liberty. I never have, and that's been widely discussed around during here. As has my last of respect for the subhumans that populate foreign nations and even parts of the USA

Well, we can agree on some things. Human Beings are inherently bad. They live to kill and destroy. I'm not very religious, but i often wonder why a perfect all-knowing God would create something as ugly and destructive as humanity. A perfect planet would be one without human beings inhabiting it. I've lost just about all faith in humanity at this point. It's very sad.
That's cool, it took me many years to finally accept the ugly reality. I do realize most will never accept it. I don't recommend becoming a mercenary to be killed and maimed, just so some Globalist Elites can get richer. It's not worth losing limbs and dying for. Avoid the meat grinder.
Colin Powell's former chief-of-staff, Lawrence Wilkerson, has arrived at some of the same conclusions:

"WILKERSON: Let me just back up a little bit and say that the first Gulf War, which of course was Powell's first we're going to cut it off and then we're going to kill it with regard to the Iraqi army, opened my eyes to a certain extent about the Middle East and about the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf and about Saudi Arabia and others.

"The reason we fought that war was not to uphold UN mandates.

"It was not to prove that the new world order was going to be established well by George Herbert Walker Bush.

"It was to protect oil.

"The reason we put forces down in the desert early was to keep Saddam Hussein from turning right and going into Saudi Arabia. We knew if he did, his tanks would roll over the 82nd Airborne Division we'd put on the ground, but his tanks would be rolling over US soldiers, and that would be cassus belli for sure.

"So my eyes began to be opened even more in this pragmatic way as to why the United States was using force in the world these days.

"In this case it was all about oil.

"Of course, that would come back again in 2003 when we re-invaded Iraq and threw out all kinds of aspersions for reasons to the contrary, but we still were going back to oil, basically.

"So this is a continuity, if you will, that gets established in terms of abusing me of my naivete, what little was left, as to why the United States in the post-World War II period uses force so often."

Predatory Capitalism and War for Oil (4/8)

Sadly, most soldiers don't understand the missions. They're just told they're being sent to be killed and maimed for some imaginary honor like defending 'Freedom, Democracy, and America.'

Most don't realize that they're merely expendable mercenary servants for the Globalist Elites. Most gladly hop into the meat grinder. I would advise young Americans to avoid that meat grinder and not join the military.
Nothing to see here.

Odds are these girls will be burning flags tomorrow, to show their respect for the dead.
I've heard of worse ways. Supposedly, but it's not true, they fought for the right of Americans to be able to do so.

And many flags will be burned tomorrow. That's the proper way to dispose of them.

The problem with those like you that burn them is you're not disposing of them. You're burning them as a way to whine about something.
Well, we can agree on some things. Human Beings are inherently bad. They live to kill and destroy. I'm not very religious, but i often wonder why a perfect all-knowing God would create something as ugly and destructive as humanity. A perfect planet would be one without human beings inhabiting it. I've lost just about all faith in humanity at this point. It's very sad.

The creation of MAN wasn't the problem. It's WOMAN that created the issues...... Lillith, Eve, Pandora, etc....
Most don't realize that they're merely expendable mercenary servants for the Globalist Elites. Most gladly hop into the meat grinder. I would advise young Americans to avoid that meat grinder and not join the military.
" Dwight Eisenhower--. And here again you had a man who merged both worlds, the ultimate military responsibility with the ultimate civilian responsibility. We don't get those kind of people very often. Now, here's a man who knew both worlds in a sense that he knew the bad and the good from both worlds. He once said, according to his granddaughter Susan Eisenhower, God help the United States if anybody ever sits in the Oval Office who doesn't understand the military the way I do. This is a man who understood what was happening to post-World War America, that it was turning into a military-industrial-congressional-dominated national security state."
Predatory Capitalism and War for Oil (4/8)
imho, the all volunteer military has no clue what Ike was warning about. If it's true a majority of military voters are backing Trump, even God won't help this country.
That's cool, it took me many years to finally accept the ugly reality. I do realize most will never accept it. I don't recommend becoming a mercenary to be killed and maimed, just so some Globalist Elites can get richer. It's not worth losing limbs and dying for. Avoid the meat grinder.

There are far worse ways to live and due than protecting the nation you were born in.
Anathema, how long has it been since we've had a war to protect our nation? It is a given that we are always told the armed conflicts we get involved in are to 'protect our nation', and I believe there really was a time when that was true. But lately it gets a little hard to swallow.
Well, we can agree on some things. Human Beings are inherently bad. They live to kill and destroy. I'm not very religious, but i often wonder why a perfect all-knowing God would create something as ugly and destructive as humanity. A perfect planet would be one without human beings inhabiting it. I've lost just about all faith in humanity at this point. It's very sad.

The creation of MAN wasn't the problem. It's WOMAN that created the issues...... Lillith, Eve, Pandora, etc....
Yeah, right! Like when God cornered Adam and asked how he knew he was naked, and Adam tried to turn it back on God by saying something about...'the woman, THAT YOU GAVE ME, did tempt me and offered it!' It's always the women.

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