Men are trash that's what these idiots think of your husbands, sons, fathers & brothers

I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

Of course a rapist would lie about it. But that doesn't change the fact that you need PROOF before convicting someone.
Who is being convicted?

He's already been declared guilty by democrats and the media.
I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

Of course a rapist would lie about it. But that doesn't change the fact that you need PROOF before convicting someone.
-------------------------- just the 36 year old accusations have messed up Kavanaugh . Supposedly , he can't just go back to his Judge Job and he will never see the Supreme Court job is my guess . And everything based on 36 year old unprovable accusation 'Pure'
I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

Of course a rapist would lie about it. But that doesn't change the fact that you need PROOF before convicting someone.
Who is being convicted?
---------------------------------------------- see my thinking and reasoning in post number 42 RightWinger .
I am confused, don't liberals normally tell us to pass out free condoms to kids as young as 12?
This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.

Feminism is worse than cancer.
I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.
"You guys?"

My sincerest sympathies for your experience.

Your desire to implicate "All of us" is very disturbing.
This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.

Oh enough of this men have it so tough. Men run most Fortune 500 companies. They hold most points of power in government. Men have it pretty good in this country. Take your shit and shove it.

Maybe mothers should worry more about making sure their children never do such a thing and if they see it, stop it. The fact is a man has no business touching a woman unless she says yes. Too many women are assaulted and the men get away with it.
Left loons have always irritated me....this past week my contempt for them has reached the stratosphere.

Their mob rule to destroy a man and his family over a fact less allegation was gut wrenching to watch.

I have zero use for any leftist...none. To hell with them and their disgusting tactics. I'm not the only one either I'm seeing it on social media and conversations. Hell even our teen daughters have made comments about them.

Sexual assault is okay huh. Or is it boys will be boys.
Left loons have always irritated me....this past week my contempt for them has reached the stratosphere.

Their mob rule to destroy a man and his family over a fact less allegation was gut wrenching to watch.

I have zero use for any leftist...none. To hell with them and their disgusting tactics. I'm not the only one either I'm seeing it on social media and conversations. Hell even our teen daughters have made comments about them.
I'm sorry to here that Kavanaugh's family was destroyed. When are the funerals?
The only funeral should be Christine Ford 's.

You are a sick individual. You seem to be advocating she should be killed. If she killed Kavanaugh in self defense, you would be demanding she be tried for murder.
This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.
Women’s bodies need to be legislated because they’re too stupid and ignorant and slow minded to be able to take care of their own bodies.

That’s what Republicans think.

That goes to the very core of the Republican Party.
Republicans believe women deserve what they get or are just lying

In the bitch Ford's case you are right

Congrats ya finally nailed one

Trash like you will get what you deserve sooner or later.
I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

Of course a rapist would lie about it. But that doesn't change the fact that you need PROOF before convicting someone.

A Senate hearing room is not a court of law.
This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.

Oh enough of this men have it so tough. Men run most Fortune 500 companies. They hold most points of power in government. Men have it pretty good in this country. Take your shit and shove it.

Maybe mothers should worry more about making sure their children never do such a thing and if they see it, stop it. The fact is a man has no business touching a woman unless she says yes. Too many women are assaulted and the men get away with it.
-------------------------------------------- 'FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES ' oh look at that , BusyBee gives examples of things that makes no difference to 99 and 9 tenths of men and women in The USA . Adult Women that are assaulted should report the crimes as every ADULT should report crimes BusyBee . And if these women don't act as Adult women and report in a responsible adult manner , well feck the Dummy women BusyBee . As far as government Pwicks , hey , you elect them BustBee .
I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

Of course a rapist would lie about it. But that doesn't change the fact that you need PROOF before convicting someone.
Who is being convicted?

He's already been declared guilty by democrats and the media.

This is not a court of law. His freedom is not at issue here. The question is whether he is qualified for a Supreme Court seat and that is it.
Left loons have always irritated me....this past week my contempt for them has reached the stratosphere.

Their mob rule to destroy a man and his family over a fact less allegation was gut wrenching to watch.

I have zero use for any leftist...none. To hell with them and their disgusting tactics. I'm not the only one either I'm seeing it on social media and conversations. Hell even our teen daughters have made comments about them.

Sexual assault is okay huh. Or is it boys will be boys.
----------------------------------- what sexual assault are you talking about BusyBEE ??
I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

Of course a rapist would lie about it. But that doesn't change the fact that you need PROOF before convicting someone.

A Senate hearing room is not a court of law.

So that makes it ok to create a media frenzy over mere accusations with zero evidence?
But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

Of course a rapist would lie about it. But that doesn't change the fact that you need PROOF before convicting someone.
Who is being convicted?

He's already been declared guilty by democrats and the media.

This is not a court of law. His freedom is not at issue here. The question is whether he is qualified for a Supreme Court seat and that is it.
And his past performance on the bench absolutely proves that he is.
All this over a shirt!? lol

I want one I can wear to my bowling [emoji465] league on Thursday nights. Almost any T-shirt is ok to wear there. Come to think of it, it would be a cool team name.

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I never thought this of my WHITE father, brother, son, uncles. They are/were decent people.

But if a WOMAN ever accuses them of wrongdoing, you absolutely must believe what she says is true.

You know that it has been difficult for female people to report sexual assault. And yes, I was sexually assaulted.

Why can't you guys get off of lying about it? You do it and then you lie.

It’s no good old boy club. Nobody’s high fiving over it. But there’s an obvious standard of proof legally, and it’s not being demonstrated here. If it happened to someone close to me, I would take care of the problem myself.

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