Men are WIMPS now and have LESS TESTOSTERONE as Society Fixes to Collapse

Is Tucker a "real" man?
All but indistinguishable from Rambo.

Another doomsday thread that is unfounded. Both sides love to paint a bleak picture all so their side gains power. Typical of american politics.

A new Tucker Carlson documentary will focus on the collapse of society as Men have been replaced by pansies. He says the cycle will continue when the Real Men come back and take over society again to lead us forward. Thoughts?

As usual, Tucker is right.

Look at the lefty males here, most of them sound like feminists or drag queens.
american males are as strong as ever. They are more productive and harder working than any other time in history. You cannot judge a whole group by outliers who compose .000000000000000000000001 percent of the population.

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