Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

Having a daughter is a simple enough expression even for you Bingos to understand but this where we're at with the fragility of your people that have to pretend to be confused. :laugh:
Sure, dude. Tell me how you "had a daughter" without giving birth to one. Keep 'em comining! :laughing0301:
Sure, dude. Tell me how you "had a daughter" without giving birth to one. Keep 'em comining! :laughing0301:
Well you see, and your parents should of probably have already explained this to you at some point, but it takes both male and female gametes to make a baby. All children have male and female parentage and so every woman out there has a biological daddy and vice versa, their daddies have daughters. Understand how that works yet or are you extra stupid? :dunno: :lmao:
Well you see, and your parents should of probably have already explained this to you at some point, but it takes both male and female gametes to make a baby. All children have male and female parentage and so every woman out there has a biological daddy and vice versa, their daddies have daughters. Understand how that works yet or are you extra stupid? :dunno: :lmao:
Except that you used the language women use. What a lamo you are. :laughing0301:
Except that you used the language women use. What a lamo you are. :laughing0301:
You mean I use the same language other humans use? Are you still operating under the assumption women have cooties? :dunno: How much of a frail, stunted adult are you? :dunno:
Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

Nash went insane even under the old system, which encouraged his alienation from normal life and normal people. So things needed to be changed from that genius-destroying situation. But the toxic class that took over education only made things worse. After all, most of their Daddy's Money comes from emasculated geniuses who meekly-geekly submit to the grand larceny of corporate patents.

We're sick of change only because of the malignant designs of those who have usurped the power to change things. In my little-linked-too blog on Nash's situation, I propose that the situation be changed, not to the way it was, but to a system where superior minds get treated the same way we now treat superior athletes from childhood on.

Yes, that includes getting the prettiest girl friends. By pure chance, Nash lucked out with that and I believe the shock of what he had been shut out of all those years was what drove him nuts.
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You mean I use the same language other humans use? Are you still operating under the assumption women have cooties? :dunno: How much of a frail, stunted adult are you? :dunno:
:laugh2: Dude, if you are going to play fake characters, then at least know that there are two sexes and they use different words and language. Now get studying, boy! :laughing0301:
:laugh2: Dude, if you are going to play fake characters, then at least know that there are two sexes and they use different words and language. Now get studying, boy! :laughing0301:
I did you illiterate Bingo. You don't understand what male and female mean? How much of an ignorant failure are you? :dunno: :laugh:
It's fact the TV you watch, the laptop you use, the car you drive, the AC to cool your home, the lights in you house, the phone you use, the electrical power in your home, the airplane you fly in, etc, etc,.
All invented by white men. ... :thup:
Even the A-Bomb Was an Engineering Project

The American economy didn't succeed because of Capitalism or Liberalism, the two wings of the brain-snatching vulture, but because of practical science, which is looked down upon by academic snobs.
Dude, don't let your feminine characteristics get in the way! :laughing0301:
What feminine characteristics are you imagining and why do you think you're the type of person who likes to imagine feminity in men you're arguing with? :dunno:
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What feminine characteristics are you imagining and why do you think you're the type of person who likes to imagine feminity in men you're arguing with? :dunno:
LOL! Dude, either you're out of the closet or you're not. You decide!
He did things his own way. Rejected the 'we've always done it this way" mentality.

Working from distant memory here--it has been a LONG time since I read ATLAS SHRUGGED--I recall that he was arrested and tortured by the government at the end. It seems the machine they used to torture him broke and his engineer spirit kicked in and he told them how to fix the object of his torture.

Ultimately I think the government did fall apart. Galt told the strikers they could rejoin the world.

ATLAS SHRUGGED is NOT a pleasant, satisfying, or happy book. :)
Atlas Pretending to Be Prometheus

In a typical bait-and-switch ideologues make, Ayn Rand came out praising plutocratic parasites when her heroes were actually the employees whom they exploit the most. The investor isn't the motor of the world; the inventor is.

If John Galt had the character she pretends he has, he would have withdrawn his trillion-dollar invention because of the Grand Larceny of corporate patents. Even worse, his bosses' mooching heirs were to get that loot. If they had spent that on luxuries or to increase their unearned wealth, Galt would have submitted weakly, like the pushover he really was.
LOL! Dude, either you're out of the closet or you're not. You decide!
You're either make believing I have feminine qualities or you're claiming to have intimate knowledge. Which one of these embarrassing corners you've painted yourself represents your claim here? :dunno: :laugh:

These dumb whites, the whites least likely to have college educations, think fantasy and make believe are a substitute for sound arguments. :laugh:
The Pro Minority Zeitgeist of the last 45 Years has Jettisoned Jews & Israel and is nearing its peak
"The Bigger They Come, the Harder They Fall"—Only If They're Pushed

It's dangerous to think that this aggressive movement will fall apart by itself. It must be attacked by aware Whites and wiped out.
You're either make believing I have feminine qualities or you're claiming to have intimate knowledge. Which one of these embarrassing corners you've painted yourself represents your claim here? :dunno: :laugh:

These dumb whites, the whites least likely to have college educations, think fantasy and make believe are a substitute for sound arguments. :laugh:
I'm make believing?! :laugh2: Do you drag story hour, too? :laugh:
These dumb whites, the whites least likely to have college educations, think fantasy and make believe are a substitute for sound arguments. :laugh:
Are you dressed up in black face while smoking that weed you cited? Because you're definitely not black, let alone Caribbean.

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