Memphis Police Allow Kidnapping Suspect to Refuse to ID Location of Victim

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HA HA. I guarantee just one minute in a room alone with, and I would have thar worm screaming her location. And if it was you, you would be too, puppy.

Bitch, please. Don't you know better than trying to make yourself as some sort of tough guy?


Seriously, try not to be a little douchebag...
Um, you talked about a wood chipper.

You don't take off a leg with a wood chipper, dumbass. You reduce someone to shards of DNA with a wood chipper...

You seem to believe that not wanting to torture the suspect amounts to sympathizing with him.

That's pretty stupid of you to do.

Unless you change our laws, doing things your way would result in the guy getting off. He'd walk. He wouldn't have to give the police a single shred of additional information.

THAT'S what you're advocating...
1. Maybe you have reading comprehension trouble. The OP said >> "A few toes on the edge of a full throttle woodchipper ought to do the trick". Tha means all you need do is put the suspect an inch or two from the loud blades and voila! Instant location.

2. Again, reading comprehension shortage. Or maybe you're just too lazy to read what posts came earlier in the thread. As stated in Post # 76, "There are plenty of ways Abston could have been forced to reveal the victim's location, without any marks being made on him, and without any way for him to prove anything about it."
Bitch, please. Don't you know better than trying to make yourself as some sort of tough guy?
Seriously, try not to be a little douchebag...
Shut up faggot. You have no credibility, but you can call me names from the other side of a computer connection without getting your teeth kicked in. Bravo!
1. Maybe you have reading comprehension trouble. The OP said >> "A few toes on the edge of a full throttle woodchipper ought to do the trick". Tha means all you need do is put the suspect an inch or two from the loud blades and voila! Instant location.

You're an idiot.

But let's pretend your little fantasy scenario actually worked. Would you then be fine with setting the suspect free? Because that's what would happen...

2. Again, reading comprehension shortage. Or maybe your just too lazy to read what posts came earlier in the thread. As stated in Post # 76, " There are plenty of ways Abston could have been forced to reveal the victim's location, without any marks being made on him, and without any way for him to prove anything about it

Again, you're a fucking idiot.

When all is said and done, if this thread goes to 1,000 pages, the one undeniable truth which will come from it all is that you're a fucking idiot...
Shut up faggot. You have no credibility, but you can call me names from the other side of a computer connection without getting your teeth kicked in. Bravo!

Triggered much?

Don't whine to me because you're some pussy who feels like he has to act tough on the internet. You're nothing. You're shit. You're a piece of steamy shit.

You wouldn't kick my teeth in if we were in the same room and you know it. You're too much of a little douchebag to ever raise a hand to someone, regardless of how it would take you just "one minute" to get a location from a suspect.

You're a fucking clown, dipshit. You're a funny little clown. Make me laugh some more, clown...
you openly support violating US law when it suits you and want to whine about obeying the law?
Let's see what you have to say about the question I asked bodecea >>

Suppose a captured jihadist tells cops that a nuclear bomb is going to explode in New York City (which has extremely high population density) tomorrow. Has capability of killing MILLIONS of people instantly.

Cops could stop it, if they knew where to go. Jihadist says he knows, but refuses to tell them. You beat it out of him, or you let millions of people die ? (millions more after radiation spreads).
Triggered much? Don't whine to me because you're some pussy who feels like he has to act tough on the internet. You're nothing. You're shit. You're a piece of steamy shit.

You wouldn't kick my teeth in if we were in the same room and you know it. You're too much of a little douchebag to ever raise a hand to someone, regardless of how it would take you just "one minute" to get a location from a suspect.

You're a fucking clown, dipshit. You're a funny little clown. Make me laugh some more, clown...
HA HA. I'm 76 years old little puppy, an army vet, and I could still whup your ass in a New York City minute. How do I know that ? I was born and raised there, and had more street fights by the time I was 9, than you 've ever dreamed about, PUNK!
Looney liberals want to cater to violent criminals, while innocent victims are dying, and need immediate rescue. That could be exactly what occured in this case.
Hey, dummy, she's already dead...
We know that on Tuesday. We didn't know that on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Get it ? Cops should have squeezed the perp, and she might be alive right now.

And you're invited to answer the question in Post # 127 too.
Direction? You mean the direction of saving good peoples' lives ? Yup.

And not catering to vicious criminals, while letting innocent people die in the process ? Yup. That would be the direction.
The direction of torturing people to get what you want...more MAGAt-fascism.
What's there to disbelieve ? That some people would actually support the crime victim, rather than the crime perpetrator ? Would try to save the victim's life ?
To be against torture is to be for criminals? Or people you just want to call criminals? Very MAGAt-fascist.
The direction of torturing people to get what you want...more MAGAt-fascism.
The direction of not torturing people or influencing them (without torture), to pander to criminals, while innocent victims die, because of that inaction....more leftist-stupidity.
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