Men are WIMPS now and have LESS TESTOSTERONE as Society Fixes to Collapse

All but indistinguishable from Rambo.

Stallone dodged the draft.

A new Tucker Carlson documentary will focus on the collapse of society as Men have been replaced by pansies. He says the cycle will continue when the Real Men come back and take over society again to lead us forward. Thoughts?

It's actually accurate---they think as society progresses---men will become more feminized with less testerone and less muscle. People are basically going to become unisexed or something close to it. Good luck with reproduction but atlas 3-d printers are progressing where males contribution to offspring may be replaced.
Stallone dodged the draft.
People Die Because of the College "Education" Lie

He made up for it with the Rambo movies. It took a lot of guts and a lot of heart to go ahead with First Blood at a time when the selfish sissyboy exemptee ruling class was portraying combat veterans as either baby-killers or losers too lazy to go to college.

Besides, the Army should have put him into training movies like they did with Ronald Reagan. Having a skilled actor doing them would have saved almost as many lives as real-life Rambos did.

Even more decisive, putting Diploma Dumbos and military careerists in Intelligence, rather than recruits with the highest scores on the General Classification Test is why we got blind-sided by Tet. College graduates are so shallow and narrow-minded that they took it for granted that the enemy would converge on one base, like they had done to defeat the French. Typical.

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