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Men and Women

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Mar 4, 2004
Twenty One Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men
a.. The American woman by the 1960s lived in the nation with the world's highest standard of living and owned 65% of the wealth in that nation.
b.. Feminists "felt victimized", however, and convinced American women that they are "discriminated against".
c.. Never have they been required to nor been able to produce a shred of statistical evidence to back up that claim.
d.. Twenty one key statistical indicators each illustrate how men have been and are being systematically discriminated against by government fiat.
1.. WEALTH: Women hold 65% of the country's wealth [Fortune Magazine]
2.. CHILD CUSTODY: Women receive custody of 92% of the children of divorce and illegitimacy, and men only 4%. [Department of Health & Human Services]
3.. INCOME: Men constitute 60% of workplace hours, work longer hours, work harder, and are more qualified, rarely file sexual discrimination or harassment lawsuits or take pregnancy leave, yet earn only 42% more than women [Dept. Labor]
4.. SUICIDE: Men's suicide rate is 4.6 times higher than women's [Dept. Health & Human Services -- 26,710 males vs 5,700 females]
5.. LIFE EXPECTANCY: Men's life expectancy is seven (7) years shorter than women's [National Center for Health Statistics -- males 72.3 yrs vs females 79 yrs] yet receive only 35% of government expenditures for health care and medical costs.
6.. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Men are discriminated against BY DESIGN through affirmative action.
7.. FEDERAL TAXES: Even though men pay 115% of federal income taxes women constitute 11% more of the voters.
8.. VOTE: Because there are 11% more female than male voters, males have little to no influence on how the male tax dollar is spent.
9.. WAR: Men, not women, fight and die in battle [Dept. Defense -- Vietnam Casualties 47,369 men vs 74 women] while women sue the taxpayer when they have their butt pinched.
10.. WORKPLACE FATALITIES: Men account for more than 95% of workplace fatalities.
11.. MURDER: Men are murdered at a rate almost 5 times that of women [Dept. Health & Human Services -- 26,710 men vs 5,700 women]
12.. JURY BIAS: Women are acquitted of spousal murder at a rate 9 times that of men [Bureau Justice Statistics -- 1.4% of men vs 12.9% of women]
13.. COURT BIAS: Men are sentenced 2.8 times longer than women for spousal murder [Bureau Justice Statistics -- men at 17 years vs women at 6 years]
14.. JUSTICE SYSTEM BIAS: Even though the amount of the average "child support payment" due from women is half the amount due from men, and even though women are twice as likely as men to default on those payments, fathers are 97% of "child support" collections prosecutions [Census Bureau]
15.. WELFARE: Even though men are the recipients of less than 10% of all welfare disbursements, men are required to refund welfare payments made to women.
16.. SECONDARY EDUCATION: Even though zero percent of American 12th grade girls were able to correctly answer basic math and physics questions, less than one quarter of America's secondary and elementary school teachers are men.
17.. HIGHER EDUCATION: There are more than 200 all-female colleges for women and now not one single all-male college for men. 5.8% fewer men than women are enrolled in 4 year colleges, even though two thirds of those who score higher than 550 in SAT Math are males. In 1993 only 44.5% of college enrollment were men, and that figure has declined since then. Only 45.8% of of bachelor's degrees were conferred to men in 1992, even though 98.2% of the top fiftieth percentile of the GRE are men, and ZERO PERCENT of American high school girls correctly answered 28 out of 67 TIMSS advanced math questions. Only 38.4% of private 4 year college students were men as of 1990, and this figure has declined since then.
18.. LEGAL SYSTEM BIAS: 96% of physical altercations resulting in injury to a spouse occurs AFTER the date of separation. [Read: spousal abuse laws that pretend that husbands are dangerous discriminate against husbands when we know that only a very small percent of domestic violence is associated with them]. [Chadwick and Heaton, "Statistical Handbook of the American Family"]
19.. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Even though study after study shows that women are the majority of the initiators of domestic violence, and 58% of the above mentioned physical altercations are initiated by the female, Congress passed the obviously anti-male VAWA and VAWA II.which are known would make the problem far worse. [Read: despite the fact we discriminate against husbands in protective orders, women still cause more than half of domestic altercations because they know they can get away with it].
20.. CHILD VIOLENCE: Even though mothers commit 55% of child murders and biological fathers commit 6%, even though NIS-3 shows that Mother-only households are 3 times more fatal to children than Father-only households, children are systematically removed from the natural fathers who are their most effective protectors and men are imprisoned at rate 20 times that of women.
21.. FAMILY BREAKDOWN: The US Surgeon General notes that divorce is more harmful to a man's health than smoking tobacco, yet as much as $1.3 Trillion of federal expenditures accomplish little else than undermine family stability.
22.. WOMEN PILOTS: Even though women pilots have an accident rate four times that of men pilots, federal laws require that airlines risk the safety of passengers and hire women pilots anyway.
23.. WOMEN DRIVERS: Even though the crash rate of women drivers is twice that of men drivers, and even though drinking alcohol increases the crash rate of men by only 5%, the majority of those imprisoned under DUI laws are men, and women are almost never imprisoned for their much higher number of non-alcohol-related crashes.
24.. INCARCERATION: Even though feminists brag that 1.4 million American brides commit adultery, and even though women file more than 90,000 false allegations of rape, every year, only 99,000 of the 1.8 million Americans behind bars are women.

Why the 19th Amendment Must Be Repealed

a.. Women voters caused government spending to grow geometrically.

b.. 87% of Men Score Higher than Top Woman in Golf.

c.. Women voters enabled Clinton's election.

d.. Only 3% of Democrats would elect a woman for president.

e.. Women voters reduced Personal Savings to zero and left the US with the industrialized world's only negative Personal Savings rate.

f.. Women start the majority of static-related fires.

g.. Women voters continue to support government growth even though the average net worth of an American household is now a negative $77,000 each.

h.. Women voters subsidize single-mother households even though children in Mother-only Households are three times more likely to be fatally abused than in Father-only Households and even though the mothers' involvement decreases the likelihood of students' getting mostly 'A's by 32% and the fathers' involvement doubles it. (Single-mother households vs. single-father households)

i.. Women voters demand more female pilots even though women pilots are four times more likely to crash than men pilots.

j.. Women voters demand DUI laws which discriminate against men even though women drivers are two times more likely than men to have a fatal or injury accident.

k.. Women voters pass numerous laws which intentionally and systematically discriminate against men and fathers.

l.. Women voters pass tax laws which enable women as a group to pay zero percent of federal taxes.

m.. Women voters demand "gender equality" in the workforce even though zero percent of American 12th grade girls correctly answered TIMSS math and physics questions.

n.. Women voters pass laws reducing male college admissions to only 40% even though 98.5% of the top fiftieth percentile of GRE test takers are men.

o.. Women voters implement affirmative action for women even though the negative contribution of one female employee in the workforce is equivalent to the positive contribution of 14 male employees and GDP per Capita decreases $2,450 for each one percent increase in the percent of the workforce which is women.

p.. Women voters demand preferential treatment for women but not Asians, even though Asians are as unlikely as women to be police and Asian males score 87 SAT points higher than white females.

q.. Women voters demand special privileges for female employees even though males score higher in NAEP Math & Science, IAEP Math & Science, SAT Math & Verbal, ACT Natural Science, Social Science, & Math, TIMSS Math & Science, and GRE tests.

r.. Women voters enable women to file the 90% of accusations of child abuse which are known to be false, without penalty.

s.. Women voters enable women to file the 95% of rape accusations which are known to be false, without penalty.

t.. Women voters enable 70% of American wives to commit adultery within 5 years of marriage, without penalty.

u.. Women voters enable one out of five children born to intact families to not be genetically linked to husband, without penalty.

v.. Women voters (even though females are known to be the majority perpetrator) enable women to commit domestic violence, without penalty.

w.. Women voters enabled prayer in public schools to be banned.

x.. Women voters support feminism: an abomination before God!

y.. Women voters support feminist Supreme Court Justices who are systematically destroying society.

z.. Women voters support population control in violation of God's will.

aa.. Women voters passed 20,000 ineffective gun control laws in violation of the Second Amendment.

ab.. Women voters established an "entitlement mentality" and continue to support welfare and federal "child abuse prevention" programs even long after they are proven failures.

ac.. Women voters support politicians who fail to honor their oaths of office.

ad.. Women voters jeopardize national security by allowing women to be admitted to military schools.

ae.. Women voters support totalitarianism even though the US Constitution established the United States as a republic.

af.. Women voters established secularism in education in violation of our charter as a Christian nation.

ag.. Women voters refuse to hold women as accountable as men.

ah.. Each 1% increase in female judges put 61,000 additional American men in prison.

ai.. Men voters are more reliable because of their superior physical, emotional, and mental attributes. (Graphs only)

aj.. Men are twice as likely as women to "work consistently".

ak.. Exposing woman power.

al.. Exposing woman LIES.

am.. The colossal failure of women CEO's:

a.. Linda Wachner of Warnaco summarily fired after losing $334 million in one year.

b.. Carly Fiorina leads HP stock in 80% plunge in value.

c.. Jill Barad fired after Mattel loses $18.4 million in one quarter.

an.. Men voters are more qualified because of their superior accomplishments.

ao.. Men voters with 3 1/2 billion more brain cells are more trustworthy as a group.

ap.. Men are less likely than women to experience stress in their daily lives. Specifically, 27% of men say they "rarely" or "never" experience stress in their daily lives, compared to 17% of women. On the other extreme, 37% of men say they "frequently" experience stress, compared to 46% of women. [Dec. 5-8, 2002]

Art Hu's Correlation of IQ and SAT Scores

The feminized American education system produces the world's worst students at one of the highest education costs on planet Earth.

Our 12th grade boys scored lower than any other country's 12th grade boys--110 points lower than France and 102 points lower than Switzerland in Advanced Math. Yet 12th graders from countries like Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong, whose 8th graders scored more than 100 points higher than ours, didn't even participate.

Our 12th grade girls scored another 31 points lower than our boys and 141 points lower than French boys.

Our low scores are not the most shocking aspect of the TIMSS study. Nor is our incredibly high cost of education. The most shocking aspect is the very low percentage of American students who correctly answered some very simple geometry and physics questions. Only 18.9% of American students answered the geometry question and only 12% answered the physics question correctly (or "at least partially correctly" per the NCES).

Who answered these simple questions correctly "or at least partially correctly", and who didn't? The difference between TIMSS scores of different countries and the percent of students in those countries who answered the questions correctly gives us a clue, since a score of 540 corresponds to 60% of students getting this question correct, and a score of 470 corresponds to 20% getting it correct. A very rough linear projection shows a score of 440 corresponds to 0% getting it correct where American girls scored 426. (Thanks to Bob LeChevalier for providing the exact data).

Is this how feminism, the "right to commit adultery", that utterly stupid Betty Friedan, the equally stupid and ugly Susan B. Anthony, and the Nineteenth Amendment, benefited the American woman? Is this the very best that they have to offer the nation?

Professor John Lott of the Law School at the University of Chicago details how women's suffrage resulted in a doubling or tripling in government spending, with little return on that "investment". If so few American women are able to grasp a simple geometry question, by what stretch of the imagination should responsible men assume that they can grasp the more complex Constitutional principles which were the foundation of our national success? If so few understand geometry, then how could they possibly understand the principles behind free enterprise well enough to uphold them? How can we possibly expect voters who can't answer this geometry question to understand the importance of the Second Amendment right to bear arms which we inherited from our Forefathers? These low average math skills explain why three quarters of American women voters are demanding "gun control" which is clearly in violation of the Second Amendment.

The damages due to women voters is a far bigger threat to national security than Kosovo.
This thread is a a joke right? I despise femanazis as much as most men, but your post is.....well stupid. And why did you start this thread here.
Said1 said:
This thread is a a joke right? I despise femanazis as much as most men, but your post is.....well stupid. And why did you start this thread here.

You're right.Facts are stupid! :rolleyes:
cptpwichita said:
Hey,who told you?

Look.....There are two types of males that write that crap you call fact. One is a male who cant get it up or cant get a date and turns into a creepy Ted Bundy like rapist/serial killer.

Then there is the guy who aint getting any from his lady and is pissed he cant get to his happy place....

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
How does this thread make you FEEL?Am I not being SENSITIVE to the plight of women and their suffering at the hands of the evil male conspiracy. :puke3:
cptpwichita said:
How does this thread make you FEEL?Am I not being SENSITIVE to the plight of women and their suffering at the hands of the evil male conspiracy. :puke3:

HUH? What the fuck are you talking about?
Patriot said:
Look.....There are two types of males that write that crap you call fact. One is a male who cant get it up or cant get a date and turns into a creepy Ted Bundy like rapist/serial killer.

Then there is the guy who aint getting any from his lady and is pissed he cant get to his happy place....

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

How polite of you! :suck:
cptpwichita said:
How does this thread make you FEEL?Am I not being SENSITIVE to the plight of women and their suffering at the hands of the evil male conspiracy. :puke3:

Did you hear ANY women bashing men, or WHINNING about suffering at the hands of the evil male conspiracy anywhere on this message board?

And, is our fault that you are so transparent?
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