Memphis Mass Murderer Was Released After 11 Months for Attempted Murder

Uh, the murder rate shot through the roof, that's what happened.

2020: 19,384
2019: 14,389
2018: 13,958
2017: 14,542
2016: 14,415
2015: 12,974
2014: 11,008
2013: 11,207
2012: 11,622
2011: 11,068
2010: 11,078
2009: 11,493
2008: 12,179
2007: 12,632
2006: 12,791
2005: 12,352
2004: 11,624
2003: 11,920
2002: 11,829
2001: 11,348
2000: 10,801
1999: 10,828
1998: 9,25734

Uh, sorry, man, we aren't made any safer because Police brutalize black people and treat them like second class citizens.

As far as the prisons, WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS. We lock up 2 million people. We can't lock people up for merely having guns because THERE IS NO WHERE TO LOCK THEM UP AT! If we were to lock up everyone who merely had a police record, we'd have to lock up 100 million people.

Wow, what a vivid imagination you have.

The time to stop the riots was by enacting meaningful police reform years ago.

And, you dumb happened after 2015......

What happened in 2015?

The democrat party decided to attack the police across the country, and their prosecutors, judges and politicians decided to start releasing the most violent and dangerous criminals over and over again, no matter how many felony convictions they racked up......

you and the democrats did this.....the 19,000 number is on own that.
Donald Trump released ALL of the felons from jail when covid hit the prisons. But keep telling us the increase in crime is because of Democrats, because you never have a solution to the problem, only blame for Democrats.

Moron.....releasing prisoners is a state issue....that is where the releases happened.
Blame, blame, blame. You offer no solutions, and you actually cheer on problems you think will harm Democrats.

Republicans are so busy making war on Democrats that they're willing to destroy the nation in order to "win".

No wonder your country is in the toilet with the water swirling. You're so busy hating the other side, you accomplish little. You're still arguing about voting rights. This should be a no-brainer, but all of the time and energy you put into keeping non-whites from voting that is time that could better be spent on improving conditions for all citizens.

As long as Republicans continue to undercut and destroy rights for others, your country will go nowhere but down.

The solutions will come when we get dems out of power for a long period of time.
President doesn’t release state felons, Shitforbrains.

No, he just let a plague run amok where the states were forced to reduce prison populations so they didn't become mass spreader events.

I guess this is how you live as a Branch Trumpidians... just blame everything on someone else.
And, you dumb happened after 2015......

What happened in 2015?

The democrat party decided to attack the police across the country, and their prosecutors, judges and politicians decided to start releasing the most violent and dangerous criminals over and over again, no matter how many felony convictions they racked up......

Uh, wait, did the prison population actually go down in 2015? Um, no, it only slightly started dropping starting in 2008 (largely because the Baby boomers started getting too old to commit crimes), but it is still ridiculously high.


If guns and jails and thug police made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.
No, he just let a plague run amok where the states were forced to reduce prison populations so they didn't become mass spreader events.

I guess this is how you live as a Branch Trumpidians... just blame everything on someone else.
Bullshit. Prison is the best quarantine there is.
It’s good to lock up families in their homes but not murderers and rapists behind bars!!
No, he just let a plague run amok where the states were forced to reduce prison populations so they didn't become mass spreader events.

I guess this is how you live as a Branch Trumpidians... just blame everything on someone else.

Every world leader has the virus run amok. There’s only one that had the vaccine and other treatments and had more death than his predecessor. Get the shot and you won’t get Covid *Joe.
Every world leader has the virus run amok. There’s only one that had the vaccine and other treatments and had more death than his predecessor. Get the shot and you won’t get Covid *Joe.

I got my shot.
It's all you fucking rednecks who refuse to get your shots which is why Covid is still a problem.
Bullshit. Prison is the best quarantine there is.
It’s good to lock up families in their homes but not murderers and rapists behind bars!!

Except prisons increase the chance of it spreading, and then it spreads to guards, staff, etc. who take it back into the community.

You aren't very smart, are you?
You will find Septic Yank, if you paid attention to history lessons, the Brits were kicking the colonies arses, then the French came in to support the colonies and win it for them. It was to do with taxation and being told what to do, fuck all with guns. But there's an group in American culture that are UTTERLY thick as fuck that believe Americans won and it was over the Brits taking guns away. You are in the UTTER UTTER UTTER THICK FUCKING RETARDED GROUP.

For some reason, the Brits have to educate the UTTER UTTER UTTER THICK FUCKING RETARDED GROUP about history. I honestly believe, that group has the lowest IQ level on the planet, and you are in the centre of that group. You utter thick **** (rhymes with hunt).
You know, I think we need to settle this once and for all.

Let's go for round 3 and see how you little twats do, shall we?
They don't but they get a say. The real point is the idea that Memphis was totally ran by Democrats when I point out the prosecutor was a Republican.

I see nowhere that the prosecutor had a problem with his release.

I have no problem with that as long as the sentences are fairly carried out for everyone.
Yeah, everyone except the victims and their families...

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