Men surrounded for exercising Second Amendment rights.

A bit more crime committed, afaik..just some evasive behavior and non-compliance. Got to say...amused by the Moorish American Arms--the Moors were Muslim, right? If these are Black folks...and Islamic...I bet some of those who see the 2nd amendment slant may break themselves twisting away...LOL!

The situation began when a trooper spotted two vehicles in the breakdown lane and stopped to offer assistance around 1:30 a.m. Saturday, according to Massachusetts State Police Col. Christopher Mason.
Shortly after 11 Saturday morning, Massachusetts State Police tweeted the shelter-in-place order had been lifted and 11 suspects had been arrested.
Mason said the trooper observed the group trying to refuel a vehicle and saw they were wearing tactical-style gear. They were armed with a combination of rifles and pistols.
The trooper asked the men for identification and called for backup.
According to Massachusetts State Police, the men were traveling to Maine from Rhode Island for what the group called "training."
A spokesperson for Maine State Police said MSP and the Maine Information Analysis Center was aware of the standoff and was "monitoring the situation with our local, state and federal partners."
A group calling themselves "Moorish American Arms" posted a video on Instagram overnight showing armed members blocking the highway.
Why? they are American citizens and all rights are protected for them by the U.S. Constiution.
They're saying that they're not Citizens....and in any event, I see no problem with a cop asking for some ID...from 10 armed people on the side of the road dressed in full field kit.
You have the right to bear arms..and the police have the right to ascertain, if indeed, you have that right..and are not a felon..or non-citizen.
Why? is it because they are black?
Their Constitutional rights were respected
Appointed public defender. You ain't got shit to your name for assets if they're even thinking of jailing your ass or hauling you into court anyways.
law enforcement conducted a lawful search
So they repealed the Fourth Amendment as well as the Second.
and enforced the State’s firearm laws – laws perfectly Constitutional
So any State can arbitrarily deny or revoke Second Amendment rights, privileges and immunities notwithstanding constitutional considerations under the Fourteenth Amendment.
and consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence
There's a prissy old lady and guns are banned for life, no defense, no recourse, and no appeal, ever. And there's a federal NICS system to make extra sure of that.
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Lately the argument is that we really do not have 2nd Amendment rights and I do not see the biggest supporters of the 2nd Amendment doing a darn thing about this.

Massachusetts police responding to group of 'heavily armed men' claiming to 'not recognize our laws'

It appears a group of men ran out of gas and while refueling a police officer stopped. He arrested two of them and the rest fled into the woods. I'm missing an important aspect here. What did they do that was illegal to start with?
Why did some run into the woods?
Which is fine. Offer them assistance and move on.
This makes no sense.

Why would law enforcement ignore individuals in violation of the State’s firearm laws.
state law cannot supersede the U.S. Constitution why are those law enforcement officers not following the U.S. Constitution?
Lately the argument is that we really do not have 2nd Amendment rights and I do not see the biggest supporters of the 2nd Amendment doing a darn thing about this.

Massachusetts police responding to group of 'heavily armed men' claiming to 'not recognize our laws'

It appears a group of men ran out of gas and while refueling a police officer stopped. He arrested two of them and the rest fled into the woods. I'm missing an important aspect here. What did they do that was illegal to start with?
Why did some run into the woods?

I already answered this.
And if you support the 2nd Amendment you would be screaming for those who do support it to get this to the Supreme Court
I support the idea of the Second Amendment. However, I support the IDEAL of Common Sense even more.

At one of the places I train we use the phrase “I will use common sense before self-defense and never be abusive or offensive.” I truly believe in that.
And if you support the 2nd Amendment you would be screaming for those who do support it to get this to the Supreme Court
I support the idea of the Second Amendment. However, I support the IDEAL of Common Sense even more.

At one of the places I train we use the phrase “I will use common sense before self-defense and never be abusive or offensive.” I truly believe in that.

These people hurt no one.
It would appear that they told the police they were armed. It would appear that nothing really needed stated. So do you support states violating our 2nd Amendment rights?
That information is useless when you don’t have a Massachusetts Class A LTC and you are violating pretty much every safe transport law on the books.

I carry a gun most of the time I go out and have for more than 20 years. I’ve still never found a need to carry a long gun on my person, to open carry or to carry in military-style attire. Not even on my way to training events or combat shooting competitions.

I support gun owners using common sense before screaming about the US Constitution.
ok you don't feel like you need to carry a long gun on you that's fine but the Constitution is not based on what you feel is needed it's sole purpose is RIGHTS
pknopp neither did LaVoy Finicum but he was a target and he was shot all to shit as he tried to make it to a friendlier law enforcer in the next county over.
Sunni Man apparently the dude in the video whining has a record. Its documented on his youtube channel. Jailhouse lawyering?
if a felon has paid his dues for his crime and the government allowed them out of prison shouldn't they have all their rights back?
ok you don't feel like you need to carry a long gun on you that's fine but the Constitution is not based on what you feel is needed it's sole purpose is RIGHTS
I don’t believe in Rights. I thought I’d made that exceptionally clear around here for quite a while.

Feel free to carry the rifle. Just don’t complain when you are expected to deal with the consequences of breaking the law against it.
I'm missing an important aspect here. What did they do that was illegal to start with?
It’s illegal in Massachusetts to open-carry firearms, in a vehicle or not.

No it isn't.
Yes, it is:

‘Mass State Police Col. Christopher Mason said the suspects surrendered after police tactical teams used armored vehicles to tighten the perimeter around them.
“You can imagine 11 armed individuals standing with long guns slung on an interstate highway at 2 in the morning certainly raises concerns and is not consistent with the firearms laws that we have in Massachusetts,” Mason said.’


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